994 resultados para Canada. 1992 Oct. 7
First, the guidance counselor profession in the province of Quebec will be described: the professional association to which it belongs, the required in- struction, the counselors' tasks and the institutions for which they work. There follows the description of the main current tendencies in career guidance devel- opment in this French-speaking area of Canada with about 7.2 million inhabit- ants, approximately one fourth of the total country population. Finally, a brief description of the Center for Research on Education and Labor of the University of Shebrooke as well as of some instruments that one of the teams is constructing will be provided.
Se han desarrollado una serie de técnicas colorimétricas sencillas, rápidas y eficaces para la detección de magulladuras en frutos de manzana cvs. «Golden Delicious» y «Starking» y de pera cv. «Blanquilla » y «Decana de Comice». Dichas técnicas están basadas, por una parte, en la reacción coloreada que se produce entre el grupo de enzimas polifenoloxidasas con soluciones que contienen como sustratos característicos catequina y epinefrina y, por otra, en el empleo del reactivo safranina. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el tipo de técnicas descrito podría resultar de gran utilidad en la detección no sólo de las magulladuras producidas por diversas cargas mecánicas durante el proceso de recolección y envasado en frutos de pepita como los aquí ensayados, sino también en el estudio específico del tipo de magulladura producido. Se sugiere, que las técnicas podrían hacerse extensivas a otros tipos de frutos.
Cada vez que los frutos y hortalizas se manipulan, se producen daños y, por tanto, pérdidas de calidad y pérdidas económicas. Los productos Electrónicos Simulados SEP miden y registran las fuerzas que intervienen en estos procesos. Por ello, se pueden utilizare para localizar los puntos que causan daños en las cosechadoras y en las líneas de manipulación. De esta manera, se pueden hacer las modificaciones oportunas para eliminar los daños por impactos en frutas y hortalizas. En este artículo se exponen las calibraciones de 4 SEPs y los ensayos realizados en distintas líneas de frutas y hortalizas.
Interdependence between geometry of a fault system, its kinematics, and seismicity is investigated. Quantitative measure is introduced for inconsistency between a fixed configuration of faults and the slip rates on each fault. This measure, named geometric incompatibility (G), depicts summarily the instability near the fault junctions: their divergence or convergence ("unlocking" or "locking up") and accumulation of stress and deformations. Accordingly, the changes in G are connected with dynamics of seismicity. Apart from geometric incompatibility, we consider deviation K from well-known Saint Venant condition of kinematic compatibility. This deviation depicts summarily unaccounted stress and strain accumulation in the region and/or internal inconsistencies in a reconstruction of block- and fault system (its geometry and movements). The estimates of G and K provide a useful tool for bringing together the data on different types of movement in a fault system. An analog of Stokes formula is found that allows determination of the total values of G and K in a region from the data on its boundary. The phenomenon of geometric incompatibility implies that nucleation of strong earthquakes is to large extent controlled by processes near fault junctions. The junctions that have been locked up may act as transient asperities, and unlocked junctions may act as transient weakest links. Tentative estimates of K and G are made for each end of the Big Bend of the San Andreas fault system in Southern California. Recent strong earthquakes Landers (1992, M = 7.3) and Northridge (1994, M = 6.7) both reduced K but had opposite impact on G: Landers unlocked the area, whereas Northridge locked it up again.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Federal Transit Administration, Washington, D.C.
Official organ of the Christian Social Council of Canada (Oct. 1918-Sept. 1938, under its earlier name, Social Service Council of Canada) and, Oct. 1926-Apr./May 1932, of the Canadian Association of Social Workers.
Includes bibliographical references.
no. 24. On the report of the Special Committee on Water-power Development. Feb.1,1918. -- no. 33. On the report of the Committee on Public Utilities regarding local transportation. Nov.19,1920. -- no. 43. On the report of the Special Committee on Transportation. -- no. 44. On the report of the Committee on Postal Service. Jan.7,1925. -- no. 45. On Advisory Committee's report: powers of national banks. Apr.20,1925. -- no. 46. On Advisory Committee's report: inheritance taxes, coordination of national and state taxation. Apr.20,1925. -- no. 47. On legislation regarding resale prices. --no. 48. On Advisory Committee's report on the merchant marine. Mar.12,1926. -- no. 50. On the report of the Committee on Federal Taxation. Oct.7,1927. -- no. 51. On the report of the Committee on Mississippi Flood Control. Oct.31,1927. -- no. 52. On the report of the Special Committee on Agriculture. Aug.31,1928. -- no. 53. On the report of the Special Committee on Highways and Motor Transport respecting state and local road administration. Jan.9,1929. -- no. 57. On the report of the special report of the Special Committee on National Water-power Policies. Nov.7,1930. -- no. 59. On the report of the Department Committee on Natural Resource Industries. Oct.31,1931.
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Imprint varies, Kansas City, Mo., 1960-July 16, 1968; Independence, Mo., July 23, 1968-