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With the introduction of fluoride as the main anticaries agent used in preventive dentistry, and perhaps an increase in fluoride in our food chain, dental fluorosis has become an increasing world-wide problem. Visible signs of fluorosis begin to become obvious on the enamel surface as opacities, implying some porosity in the tissue. The mechanisms that conduct the formation of fluorotic enamel are unknown, but should involve modifications in the basic physical-chemistry reactions of demineralization and remineralisation of the enamel of the teeth, which is the same reaction of formation of the enamel's hydroxyapatite (HAp) in the maturation phase. The increase of the amount of fluoride inside of the apatite will result in gradual increase of the lattice parameters. The aim of this work is to characterize the healthy and fluorotic enamel in human tooth using Synchrotron X-ray diffraction. All the scattering profile measurements were carried out at the X-ray diffraction beamline (XRD1) at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory-LNLS, Campinas, Brazil. X-ray diffraction experiments were performed both in powder samples and polished surfaces. The powder samples were analyzed to obtain the characterization of a typical healthy enamel pattern. The polished surfaces were analyzed in specific areas that have been identified as fluorotic ones. X-ray diffraction data were obtained for all samples and these data were compared with the control samples and also with the literature data. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) regulate genes involved in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and are targets of drugs approved for human use. Whereas the crystallographic structure of the complex of full length PPAR gamma and RXR alpha is known, structural alterations induced by heterodimer formation and DNA contacts are not well understood. Herein, we report a small-angle X-ray scattering analysis of the oligomeric state of hPPAR gamma alone and in the presence of retinoid X receptor (RXR). The results reveal that, in contrast with other studied nuclear receptors, which predominantly form dimers in solution, hPPAR gamma remains in the monomeric form by itself but forms heterodimers with hRXR alpha. The low-resolution models of hPPAR gamma/RXR alpha complexes predict significant changes in opening angle between heterodimerization partners (LBD) and extended and asymmetric shape of the dimer (LBD-DBD) as compared with X-ray structure of the full-length receptor bound to DNA. These differences between our SAXS models and the high-resolution crystallographic structure might suggest that there are different conformations of functional heterodimer complex in solution. Accordingly, hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments reveal that the heterodimer binding to DNA promotes more compact and less solvent-accessible conformation of the receptor complex.


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Arthropodenhämocyanine und Molluskenhämocyanine, die extrazellulären Atmungsproteine der Arthropoden und Mollusken, unterscheiden sich grundsätzlich im Aufbau, besitzen aber ähnliche aktive Zentren, welche in ihrer oxydierten Form für die Blaufärbung der Hämocyanine verantwortlich sind. Sauerstoff wird im Bindungszentrum zwischen zwei, von sechs Histidinen ligandierten, Kupfer(I)Ionen gebunden. Arthropodenhämocyanine bauen sich artspezifisch aus 1, 2, 4, 6, oder 8 Hexameren mit D3-Symmetrie auf. Die Untereinheiten von je ca. 75 kDa falten sich in drei Domänen unterschiedlicher Funktionen. Der komplexe, hierarchische Zusammenbau der Arthropodenhämocyanine hängt von der Heterogenität der Untereinheiten ab. Die 7 verschieden Sequenzen des 4x6-Hämocyanins von Eurypelma californicum (EcHc) sind biochemisch in der Quartärstruktur lokalisiert. Bislang fehlte noch ein unabhängig erstelltes 3D-Modell der geometrischen Gesamtstruktur welche die hexamere und monomere Topographie eindeutig zeigt. Dessen Erstellung war Gegenstand dieser Arbeit, in Verbindung mit der Zielsetzung, die 3D-Rekonstruktion in den beiden extremen physiologischen Zuständen, mit und ohne gebundenen Sauerstoff, zu erzeugen. Dazu wurden in einer