252 resultados para COALESCENCE
The soil structure transformation from ferralic to nitic horizons was studied in a toposequence on quaternary red clayey sediments and diabase in Piracicaba (SP), Brazil. Morphological and micromorphological studies, image analysis, soil water characteristic curves and monitoring of (total) soil water potential head were used. The presence of polyconcave vughs, clayskins and planar voids shows that the vertical and lateral transition and structural transformation from ferralic to nitic horizons is given by the coalescence of the microaggregates, probably due to tensions created in a drier period in the past. Changes to a more humid climate with a defined dry season and alternate drying and wetting cycles resulted in the fissuration of the previously coalesced material, forming polyhedral aggregates and microaggregates. Simultaneously, clay illuviation filled the voids and together with the compacting action of the biological activity of these soils contributed to the coalescence of microaggregates.
In evaluation of soil quality for agricultural use, soil structure is one of the most important properties, which is influenced not only by climate, biological activity, and management practices but also by mechanical and physico-chemical forces acting in the soil. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of conventional agricultural management on the structure and microstructure of a Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico (Rhodic Hapludox) in an experimental area planted to maize. Soil morphology was described using the crop profile method by identifying the distinct structural volumes called Morphologically Homogeneous Units (MHUs). For comparison, we also described a profile in an adjacent area without agricultural use and under natural regrowth referred to as Memory. We took undisturbed samples from the main MHUs so as to form thin sections and blocks of soil for micromorphological and micromorphometrical analyses. Results from the application of the crop profile method showed the occurrence of the following structural types: loose (L), fragmented (F) and continuous (C) in both profiles analyzed. In the Memory soil profile, the fragmented structures were classified as Fptμ∆+tf and Fmt∆μ, whose micromorphology shows an enaulic-porphyric (porous) relative distribution with a great deal of biological activity as indicated by the presence of vughs and channels. Lower down, from 0.20 to 0.35 m, there was a continuous soil volume (sub-type C∆μ), with a subangular block microstructure and an enaulic-porphyric relative distribution, though in this case more compact and with aggregate coalescence and less biological activity. The micromorphometrical study of the soil of the Memory Plot showed the predominance of complex pores in NAM (15.03 %), Fmt∆μ (11.72 %), and Fptμ∆+tf (7.73 %), and rounded pores in C∆μ (8.21 %). In the soil under conventional agricultural management, we observed fragmented structures similar to the Memory Plot from 0.02 to 0.20 m, followed by a volume with a compact continuous structure (C∆μ), without visible porosity and with few roots. In the MHUs under conventional management, reduction in the packing pores (40 %) was observed, mainly in the continuous units (C). The microstructure had well-defined blocks, with the occurrence of planar pores and less evidence of biological activity. In conclusion, the morphological and micromorphological analyses of the soil profiles studied offered complementary information regarding soil structural quality, especially concerning the changes in pore types as result of mechanical stress undergone by the soil.
Needle fibre calcite is one of the most ubiquitous habits of calcite in vadose environments (caves deposits, soil pores, etc.). Its origin, either through inorganic, indirect or direct biological processes, has long been debated. In this study, investigations at 11 sites in Europe, Africa and Central America support arguments for its biogenic origin. The wide range of needle morphologies is the result of a gradual evolution of the simplest type, a rod. This rod is the elementary brick which, by aggregation and welding, builds more complex needles. The absence of cross-welded needles implies that they are welded in a mould, or under a longitudinal and unidirectional constraint, before being released inside the soil pores. The difference between the lengthening of the needles and the c axis can be explained by the existence of needles observed under a scanning electron microscope in organic sleeves, which can act as a mould during rod growth. Complex morphologies with epitaxial outgrowths on straight rods cannot have grown entirely inside organic microtubes; they must result from soil diagenesis after the release of straight rods in a soil-free medium. Whisker crystals are interpreted as the result of growth and coalescence of euhedral crystals on a rod. Rhomb chains are considered to be the consequence of successive epitaxial growth steps on a needle during variations in growth conditions. Isotopic signatures for needle fibre calcite vary from -16.63[per mille] to +1.10[per mille] and from -8.63[per mille] to -2.25[per mille] for Delta13C and Delta18O, respectively. The absence of high Delta18O values for needle fibre calcite precludes a purely physicochemical origin (evaporative) for this particular habit of calcite. As epitaxial growth cannot precipitate in the same conditions as initial needles, needle fibre calcite stable isotopic signatures should be used with caution as a proxy for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. In addition, it is suggested that the term needle fibre calcite should be kept for the original biogenic form. The other habit should be referred to as epitaxial forms of needle fibre calcite.
