671 resultados para Cardiopulmonary resuscitation


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Objective: To verify, in extremely preterm infants, if disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists regarding proactive management is associated with early death.Study Design: Prospective cohort of 484 infants with 23 0/7 to 266/7 weeks, without malformations, born from January 2006 to December 2009 in eight Brazilian hospitals. Pro-active management was defined as indication of ≥1 dose of antenatal steroid or cesarean section (obstetrician) and resuscitation at birth according to the international guidelines (neonatologist). Main outcome was neonatal death in the first 24 h of life.Result: Obstetricians and neonatologists disagreed in 115 (24%) patients: only neonatologists were proactive in 107 of them. Disagreement between professionals increased 2.39 times the chance of death in the first day (95% confidence interval 1.40 to 4.09), adjusted for center and maternal/neonatal clinical conditions.Conclusion: In infants with 23 to 26 weeks of gestation, disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists, translated as lack of antenatal steroids and/or vaginal delivery, despite resuscitation procedures, increases the odds of death in the first day. © 2012 Nature America, Inc.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Objective: To verify, in extremely preterm infants, if disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists regarding proactive management is associated with early death. Study Design: Prospective cohort of 484 infants with 23(0/7) to 26(6/7) weeks, without malformations, born from January 2006 to December 2009 in eight Brazilian hospitals. Pro-active management was defined as indication of >= 1 dose of antenatal steroid or cesarean section (obstetrician) and resuscitation at birth according to the international guidelines (neonatologist). Main outcome was neonatal death in the first 24 h of life. Result: Obstetricians and neonatologists disagreed in 115 (24%) patients: only neonatologists were proactive in 107 of them. Disagreement between professionals increased 2.39 times the chance of death in the first day (95% confidence interval 1.40 to 4.09), adjusted for center and maternal/neonatal clinical conditions. Conclusion: In infants with 23 to 26 weeks of gestation, disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists, translated as lack of antenatal steroids and/or vaginal delivery, despite resuscitation procedures, increases the odds of death in the first day. Journal of Perinatology (2012) 32, 913-919; doi:10.1038/jp.2012.28; published online 29 March 2012


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A desfibrilação precoce na ressuscitação cardiopulmonar (RCP) recebe crescente destaque quanto à prioridade e rapidez. Este é um relato de experiência da implantação de um programa de capacitação em RCP, utilizando o desfibrilador em uma universidade privada. O programa em manobras básicas de RCP foi baseado nas diretrizes mundiais, envolvendo um curso teórico com demonstração prática das manobras de RCP com desfibrilador, treinamento prático individual, avaliação teórica e prática. Quanto ao desempenho dos alunos na avaliação prática, a média das pontuações obtidas pelos alunos na 1ª Etapa foi de 26,4 pontos e na 2ª Etapa a média aumentou para 252,8 pontos, já na Avaliação teórica na 1ª Etapa foi de 3,06 pontos e na 2ª Etapa a média aumentou para 9,0 pontos. A implantação desse tipo de programas contribui para a aquisição efetiva de conhecimento (teórico) e da habilidade (prática) nos atendimentos a vítimas de PCR.


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Estudo transversal que avaliou a qualidade dos registros de enfermagem sobre ressuscitação cardiopulmonar. Foram revisados 42 prontuários de pacientes em uma unidade de terapia intensiva, utilizando o protocolo Utstein. Houve predomínio de homens (54,8%), idade de 21 a 70 anos (38,1%), correção de cardiopatias adquiridas (42,7%), com mais de um dispositivo pré-existente (147). Como causa imediata de parada cardiorrespiratória, predominou hipotensão (48,3%) e como ritmo inicial, bradicardia (37,5%). Apenas a hora do óbito e hora da parada foram registradas em 100% da amostra. Não foi registrado treinamento dos profissionais em Suporte Avançado de Vida. As causas da parada e ritmo inicial foram registrados em 69% e 76,2% da amostra. Compressões torácicas, obtenção de vias aéreas pérvias e desfibrilação foram registradas em menos de 16%. Os registros foram considerados de baixa qualidade, podendo incorrer em sanções legais aos profissionais e não permitindo a comparação da efetividade das manobras com outros centros.