eigens entwickelten Atmosphären-Präparationskammer die Proteine in Lösung schockgefrorenen und mittels Cryo-3D-Elektronenmikroskopie gemessen. Aus den daraus gewonnen Projektionsbildern ließen sich mit der ”Single Particle Analyse“ die 3D-Informationen zurückberechnen. Die 3D-Rekonstruktionen wurden mit der publizierten Röntgenkristallstruktur des hexameren Referenz-Hämocyanins der Languste Panulirus interruptus verifiziert. Die Rekonstruktionen erlaubten die eindeutige Messung diverser in der Literatur diskutierter Parameter der Architektur des 4x6-EcHc und darüber hinaus weiterer geometrischer Parameter, welche hier erstmals veröffentlicht werden. SAXS-Daten sagen extreme Translationen und Rotationen von Teilquartärstrukturen zwischen oxy- und deoxy-EcHc voraus, was von den 3D-Rekonstruktionen der beiden Zustände nicht bestätigt werden konnte: Die 16 Å Rekonstruktion der Deoxyform weicht geometrisch nicht von der 21 Å Rekonstruktion der Oxyform ab. Die Einpassung der publizierten Röntgenstruktur der Untereinheit II des Hämocyanin des Pfeilschwanzkrebses Limulus polyphemus in die Rekonstruktionen unterstützt eine auf der hexameren Hierarchieebene lokalisierte Dynamik der Oxygenierung. Mittels Einpassung modellierter molekularer Strukturen der EcHc-Sequenzen konnte eine erste Vermutung zur Lokalisation der beiden zentralen Linker-Untereinheiten b und c des 4x6-Moleküls gemacht werden: Demnach würde Untereinheit b in den exponierten Hexameren des Moleküls liegen. Aussagen über die Quartärstrukturbindungen auf molekularer Ebene aufgrund der Einpassung modellierter molekularer Daten in die Rekonstruktionen sind als spekulativ einzustufen: a) Die Auflösung der Rekonstruktion ist verbesserungswürdig. b) Es gibt keine adäquate Vorlage für eine verlässliche Strukturvorhersage; die verschiedenen EcHc-Sequenzen liegen nur als Modellierung vor. c) Es wäre eine flexible Einpassung notwendig, um Ungenauigkeiten in den modellierten Strukturen durch Sekundärstrukturanpassung zu minimieren.


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Die DNA stellt aufgrund der genetischen Krankheitsursache nach wie vor ein überaus attraktives Target für das Design antitumoraktiver Zytostatika dar. Ein wesentlicher Schwerpunkt der heutigen Forschung besteht vor allem in der Entwicklung niedermolekularer, sequenzspezifischer DNA-Liganden zur gezielten Ausschaltung defekter Gene. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erfolgte daher in Anlehnung an die antitumoral wirksame Leitsubstanz Netropsin - ein AT-selektiver Minor Groove Binder mit Bispyrrolcarboxamid-Grundstruktur - erstmals der systematische Aufbau einer neuen Serie bioisosterer Hybridmoleküle, bestehend aus einem interkalierenden Strukturelement (Acridon, Naphthalimid, 5-Nitronaphthalimid, Anthrachinon, 11H-Pyrido[2,3-a]carbazol) und Thiophenpyrrol-, Imidazolpyrrol-, Thiazolpyrrol- bzw. Bisimidazolcarboxamid als rinnenbindende Oligoamid-Einheit (sog. Combilexine). Die chromophoren Systeme am N-Terminus wurden hierbei über aliphatische Linker variabler Kettenlänge mit der Carboxamid-Kette verknüpft. Als C-terminale Funktion kam sowohl die N,N-Dimethyl-1,3-diaminopropan- als auch die um ein C-Atom kürzere Dimethylaminoethylamin-Seitenkette zum Einsatz. Unter Verwendung modernster Reagenzien aus der Peptidkupplungschemie ist es gelungen, ein präparativ gut zugängliches, reproduzierbares Verfahren zur Synthese dieser bioisosteren Combilexine zu entwickeln. Anhand biophysikalischer/biochemischer, zellbiologischer und physikochemischer (1H-NMR-spektroskopischer und röntgenstrukturanalytischer) Methoden sowie Molecular Modelling Studien wurden erstmals bezüglich der DNA-Bindung, der Topoisomerase-Hemmung und der Antitumor-Zellzytotoxizität in einem breiten Rahmen vororientierende Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen an bioisosteren Liganden erstellt. Wenngleich zwischen den in vitro und in silico ermittelten Befunden keine konkreten Gesetzmäßigkeiten zu erkennen waren, so ließ die Summation der Ergebnisse dennoch darauf schließen, dass es sich bei den Naphthalimidpropion- und Acridonbuttersäure-Derivaten mit C-terminaler Propylendiamin-Funktion um die aussichtsreichsten Kandidaten in Bezug auf die DNA-Affinität bzw. Zytotoxizität handelte.


