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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the mean of alveolar bone loss (%) in radiographies of patients referred to specialist for periodontal treatment. Full mouth series of periapical radiographies (paralelism technique) were used. A total of 9808 proximal surfaces in 4804 teeth of 213 patients (90 males and 123 females), mean age, 44.3 years, were assessed. The alveolar bone loss was measured in relation to root lenght expressed as an average similar to Schei 's technique (1959) without the use of ruler. The references used were the distances cement-enamel juntion (CEJ) - alveolar crest (AC) and CEJ- dental apex taken with a digimatic caliper. The results showed that the mean values of alveolar bone loss (%ABL) was 22.39%. Men showed higher mean values of %ABL than women; the %ABL increased with the age, but the difference among age groups was no statistical significant (p>0.05); the mean values of %ABL of distal surfaces was higher than mesial surfaces (p<0.01), ríght quadrants exhibited higher %ABL values than left quadrants (p<0.01); maxillary sites showed mean values of %ABL higher than mandibular sites; the highest mean values of %ABL was found in molar group, followed by incisor groups, and premolar group; the canine group exhibited lower mean values of %ABL; the differences among the groups was considered statitistically significant (p<0.01). lt was suggested the usage of this technique in the dentistry offices and radiological services for the patient 's documentation and assortment and for later comparison about alveolar bone level


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Abstract Objective This case report describes an unusual presentation of right upper lobe atelectasis associated with refractory hypoxemia to conventional alveolar recruitment maneuvers in a patient soon after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Method Results The alveolar recruitment with PEEP = 40cmH2O improved the patient’s atelectasis and hypoxemia. Conclusion In the present report, the unusual alveolar recruitment maneuver with PEEP 40cmH2O showed to be safe and efficient to reverse refractory hypoxemia and uncommon atelectasis in a patient after cardiac surgery.


