999 resultados para Calcareous nannofossils


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Three of the six DSDP Leg 77 sites drilled in the western approaches to the Straits of Florida yielded thick sequences of Cenozoic sediment rich in calcareous nannofossils. Hiatuses are prominent in each of these continuously cored intervals. A prominent upper Oligocene hiatus, observed at each of these three sites, can be correlated to a large-scale "global" regression event. Other disconformable horizons present in the study area cannot be positively related to sealevel fluctuations and may be caused by a number of factors including local tectonic activity. Paleogene sections are generally marked by thick accumulations within the upper Oligocene Sphenolithus ciperoensis Zone and by a pronounced braarudosphaerid-holococcolith bloom recorded in the lower Oligocene and upper Eocene. This bloom is particularly well developed at Site 540. All samples examined contain abundant nannofossils. Preservation fluctuates throughout the sections from good to poor.


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Sites 1096 and 1101, two hemipelagic sediment drift sites on the continental rise off the northwestern Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula, contained calcareous nannofossils in the upper intervals of each site (downhole to 168.37 meters below seafloor [mbsf] in Hole 1096B and 121.1 mbsf in Hole 1101A). The occurrences were sporadic and observed to be confined to fine-grained intervals. These intervals were interpreted on board to be interglacial and often contained foraminifers as well. Calcareous nannofossils exhibited a reliable stratigraphy during an interval when other fossils groups were absent, quite rare, or reworked. In total, nine events and three zones were recognized in this study. The base of the Pleistocene was not recorded with calcareous nannofossils, the oldest datum being the first occurrence of medium Gephyrocapsa spp. at 1.69 Ma. All events have been correlated to the paleomagnetic record for each site.