977 resultados para CORD POLYPS
Actinomycosis is a rare, chronic, suppurative, granulomatous infection caused by a group of gram-positive anaerobic bacteria belonging to the natural flora of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. It may involve several organs. This case study refers to pulmonary actinomycosis with chest wall involvement and cord compression in a 29-year-old male who presented with fever, cough, hemoptysis, neck pain, and paresis and plegia of the lower limbs of 5-month duration.
The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is a hereditary disease that requires frequent endoscopic and surgical intervention, leading to secondary complications such as short bowel syndrome. CASE REPORT: This paper reports on a 15-year-old male patient with a family history of the disease, who underwent surgery for treatment of an intestinal occlusion due to a small intestine intussusception. DISCUSSION: An intra-operative fiberscopic procedure was included for the detection and treatment of numerous polyps distributed along the small intestine. Enterotomy was performed to treat only the larger polyps, therefore limiting the intestinal resection to smaller segments. The postoperative follow-up was uneventful. CONCLUSION: We point out the importance of conservative treatment for patients with this syndrome, especially those who will undergo repeated surgical interventions because of clinical manifestation while they are still young.
INTRODUCTION: Traumatic spinal cord injury is one of the most disabling conditions occurring in man and thus stimulates a strong interest in its histopathological, biochemical, and functional changes, primarily as we search for preventive and therapeutic methods. PURPOSE: To develop an experimental model for transplantation of cells from the fetal rat central nervous system to the site of an injured spinal cord of an adult rat in which the transplanted cells survive and become integrated. This experimental model will facilitate investigations of factors that promote regeneration and functional recovery after spinal cord trauma. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifteen adult Wistar rats underwent laminectomy, and an spinal cord lesion was made with microdissection. Fetal spinal cord tissue was then transplanted to the site of the injury. The rats were monitored over a 48-hour period, and then their vertebral column was completely removed for histological analysis. RESULTS: In 60% of transplanted rats, the fetal tissue at the injured site remained viable in the site of the lesion.
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a central nervous system- (CNS-) related disorder for which there is yet no successful treatment. Within the past several years, cell-based therapies have been explored for SCI repair, including the use of pluripotent human stem cells, and a number of adult-derived stem and mature cells such as mesenchymal stem cells, olfactory ensheathing cells, and Schwann cells. Although promising, cell transplantation is often overturned by the poor cell survival in the treatment of spinal cord injuries. Alternatively, the therapeutic role of different cells has been used in tissue engineering approaches by engrafting cells with biomaterials. The latter have the advantages of physically mimicking the CNS tissue, while promoting a more permissive environment for cell survival, growth, and differentiation. The roles of both cell- and biomaterial-based therapies as single therapeutic approaches for SCI repair will be discussed in this review. Moreover, as the multifactorial inhibitory environment of a SCI suggests that combinatorial approaches would be more effective, the importance of using biomaterials as cell carriers will be herein highlighted, as well as the recent advances and achievements of these promising tools for neural tissue regeneration.
Aims. This paper is a report on a study analysing the effect of the umbilical cord cutting experience on fathers’ emotional involvement with their infants. Background. Participation in childbirth offers an opportunity for father and mother to share the childbirth experience, so it is vital that midwives improve the fathers’ participation in this event. Design. A quasi-experimental study with a quantitative methodology was implemented. Methods. One hundred and five fathers were recruited as part of a convenience sample in a Maternity Public Hospital in a Metropolitan City in Portugal, between January and May of 2008. The Bonding Scale, the Portuguese version of the ‘Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale’ was used to evaluate the fathers’ emotional involvement with the neonate at different moments: before childbirth, first day after childbirth and first month after childbirth. After childbirth, the fathers were divided into three separate groups depending on their umbilical cord cutting experience. Results. The results demonstrate that the emotional involvement between father and child tends to increase during the first days after childbirth and to decrease when evaluated 1 month after birth, for fathers who did not cut the umbilical cord. However, fathers who cut the umbilical cord demonstrate an improvement in emotional involvement 1 month later. Conclusion. Results suggest that the umbilical cord cutting experience benefits the father’s emotional involvement with the neonate, supporting the benefits of his participation and empowerment in childbirth.
The straightforward anatomical organisation of the developing and mature rat spinal cord was used to determine and interpret the time of appearance and expression patterns of microtubule-associated proteins (MAP) 1b and 2. Immunoblots revealed the presence of MAP1b and 2 in the early embryonic rat spinal cord and confirmed the specificity of the used anti-MAP mouse monoclonal antibodies. The immunocytochemical data demonstrated a rostral-to-caudal and ventral-to-dorsal gradient in the expression of MAP1b/2 within the developing spinal cord. In the matrix layer, MAP1b was found in a distinct radial pattern distributed between the membrana limitans interna and externa between embryonal day (E)12 and E15. Immunostaining for vimentin revealed that this MAP1b pattern was morphologically and topographically different from the radial glial pattern which was present in the matrix layer between E13 and E19. The ventral-to-dorsal developmental gradient of the MAP1b staining in the spinal cord matrix layer indicates a close involvement of MAP1b either in the organisation of the microtubules in the cytoplasmatic extensions of the proliferating neuroblasts or neuroblast mitosis. MAP2 could not be detected in the developing matrix layer. In the mantle and marginal layer, MAP1b was abundantly present between E12 and postnatal day (P)0. After birth, the staining intensity for MAP1b gradually decreased in both layers towards a faint appearance at maturity. The distribution patterns suggest an involvement of MAP1b in the maturation of the motor neurons, the contralaterally and ipsilaterally projecting axons and the ascending and descending long axons of the rat spinal cord. MAP2 was present in the spinal cord grey matter between E12 and maturity, which reflects a role for MAP2 in the development as well as in the maintenance of microtubules. The present description of the expression patterns of MAP1b and 2 in the developing spinal cord suggests important roles of the two proteins in various morphogenetic events. The findings may serve as the basis for future studies on the function of MAP1b and 2 in the development of the central nervous system.