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Mantle flow dynamics can cause preferential alignment of olivine crystals that results in anisotropy of physical properties. To interpret anisotropy in mantle rocks, it is necessary to understand the anisotropy of olivine single crystals. We determined anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) for natural olivine crystals. High-field AMS allows for the isolation of the anisotropy due to olivine alone. The orientations of the principal susceptibility axes are related to the olivine’s crystallographic structure as soon as it contains >3 wt % FeO. The maximum susceptibility is parallel to the c axis both at room temperature (RT) and at 77 K. The orientation of the minimum axis at RT depends on iron content; it is generally parallel to the a axis in crystals with 3–5 wt % FeO, and along b in samples with 6–10 wt % FeO. The AMS ellipsoid is prolate and the standard deviatoric susceptibility, k0, is on the order of 8*10210 m3/kg for the samples with <1wt % FeO, and ranges from 3.1*1029 m3/kg to 5.7*1029 m3/kg for samples with 3–10 wt % FeO. At 77 K, the minimum susceptibility is along b, independent of iron content. The shape of the AMS ellipsoid is prolate for samples with <5 wt % FeO, but can be prolate or oblate for higher iron content. The degree of anisotropy increases at 77 K with p0 7757.160.5. The results from this study will allow AMS fabrics to be used as a proxy for olivine texture in ultramafic rocks with high olivine content.


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Three-dimensional oxalate-based {[Ru(bpy)3][Cu2xNi2(1-x)(ox)3]}n (0≤ x ≤ 1, ox = C2O42-, bpy = 2,2‘bipyridine) were synthesized. The structure was determined for x = 1 by X-ray diffraction on single crystal. The compound crystallizes in the cubic space group P4132. It shows a three-dimensional 10-gon 3-connected (10,3) anionic network where copper(II) has an unusual tris(bischelated) environment. X-ray powder diffraction patterns and their Rietveld refinement show that all the compounds along the series are isostructural and single-phased. According to X-ray absorption spectroscopy, copper(II) and nickel(II) have an octahedral environment, respectively elongated and trigonally distorted. As shown by natural circular dichroism, the optically active forms of {[Ru(bpy)3][CuxNi2(1-x)(ox)3]}n are obtained starting from resolved Δ- or Λ-[Ru(bpy)3]2+. The Curie−Weiss temperatures range between −55 (x = 1) and −150 K (x = 0). The antiferromagnetic exchange interaction thus decreases when the copper contents increases in agreement with the crystallographic structure of the compounds and the electronic structure of the metal ions. At low temperature, the compounds exhibit complex long-range ordered magnetic behavior.