Monodispersed colloidal crystals based on silica sub-micrometric particles were synthesized using the Stöber-Fink-Bohn process. The control of nucleation and coalescence result in improved characteristics such as high sphericity and very low size dispersion. The resulting silica particles show characteristics suitable for self-assembling across large areas of closely-packed 2D crystal monolayers by an accurate Langmuir-Blodgett deposition process on glass, fused silica and silicon substrates. Due to their special optical properties, colloidal films have potential applications in fields including photonics, electronics, electro-optics, medicine (detectors and sensors), membrane filters and surface devices. The deposited monolayers of silica particles were characterized by means of FESEM, AFM and optical transmittance measurements in order to analyze their specific properties and characteristics. We propose a theoretical calculation for the photonic band gaps in 2D systems using an extrapolation of the photonic behavior of the crystal from 3D to 2D. In this work we show that the methodology used and the conditions in self-assembly processes are decisive for producing high-quality two-dimensional colloidal crystals by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique.
Les larves aquatiques d'éphémères (Ephemeroptera) colonisent toutes les eaux douces du monde et sont couramment utilisées comme bio-indicateurs de la qualité de l'eau. Le genre Rhithrogena (Heptageniidae) est le deuxième plus diversifié chez les éphémères, et plusieurs espèces européennes ont une distribution restreinte dans des environnements alpins sensibles. Les espèces de Rhithrogena ont été classées en "groupes d'espèces" faciles à identifier. Cependant, malgré leur importance écologique et en terme de conservation, beaucoup d'espèces présentent des différences morphologiques ambiguës, suggérant que lataxonomie actuelle ne refléterait pas correctement leur diversité évolutive. De plus, aucune information sur leurs relations, leur origine, le taux de spéciation ou les mécanismes ayant provoqué leur remarquable diversification dans les Alpes n'est disponible. Nous avons d'abord examiné le statut spécifique d'environ 50% des espèces européennes de Rhithrogena en utilisant un large échantillonnage de populations alpines incluant 22 localités typiques, ainsi qu'une analyse basée sur le modèle général mixte de Yule et de coalescence (GMYC) appliqué à un gène mitochondrial standard (coxl) et à un gène nucléaire développé spécifiquement pour cette étude. Nous avons observé un regroupement significatif des séquences coxl en 31 espèces potentielles, et nos résultats ont fortement suggéré la présence d'espèces cryptiques et de fractionnements taxonomiques excessifs chez les Rhithrogena. Nos analyses phylogénétiques ont démontré la monophylie de quatre des six groupes d'espèces reconnus présents dans notre échantillonnage. La taxonomie ADN développée dans cette étude pose les bases d'une future révision de ce genre important mais cryptique en Europe. Puis nous avons mené une étude phylogénétique multi-gènes entre les espèces européennes de Rhithrogena. Les données provenant de trois gènes nucléaires et de deux gènes mitochondriaux ont été largement concordantes, et les relations entre les espèces bien résolues au sein de la plupart des groupes d'espèces dans une analyse combinant tous les gènes. En l'absence de points de calibration extérieurs tels que des fossiles, nous avons appliqué à nos données mitochondriales une horloge moléculaire standard pour les insectes, suggérant une origine des Rhithrogena alpins à la limite Oligocène / Miocène. Nos résultats ont montré le rôle prépondérant qu'ont joué les glaciations du quaternaire dans leur diversification, favorisant la spéciation d'au moins la moitié des espèces actuelle dans les Alpes. La biodiversité et le taux d'endémisme à Madagascar, notamment au niveau de la faune des eaux douces, sont parmi les plus extraordinaires et les plus menacés au monde. On pense que beaucoup d'espèces d'éphémères sont restreintes à un seul bassin versant (microendémisme) dans les zones forestières, ce qui les rendrait particulièrement sensibles à la réduction et à la dégradation de leur habitat. Mis à part deux espèces décrites, Afronurus matitensis et Compsoneuria josettae, les Heptageniidae sont pratiquement inconnus à Madagascar. Les deux genres ont une distribution discontinue en Afrique, à Madagascar et en Asie du Sud-Est, et leur taxonomie complexe est régulièrement révisée. L'approche standard pour comprendre leur diversité, leur endémisme et leur origine requerrait un échantillonnage étendu sur plusieurs continents et des années de travaux