The treatment of back pain patients refers to the biopsychosocial model of care. This model includes illness in patient's personal and relational life. In this context, it is not only the physical symptom of the patient which is focused but also his psychological distress often hidden by algic complain. Clinical interviews conducted with back pain patients have highlighted psychosocial aspects able to influence the relationship between health care user and provider. Taking account of psychosocial aspects implies an interdisciplinary approach that identify and assesses patients' needs through adequate tools. As a result, the different health care providers implied with back pain patients have to collaborate in a structured network.
AIMS: To compare the molecular profile of a series of sessile serrated adenomas (SSAs) and hyperplastic polyps (HPs), in order to distinguish these lesions, SSAs having a potential role in the genesis of serrated adenocarcinomas through a serrated pathway in which methylation plays a key role. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twelve HPs and sixteen SSAs of the right and left colon were investigated for microsatellite instability, DNA mismatch repair genes, p53, p16, and beta-catenin expression, MLH1 and p16 (CDKN2A) gene methylation, and KRAS and BRAF mutations. Both SSAs and HPs were microsatellite stable. MLH1 and MSH2 protein silencing, aberrant cytoplasmic expression and methylation of p16 were found to be exclusive to right-sided SSAs. The MLH1 promoter gene was frequently methylated in right-sided SSAs in contrast with HPs. Abnormal p53 and beta-catenin expression was present in both SSAs and HPs. BRAF and KRAS mutation were mutually exclusive, but KRAS mutation was present only in left-sided SSAs and HPs. CONCLUSIONS: HPs and SSAs may be related lesions. However, at least right-sided SSAs differ from left-sided SSAs and HPs in the occurrence of MLH1 and p16 methylation, supporting the hypothesis that SSAs could be precursors of serrated adenocarcinomas.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this pilot study was to describe problems in functioning and associated rehabilitation needs in persons with spinal cord injury after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti by applying a newly developed tool based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). DESIGN: Pilot study. SUBJECTS: Eighteen persons with spinal cord injury (11 women, 7 men) participated in the needs assessment. Eleven patients had complete lesions (American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale; AIS A), one patient had tetraplegia. METHODS: Data collection included information from the International Spinal Cord Injury Core Data Set and a newly developed needs assessment tool based on ICF Core Sets. This tool assesses the level of functioning, the corresponding rehabilitation need, and required health professional. Data were summarized using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: In body functions and body structures, patients showed typical problems following spinal cord injury. Nearly all patients showed limitations and restrictions in their activities and participation related to mobility, self-care and aspects of social integration. Several environmental factors presented barriers to these limitations and restrictions. However, the availability of products and social support were identified as facilitators. Rehabilitation needs were identified in nearly all aspects of functioning. To address these needs, a multidisciplinary approach would be needed. CONCLUSION: This ICF-based needs assessment provided useful information for rehabilitation planning in the context of natural disaster. Future studies are required to test and, if necessary, adapt the assessment.
BACKGROUND: Both non-traumatic and traumatic spinal cord injuries have in common that a relatively minor structural lesion can cause profound sensorimotor and autonomous dysfunction. Besides treating the cause of the spinal cord injury the main goal is to restore lost function as far as possible. AIM: This article provides an overview of current innovative diagnostic (imaging) and therapeutic approaches (neurorehabilitation and neuroregeneration) aiming for recovery of function after non-traumatic and traumatic spinal cord injuries. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An analysis of the current scientific literature regarding imaging, rehabilitation and rehabilitation strategies in spinal cord disease was carried out. RESULTS: Novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based techniques (e.g. diffusion-weighted MRI and functional MRI) allow visualization of structural reorganization and specific neural activity in the spinal cord. Robotics-driven rehabilitative measures provide training of sensorimotor function in a targeted fashion, which can even be continued in the homecare setting. From a preclinical point of view, defined stem cell transplantation approaches allow for the first time robust structural repair of the injured spinal cord. CONCLUSION: Besides well-established neurological and functional scores, MRI techniques offer the unique opportunity to provide robust and reliable "biomarkers" for restorative therapeutic interventions. Function-oriented robotics-based rehabilitative interventions alone or in combination with stem cell based therapies represent promising approaches to achieve substantial functional recovery, which go beyond current rehabilitative treatment efforts.