971 resultados para Cadmium nanocrystals


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Phytotoxicity and transfer of potentially toxic elements, such as cadmium (Cd) or barium (Ba), depend on the availability of these elements in soils and on the plant species exposed to them. With this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of Cd and Ba application rates on yields of pea (Pisum sativum L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), soybean (Glycine max L.), and maize (Zea mays L.) grown under greenhouse conditions in an Oxisol and an Entisol with contrasting physical and chemical properties, and to correlate the amount taken up by plants with extractants commonly used in routine soil analysis, along with transfer coefficients (Bioconcentration Factor and Transfer Factor) in different parts of the plants. Plants were harvested at flowering stage and measured for yield and Cd or Ba concentrations in leaves, stems, and roots. The amount of Cd accumulated in the plants was satisfactorily evaluated by both DTPA and Mehlich-3 (M-3). Mehlich-3 did not relate to Ba accumulated in plants, suggesting it should not be used to predict Ba availability. The transfer coefficients were specific to soils and plants and are therefore not recommended for direct use in risk assessment models without taking soil properties and group of plants into account.


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ABSTRACT Intrinsic equilibrium constants for 22 representative Brazilian Oxisols were estimated from a cadmium adsorption experiment. Equilibrium constants were fitted to two surface complexation models: diffuse layer and constant capacitance. Intrinsic equilibrium constants were optimized by FITEQL and by hand calculation using Visual MINTEQ in sweep mode, and Excel spreadsheets. Data from both models were incorporated into Visual MINTEQ. Constants estimated by FITEQL and incorporated in Visual MINTEQ software failed to predict observed data accurately. However, FITEQL raw output data rendered good results when predicted values were directly compared with observed values, instead of incorporating the estimated constants into Visual MINTEQ. Intrinsic equilibrium constants optimized by hand calculation and incorporated in Visual MINTEQ reliably predicted Cd adsorption reactions on soil surfaces under changing environmental conditions.


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The use of quantum dots (QDs) in the area of fingermark detection is currently receiving a lot of attention in the forensic literature. Most of the research efforts have been devoted to cadmium telluride (CdTe) quantum dots often applied as powders to the surfaces of interests. Both the use of cadmium and the nano size of these particles raise important issues in terms of health and safety. This paper proposes to replace CdTe QDs by zinc sulphide QDs doped with copper (ZnS:Cu) to address these issues. Zinc sulphide-copper doped QDs were successfully synthesized, characterized in terms of size and optical properties and optimized to be applied for the detection of impressions left in blood, where CdTe QDs proved to be efficient. Effectiveness of detection was assessed in comparison with CdTe QDs and Acid Yellow 7 (AY7, an effective blood reagent), using two series of depletive blood fingermarks from four donors prepared on four non-porous substrates, i.e. glass, transparent polypropylene, black polyethylene and aluminium foil. The marks were cut in half and processed separately with both reagents, leading to two comparison series (ZnS:Cu vs. CdTe, and ZnS:Cu vs. AY7). ZnS:Cu proved to be better than AY7 and at least as efficient as CdTe on most substrates. Consequently, copper-doped ZnS QDs constitute a valid substitute for cadmium-based QDs to detect blood marks on non-porous substrates and offer a safer alternative for routine use.


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ABSTRACTThe pollution of air, soil and water by heavy metals through anthropogenic activities is an object of numerous environmental studies since long times. A number of natural processes, such as volcanic activity, hydrothermal fluid circulation and weathering of metal-rich deposits may lead to an additional and potentially important input and accumulation of heavy metals in the environment. In the Swiss and French Jura Mountains, anomalous high cadmium (Cd) concentrations (up to 16 ppm) in certain soils are related to the presence of underlying Cd-enriched (up to 21 ppm) carbonate rocks of Middle to Late Jurassic age. The aim of this study is to understand the processes controlling Cd incorporation into carbonate rocks of Middle and Late Jurassic age and to reconstruct the sedimentary and environmental conditions, which have led to Cd enrichments in these sedimentary rocks.Cd concentrations in studied hemipelagic sections in France vary between 0.1 and 0.5 ppm (mean 0.15 ppm). Trace-element behavior and high Mn concentrations suggest that sediment accumulation occurred in a well-oxygenated environment. Increases in Cd contents in the bulk-rock carbonate sediments may be related to increases in surface-water productivity under oxic conditions and important remineralization of organic matter within the water column. In platform settings preserved in the Swiss Jura Mountains, no correlation is observed between Cd contents and evolution of environmental conditions. Cd concentrations in these platform sections are often below the detection limit, with isolated peaks of up to 21 ppm. These important Cd enrichments are associated with peaks in Zn concentrations and are present in carbonate rocks independently of facies and age. The high Cd contents in these shallow-water carbonate rocks are partly related to the presence of disseminated, Cd-rich (up to 1.8%), sphalerite (ZnS) mineralization. The basement rocks are considered to be the source of metals for sulfide mineralization in the overlying Jurassic strata, as the sphalerite Pb isotope pattern is comparable to that of granite rocks from the nearby southern Black Forest crystalline massif. The Rb-Sr ages of sphalerite samples indicate that a main phase of sphalerite formation occurred near the boundary between the late Middle and early Late Jurassic, at around 162 Ma, as a result of enhanced tectonic and hydrothermal activity in Europe, related to the opening of the Central Atlantic and to the tectonic/thermal subsidence during spreading of the Alpine Tethys. I therefore propose to use unusually high Cd concentrations in carbonates as a tracer of tectonic activity in the Jura Mountains area, especially in the case when important enrichments in Zn co-occur. Paleoproductivity reconstructions based on records of authigenic Cd may be compromised not only by post-depositional redistribution, but also by incorporation of additional Cd from hydrothermal solutions circulating in the rock.The circulation of metal-rich hydrothermal fluids through the sediment sequence, in addition to specific environmental conditions during sedimentation, contributes to the incorporation of Cd into the carbonate rocks. However, only hydrothermal activity has led to the unusually high concentrations of Cd in carbonate rocks of Bajocian-Oxfordian age, through the formation of sphalerite mineralization.