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Macromolecular interactions, such as protein-protein interactions and protein-DNA interactions, play important roles in executing biological functions in cells. However the complexity of such interactions often makes it very challenging to elucidate the structural details of these subjects. In this thesis, two different research strategies were applied on two different two macromolecular systems: X-ray crystallography on three tandem FF domains of transcription regulator CA150 and electron microscopy on STAT1-importin α5 complex. The results from these studies provide novel insights into the function-structure relationships of transcription coupled RNA splicing mediated by CA150 and the nuclear import process of the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. ^ The first project aimed at the protein-protein interaction module FF domain, which often occurs as tandem repeats. Crystallographic structure of the first three FF domains of human CA150 was determined to 2.7 Å resolution. This is the only crystal structure of an FF domain and the only structure on tandem FF domains to date. It revealed a striking connectivity between an FF domain and the next. Peptide binding assay with the potential binding ligand of FF domains was performed using fluorescence polarization. Furthermore, for the first time, FF domains were found to potentially interact with DNA. DNA binding assays were also performed and the results were supportive to this newly proposed functionality of an FF domain. ^ The second project aimed at understanding the molecular mechanism of the nuclear import process of transcription factor STAT1. The first structural model of pSTAT1-importin α5 complex in solution was built from the images of negative staining electron microscopy. Two STAT1 molecules were observed to interact with one molecule of importin α5 in an asymmetric manner. This seems to imply that STAT1 interacts with importin α5 with a novel mechanism that is different from canonical importin α-cargo interactions. Further in vitro binding assays were performed to obtain more details on the pSTAT1-importin α5 interaction. ^


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Gas hydrate samples from various locations in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) differ considerably in their microstructure. Distinct microstructure characteristics coincide with discrete crystallographic structures, gas compositions and calculated thermodynamic stabilities. The crystallographic structures were established by X-ray diffraction, using both conventional X-ray sources and high-energy synchrotron radiation. The microstructures were examined by cryo-stage Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM). Good sample preservation was warranted by the low ice fractions shown from quantitative phase analyses. Gas hydrate structure II samples from the Green Canyon in the northern GOM had methane concentrations of 70-80% and up to 30% of C2-C5 of measured hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons in the crystallographic structure I hydrate from the Chapopote asphalt volcano in the southern GOM was comprised of more than 98% methane. Fairly different microstructures were identified for those different hydrates: Pores measuring 200-400 nm in diameter were present in structure I gas hydrate samples; no such pores but dense crystal surfaces instead were discovered in structure II gas hydrate. The stability of the hydrate samples is discussed regarding gas composition, crystallographic structure and microstructure. Electron microscopic observations showed evidence of gas hydrate and liquid oil co-occurrence on a micrometer scale. That demonstrates that oil has direct contact to gas hydrates when it diffuses through a hydrate matrix.


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En esta tesis se propone un procedimiento para evaluar la resistencia mecánica de obleas de silicio cristalino y se aplica en diferentes casos válidos para la industria. En el sector de la industria fotovoltaica predomina la tecnología basada en paneles de silicio cristalino. Estos paneles están compuestos por células solares conectadas en serie y estas células se forman a partir de obleas de silicio. Con el objetivo de disminuir el coste del panel, en los últimos años se ha observado una clara tendencia a la reducción del espesor de las obleas. Esta reducción del espesor modifica la rigidez de las obleas por lo que ha sido necesario modificar la manera tradicional de manipularlas con el objetivo de mantener un bajo ratio de rotura. Para ello, es necesario conocer la resistencia mecánica de las obleas. En la primera parte del trabajo se describen las obleas de silicio, desde su proceso de formación hasta sus propiedades mecánicas. Se muestra la influencia de la estructura cristalográfica en la resistencia y en el comportamiento ya que el cristal de silicio es anisótropo. Se propone también el método de caracterización de la resistencia. Se utiliza un criterio probabilista