974 resultados para Caries dental.
Analizar la eficacia en la prevención de las enfermedades bucodentales de un programa de salud escolar, basado en la aplicación de colutorios de floruro sódico en régimen semanal, y la detección precoz de las enfermedades bucales. 607 escolares de segundo a cuarto de EGB de los distritos de Tetuán y Chamberí de Madrid de centros públicos y privados. La elección en cada clase de los miembros de la muestra se realiza mediante sorteo y de forma aleatoria. Estudia el grado de intensidad de la caries dental, el porcentaje de superficies con caries avanzadas y la influencia del programa en las necesidades de tratamiento dental de los escolares. Valora si las acciones de educación para la salud influyen en los hábitos higiénicos y el estado gingival de los escolares. Los criterios diagnósticos para el estudio de la caries dental se lleva a cabo mediante programas informáticos. Se basa en el análisis diferencial. Consigue una reducción significativa de la caries dental en los escolares que realizaron el programa. Es necesario reforzar las acciones de educación para la salud a medida que transcurren los años del programa motivando y reforzando la labor educativa de los profesores.
Realizar un estudio en el que se descubran los defectos y las desviaciones de la normalidad en la salud del niño y la Educación Sanitaria. 1205 alumnos, que representan el 48.88 por ciento de la población escolar que corresponden a 6 centros de Vizcaya (1 estatal y 5 no estatales). La edad oscila entre 2 y 15 años. Investigación empírica realizada en una población escolar de chicas, elegida por medio de una muestra sesgada, cuyo objetivo es estudiar su estado de salud físico mediante análisis descriptivos de las siguientes variables: a) variable dependiente: salud escolar; b) variables independientes: estatura y peso, estado de nutrición, complexión física, exploración cutánea, exploración auditiva, exploración buco-faringea, aparato cardio-circulatorio, exploración del aparato respiratorio, exploración del aparato genito-urinario, aparato locomotor, estudio del sistema nervioso, prueba de la tuberculina percutánea (pertubina). Cuestionario rellenado por los padres sobre datos del niño como: datos personales, antecedentes del niño y familiares, vacunaciones, anamnesis por órganos y aparatos. Exploración clínica de la niña en el centro escolar. Frecuencias. Porcentajes. Hay un 5,31 por ciento con talla corta. La caries dental es la patología de mayor incidencia con un 45,89 por ciento. Un 17,01 por ciento padecen disminución de la agudeza visual. Hay un 1,57 por ciento de hipoacusias. En el sistema cardio-pulmonar, la alteración más frecuente son los soplos con un 3,65 por ciento. La hipertensión arterial afecta al 1,74 por ciento. Los pies planos, con un 5,47 por ciento es la alteración más frecuente del aparato locomotor. Hay tres grupos de edad con mayor incidencia de patología: 6 años; 9-10-11 años y 13-14 años. Los programas de salud escolar deben abarcar tanto la detección de patologías como la educación sanitaria de los escolares, en este sentido, es fundamental la colaboración del maestro, debido a su estrecho contacto con el alumno. El reconocimiento médico debe efectuarse a todos los estamentos implicados en el Centro. Es necesario potenciar las medidas preventivas para así promocionar y defender la salud de los escolares.
1. Estimar la prevalencia de caries, enfermedad periodontal y maloclusión; 2. Aportar datos básicos para una posterior evaluación de programas de salud oral; 3. Aportar datos que ayuden a determinar prioridades respecto al tipo de intervención. De un universo de niños de 6, 12 y 14 años de 17742, 19172 y 18779 respectivamente, se obtuvieron muestras de 1500, 1300 y 1200 alumnos para cada grupo de edad (error muestral del 2,37; 2,27 y 2,19 por ciento). Creación de un grupo de trabajo multidisciplinar (pediatras, estomatólogos, epidemiólogos, etc.). Realización de una encuesta sobre prevalencia de enfermedades bucodentales, paralelamente se llevaron a cabo actuaciones en materia de educación para la salud. Análisis de los resultados. El modelo de encuesta utilizado fue el de la OMS (Who Oral Health Assesment Form, 1986) que estima el estado de salud oral y necesidades de tratamiento, con algunas modificaciones dirigidas a la población escolar objeto del estudio. Paquete estadístico BMDP. Errores Standard, Chi cuadrado, análisis de resíduos, test de Fisher, T de Student, test de Beherens-Fisher, análisis de varianza, comparaciones múltiples con el test de Tukey. 1. Mayor afectación por caries dental en el sexo femenino, en el área de salud de Cartagena, en colegios públicos y menor en zonas urbanas; 2. El primer molar es la pieza más atacada; 3. Bajo índice de restauraciones en dentición temporal y permanente; 4. Alta necesidad de tratamiento e importante la de mantenedores de espacio; 5. Menor enfermedad periodontal en niñas, en alumnos de escuelas privadas y mayor en el área de salud de Lorca; 6. Baja prevalencia de maloclusiones moderadas y severas. Los resultados obtenidos no fueron excesivamente pesimistas en cuanto al nivel de escolares afectos de caries, si se tienen en cuenta los objetivos de la OMS para el año 2000. La situación de la Región es, además, comparable (mejorada) a la de países de nuestro entorno (Francia, Italia, Holanda, Suecia, etc.).