taxonomiques. Pour accélérer le processus, nous avons utilisé des collections de musées ainsi que des individus fraîchement collectés, et appliqué une approche combinant taxonomie ADN et phylogénie. L'analyses GMYC du gène coxl a délimité 14 espèces potentielles à Madagascar, dont 70% vraisemblablement microendémiques. Une analyse phylogénique incluant des espèces africaines et asiatiques portant sur deux gènes mitochondriaux et quatre gènes nucléaires a montré que les Heptageniidae malgaches sont monophylétiques et groupe frère des Compsoneuria africains. L'existence de cette lignée unique, ainsi qu'un taux élevé de microendémisme, mettent en évidence leur importance en terme de conservation. Nos résultats soulignent également le rôle important que peuvent jouer les collections de musées dans les études moléculaires et en conservation. - Aquatic nymphs of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) colonize all types of freshwaters throughout the world and are extensively used as bio-indicators of water quality. Rhithrogena (Heptageniidae) is the second most species-rich genus of mayflies, and several European species have restricted distributions in sensitive Alpine environments and therefore are of conservation interest. The European Rhithrogena species are arranged into "species groups" that are easily identifiable. However, despite their ecological and conservation importance, ambiguous morphological differences among many species suggest that the current taxonomy may not accurately reflect their evolutionary diversity. Moreover, no information about their relationships, origin, timing of speciation and mechanisms promoting their successful diversification in the Alps is available. We first examined the species status of ca. 50% of European Rhithrogena diversity using a widespread sampling scheme of Alpine species that included 22 type localities, general mixed Yule- coalescent (GMYC) model analysis of one standard mitochondrial (coxl) and one newly developed nuclear marker. We observed significant clustering of coxl into 31 GMYC species, and our results strongly suggest the presence of both cryptic diversity and taxonomic oversplitting in Rhithrogena. Phylogenetic analyses recovered four of the six recognized species groups in our samples as monophyletic. The DNA taxonomy developed here lays the groundwork for a future revision of this important but cryptic genus in Europe. Then we conducted a species-level, multiple-gene phylogenetic study of European Rhithrogena. Data from three nuclear and two mitochondrial loci were broadly congruent, and species-level relationships were well resolved within most species groups in a combined analysis. In the absence of external calibration points like fossils, we applied a standard insect molecular clock hypothesis to our mitochondrial data, suggesting an origin of Alpine Rhithrogena in the Oligocene / Miocene boundary. Our results highlighted the preponderant role that quaternary glaciations played in their diversification, promoting speciation of at least half of the current diversity in the Alps. Madagascar's biodiversity and endemism are among the most extraordinary and endangered in the world. This includes the island's freshwater biodiversity, although detailed knowledge of the diversity, endemism, and biogeographic origin of freshwater invertebrates is lacking. Many mayfly species are thought to be restricted to single river basins (microendemic species) in forested areas, making them particularly sensitive to habitat reduction and degradation. The Heptageniidae are practically unknown in Madagascar except for two described species, Afronurus matitensis and Compsoneuria josettae. Both genera have a disjunct distribution in Africa, Madagascar and Southeast Asia, and a complex taxonomic status still in flux. The standard approach to understanding their diversity, endemism, and origin would require extensive field sampling on several continents and years of taxonomic work. Here we circumvent this using museum collections and freshly collected individuals in a combined approach of DNA taxonomy and phylogeny. The cox/-based GMYC analysis revealed 14 putative species on Madagascar, 70% of which potentially microendemics. A phylogenetic analysis that included African and Asian species and data from two mitochondrial and four nuclear loci indicated the Malagasy Heptageniidae are monophyletic and sister to African Compsoneuria. The observed monophyly and high microendemism highlight their conservation importance. Our results also underline the important role that museum collections can play in molecular studies, especially in critically endangered biodiversity hotspots like Madagascar.