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Trois agents chélateurs (l?acide diéthylène triamine penta-acétique, DTPA; l?acide méso-2,3- dimercaptosucchique, DMSA; l?acide 2,3-dimercapto- 1 -propanesulfonique, DMPS) ont été comparés quant à leur efficacité à mobiliser du cadmium (Cd) accumulé dans le tissu rénal. Des reins prélevés chez des rats exposés durant 3 j au Cd (acétate de Cd , 0.75 mg/kg.j, i.p) ont été isolés et perfusés in vitro, à l?aide d?un système de reperfusion utilisant une solution de Krebs-Henseleit, pH 7.4, contenant 8 acides aminés et 6% d?albumine. Les concentrations de Cd dans le perfusat et l?urine ont été mesurées par spectrométrie d?absorption atomique. Six périodes de clearance, après une période d?équilibration de 20 min, ont ?été obtenues. Le DMSA et le DMPS ont mobilisé le Cd à partir du tissu rénal, comme l?ont montré les augmentations dose-dépendantes des concentrations de Cd dans l?urine et le perfusat. L?accumulation de Cd était nettement plus élevée dans le perfusat que dans l?urine, indiquant que l?effet des chélateurs se marquait surtout au niveau tubulaire basolatéral. Le DTPA n?induisait qu?une faible mobilisation de Cd dans l?urine et le perfusat, et son efficacité était clairement inférieure à celle des autres chélateurs. Comme prévu, la quantité de Cd présente dans le tissu rénal après perfùsion par le DMSA ou le DMPS diminuait en fonction de l?efficacité des chélateurs, jusqu?à des valeurs inférieures de 46% au taux rénal de Cd avant perfusion. Le DMPS apparaissait induire une excretion urinaire de Cd plus importante que celle induite par le DMSA, une caractéristique qui pourrait être liée à une sécrétion tubulaire du chélateur, qui a été décrite antérieurement. Un intervalle de temps prolongé (1 -2 semaines) entre le moment de l?administration du Cd et la perfusion du rein avec le DMPS induisait une augmentation de l?excrétion urinaire de Cd. Tous les chélateurs se sont montrés néphrotoxiques à concentrations élevées.


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Approximately 0.2 % of all angiosperms are classified as metal hyperaccumulators based on their extraordinarily high leaf metal contents, for example >1 % zinc, >0.1 % nickel or >0.01 % cadmium (Cd) in dry biomass. So far, metal hyperaccumulation has been considered to be a taxon-wide, constitutively expressed trait, the extent of which depends solely on available metal concentrations in the soil. Here we show that in the facultative metallophyte Arabidopsis halleri, both insect herbivory and mechanical wounding of leaves trigger an increase specifically in leaf Cd accumulation. Moreover, the Cd concentrations accumulated in leaves can serve as an elemental defense against herbivory by larvae of the Brassicaceae specialist small white (Pieris rapae), thus allowing the plant to take advantage of this non-essential trace element and toxin. Metal homeostasis genes are overrepresented in the systemic transcriptional response of roots to the wounding of leaves in A. halleri, supporting that leaf Cd accumulation is preceded by systemic signaling events. A similar, but quantitatively less pronounced transcriptional response was observed in A. thaliana, suggesting that the systemically regulated modulation of metal homeostasis in response to leaf wounding also occurs in non-hyperaccumulator plants. This is the first report of an environmental stimulus influencing metal hyperaccumulation.


