985 resultados para COSMIC NEUTRONS


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We show that the diffusion approximation breaks down for particle acceleration at oblique shocks with velocities typical of young supernova remnants. Higher order anisotropies flatten the spectral index at quasi-parallel shocks and steepen the spectral index at quasi-perpendicular shocks. We compare the theory with observed spectral indices.


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In supernova remnants, the nonlinear amplification of magnetic fields upstream of collisionless shocks is essential for the acceleration of cosmic rays to the energy of the "knee" at 10(15.5) eV. A nonresonant instability driven by the cosmic ray current is thought to be responsible for this effect. We perform two-dimensional, particle-in-cell simulations of this instability. We observe an initial growth of circularly polarized nonpropagating magnetic waves as predicted in linear theory. It is demonstrated that in some cases the magnetic energy density in the growing waves can grow to at least 10 times its initial value. We find no evidence of competing modes, nor of significant modification by thermal effects. At late times, we observe saturation of the instability in the simulation, but the mechanism responsible is an artifact of the periodic boundary conditions and has no counterpart in the supernova-shock scenario.


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The process of diffusive shock acceleration relies on the efficacy with which hydromagnetic waves can scatter charged particles in the precursor of a shock. The growth of self-generated waves is driven by both resonant and non-resonant processes. We perform high-resolution magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the non-resonant cosmic ray driven instability, in which the unstable waves are excited beyond the linear regime. In a snapshot of the resultant field, particle transport simulations are carried out. The use of a static snapshot of the field is reasonable given that the Larmor period for particles is typically very short relative to the instability growth time. The diffusion rate is found to be close to, or below, the Bohm limit for a range of energies. This provides the first explicit demonstration that self-excited turbulence reduces the diffusion coefficient and has important implications for cosmic-ray transport and acceleration in supernova remnants.


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Context. We investigate the growth of hydromagnetic waves driven by streaming cosmic rays in the precursor environment of a supernova remnant shock.

Aims. It is known that transverse waves propagating parallel to the mean magnetic field are unstable to anisotropies in the cosmic ray distribution, and may provide a mechanism to substantially amplify the ambient magnetic field. We quantify the extent to which temperature and ionisation fractions modify this picture.

Methods. Using a kinetic description of the plasma we derive the dispersion relation for a collisionless thermal plasma with a streaming cosmic ray current. Fluid equations are then used to discuss the effects of neutral-ion collisions.

Results. We calculate the extent to which the environment into which the cosmic rays propagate influences the growth of the magnetic field, and determines the range of possible growth rates.

Conclusions. If the cosmic ray acceleration is efficient, we find that very large neutral fractions are required to stabilise the growth of the non-resonant mode. For typical supernova parameters in our Galaxy, thermal effects do not significantly alter the growth rates. For weakly driven modes, ion-neutral damping can dominate over the instability at more modest ionisation fractions. In the case of a supernova shock interacting with a molecular clouds, such as in RX J1713.7-3946, with high density and low ionisation, the modes can be rapidly damped.


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We investigate the so-called nonresonant cosmic-ray streaming instability, first discussed by Bell (2004). The extent to which thermal damping and ion-neutral collisions reduce the growth of this instability is calculated. Limits on the growth of the nonresonant mode in SN1006 and RX J1713.7-3946 are presented.


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The maximum energy to which cosmic rays can be accelerated at weakly magnetised ultra-relativistic shocks is investigated. We demonstrate that for such shocks, in which the scattering of energetic particles is mediated exclusively by ion skin-depth scale structures, as might be expected for a Weibel-mediated shock, there is an intrinsic limit on the maximum energy to which particles can be accelerated. This maximum energy is determined from the requirement that particles must be isotropized in the downstream plasma frame before the mean field transports them far downstream, and falls considerably short of what is required to produce ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. To circumvent this limit, a highly disorganized field is required on larger scales. The growth of cosmic ray-induced instabilities on wavelengths much longer than the ion-plasma skin depth, both upstream and downstream of the shock, is considered. While these instabilities may play an important role in magnetic field amplification at relativistic shocks, on scales comparable to the gyroradius of the most energetic particles, the calculated growth rates have insufficient time to modify the scattering. Since strong modification is a necessary condition for particles in the downstream region to re-cross the shock, in the absence of an alternative scattering mechanism, these results imply that acceleration to higher energies is ruled out. If weakly magnetized ultra-relativistic shocks are disfavoured as high-energy particle accelerators in general, the search for potential sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays can be narrowed.


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We present a first principles molecular dynamics (FPMD) study of the interaction of low energy, positively charged, carbon (C+) projectiles with amorphous solid water clusters at 30 K. Reactions involving the carbon ion at an initial energy of 11 eV and 1.7 eV with 30-molecule clusters have been investigated. Simulations indicate that the neutral isoformyl radical, COH, and carbon monoxide, CO, are the dominant products of these reactions. All these reactions are accompanied by the transfer of a proton from the reacting water molecule to the ice, where it forms a hydronium ion. We find that COH is formed either via a direct, "knock-out", mechanism following the impact of the C+ projectile upon a water molecule or by creation of a COH_2^+ intermediate. The direct mechanism is more prominent at higher energies. CO is generally produced following the dissociation of COH. More frequent production of the formyl radical, HCO, is observed here than in gas phase calculations. A less commonly occurring product is the dihydroxymethyl, CH(OH)_2, radical. Although a minor result, its existence gives an indication of the increasing chemical complexity which is possible in such heterogeneous environments.