basado en los métodos de dimensionamiento de materiales frágiles en el que la resistencia queda determinada por los parámetros de la ley de Weibull triparamétrica. Se propone el procedimiento para obtener estos parámetros a partir de campañas de ensayos, modelización numérica por elementos finitos y un algoritmo iterativo de ajuste de los resultados. En la segunda parte de la tesis se describen los diferentes tipos de ensayos que se suelen llevar a cabo con este material. Se muestra además, para cada uno de los ensayos descritos, un estudio comparativo de diferentes modelos de elementos finitos simulando los ensayos. Se comparan tanto los resultados aportados por cada modelo como los tiempos de cálculo. Por último, se presentan tres aplicaciones diferentes donde se ha aplicado este procedimiento de estudio. La primera aplicación consiste en la comparación de la resistencia mecánica de obleas de silicio en función del método de crecimiento del lingote. La resistencia de las tradicionales obleas monocristalinas obtenidas por el método Czochralski y obleas multicristalinas es comparada con las novedosas obleas quasi-monocristalinas obtenidas por métodos de fundición. En la segunda aplicación se evalúa la profundidad de las grietas generadas en el proceso de corte del lingote en obleas. Este estudio se realiza de manera indirecta: caracterizando la resistencia de grupos de obleas sometidas a baños químicos de diferente duración. El baño químico reduce el espesor de las obleas eliminando las capas más dañadas. La resistencia de cada grupo es analizada y la comparación permite obtener la profundidad de las grietas generadas en el proceso de corte. Por último, se aplica este procedimiento a un grupo de obleas con características muy especiales: obleas preparadas para formar células de contacto posterior EWT. Estas obleas presentan miles de agujeros que las debilitan considerablemente. Se aplica el procedimiento de estudio propuesto con un grupo de estas obleas y se compara la resistencia obtenida con un grupo de referencia. Además, se propone un método simplificado de estudio basado en la aplicación de una superficie de intensificación de tensiones. ABSTRACT In this thesis, a procedure to evaluate the mechanical strength of crystalline silicon wafers is proposed and applied in different studies. The photovoltaic industry is mainly based on crystalline silicon modules. These modules are composed of solar cells which are based on silicon wafers. Regarding the cost reduction of solar modules, a clear tendency to use thinner wafers has been observed during last years. Since the stiffness varies with thickness, the manipulation techniques need to be modified in order to guarantee a low breakage rate. To this end, the mechanical strength has to be characterized correctly. In the first part of the thesis, silicon wafers are described including the different ways to produce them and the mechanical properties of interest. The influence of the crystallographic structure in the strength and the behaviour (the anisotropy of the silicon crystal) is shown. In addition, a method to characterize the mechanical strength is proposed. This probabilistic procedure is based on methods to characterize brittle materials. The strength is characterized by the values of the three parameters of the Weibull cumulative distribution function (cdf). The proposed method requires carrying out several tests, to simulate them through Finite Element models and an iterative algorithm in order to estimate the parameters of the Weibull cdf. In the second part of the thesis, the different types of test that are usually employed with these samples are described. Moreover, different Finite Element models for the simulation of each test are compared regarding the information supplied by each model and the calculation times. Finally, the method of characterization is applied to three examples of practical applications. The first application consists in the comparison of the mechanical strength of silicon wafers depending on the ingot growth method. The conventional monocrystalline wafers based on the Czochralski method and the multicrystalline ones are compared with the new quasi-monocrystalline substrates. The second application is related to the estimation of the crack length caused by the drilling process. An indirect way is used to this end: several sets of silicon wafers are subjected to chemical etchings of different duration. The etching procedure reduces the thickness of the wafers removing the most damaged layers. The strength of each set is obtained by means of the proposed method and the comparison permits to estimate the crack length. At last, the procedure is applied to determine the strength of wafers used for the design of back-contact cells of type ETW. These samples are drilled in a first step resulting in silicon wafers with thousands of tiny holes. The strength of the drilled wafers is obtained and compared with the one of a standard set without holes. Moreover, a simplified approach based on a stress intensification surface is proposed.