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Untersuchung zum Einfluss der ACD-CPR (Aktive Kompressions- Dekompressions-Reanimation) mit während der Dekompressionsphase blockiertem Gasfluss (Impedance-Threshold-Device) im Vergleich zur Standardreanimationsrechnik auf die Kurzzeit-Überlebensrate von Patienten mit präklinisch aufgetretenem Herzkreislaufstillstand. Die Studie vergleicht die ACD-ITD-CPR gegen die Standard-CPR bei Patienten mit präklinischem Herkreislaufstillstand. Primär untersuchter Parameter war die Ein-Stunden-Überlebensrate nach Krankenhausaufnahme. Sekundär wurden die Tastbarkeit eines Pulses unter CPR, die Wiederkehr des Spontankreislaufs (ROSC), die Rate an Krankenhausaufnahmen, 24-Stunden-Überleben und Krankenhausentlassungen untersucht. Außerdem wurde das neurologische Outcome evaluiert. Die Studie fand in Mainz statt; Mainz bietet sich für die Durchführung notfallmedizinischer Studien in besonderem Maße an. Der Rettungsdienst der Stadt arbeitet nach dem in Deutschland üblichen zweigliedrigen System mit RA/RS auf RTWs und NA auf NAW/NEF. Die Studie wurde nach einer fünfmonatigen Pilotphase und extensivem Training beider Verfahren durchgeführt. Zusätzlich bestanden bei einigen der Beteiligten schon Erfahrungen mit ACD-CPR. Es ergaben sich signifikante Vorteile der ACD-ITD-CPR gegenüber der Standard-CPR hinsichtlich des primär untersuchten Parameters (51% vs. 32% p=0,006), außerdem statistisch auffällige Vorteile hinsichtlich der Pulstastbarkeit unter CPR (85% vs. 69%, p=0,008), der Wiederkehr des Spontankreislaufs (55% vs. 37%, p=0,016), der Rate der Krankenhausaufnahmen (52% vs. 36%, p=0.023) und des 24-Stunden-Überlebens (37% vs. 22%, p=0,033). Es ergaben sich keine statistisch auffälligen Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Rate an Krankenhausentlassungen und im neurologischen Outcome. Die Ergebnisse lassen den Schluss zu, dass die ACD-ITD die Kurzzeitüberlebensrate der Patienten mit außerklinischem Herzkreislaufstillstand verbessern kann. Eine Voraussetzung hierfür ist eine ausreichende und andauernde Ausbildung der beteiligten Helfer und/oder die Verfügbarkeit technisch verbesserter Lösungen. Weitere Untersuchungen zum Einfluss auf die Langzeitüberlebensraten und das neurologische Outcome scheinen angezeigt.


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PURPOSE: Computer-based feedback systems for assessing the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) are widely used these days. Recordings usually involve compression and ventilation dependent variables. Thorax compression depth, sufficient decompression and correct hand position are displayed but interpreted independently of one another. We aimed to generate a parameter, which represents all the combined relevant parameters of compression to provide a rapid assessment of the quality of chest compression-the effective compression ratio (ECR). METHODS: The following parameters were used to determine the ECR: compression depth, correct hand position, correct decompression and the proportion of time used for chest compressions compared to the total time spent on CPR. Based on the ERC guidelines, we calculated that guideline compliant CPR (30:2) has a minimum ECR of 0.79. To calculate the ECR, we expanded the previously described software solution. In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the new ECR-parameter, we first performed a PubMed search for studies that included correct compression and no-flow time, after which we calculated the new parameter, the ECR. RESULTS: The PubMed search revealed 9 trials. Calculated ECR values ranged between 0.03 (for basic life support [BLS] study, two helpers, no feedback) and 0.67 (BLS with feedback from the 6th minute). CONCLUSION: ECR enables rapid, meaningful assessment of CPR and simplifies the comparability of studies as well as the individual performance of trainees. The structure of the software solution allows it to be easily adapted to any manikin, CPR feedback devices and different resuscitation guidelines (e.g. ILCOR, ERC).


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A 51-year-old man was struck by the tip of a broomstick weighing 1000 g at the left side of the neck, upon which he collapsed. Intense but delayed cardiopulmonary resuscitation restored the circulation roughly 30 minutes after the incident. Upon admittance to a nearby hospital, an extensive hypoxic cerebral damage was diagnosed. Death due to the severe cerebral damage occurred 5 hours after the incident. An autopsy demonstrated a severe subcutaneous traumatization of the left side of the neck, with a hemorrhage compressing the carotid bifurcation. A prolonged excitation due to this ongoing compression of the baroreceptors in the carotid sinus was assumed to have led to a cardiac arrest. In this case report, the authors discuss the underlying pathophysiology of this potentially lethal and rare reflexogenic incident also known as the Hering reflex and discuss possible therapeutic measures.


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OBJECTIVE: To review the efficacy of pharmacological prevention of serious reactions to iodinated contrast media. DESIGN: Systematic review. DATA SOURCES: Systematic search (multiple databases, bibliographies, all languages, to October 2005) for randomised comparisons of pretreatment with placebo or no treatment (control) in patients receiving iodinated contrast media. Review methods Trial quality was assessed by all investigators. Information on trial design, population, interventions, and outcomes was abstracted by one investigator and cross checked by the others. Data were combined by using Peto odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: Nine trials (1975-96, 10 011 adults) tested H1 antihistamines, corticosteroids, and an H1-H2 combination. No trial included exclusively patients with a history of allergic reactions. Many outcomes were not allergy related, and only a few were potentially life threatening. No reports on death, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, irreversible neurological deficit, or prolonged hospital stays were found. In two trials, 3/778 (0.4%) patients who received oral methylprednisolone 2x32 mg or intravenous prednisolone 250 mg had laryngeal oedema compared with 11/769 (1.4%) controls (odds ratio 0.31, 95% confidence interval 0.11 to 0.88). In two trials, 7/3093 (0.2%) patients who received oral methylprednisolone 2x32 mg had a composite outcome (including shock, bronchospasm, and laryngospasm) compared with 20/2178 (0.9%) controls (odds ratio 0.28, 0.13 to 0.60). In one trial, 1/196 (0.5%) patients who received intravenous clemastine 0.03 mg/kg and cimetidine 2-5 mg/kg had angio-oedema compared with 8/194 (4.1%) controls (odds ratio 0.20, 0.05 to 0.76). CONCLUSIONS: Life threatening anaphylactic reactions due to iodinated contrast media are rare. In unselected patients, the usefulness of premedication is doubtful, as a large number of patients need to receive premedication to prevent one potentially serious reaction. Data supporting the use of premedication in patients with a history of allergic reactions are lacking. Physicians who are dealing with these patients should not rely on the efficacy of premedication.


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AIM: The importance of ventilatory support during cardiac arrest and basic life support is controversial. This experimental study used dynamic computed tomography (CT) to assess the effects of chest compressions only during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CCO-CPR) on alveolar recruitment and haemodynamic parameters in porcine model of ventricular fibrillation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve anaesthetized pigs (26+/-1kg) were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: (1) intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) both during basic life support and advanced cardiac life support, or (2) CCO during basic life support and IPPV during advanced cardiac life support. Measurements were acquired at baseline prior to cardiac arrest, during basic life support, during advanced life support, and after return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), as follows: dynamic CT series, arterial and central venous pressures, blood gases, and regional organ blood flow. The ventilated and atelectatic lung area was quantified from dynamic CT images. Differences between groups were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, and a p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: IPPV was associated with cyclic alveolar recruitment and de-recruitment. Compared with controls, the CCO-CPR group had a significantly larger mean fractional area of atelectasis (p=0.009), and significantly lower PaO(2) (p=0.002) and mean arterial pressure (p=0.023). The increase in mean atelectatic lung area observed during basic life support in the CCO-CPR group remained clinically relevant throughout the subsequent advanced cardiac life support period and following ROSC, and was associated with prolonged impaired haemodynamics. No inter-group differences in myocardial and cerebral blood flow were observed. CONCLUSION: A lack of ventilation during basic life support is associated with excessive atelectasis, arterial hypoxaemia and compromised CPR haemodynamics. Moreover, these detrimental effects remain evident even after restoration of IPPV.


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OBJECTIVE: Treatment of central and paracentral pulmonary embolism in patients with hemodynamic compromise remains a subject of debate, and no consensus exists regarding the best method: thrombolytic agents, catheter-based thrombus aspiration or fragmentation, or surgical embolectomy. We reviewed our experience with emergency surgical pulmonary embolectomy. METHODS: Between January of 2000 and March of 2007, 25 patients (17 male, mean age 60 years) underwent emergency open embolectomy for central and paracentral pulmonary embolism. Eighteen patients presented in cardiogenic shock, 8 of whom had cardiac arrest and required cardiopulmonary resuscitation. All patients underwent operation with mild hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass. Concomitant procedures were performed in 8 patients (3 coronary artery bypass grafts, 2 patent foramen ovale closures, 4 ligations of the left atrial appendage, 3 removals of a right atrial thrombus). Follow-up is 96% complete with a median of 2 years (range, 2 months to 6 years). RESULTS: All patients survived the procedure, but 2 patients died in the hospital on postoperative days 1 (intracerebral bleeding) and 11 (multiorgan failure), accounting for a 30-day mortality of 8% (95% confidence interval: 0.98-0.26). Four patients died later because of their underlying disease. Pre- and postoperative echocardiographic pressure measurements demonstrated the reduction of the pulmonary hypertension to half of the systemic pressure values or less. CONCLUSION: Surgical pulmonary embolectomy is an excellent option for patients with major pulmonary embolism and can be performed with minimal mortality and morbidity. Even patients who present with cardiac arrest and require preoperative cardiopulmonary resuscitation show satisfying results. Immediate surgical desobstruction favorably influences the pulmonary pressure and the recovery of right ventricular function, and remains the treatment of choice for patients with massive central and paracentral embolism with hemodynamic and respiratory compromise.