Child oral health-related quality of life (COHRQoL) has been increasingly assessed; however, few studies appraised the influence of socioeconomic status on COHRQoL in developing countries. This study assessed the relationship of COHRQoL with socioeconomic backgrounds and clinical factors. This study followed a cross-sectional design, with a multistage random sample of 792 schoolchildren aged 12 years, representative of Santa Maria, a southern city in Brazil. Participants completed the Brazilian version of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ(11-14)), their parents or guardians answered questions on socioeconomic status, and a dental examination provided information on the prevalence of caries, dental trauma and occlusion. The assessment of association used hierarchically adjusted Poisson regression models. Higher impacts on COHRQoL were observed for children presenting with untreated dental caries (RR 1.20; 95% CI 1.07-1.35) and maxillary overjet (RR 1.19; 95% CI 1.02-1.40). Socioeconomic factors also associated with COHRQoL; poorer scores were reported by children whose mothers have not completed primary education (RR 1.30; 95% CI 1.17-1.44) and those with lower household income (RR 1.13; 95% CI 1.02-1.26). Poor socioeconomic standings and poor dental status have a negative impact on COHRQoL; reducing health inequalities may demand dental programmes and policies targeting deprived population.
Objective: The aim of the present study is to assess the current situation of white enamel lesions on vestibular surfaces of permanent upper incisors, diagnosed 6 years ago, without clinical intervention. Methods: A prospective study reassessed 53 students of both sexes, aged between 13 and 18 years old, all attending the public school system in Natal, Brazil. Data collection was performed by duly calibrated examiners, and a clinical chart consisting of demographic data on dental caries, oral hygiene, and gingival condition was prepared. A tactile-visual examination was conducted using a clinical mirror and periodontal probe. Data compilation and analysis were carried out using a SPSS software. In this analysis the chi-squared test was used for qualitative independent variables. To identify the net effect of treatment, multiple logistic analysis with forward stepwise model selection was performed. Results: The final sample was composed of 106 lesions in the 53 individuals, with mean age of 15.02 years, visible plaque index (VPI) of 23.34%, and gingival blood indices (GBI) of 25.92%. A statistically significant relationship (p = 0.003) was found between initial DMFS and prognosis of white enamel lesion. Conclusions: We observed that past caries experience and dental plaque were the main predictive factors for negative lesion outcomes, demonstrating the need for oral hygiene control through continuing preventive measures
A cárie secundária representa problema de saúde pública e socioeconômico no mundo. A restauração de dentes acometidos por cárie pode criar condições favoráveis à proliferação microbiana na superfície do material restaurador ou na interface dente/restauração, criando ambiente propício para o estabelecimento de cárie secundária. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade de retenção de placa bacteriana em cimentos de ionômero de vidro convencionais (Chelon-Fil e Vidrion R) e modificados por resina (Vitremer e Fuji II LC) e de resina composta híbrida (Z100), utilizada como controle. Nos testes de retenção de microrganismos, in situ, 12 voluntários utilizaram, por 7 dias, placa de Hawley contendo corpos-de-prova de todos os materiais. A seguir, os corpos-de-prova foram transferidos para tubos contendo 2,0 ml de Ringer-PRAS e os microrganismos presentes em sua superfície foram cultivados em placa com ágar-sangue e ágar Mitis Salivarius Bacitracina, os quais foram incubados, a 37ºC, em anaerobiose (90% N2, 10% CO2), por 10 e 2 dias, respectivamente. Os ionômeros modificados por resina retiveram quantidade de bactérias similar àquela mostrada pela resina testada. Os ionômeros modificados por resina também apresentaram menor número de estreptococos do grupo mutans do que a resina e os cimentos ionoméricos convencionais. Os ionômeros de vidro convencionais apresentaram menor número de estreptococos do grupo mutans que a resina, sendo que essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa.
