1000 resultados para Cambrils (Catalunya) -- Arqueologia
El present treball se centra en l’estudi d’un fragment de mosaic, inèdit fins ara, provinent d’una estança calefactada que representa dues sandàlies. És un dels materials recollits per l’arquitecte Joan Abril l’any 1910 a la vil·la romana de Barrugat (Bítem, Tortosa) mentre s’estava construint el Canal de l’Esquerra de l’Ebre. Actualment es conserva al Museu de Tortosa.
In 1991 was brought to light a collection of architectural terracottas from the villa of the Vilarenc and some pieces from Tarraco that were identified as lastre Campana. Five years later, in the excavations of the Plaza de la Font of Tarragona, a collection of six pieces was discovered. Altogether, the collection is based in 14/15 lastre and 4 different topics: “Women flanking a candelabra”, “Theseus known by his father”, “Adornment of a hermes” and “Scene of portico of palestra”. The interest of these finds lies in several factors: Their absolute exceptionality (it is very rare to find them outside of Italy); the geographical concentration, the topics, and their chronological relation and precise culture, since the finds are concentrated in a provincial capital and its territory, and they come from contexts of the beginning of first century AD. The physicochimique analyses make possible to assign an origin from Latium to some pieces and a local manufacture to others. These finds make possible to talk about the area and the provincial impact of certain iconographic and cultural models of Augustus’ time.