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The discovery of two superluminous supernovae at large distances from Earth pushes the frontier of supernova studies to just 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang, and suggests that they may be common in the young Universe. See Letter p.228


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The production of neutron beams having short temporal duration is studied using ultraintense laser pulses. Laser-accelerated protons are spectrally filtered using a laser-triggered microlens to produce a short duration neutron pulse via nuclear reactions induced in a converter material (LiF). This produces a similar to 3 ns duration neutron pulse with 10(4) n/MeV/sr/shot at 0.56 m from the laser-irradiated proton source. The large spatial separation between the neutron production and the proton source allows for shielding from the copious and undesirable radiation resulting from the laser-plasma interaction. This neutron pulse compares favorably to the duration of conventional accelerator sources and should scale up with, present and future, higher energy laser facilities to produce brighter and shorter neutron beams for ultrafast probing of dense materials.


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Recent analyses of sediment samples from "black mat" sites in South America and Europe support previous interpretations of an ET impact event that reversed the Late Glacial demise of LGM ice during the Bølling Allerød warming, resulting in a resurgence of ice termed the Younger Dryas (YD) cooling episode. The breakup or impact of a cosmic vehicle at the YD boundary coincides with the onset of a 1-kyr long interval of glacial resurgence, one of the most studied events of the Late Pleistocene. New analytical databases reveal a corpus of data indicating that the cosmic impact was a real event, most possibly a cosmic airburst from Earth's encounter with the Taurid Complex comet or unknown asteroid, an event that led to cosmic fragments exploding interhemispherically over widely dispersed areas, including the northern Andes of Venezuela and the Alps on the Italian/French frontier. While the databases in the two areas differ somewhat, the overall interpretation is that microtextural evidence in weathering rinds and in sands of associated paleosols and glaciofluvial deposits carry undeniable attributes of melted glassy carbon and Fe spherules, planar deformation features, shock-melted and contorted quartz, occasional transition and platinum metals, and brecciated and impacted minerals of diverse lithologies. In concert with other black mat localities in the Western USA, the Netherlands, coastal France, Syria, Central Asia, Peru, Argentina and Mexico, it appears that a widespread cosmic impact by an asteroid or comet is responsible for deposition of the black mat at the onset of the YD glacial event. Whether or not the impact caused a 1-kyr interval of glacial climate depends upon whether or not the Earth had multiple centuries-long episodic encounters with the Taurid Complex or asteroid remnants; impact-related changes in microclimates sustained climatic forcing sufficient to maintain positive mass balances in the reformed ice; and/or inertia in the Atlantic thermohaline circulation system persisted for 1kyr. 


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Les détecteurs ATLAS-MPX sont des détecteurs Medipix2-USB recouverts de convertisseurs de fluorure de lithium et de polyéthylène pour augmenter l’efficacité de détection des neutrons lents et des neutrons rapides respectivement. Un réseau de quinze détecteurs ATLAS-MPX a été mis en opération dans le détecteur ATLAS au LHC du CERN. Deux détecteurs ATLAS-MPX de référence ont été exposés à des sources de neutrons rapides 252 Cf et 241 AmBe ainsi qu’aux neutrons rapides produits par la réaction 7Li(p, xn) pour l’étude de la réponse du détecteur à ces neutrons. Les neutrons rapides sont principalement détectés à partir des protons de recul des collisions élastiques entre les neutrons et l’hydrogène dans le polyéthylène. Des réactions nucléaires entre les neutrons et le silicium produisent des particules-α. Une étude de l’efficacité de reconnaissance des traces des protons et des particules-α dans le détecteur Medipix2-USB a été faite en fonction de l’énergie cinétique incidente et de l’angle d’incidence. L’efficacité de détection des neutrons rapides a été évaluée à deux seuils d’énergie (8 keV et 230 keV) dans les détecteurs ATLAS-MPX. L’efficacité de détection des neutrons rapides dans la région du détecteur couverte avec le polyéthylène augmente en fonction de l’énergie des neutrons : (0.0346 ± 0.0004) %, (0.0862 ± 0.0018) % et (0.1044 ± 0.0026) % pour des neutrons rapides de 2.13 MeV, 4.08 MeV et 27 MeV respectivement. L’étude pour déterminer l’énergie des neutrons permet donc d’estimer le flux des neutrons quand le détecteur ATLAS-MPX est dans un champ de radiation inconnu comme c’est le cas dans le détecteur ATLAS au LHC.


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Un réseau de seize détecteurs ATLAS-MPX a été mis en opération dans le détecteur ATLAS au LHC du CERN. Les détecteurs ATLAS-MPX sont sensibles au champ mixte de radiation de photons et d’électrons dans la caverne d’ATLAS et sont recouverts de convertisseurs de fluorure de lithium et de polyéthylène pour augmenter l’efficacité de détection des neutrons thermiques et des neutrons rapides respectivement. Les collisions à haute énergie sont dominées par des interactions partoniques avec petit moment transverse pT , associés à des événements de “minimum bias”. Dans notre cas la collision proton-proton se produit avec une énergie de 7 TeV dans le centre de masse avec une luminosité de 10³⁴cm⁻²s⁻¹ telle que fixée dans les simulations. On utilise la simulation des événements de "minimum bias" générés par PYTHIA en utilisant le cadre Athena qui fait une simulation GEANT4 complète du détecteur ATLAS pour mesurer le nombre de photons, d’électrons, des muons qui peuvent atteindre les détecteurs ATLASMPX dont les positions de chaque détecteur sont incluses dans les algorithmes d’Athena. Nous mesurons les flux de neutrons thermiques et rapides, générés par GCALOR, dans les régions de fluorure de lithium et de polyéthylène respectivement. Les résultats des événements de “minimum bias” et les flux de neutrons thermiques et rapides obtenus des simulations sont comparés aux mesures réelles des détecteurs ATLAS-MPX.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal