996 resultados para CONCEPTION RATE


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In order to provide information that may help researchers to understand the main cause(s) of differences in bull fertility frequently observed in field trials, this study aimed to investigate conception rates as well as several in vitro sperm characteristics of different sires of unknown fertility utilized in a Timed-AI (TAI) program. Suckled Nelore cows submitted to the same TAI protocol were allocated into eight breeding groups of approximately 120 animals each. Frozen semen doses from three Angus bulls and three different batches from each bull were utilized. Approximately 100 doses from each batch were used in TAI. Sires, batches and AI technicians were equally distributed across breeding groups. Cows were examined for pregnancy diagnosis 40 d after TAI. For in vitro sperm analyses, the same thawing procedure was repeated in the laboratory to mimic field conditions. The following in vitro sperm characteristics were assessed: computerized motility, thermal resistance, plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity, lipid peroxidation, morphology, morphometry and chromatin structure. No effect of breeding group, body condition score, AI technician and sire was observed. However, some significant differences among bulls were detected in laboratory analyses. Semen from sire presenting numerically lower (P > 0.05) pregnancy/AI also presented lower (P < 0.05) values in all sperm characteristics analyzed in thermal resistance test at 4 h (Total Motility, Progressive Motility, Average Path Velocity, Straight-Line Velocity, Curvilinear Velocity, Amplitude of Lateral Head Displacement, Beat Cross Frequency, Straightness, Linearity, and Percentage of Rapidly Moving Cells), higher (P < 0.05) Major and Total Defects in sperm morphological test, lower (P < 0.05) Length, Ellipticity and Fourier parameter (Fourier 0) in sperm morphometric analysis as well as higher (P < 0.05) chromatin heterogeneity. It was concluded that, although no bull effect was observed in the field experiment, the sire that presented numerically lower pregnancy/AI also presented lower semen quality according to the laboratory analyses performed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In June 2008 the compulsary nationwide vaccination against BTV-8 (Bluetongue virus serotype 8) was started. After a short time, several owners complained about undesirable effects of the vaccination on fertility and milk quality. Data from 47 dairy farms, regularly supervised by herd health practitioners, were analysed in order to clarify a possible connection between vaccination and fertility. Both vaccinations given each cow for basic immunization were evaluated according to their effects on conception rate and pregnancy. In model calculations the first vaccination had no significant effect on the first service conception rate (FCR), the all service conception rate (ACR) and on the abortion rate. The second vaccination led to a significantly reduced FCR when the cow was inseminated within 20 days of being vaccinated and to a significantly worse ACR when inseminated 10 days before or after vaccination. However, these individually established reductions of the insemination rate had only little influence on overall data.


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Herens cows have been treated at the Clinic for Ruminants, University of Berne, more frequently for fertility problems than other breeds. The aim of the study was to overview the reproductive performance of the Herens breed by analyzing data sets of the Herens Breeding Book and of the Animal Traffic Database of Switzerland. In addition, a questionnaire was sent to the breeders concerning aspects of management and care to identify a possible influence on the reproductive performance of the animals. Based on 4988 lactations starting in 2003, an average interval of calving to first insemination of 86 days a calving to conception interval of 146 days and an inter calving period of 431 days could be calculated. Conception rate resulted in 39.1%, the fertility index was 1.87 and 6.5% of all cows were culled because of fertility problems. Half of the breeders owned 4 or less cows. The most important reason for keeping Herens cows was cow fighting. Traditional alpine pasturing and cow fight rules resulted in a seasonal calving with 80% of the births taking place between October and December. The calving month and seasonal calving were the most important reasons for a prolonged calving to conception interval.