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Eukaryotic Cu,Zn superoxide dismutases (CuZnSODs) are antioxidant enzymes remarkable for their unusually stable β-barrel fold and dimer assembly, diffusion-limited catalysis, and electrostatic guidance of their free radical substrate. Point mutations of CuZnSOD cause the fatal human neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. We determined and analyzed the first crystallographic structure (to our knowledge) for CuZnSOD from a prokaryote, Photobacterium leiognathi, a luminescent symbiont of Leiognathid fish. This structure, exemplifying prokaryotic CuZnSODs, shares the active-site ligand geometry and the topology of the Greek key β-barrel common to the eukaryotic CuZnSODs. However, the β-barrel elements recruited to form the dimer interface, the strategy used to forge the channel for electrostatic recognition of superoxide radical, and the connectivity of the intrasubunit disulfide bond in P. leiognathi CuZnSOD are discrete and strikingly dissimilar from those highly conserved in eukaryotic CuZnSODs. This new CuZnSOD structure broadens our understanding of structural features necessary and sufficient for CuZnSOD activity, highlights a hitherto unrecognized adaptability of the Greek key β-barrel building block in evolution, and reveals that prokaryotic and eukaryotic enzymes diverged from one primordial CuZnSOD and then converged to distinct dimeric enzymes with electrostatic substrate guidance.


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PAS domains are found in diverse proteins throughout all three kingdoms of life, where they apparently function in sensing and signal transduction. Although a wealth of useful sequence and functional information has become recently available, these data have not been integrated into a three-dimensional (3D) framework. The very early evolutionary development and diverse functions of PAS domains have made sequence analysis and modeling of this protein superfamily challenging. Limited sequence similarities between the ∼50-residue PAS repeats and one region of the bacterial blue-light photosensor photoactive yellow protein (PYP), for which ground-state and light-activated crystallographic structures have been determined to high resolution, originally were identified in sequence searches using consensus sequence probes from PAS-containing proteins. Here, we found that by changing a few residues particular to PYP function, the modified PYP sequence probe also could select PAS protein sequences. By mapping a typical ∼150-residue PAS domain sequence onto the entire crystallographic structure of PYP, we show that the PAS sequence similarities and differences are consistent with a shared 3D fold (the PAS/PYP module) with obvious potential for a ligand-binding cavity. Thus, PYP appears to prototypically exhibit all the major structural and functional features characteristic of the PAS domain superfamily: the shared PAS/PYP modular domain fold of ∼125–150 residues, a sensor function often linked to ligand or cofactor (chromophore) binding, and signal transduction capability governed by heterodimeric assembly (to the downstream partner of PYP). This 3D PAS/PYP module provides a structural model to guide experimental testing of hypotheses regarding ligand-binding, dimerization, and signal transduction.


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GM1-ganglioside receptor binding by the B subunit of cholera toxin (CtxB) is widely accepted to initiate toxin action by triggering uptake and delivery of the toxin A subunit into cells. More recently, GM1 binding by isolated CtxB, or the related B subunit of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (EtxB), has been found to modulate leukocyte function, resulting in the down-regulation of proinflammatory immune responses that cause autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. Here, we demonstrate that GM1 binding, contrary to expectation, is not sufficient to initiate toxin action. We report the engineering and crystallographic structure of a mutant cholera toxin, with a His to Ala substitution in the B subunit at position 57. Whereas the mutant retained pentameric stability and high affinity binding to GM1-ganglioside, it had lost its immunomodulatory activity and, when part of the holotoxin complex, exhibited ablated toxicity. The implications of these findings on the mode of action of cholera toxin are discussed.


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Ca2+ and its ubiquitous intracellular receptor calmodulin (CaM) are required in the nervous system, among a host of cellular responses, for the modulation of several important enzymes and ion channels involved in synaptic efficacy and neuronal plasticity. Here, we report that CaM can be replaced by the neuronal calcium sensor NCS-1 both in vitro and in vivo. NCS-1 is a calcium binding protein with two Ca(2+)-binding domains that shares only 21% of homology with CaM. We observe that NCS-1 directly activates two Ca2+/CaM-dependent enzymes (3':5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase and protein phosphatase calcineurin). Co-activation of nitric oxide synthase by NCS-1 and CaM results in a higher activity than with CaM alone. Moreover, NCS-1 is coexpressed with calcineurin and nitric oxide synthase in several neuron populations. Finally, injections of NCS-1 into calmodulin-defective cam1 Paramecium partially restore wildtype behavioral responses. With this highly purified preparation of NCS-1, we have obtained crystals suitable for crystallographic structure studies. NCS-1, despite its very different structure, distribution, and Ca(2+)-binding affinity as compared with CaM, can substitute for or potentiate CaM functions. Therefore, NCS-1 represents a novel protein capable of mediating multiple Ca(2+)-signaling pathways in the nervous system.