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In dieser Arbeit wurden zytotoxische Effekte sowie die inflammatorische Reaktionen des distalen respiratorischen Traktes nach Nanopartikelexposition untersucht. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit lag auch auf der Untersuchung unterschiedlicher zellulärer Aufnahmewege von Nanopartikeln wie z.B. Clathrin- oder Caveolae-vermittelte Endozytose oder auch Clathrin- und Caveolae-unabhängige Endozytose (mit möglicher Beteiligung von Flotillinen). Drei unterschiedliche Nanopartikel wurden hierbei gewählt: amorphes Silica (aSNP), Organosiloxan (AmorSil) und Poly(ethyleneimin) (PEI). Alle unterschiedlichen Materialien gewinnen zunehmend an Interesse für biomedizinische Forschungsrichtungen (drug and gene delivery). Insbesondere finden aSNPs auch in der Industrie vermehrt Anwendung, und stellen somit ein ernstzunehmendes Gesundheitsrisiko dar. Dieser wird dadurch zu einem begehrten Angriffsziel für pharmazeutische Verabreichungen von Medikamenten über Nanopartikel als Vehikel aber bietet zugleich auch eine Angriffsfläche für gesundheitsschädliche Nanomaterialien. Aus diesem Grund sollten die gesundheitsschädigenden Risiken, sowie das Schicksal von zellulär aufgenommenen NPs sorgfältig untersucht werden. In vivo Studien an der alveolaren-kapillaren Barriere sind recht umständlich. Aus diesem Grund wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Kokulturmodel benutzt, dass die Alveolar-Kapillare Barrier in vivo nachstellt. Das Model besteht aus dem humanen Lungenepithelzelltyp (z.B. NCI H441) und einem humanen microvasculären Endothelzelltyp (z.B. ISO-HAS-1), die auf entgegengesetzten Seiten eines Transwell-Filters ausgesät werden und eine dichte Barriere ausbilden. Die NP Interaktion mit Zellen in Kokultur wurde mit denen in konventioneller Monokultur verglichen, in der Zellen 24h vor dem Experiment ausgesät werden. Diese Studie zeigt, dass nicht nur die polarisierte Eigenschaft der Zellen in Kokultur sondern auch die unmittelbare Nähe von Epithel und Endothelzelle ausschlaggebend für durch aSNPs verursachte Effekte ist. Im Hinblick auf inflammatorische Marker (sICAM, IL-6, IL8-Ausschüttung), reagiert die Kokultur auf aSNPs empfindlicher als die konventionelle Monokultur, wohingegen die Epithelzellen in der Kokultur auf zytotoxikologischer Ebene (LDH-Ausschüttung) unempfindlicher auf aSNPs reagierten als die Zellen in Monokultur. Aufnahmestudien haben gezeigt, dass die Epithelzellen in Kokultur entschieden weniger NPs aufnehmen. Somit zeigen die H441 in der Kokultur ähnliche epitheliale Eigenschaften einer schützenden Barriere, wie sie auch in vivo zu finden sind. Obwohl eine ausreichende Aufnahme von NPs in H441 in Kokultur erreicht werden konnte, konnte ein Transport von NPs durch die epitheliale Schicht und eine Aufnahme in die endotheliale Schicht mit den gewählten Inkubationszeiten nicht gezeigt werden. Eine Clathrin- oder Caveolae-vermittelte Endozytose von NPs konnte mittels Immunfluoreszenz weder in der Mono- noch in der Kokultur nachgewiesen werden. Jedoch zeigte sich eine Akkumulation von NPs in Flotillin-1 und-2 enthaltende Vesikel in Epithelzellen aus beiden Kultursystemen. Ergebnisse mit Flotillin-inhibierten (siRNA) Epithelzellen, zeigten eine deutlich geringere Aufnahme von aSNPs. Zudem zeigte sich eine eine reduzierte Viabilität (MTS) von aSNP-behandelten Zellen. Dies deutet auf eine Beteiligung von Flotillinen an unbekannten (Clathrin oder Caveolae -unabhängig) Endozytosemechanismen und (oder) endosomaler Speicherung. Zusammenfassend waren die Aufnahmemechanismen für alle untesuchten NPs in konventioneller Monokultur und Kokultur vergleichbar, obwohl sich die Barriereeigenschaften deutlich unterscheiden. Diese Arbeit zeigt deutlich, dass sich die Zellen in Kokultur anders verhalten. Die Zellen erreichen hierbei einen höheren Differenzierungsgrad und eine Zellkommunikation mit anderen relevanten Zelltypen wird ermöglicht. Durch das Einbringen eines dritten relevanten Zelltyps in die Kokultur, des Alveolarmakrophagen (Zelllinie THP-1), welcher die erste Verteidigungsfront im Alveolus bildet, wird diese Aussage weiter bekräftigt. Erste Versuche haben gezeigt, dass die Triplekultur bezüglich ihrer Barriereeigenschaften und IL-8-Ausschüttung sensitiver auf z.B. TNF- oder LPS-Stimulation reagiert als die Kokultur. Verglichen mit konventionellen Monokulturen imitieren gut ausgebildete, multizelluräre Kokulturmodelle viel präziser das zelluläre Zusammenspiel im Körper. Darum liefern Nanopartikelinteraktionen mit dem in vitro-Triplekulturmodel aufschlussreichere Ergebnisse bezüglich umweltbedingter oder pharmazeutischer NP-Exposition in der distalen Lung als es uns bisher möglich war.


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Conventional MRI may still be an inaccurate method for the non-invasive detection of a microadenoma in adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-dependent Cushing's syndrome (CS). Bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling (BIPSS) with ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone (oCRH) stimulation is an invasive, but accurate, intervention in the diagnostic armamentarium surrounding CS. Until now, there is a continuous controversial debate regarding lateralization data in detecting a microadenoma. Using BIPSS, we evaluated whether a highly selective placement of microcatheters without diversion of venous outflow might improve detection of pituitary microadenoma.