This in situ study evaluated the interaction between caries and erosion processes. In the first phase, enamel specimens were subjected to erosion without dental plaque (EO) or to erosion with plaque (EP); in the second phase, they were subjected to erosion plus cariogenic challenge (EC) or cariogenic challenge (CO), both with plaque accumulation. Cross-sectional hardness data (10-330 mu m depth) were tested using ANOVA (alpha = 0.05). EO and EP showed surface softening to 10 mu m depth. CO and EC produced subsurface lesions, of similar depth (up to 220 mu m), with CO showing higher integrated loss of hardness than EC, indicating that cariogenic and erosive challenges did not have an additive effect. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
OBJETIVO: Apresentar uma revisão de literatura sobre as alterações orais em crianças prematuras e de baixo peso ao nascer. FONTES DE DADOS: Foram selecionados artigos em inglês e português, desde 1976 até 2009, pesquisados no PubMed, Lilacs e na Bibliografia Brasileira de Odontologia (BBO), além de livros e consensos nacionais e internacionais. As palavras-chave utilizadas foram: prematuro, recém-nascido de baixo peso, cárie dentária, hipoplasia do esmalte dentário, manifestações bucais e dentição primária. Selecionaram-se artigos avaliando incidência, prevalência e etiologia das alterações orais, além de revisões de literatura e relatos de casos clínicos. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: As alterações orais mais comuns em crianças prematuras e de baixo peso ao nascer são os defeitos no esmalte dentário (hipoplasias e hipocalcificações), a predisposição ao desenvolvimento de lesões de cárie dentária, as alterações na cronologia de erupção dentária e as alterações no palato com consequente aparecimento de maloclusão. Outras alterações também são relatadas, como diferenças nas dimensões das coroas dentárias e na espessura e porosidade do esmalte dentário. A interação entre pediatras e odontopediatras é fundamental no manejo dessas crianças. CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento das alterações orais em crianças pré-termo e de baixo peso ao nascer por parte dos pediatras e odontopediatras favorece a atuação multidisciplinar com o objetivo de educar, prevenir e atenuar as possíveis mudanças físicas e dentárias nessas crianças.
Objective: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate some forms of preventing or avoiding demineralization within enamel cavity walls adjacent to amalgam restorations. Method and materials: Third molar teeth were sectioned to obtain 72 specimens, divided into one control and five experimental groups: amalgam only; varnish plus amalgam; acidulated phosphate fluoride plus amalgam; adhesive amalgam; glass-ionomer cement plus amalgam; control (amalgam only, not subjected to a demineralization challenge). The experimental groups were subjected to pH and thermal cycling and then submitted to enamel hardness determinations. Results: Significant differences between the treatment groups revealed that the bonded amalgam technique offered the best resistance to demineralization. The use of cavity varnish resulted in greater mineral loss than amalgam placed alone. Conclusion: The use of an adhesive system, glass-ionomer cement, or acidulated phosphate fluoride under amalgam restorations may interfere with development of secondary caries.
This study evaluated the microleakage of pit and fissure sealants after different surface preparation (invasive technique and laser irradiation) and the use of different materials (fluoride resin-filled sealant, resin-modified glass ionomer cement and adhesive system). Eighty-four pre molars were used in this study, which were divided into seven groups. After the accomplishment of the different treatments, these were submitted to thermocycling process and assess for microleakage by examination under an epifluorescent microscope and scored zero to seven. Two specimens of each group were observed under scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that laser irradiation did not lessen microleakage in pit and fissures when using a filled-resin sealant with fluoride or a resin-modified glass ionomer cement. The use of laser irradiation and adhesive system, followed by a resin-filled sealant with fluoride, showed the lowest microleakage scores in pit and fissures. Comparing this group to the resin-modified glass ionomer cement group, there was statistical significance. The use of a adhesive system decreased microleakage when using a fluoride resin-filled sealant with or without previous laser irradiation; although it was not statistically significant.
Intrauterine Dentistry is a highly relevant subject of our time. The use of preventive measures in the intrauterine stage can avoid several diseases, among these, dental caries. The WHO advises that from the 4th month of pregnancy, women should avoid the intake of sugar, so that the fetus, future child, does not develop an exaggerated attraction for these types of foods, thus being susceptible to caries. Through questionnaires sent to gynecologist-obstetricians and dentists, this research investigated the information they have about this subject and how they instruct their patients. Questionnaires were also sent to pregnant women requesting information about the instructions they had received for the prevention of oral diseases of their fetus. Seventy-one percent of the dentists and 80% of the gynecologist-obstetricians reported having instructed the pregnant women to reduce the intake of sugar. However, only 13.6% of the dentists and no gynecologist-obstetrician instructed the reduction of sugar intake between the 12th and 18th week of pregnancy. A total of 42.2% of the pregnant women referred to these instructions, but none received instruction as to the specific period of the 12th and 18th week. An ideal model of treatment for pregnant women must include integrated and multiprofessional treatment, in which general dentists and gynecologist-obstetricians work together with the participation of the patient.