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The x-ray crystallographic structure of the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) has proven critical in understanding biological electron transfer processes. By contrast, understanding of intraprotein proton transfer is easily lost in the immense richness of the details. In the RC of Rhodobacter (Rb.) sphaeroides, the secondary quinone (QB) is surrounded by amino acid residues of the L subunit and some buried water molecules, with M- and H-subunit residues also close by. The effects of site-directed mutagenesis upon RC turnover and quinone function have implicated several L-subunit residues in proton delivery to QB, although some species differences exist. In wild-type Rb. sphaeroides, Glu L212 and Asp L213 represent an inner shell of residues of particular importance in proton transfer to QB. Asp L213 is crucial for delivery of the first proton, coupled to transfer of the second electron, while Glu L212, possibly together with Asp L213, is necessary for delivery of the second proton, after the second electron transfer. We report here the first study, by site-directed mutagenesis, of the role of the H subunit in QB function. Glu H173, one of a cluster of strongly interacting residues near QB, including Asp L213, was altered to Gln. In isolated mutant RCs, the kinetics of the first electron transfer, leading to formation of the semiquinone, QB-, and the proton-linked second electron transfer, leading to the formation of fully reduced quinol, were both greatly retarded, as observed previously in the Asp L213 --> Asn mutant. However, the first electron transfer equilibrium, QA-QB <==> QAQB-, was decreased, which is opposite to the effect of the Asp L213 --> Asn mutation. These major disruptions of events coupled to proton delivery to QB were largely reversed by the addition of azide (N3-). The results support a major role for electrostatic interactions between charged groups in determining the protonation state of certain entities, thereby controlling the rate of the second electron transfer. It is suggested that the essential electrostatic effect may be to "potentiate" proton transfer activity by raising the pK of functional entities that actually transfer protons in a coupled fashion with the second electron transfer. Candidates include buried water (H3O+) and Ser L223 (serine-OH2+), which is very close to the O5 carbonyl of the quinone.


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Development of transparent oxide semiconductors (TOS) from Earth-abundant materials is of great interest for cost-effective thin film device applications, such as solar cells, light emitting diodes (LEDs), touch-sensitive displays, electronic paper, and transparent thin film transistors. The need of inexpensive or high performance electrode might be even greater for organic photovoltaic (OPV), with the goal to harvest renewable energy with inexpensive, lightweight, and cost competitive materials. The natural abundance of zinc and the wide bandgap ($sim$3.3 eV) of its oxide make it an ideal candidate. In this dissertation, I have introduced various concepts on the modulations of various surface, interface and bulk opto-electronic properties of ZnO based semiconductor for charge transport, charge selectivity and optimal device performance. I have categorized transparent semiconductors into two sub groups depending upon their role in a device. Electrodes, usually 200 to 500 nm thick, optimized for good transparency and transporting the charges to the external circuit. Here, the electrical conductivity in parallel direction to thin film, i.e bulk conductivity is important. And contacts, usually 5 to 50 nm thick, are optimized in case of solar cells for providing charge selectivity and asymmetry to manipulate the built in field inside the device for charge separation and collection. Whereas in Organic LEDs (OLEDs), contacts provide optimum energy level alignment at organic oxide interface for improved charge injections. For an optimal solar cell performance, transparent electrodes are designed with maximum transparency in the region of interest to maximize the light to pass through to the absorber layer for photo-generation, plus they are designed for minimum sheet resistance for efficient charge collection and transport. As such there is need for material with high conductivity and transparency. Doping ZnO with some common elements such as B, Al, Ga, In, Ge, Si, and F result in n-type doping with increase in carriers resulting in high conductivity electrode, with better or comparable opto-electronic properties compared to current industry-standard