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OBJECTIVES: Herbal medicine (phytotherapy) is widely used, but the evidence for its effectiveness is a matter of ongoing debate. We compared the quality and results of trials of Western phytotherapy and conventional medicine. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: A random sample of placebo-controlled trials of Western phytotherapy was identified in a comprehensive literature search (19 electronic databases). Conventional medicine trials matched for condition and type of outcome were selected from the Cochrane Central Controlled Trials Register (issue 1, 2003). Data were extracted in duplicate. Trials described as double-blind, with adequate generation of allocation sequence and adequate concealment of allocation were assumed to be of higher methodological quality. RESULTS: Eighty-nine herbal medicine and 89 matched conventional medicine trials were analyzed. Studies of Western herbalism were smaller, less likely to be published in English, and less likely to be indexed in MEDLINE than their counterparts from conventional medicine. Nineteen (21%) herbal and four (5%) conventional medicine trials were of higher quality. In both groups, smaller trials showed more beneficial treatment effects than larger trials. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings challenge the widely held belief that the quality of the evidence on the effectiveness of herbal medicine is generally inferior to the evidence available for conventional medicine.


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Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis are cestode parasites, of which the metacestode (larval) stages cause the diseases cystic echinococcosis (CE) and alveolar echinococcosis (AE), respectively. Albendazole and mebendazole are presently used for chemotherapeutical treatment. However, these benzimidazoles do not appear to be parasiticidal in vivo against AE. In addition, failures in drug treatments as well as the occurrence of side-effects have been reported. New drugs are needed to cure AE and CE, which are considered to be neglected diseases. Strategies currently being implemented to identify novel chemotherapeutical treatment options include (i) conventional primary in vitro testing of broad-spectrum anti-infective drugs, either in parallel with, or followed by, animal experimentation; (ii) studies of drugs which interfere with the proliferation of cancer cells and of Echinococcus metacestodes; (iii) exploitation of the similarities between the parasite and mammalian signalling machineries, with a special focus on targeting specific signalling receptors; (iv) in silico approaches, employing the current Echinococcus genomic database information to search for suitable targets for compounds with known modes of action. In the present article, we review the efforts toward obtaining better anti-parasitic compounds which have been undertaken to improve chemotherapeutical treatment of echinococcosis, and summarize the achievements in the field of host-parasite interactions which may also lead to new immuno-therapeutical options.


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BACKGROUND: Repeated bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) has been used in animals to induce surfactant depletion and to study therapeutical interventions of subsequent respiratory insufficiency. Intratracheal administration of surface active agents such as perfluorocarbons (PFC) can prevent the alveolar collapse in surfactant depleted lungs. However, it is not known how BAL or subsequent PFC administration affect the intracellular and intraalveolar surfactant pool. METHODS: Male wistar rats were surfactant depleted by BAL and treated for 1 hour by conventional mechanical ventilation (Lavaged-Gas, n = 5) or partial liquid ventilation with PF 5080 (Lavaged-PF5080, n = 5). For control, 10 healthy animals with gas (Healthy-Gas, n = 5) or PF5080 filled lungs (Healthy-PF5080, n = 5) were studied. A design-based stereological approach was used for quantification of lung parenchyma and the intracellular and intraalveolar surfactant pool at the light and electron microscopic level. RESULTS: Compared to Healthy-lungs, Lavaged-animals had more type II cells with lamellar bodies in the process of secretion and freshly secreted lamellar body-like surfactant forms in the alveoli. The fraction of alveolar epithelial surface area covered with surfactant and total intraalveolar surfactant content were significantly smaller in Lavaged-animals. Compared with Gas-filled lungs, both PF5080-groups had a significantly higher total lung volume, but no other differences. CONCLUSION: After BAL-induced alveolar surfactant depletion the amount of intracellularly stored surfactant is about half as high as in healthy animals. In lavaged animals short time liquid ventilation with PF5080 did not alter intra- or extracellular surfactant content or subtype composition.