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A study with 40 multiparous high yielding dairy cows was conducted to investigate the influence of an induced negative energy balance (NEB) on reproductive performance. Energy restriction of 49% was performed for 3 weeks beginning on oestrous cycle day 12 of first oestrous cycle after day 85 post partum (pp). From day 20 to day 150 pp animals were monitored for ovary activity three times weekly using rectal palpation and transrectal ultrasound scanning and were inseminated around day 150 pp. Additionally, milk progesterone and milk hydrocortisone were analyzed twice a week. Body condition score and body weight as well as blood glucose, plasma nonesterified fatty acids and plasma β-hydroxybutyrate were recorded weekly. According to oestrous cycle activity before (Period 1 = natural energy deficiency), during (Period 2) and after (Period 3) induced energy restriction animals were assigned to the following groups: Delayed first ovulation until day 45 pp, normal oestrous cycle, prolonged oestrous cycle and shortened oestrous cycle. Sporadic significances, but no clear effect of the metabolic state on reproductive performance could be found during Periods 1 and 2. Service success and conception rate were also not influenced. Our results demonstrate a remarkable adaptation of reproductive activity to metabolic challenges. Animals were able to compensate natural NEB in Period 1 as well as induced NEB (Period 2) for preventing metabolic disorders and maintaining reproductive activity. Therefore dietary energy availability had no effect on reproductive performance at more than 85 days in milk in the present study. To understand reproductive failures in dairy cows focus should be laid on genetic disposition of high yielding individuals that cope successful with metabolic challenges.


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Metriti ed endometriti sono le patologie maggiormente responsabili delle perdite economiche negli allevamenti bovini da latte, specialmente nel periodo successivo al parto. Mentre le metriti coinvolgono e si sviluppano in tutto l’utero e sono caratterizzate dalla presenza di sintomi sistemici, le endometriti consistono in una infiammazione che riguarda il solo endometrio, con la presenza di perdite purulente, distruzione della superficie epiteliale, congestione vascolare, edema stromale ed accumulo di linfociti e plasmacellule. Queste patologie, inoltre, possono causare, disfunzione ovarica, con conseguente infertilità e riduzione sia dell’efficienza riproduttiva della vacca sia della produzione stessa di latte. Nonostante queste malattie siano, nella maggior parte dei casi, correlate all’instaurarsi di infezioni batteriche, che possono subentrare nell’utero direttamente durante il parto, il ruolo di alcuni virus nello sviluppo di queste patologie è stato recentemente approfondito e la correlazione tra l’ Herpesvirus Bovino 4 e l’insorgere di metriti ed endometriti è stata dimostrata. L’ Herpesvirus Bovino 4 (BoHV-4) è un gamma-herpesvirus ed il suo genoma è costituito da una molecola lineare di DNA a doppio filamento con una struttura genomica di tipo B, caratterizzata dalla presenza di un’unica lunga sequenza centrale (LUR) fiancheggiata da multiple sequenze poli-ripetute (prDNA). BoHV-4 è stato isolato sia da animali sani sia da animali con differenti patologie, tra cui malattie oculari e respiratorie, ma soprattutto da casi di metriti, endometriti, vaginiti o aborti. Generalmente, il ruolo svolto dal virus in questo tipo di patologie è associato alla compresenza di altri tipi di patogeni, che possono essere virus, come nel caso del Virus Della Diarrea Virale Bovina (BVDV), o più frequentemente batteri. Usualmente, l’iniziale difesa dell’endometrio bovino nei confronti dei microbi si fonda sul sistema immunitario innato e l’attivazione di specifici recettori cellulari determina la sintesi e la produzione di citochine e chemochine pro infiammatorie, che possono essere in grado di modulare la replicazione di BoHV-4. Il genoma di BoHV-4 possiede due principali trascritti per i geni Immediate Early (IE), trai quali ORF50/IE2 è il più importante ed il suo prodotto, Rta/ORF50, è fortemente conservato tra tutti gli Herpesvirus. Esso è responsabile della diretta trans-attivazione di numerosi geni virali e cellulari e può essere modulato da differenti stimoli extracellulari. Precedentemente è stato dimostrato come il TNF-, prodotto dalle cellule stromali e dai macrofagi all’interno dell’endometrio, in conseguenza ad infezione batterica, sia in grado di aumentare la replicazione di BoHV-4 attraverso l’attivazione del pathway di NFkB e direttamente agendo sul promotore di IE2. Per queste ragioni, è risultato di forte interesse investigare quali potessero essere, invece, i fattori limitanti la replicazione di BoHV-4. In questo lavoro è stata studiata la relazione tra cellule endometriali stromali bovine infettate con l’Herpesvirus Bovino 4 e l’interferon gamma (IFN-) ed è stata dimostrata la capacità di questa molecola di restringere la replicazione di BoHV-4 in maniera IDO1 indipendente ed IE2 dipendente. Inoltre, la presenza di alcuni elementi in grado di interagire con l’ IFN-γ, all’interno del promotore di IE2 di BoHV-4, ha confermato questa ipotesi. Basandoci su questi dati, abbiamo potuto supporre l’esistenza di uno stretto vincolo tra l’attivazione dell’asse dell’interferon gamma e la ridotta replicazione di BoHV-4, andando a porre le basi per una nuova efficiente cura e prevenzione per le patologie uterine. Poiché il meccanismo corretto attraverso il quale BoHV-4 infetta l’endometrio bovino non è ancora ben compreso, è stato interessante approfondire in maniera più accurata l’interazione presente tra il virus ed il substrato endometriale, analizzando le differenze esistenti tra cellule infettate e non, in termini di espressione genica. Basandoci su dati preliminari ottenuti attraverso analisi con RNA sequencing (RNAseq), abbiamo visto come numerosi geni risultino over-espressi in seguito ad infezione con BoHV-4 e come, tra questi, la Metalloproteasi 1 sia uno dei più interessanti, a causa delle sue possibili implicazioni nello sviluppo delle patologie dell’endometrio uterino bovino. Successive analisi, effettuate tramite westernblotting e real time PCR, sono state in grado di confermare tale dato, sottolineando l’efficacia di un nuovo approccio sperimentale, basato sul RNAseq, per lo studio dell’insorgenza delle patologie.