The utilization of dentifrices with low fluorine concentration, for children under 6 years of age, has been suggested to reduce the risks of dental fluorosis. However, in order to have anticariogenic potential, the dentifrice should form loosely-bound fluorine (CaF2) on dental enamel. Considering that the formation of CaF2 is a function inversely related to pH, dentifrices with pH 5.5, with 275, 550 and 1,100 ppm F (NaF/silica) were developed in order to assess dose-response effects. A comparison between those dentifrices, a placebo product and the Crest toothpaste (positive control - standard) was carried out. Furthermore, the bioavailability of dentifrices, in terms of formation of total fluorine (TF), CaF2, and fluorapatite (FA) on human dental enamel, was evaluated. An ion-specific electrode was utilized for the determination of the dosage of fluorine. The results revealed that the dentifrice with 550 ppm F was more effective than both the placebo and the dentifrice with 275 ppm, presenting no difference in relation to the positive control (p > 0.05). A dose-effect correlation was observed as to the CaF2 formed. In conclusion, the modified formulation with 550 ppm F can be considered as effective as the standard dentifrice with 1,100 ppm, and its utilization would be safer with regard to dental fluorosis.
Objective. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the interaction between two sources of fluoride (restorative systems and dentifrices) in inhibiting artificial root caries development. Methods. One hundred and eighty tooth segments were embedded in polyester resin, and sanded flat. Cylindrical cavities 1.0 mm-deep and 1.5 mm-diameter were prepared in root dentin and randomly restored by fluoride-containing restorative systems: Ketac-fil/Espe (Ke), Fuji II LC/GC Corp (Fj), F2000/3M (F2), Surefil/Dentsply (Su) or a control: Filtek Z250/3M (Z2). Ten experimental groups were made to test the association among the five restorative systems and two dentifrices: with F - (Sensodyne Baking Soda) or without F- (Sensodyne Original) (n = 18). After surface polishing, a 1 mm-wide margin around the restorations was demarcated and initial dentin surface Knoop microhardness values (KHNi) were obtained. The specimens were submitted to a pH-cycling model, and to applications of slurries of dentifrice. Afterwards the final dentin surface Knoop microhardness values (KHNf) were measured. Results. The differences between KHNi and KHNf, and the covariate KHNi were considered by the ANCOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). The interaction between restorative system and dentifrice was statistically significant (p = 0.0026). All restorative systems provided some protection against artificial caries challenge when associated with the fluoride-containing dentifrice treatment. The means (standard deviation) of reductions in Knoop hardness values for systems associated with the fluoride-containing dentifrice were: Ke: 40.0(1.02)a, Fj: 41.9(1.02)b, F2: 43.3(1.04)c, Su: 43.5(1.00)c, Z2: 44.0(1.02)c; and with the non-fluoride-containing dentifrice were: Ke: 42.9(1.02)a, Fj: 44.7(1.01)b, F2: 45.2(1.09)bc, Su: 46.0(0.99)c, Z2: 46.6(0.99)c (statistical differences were expressed by different letters). Conclusion. The cariostatic effect shown by the fluoride-containing dentifrice could enhance that shown by Ketac-fil and Fuji II LC, and could mask that shown by F2000. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The dentifrices currently available in the marketplace contain many anticariogenic substances, fluoride and abrasives aimed to better clean the dental surface, remove dental plaque, improve salivary flow and its buffer capacity and reduce colonies of bacteria such as S. mutans, the causative agent of dental caries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the possibility of adequately removing dental plaque using an experimental almond oil dentifrice (Titoil) with no abrasives or antiplaque agents. This study was carried out with 80 volunteers, all of them 18-year-old recruits from the military training school of Araçatuba -- SP. Saliva sampling and dental plaque disclosing were undertaken both before and after 28 days of toothbrushing with a low abrasive dentifrice (Group 1: 40 volunteers) or with Titoil (Group 2: 40 volunteers). Statistical analysis of the results revealed that the experimental dentifrice (Titoil) did not interfere with salivary flow and reduced dental plaque more than the low abrasive dentifrice, improved the salivary buffer capacity and decreased salivary S. mutans (Caritest-SM) as much as regular dentifrices. It was concluded that if the dental industry replaces abrasive by vegetable oil in dentifrices, these will be more effective in maintaining oral health and will cause less dental abrasion.
Restorative dentistry has been increasingly concerned with preservation of the dental structure. For that reason, ultraconservative cavity preparations have been performed with air abrasion systems. The aim of this study was to present treatment options for the occlusal surface of first permanent molars with employment of the conventional method and the air abrasion system for accomplishment of the cavity preparation and a composite occlusal matrix for an accurate reproduction of the tooth surface.