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BACKGROUND: In the acute respiratory distress syndrome potentially recruitable lung volume is currently discussed. (3)He-magnetic resonance imaging ((3)He-MRI) offers the possibility to visualize alveolar recruitment directly. METHODS: With the approval of the state animal care committee, unilateral lung damage was induced in seven anesthetized pigs by saline lavage of the right lungs. The left lung served as an intraindividual control (healthy lung). Unilateral lung damage was confirmed by conventional proton MRI and spiral-CT scanning. The total aerated lung volume was determined both at a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 0 and 10 mbar from three-dimensionally reconstructed (3)He images, both for healthy and damaged lungs. The fractional increase of aerated volume in damaged and healthy lungs, followed by a PEEP increase from 0 to 10 mbar, was compared. RESULTS: Aerated gas space was visualized with a high spatial resolution in the three-dimensionally reconstructed (3)He-MR images, and aeration defects in the lavaged lung matched the regional distribution of atelectasis in proton MRI. After recruitment and PEEP increase, the aerated volume increased significantly both in healthy lungs from 415 ml [270-445] (median [min-max]) to 481 ml [347-523] and in lavaged lungs from 264 ml [71-424] to 424 ml [129-520]. The fractional increase in lavaged lungs was significantly larger than that in healthy lungs (healthy: 17% [11-38] vs. lavage: 42% [14-90] (P=0.031). CONCLUSION: The (3)He-MRI signal might offer an experimental approach to discriminate atelectatic vs. poor aerated lung areas in a lung damage animal model. Our results confirm the presence of potential recruitable lung volume by either alveolar collapse or alveolar flooding, in accordance with previous reports by computed tomography.


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OBJECTIVES To evaluate facial esthetics in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) after alveolar bone grafting combined with rhinoplasty between 2 and 4 years of age. DESIGN Retrospective case-control study. SETTING The Department of Pediatric Surgery, Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw, Poland. MATERIAL AND METHODS Photographs of full faces and cropped images of five nasolabial components: nasal deviation, nasal form, nasal profile, vermillion border, and inferior view were assessed by 5 professional and 14 layraters in 29 children (23 boys and 6 girls; mean age = 5.3 years, SD 0.5; Early-grafted group) and 30 children (20 boys and 10 girls; mean age = 5.5 years, SD 1.0; Non-grafted group) with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate repaired with a one-stage closure. The groups differed regarding the timing of alveolar bone grafting: in the Early-grafted group, alveolar bone grafting in combination with rhinoplasty (ABG-R) was performed between 2 and 4 years of age (mean age = 2.3 years; SD 0.6); in the Non-grafted group, the alveolar defect was grafted after 9 years of age. No primary nose correction was carried out in any group. To rate esthetics, a modified five-grade esthetic index of Asher-McDade was used, where grade 1 means the most esthetic and grade 5 - the least esthetic outcome. RESULTS Esthetics of full faces and of all nasolabial elements in the Early-grafted group was significantly better than in Non-grafted group. The scores in the Early-grafted group ranged from 2.30 to 2.66 points, whereas in the Non-grafted group ranged from 2.66 to 3.17 points. All intergroup differences were statistically significant (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Three years post-operatively, early alveolar bone grafting combined with rhinoplasty is favorable for facial esthetics in children with UCLP, but a longer follow-up is needed to assess whether the improvement was permanent.


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Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) in humans is a parasitic disease characterized by severe damage to the liver and occasionally other organs. AE is caused by infection with the metacestode (larval) stage of the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, usually infecting small rodents as natural intermediate hosts. Conventionally, human AE is chemotherapeutically treated with mebendazole or albendazole. There is, however still the need for improved chemotherapeutical options. Primary in vivo studies on drugs of interest are commonly performed in small laboratory animals such as mice and Mongolian jirds, and in most cases, a secondary infection model is used, whereby E. multilocularis metacestodes are directly injected into the peritoneal cavity or into the liver. Disadvantages of this methodological approach include risk of injury to organs during the inoculation and, most notably, a limitation in the macroscopic (visible) assessment of treatment efficacy. Thus, in order to monitor the efficacy of chemotherapeutical treatment, animals have to be euthanized and the parasite tissue dissected. In the present study, mice were infected with E. multilocularis metacestodes through the subcutaneous route and were then subjected to chemotherapy employing albendazole. Serological responses to infection were comparatively assessed in mice infected by the conventional intraperitoneal route. We demonstrate that the subcutaneous infection model for secondary AE facilitates the assessment of the progress of infection and drug treatment in the live animal.