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The objective was to evaluate the effect of lactation order, racial composition and milk production in the body condition score (BCS) at prepartum and its variation at postpartum. Furthermore, evaluate the effect of BCS at prepartum and its variation at postpartum on reproductive performance in dairy cows. Data was collected, relating to 470 parturitions for two years at 3 properties in Gurinhatã-MG. Milk production was measured monthly and the evaluation of the BCS was made by a single individual in the prepartum and postpartum (from 1.0 to 5.0). Was used the conventional artificial insemination, timed artificial insemination and controlled ride. The pregnancy diagnosis was through rectal palpation from 40 days after the service. The variables were analyzed using the SAS GLIMMIX procedure. The racial composition affected the BCS at prepartum (P=0.0003). Milk production tended to affect the BCS at prepartum (P=0.0957) and its variation in postpartum (P=0.1179). The overall conception rate was 57.3% and was affected (P<0.0001) by type of service. There was no effect of the BCS in prepartum (P=0.1544) and the variation of BCS (P=0.3127) on conception rate. Had no effect of BCS interaction at prepartum (P=0.9516) and the variation of BCS (P=0.9506) with the type of service on conception rate. The BCS at prepartum affect the service period (P<0.0001). Cows with BCS less than 3.25 became pregnant earlier. The variation of the BCS affected the service period (P<0.0001). Cows with loss of ECC became pregnant earlier than cows without loss. The average loss of ECC at postpartum was -0.692 points, not enough to damage the reproductive performance of dairy cows.


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Seventy-one mature Brangus cows, 38 nonlactating (NL) and 33 in late stage of lactation (L) were fed for 192 days (Phase I) a low energy diet (L). During Phase II (65 days) 19 NL and 17 L cows were fed a high energy diet (H). The other nonlactating (19) and lactating (16) cows remained on the low energy diet. Energy restriction during Phase I did not affect (P> 0.05) cyclic ovarian activity although losses in body weight and condition were substantial. Rapid changes in body weight, condition, and percent empty body lipe (EBLP) during Phase II did not substantially influencefertility, although a five-fold difference in EBLP was observed (NL0H vs. L-L). Treatment groups did not differ (P> 0.05) in conception rate, days from the beginning of the breeding season to breeding and to conception, conception at first service, and number of services per conception. Values observed for these parameters for NL-H, L-H, NL-L, and L-L groups were respectively: 68,4%, `3,.2, 23.3, 36.8% and 1.68; 82,4% 12.7, 19.5, 58.8% and 1.29; 68.4%, 10.2, 17.4, 47.4%, and 1.41; 68.8%, 12.4, 19.5, 43.7%, and 1.50.