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A number of contaminants such as arsenic, cadmium and lead are released into the environment from natural and anthropogenic sources contaminating food and water. Chronic oral ingestion of arsenic, cadmium and lead is associated with adverse effects in the skin, internal organs and nervous system. In addition to conventional methods, biosorption using inactivated biomasses of algae, fungi and bacteria has been introduced as a novel method for decontamination of toxic metals from water. The aim of this work was to evaluate the applicability of lactic acid bacteria as tools for heavy metal removal from water and characterize their properties for further development of a biofilter. The results established that in addition to removal of mycotoxins, cyanotoxins and heterocyclic amines, lactic acid bacteria have a capacity to bind cationic heavy metals, cadmium and lead. The binding was found to be dependent on the bacterial strain and pH, and occurred rapidly on the bacterial surface, but was reduced in the presence of other cationic metals. The data demonstrates that the metals were bound by electrostatic interactions to cell wall components. Transmission electron micrographs showed the presence of lead deposits on the surface of biomass used in the lead binding studies, indicating involvement of another uptake/binding mechanism. The most efficient strains bound up to 55 mg Cd and 176 mg Pb / g dry biomass. A low removal of anionic As(V) was also observed after chemical modification of the cell wall. Full desorption of bound cadmium and lead using either dilute HNO3 or EDTA established the reversibility of binding. Removal of both metals was significantly reduced when biomass regenerated with EDTA was used. Biomass regenerated with dilute HNO3 retained its cadmium binding capacity well, but lead binding was reduced. The results established that the cadmium and lead binding capacity of lactic acid bacteria, and factors affecting it, are similar to what has been previously observed for other biomasses used for the same purpose. However, lactic acid bacteria have a capacity to remove other aqueous contaminants such as cyanotoxins, which may give them an additional advantage over the other alternatives. Further studies focusing on immobilization of biomass and the removal of several contaminants simultaneously using immobilized bacteria are required.


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In this article, we explore the possibility of modifying the silicon nanocrystal areal density in SiOx single layers, while keeping constant their size. For this purpose, a set of SiOx monolayers with controlled thickness between two thick SiO2 layers has been fabricated, for four different compositions (x=1, 1.25, 1.5, or 1.75). The structural properties of the SiO x single layers have been analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in planar view geometry. Energy-filtered TEM images revealed an almost constant Si-cluster size and a slight increase in the cluster areal density as the silicon content increases in the layers, while high resolution TEM images show that the size of the Si crystalline precipitates largely decreases as the SiO x stoichiometry approaches that of SiO2. The crystalline fraction was evaluated by combining the results from both techniques, finding a crystallinity reduction from 75% to 40%, for x = 1 and 1.75, respectively. Complementary photoluminescence measurements corroborate the precipitation of Si-nanocrystals with excellent emission properties for layers with the largest amount of excess silicon. The integrated emission from the nanoaggregates perfectly scales with their crystalline state, with no detectable emission for crystalline fractions below 40%. The combination of the structural and luminescence observations suggests that small Si precipitates are submitted to a higher compressive local stress applied by the SiO2 matrix that could inhibit the phase separation and, in turn, promotes the creation of nonradiative paths.


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Urinary cadmium (Cd) excretion was measured within a representative Swiss collective. With a median of 0.23 µg/24 h (n = 1409) and the 95th percentile at 0.81 µg/24 h, no increased health risk for the general non-exposed population was identified. The independent variables Age, BMI and Smoking habit had a significant effect on urinary Cd excretion. No association was found with the region of residence and sex. A subsample comparison between 24-h and spot urines of the same subjects (n = 90) did not reveal an evident concentration difference for both creatinine-adjusted sample types. Dependencies on age and gender were observed for creatinine, which consequently impacts on the creatinine normalisation of urine samples.


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Experiments were conducted with adult male rats to investigate the effects of dietary calcium (Ca) restriction upon intake and tissue distribution of cadmium (Cd), and Cd-metallothionein (Mt) synthesis. Four groups of animals were fed either a low-Ca, semisynthetic diet (0.1% Ca) or the same diet supplemented with 0.8% Ca (normal diet). The caloric intake was similar in all groups. Two groups (low-Ca and normal diet) were used as controls, and two groups (low-Ca and normal diet) received 100 mg/l Cd (as CdCl2) in drinking water. Cd levels in liver, kidney, spleen and red cells were measured in all animals after 8 weeks of treatment. Concomitantly, Mt levels in plasma, liver and kidney were evaluated by radioimmunoassay. Ca deficiency entailed marked and significant increases in accumulation of Cd and synthesis of Mt in all assayed tissues. It is concluded that dietary Ca restriction, independent of caloric intake, enhances Cd intestinal absorption and tissue accumulation, which is followed by increased tissue Mt synthesis.


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LLC-PK1 cells, an established cell line from pig kidney with proximal tubule properties, were cultivated in vitro at confluence on plastic dishes. They were then exposed (apical side) to inorganic cadmium (CdCl2, 5 microM) for periods ranging between 1 to 24 h. Analysis of the cell supernatant after homogenisation and ultracentrifugation indicated that Cd taken up in the first 3 h was bound to cytosolic high molecular weight proteins, but was redistributed to low molecular weight proteins at later stages. Induction of Cd-metallothionein (Cd-Mt) synthesis, as judged from Cd-Mt binding to a specific anti-Cd-Mt antibody and from the rate of 35S-cys incorporation into a specific protein fraction, was apparent 3-6 h after the addition of Cd to the incubation medium.