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In the last century, studies established the origin of pulmonary fat embolism (PFE) and identified mechanical trauma as main source for PFE. This prospective study focused on determining a possible influence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), in the context of an aging population, on the occurrence of PFE. Lung tissue samples from 256 bodies were examined using the twin-edged knife technique without preliminary fixation but after staining with Sudan III. PFE grading was determined according to Falzi and performed at a 10× magnification. For statistical analysis, bodies were grouped by age, gender, and putrefaction and categorized following whether they had experienced trauma, CPR, the combination of both, or no mechanical impact. There was a significant correlation of trauma, CPR, and the combination of both to PFE but no noticeable influence of gender or putrefaction. An age over 70 years promotes a PFE due to resuscitation.


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AIMS No standardized local thrombolysis regimen exists for the treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE). We retrospectively investigated efficacy and safety of fixed low-dose ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis (USAT) for intermediate- and high-risk PE. METHODS AND RESULTS Fifty-two patients (65 ± 14 years) of whom 14 had high-risk PE (troponin positive in all) and 38 intermediate-risk PE (troponin positive in 91%) were treated with intravenous unfractionated heparin and USAT using 10 mg of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator per device over the course of 15 h. Bilateral USAT was performed in 83% of patients. During 3-month follow-up, two [3.8%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.5-13%] patients died (one from cardiogenic shock and one from recurrent PE). Major non-fatal bleeding occurred in two (3.8%; 95% CI, 0.5-13%) patients: one intrathoracic bleeding after cardiopulmonary resuscitation requiring transfusion, one intrapulmonary bleeding requiring lobectomy. Mean pulmonary artery pressure decreased from 37 ± 9 mmHg at baseline to 25 ± 8 mmHg at 15 h (P < 0.001) and cardiac index increased from 2.0 ± 0.7 to 2.7 ± 0.9 L/min/m(2) (P < 0.001). Echocardiographic right-to-left ventricular end-diastolic dimension ratio decreased from 1.42 ± 0.21 at baseline to 1.06 ± 0.23 at 24 h (n = 21; P < 0.001). The greatest haemodynamic benefit from USAT was found in patients with high-risk PE and in those with symptom duration < 14 days. CONCLUSION A standardized catheter intervention approach using fixed low-dose USAT for the treatment of intermediate- and high-risk PE was associated with rapid improvement in haemodynamic parameters and low rates of bleeding complications and mortality.


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BACKGROUND Efficiently performed basic life support (BLS) after cardiac arrest is proven to be effective. However, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is strenuous and rescuers' performance declines rapidly over time. Audio-visual feedback devices reporting CPR quality may prevent this decline. We aimed to investigate the effect of various CPR feedback devices on CPR quality. METHODS In this open, prospective, randomised, controlled trial we compared three CPR feedback devices (PocketCPR, CPRmeter, iPhone app PocketCPR) with standard BLS without feedback in a simulated scenario. 240 trained medical students performed single rescuer BLS on a manikin for 8min. Effective compression (compressions with correct depth, pressure point and sufficient decompression) as well as compression rate, flow time fraction and ventilation parameters were compared between the four groups. RESULTS Study participants using the PocketCPR performed 17±19% effective compressions compared to 32±28% with CPRmeter, 25±27% with the iPhone app PocketCPR, and 35±30% applying standard BLS (PocketCPR vs. CPRmeter p=0.007, PocketCPR vs. standard BLS p=0.001, others: ns). PocketCPR and CPRmeter prevented a decline in effective compression over time, but overall performance in the PocketCPR group was considerably inferior to standard BLS. Compression depth and rate were within the range recommended in the guidelines in all groups. CONCLUSION While we found differences between the investigated CPR feedback devices, overall BLS quality was suboptimal in all groups. Surprisingly, effective compression was not improved by any CPR feedback device compared to standard BLS. All feedback devices caused substantial delay in starting CPR, which may worsen outcome.