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Introduction : L’approche par compétences est maintenant bien ancrée dans l’enseignement au niveau de la formation médicale postdoctorale. Dans ce contexte, un système de sélection également axé sur les compétences pourrait être avantageux. L’objectif principal de ce projet était de concevoir un TJS ciblant le rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur pour la sélection au niveau postdoctoral en médecine interne (MI) et en médecine familiale (MF). Méthodologie : Des entrevues d’incidents critiques ont été réalisées auprès de résidents juniors en MI ou en MF afin de générer les items du TJS. Trois leaders de l’approche par compétences ont révisé le contenu du test. Les items ont été analysés pour identifier la compétence principale du rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur, le contexte ainsi que les membres de l’équipe interprofessionnelle représentés dans les vignettes. La clé de correction a été déterminée par un panel composé de 11 experts. Cinq méthodes de notation ont été comparées. Résultats : Sept entrevues ont été réalisées. Après révision, 33 items ont été conservés dans le TJS. Les compétences clés du rôle CanMEDS de collaborateur, les contextes et les divers membres de l’équipe interprofessionnelle étaient bien distribués au travers des items. La moyenne des scores des experts variait entre 43,4 et 75,6 % en fonction des différentes méthodes de notation. Le coefficient de corrélation de Pearson entre les cinq méthodes de notation variait entre 0,80 et 0,98. Conclusion : Ce projet démontre la possibilité de concevoir un TJS utilisant le cadre CanMEDS comme trame de fond pour l’élaboration de son contenu. Ce test, couplé à une approche globale de sélection basée sur les compétences, pourrait éventuellement améliorer le pouvoir prédictif du processus de sélection au niveau de la formation médicale postdoctorale.


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Restricted breeding seasons in beef cattle lead to censoring of reproductive data. In this paper, age at first conception (AFC) of Nellore females exposed to the sires for the first time between 11 and 16 months of age, was studied aiming to verify the possibility of genetically advance sexual precocity using a survival model. The final data set contained 6699 records of AFC in days. Records of females that did not calve in the next year following exposure to the sire were considered censored (77.5% of total). The model used was a Weibull mixed survival model including effects of contemporary groups, period (fixed) and animal (random). The effect of the contemporary groups on AFC was important (p < 0.01). Heritabilities were 0.51 and 0.76 in logarithmic and original scales respectively. Results indicate that it is possible to genetically advance sexual precocity, using the outcome of survival analysis of AFC as selection criterion. They also suggest that improvements of the environment could advance sexual precocity too, thus an adequate pregnancy rate for farmers could quickly be achieved.


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We hypothesized that reducing the size of the ovulatory follicle using aspiration and GnRH would reduce the size of the resulting CL, reduce circulating progesterone concentrations, and alter conception rates. Lactating dairy cows (n=52) had synchronized ovulation and AI by treating with GnRH and PGF(2 alpha) as follows: Day -9, GnRH (100 mug); Day -2, PGF(2 alpha) (25 mg); Day 0, GnRH (100 mug); Day 1, AI. Treated cows (aspirated group; n=29) had all follicles > 4 mm in diameter aspirated on Days -5 or -6 in order to start a new follicular wave. Control cows (nonaspirated group; n=23) had no follicle aspiration. The size of follicles and CL were monitored by ultrasonography. The synchronized ovulation rate (ovulation rate to second GnRH injection; 42/52=80.8%) and double ovulation rate of synchronized cows (6/42=14.3%) did not differ (P > 0.05) between groups. Aspiration reduced the size of the ovulatory follicle (P < 0.0001; 11.5 +/- 0.2 vs 14.5 +/- 0.4 mm), and serum estradiol concentrations at second GnRH treatment (P < 0.0002; 2.5 +/- 0.4 vs 5.7 +/- 0.6 pg/mL). The volume of CL was less (P < 0.05) for aspirated than nonaspirated cows on Day 7 (2,862 +/- 228 vs 5,363 +/- 342 mm(3)) or Day 14 (4,652 +/- 283 vs 6,526 +/- 373 mm(3)). Similarly, serum progesterone concentrations were less on Day 7 (P < 0.05) and Day 14 (P < 0.10) for aspirated cows. Pregnancy rate per AI for synchronized cows was lower (P < 0.05) for aspirated (3/21=14.3%) than nonaspirated (10/21=47.6%) cows. In conclusion, ovulation of smaller follicles produced lowered fertility possibly because development of smaller CL decreased circulating progesterone concentrations. (C) 2001 by Elsevier B.V.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)