indium tin oxide (ITO). Furthermore, improvement in mobility due to improvement on crystallographic structure also provide alternative path for high conductivity ZnO TCOs. Implementing these two aspects, various studies were done on gallium doped zinc oxide (GZO) transparent electrode, a very promising indium free electrode. The dynamics of the superimposed RF and DC power sputtering was utilized to improve the microstructure during the thin films growth, resulting in GZO electrode with conductivity greater than 4000 S/cm and transparency greater than 90 %. Similarly, various studies on research and development of Indium Zinc Tin Oxide and Indium Zinc Oxide thin films which can be applied to flexible substrates for next generation solar cells application is presented. In these new TCO systems, understanding the role of crystallographic structure ranging from poly-crystalline to amorphous phase and the influence on the charge transport and optical transparency as well as important surface passivation and surface charge transport properties. Implementation of these electrode based on ZnO on opto-electronics devices such as OLED and OPV is complicated due to chemical interaction over time with the organic layer or with ambient. The problem of inefficient charge collection/injection due to poor understanding of interface and/or bulk property of oxide electrode exists at several oxide-organic interfaces. The surface conductivity, the work function, the formation of dipoles and the band-bending at the interfacial sites can positively or negatively impact the device performance. Detailed characterization of the surface composition both before and after various chemicals treatment of various oxide electrode can therefore provide insight into optimization of device performance. Some of the work related to controlling the interfacial chemistry associated with charge transport of transparent electrodes are discussed. Thus, the role of various pre-treatment on poly-crystalline GZO electrode and amorphous indium zinc oxide (IZO) electrode is compared and contrasted. From the study, we have found that removal of defects and self passivating defects caused by accumulation of hydroxides in the surface of both poly-crystalline GZO and amorphous IZO, are critical for improving the surface conductivity and charge transport. Further insight on how these insulating and self-passivating defects cause charge accumulation and recombination in an device is discussed. With recent rapid development of bulk-heterojunction organic photovoltaics active materials, devices employing ZnO and ZnO based electrode provide air stable and cost-competitive alternatives to traditional inorganic photovoltaics. The organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) have already been commercialized, thus to follow in the footsteps of this technology, OPV devices need further improvement in power conversion efficiency and stable materials resulting in long device lifetimes. Use of low work function metals such as Ca/Al in standard geometry do provide good electrode for electron collection, but serious problems using low work-function metal electrodes originates from the formation of non-conductive metal oxide due to oxidation resulting in rapid device failure. Hence, using low work-function, air stable, conductive metal oxides such as ZnO as electrons collecting electrode and high work-function, air stable metals such as silver for harvesting holes, has been on the rise. Devices with degenerately doped ZnO functioning as transparent conductive electrode, or as charge selective layer in a polymer/fullerene based heterojunction, present useful device structures for investigating the functional mechanisms within OPV devices and a possible pathway towards improved air-stable high efficiency devices. Furthermore, analysis of the physical properties of the ZnO layers with varying thickness, crystallographic structure, surface chemistry and grain size deposited via various techniques such as atomic layer deposition, sputtering and solution-processed ZnO with their respective OPV device performance is discussed. We find similarity and differences in electrode property for good charge injection in OLEDs and good charge collection in OPV devices very insightful in understanding physics behind device failures and successes. In general, self-passivating surface of amorphous TCOs IZO, ZTO and IZTO forms insulating layer that hinders the charge collection. Similarly, we find modulation of the carrier concentration and the mobility in electron transport layer, namely zinc oxide thin films, very important for optimizing device performance.