We analyze the failure process of a two-component system with widely different fracture strength in the framework of a fiber bundle model with localized load sharing. A fraction 0≤α≤1 of the bundle is strong and it is represented by unbreakable fibers, while fibers of the weak component have randomly distributed failure strength. Computer simulations revealed that there exists a critical composition αc which separates two qualitatively different behaviors: Below the critical point, the failure of the bundle is brittle, characterized by an abrupt damage growth within the breakable part of the system. Above αc, however, the macroscopic response becomes ductile, providing stability during the entire breaking process. The transition occurs at an astonishingly low fraction of strong fibers which can have importance for applications. We show that in the ductile phase, the size distribution of breaking bursts has a power law functional form with an exponent μ=2 followed by an exponential cutoff. In the brittle phase, the power law also prevails but with a higher exponent μ=92. The transition between the two phases shows analogies to continuous phase transitions. Analyzing the microstructure of the damage, it was found that at the beginning of the fracture process cracks nucleate randomly, while later on growth and coalescence of cracks dominate, which give rise to power law distributed crack sizes.
Over the past two decades, several fungal outbreaks have occurred, including the high-profile 'Vancouver Island' and 'Pacific Northwest' outbreaks, caused by Cryptococcus gattii, which has affected hundreds of otherwise healthy humans and animals. Over the same time period, C. gattii was the cause of several additional case clusters at localities outside of the tropical and subtropical climate zones where the species normally occurs. In every case, the causative agent belongs to a previously rare genotype of C. gattii called AFLP6/VGII, but the origin of the outbreak clades remains enigmatic. Here we used phylogenetic and recombination analyses, based on AFLP and multiple MLST datasets, and coalescence gene genealogy to demonstrate that these outbreaks have arisen from a highly-recombining C. gattii population in the native rainforest of Northern Brazil. Thus the modern virulent C. gattii AFLP6/VGII outbreak lineages derived from mating events in South America and then dispersed to temperate regions where they cause serious infections in humans and animals.
Many eukaryote organisms are polyploid. However, despite their importance, evolutionary inference of polyploid origins and modes of inheritance has been limited by a need for analyses of allele segregation at multiple loci using crosses. The increasing availability of sequence data for nonmodel species now allows the application of established approaches for the analysis of genomic data in polyploids. Here, we ask whether approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), applied to realistic traditional and next-generation sequence data, allows correct inference of the evolutionary and demographic history of polyploids. Using simulations, we evaluate the robustness of evolutionary inference by ABC for tetraploid species as a function of the number of individuals and loci sampled, and the presence or absence of an outgroup. We find that ABC adequately retrieves the recent evolutionary history of polyploid species on the basis of both old and new sequencing technologies. The application of ABC to sequence data from diploid and polyploid species of the plant genus Capsella confirms its utility. Our analysis strongly supports an allopolyploid origin of C. bursa-pastoris about 80 000 years ago. This conclusion runs contrary to previous findings based on the same data set but using an alternative approach and is in agreement with recent findings based on whole-genome sequencing. Our results indicate that ABC is a promising and powerful method for revealing the evolution of polyploid species, without the need to attribute alleles to a homeologous chromosome pair. The approach can readily be extended to more complex scenarios involving higher ploidy levels.
In bubbly flow simulations, bubble size distribution is an important factor in determination of hydrodynamics. Beside hydrodynamics, it is crucial in the prediction of interfacial area available for mass transfer and in the prediction of reaction rate in gas-liquid reactors such as bubble columns. Solution of population balance equations is a method which can help to model the size distribution by considering continuous bubble coalescence and breakage. Therefore, in Computational Fluid Dynamic simulations it is necessary to couple CFD and Population Balance Model (CFD-PBM) to get reliable distribution. In the current work a CFD-PBM coupled model is implemented as FORTRAN subroutines in ANSYS CFX 10 and it has been tested for bubbly flow. This model uses the idea of Multi Phase Multi Size Group approach which was previously presented by Sha et al. (2006) [18]. The current CFD-PBM coupled method considers inhomogeneous flow field for different bubble size groups in the Eulerian multi-dispersed phase systems. Considering different velocity field for bubbles can give the advantageof more accurate solution of hydrodynamics. It is also an improved method for prediction of bubble size distribution in multiphase flow compared to available commercial packages.
Työn kirjallisuusosassa on tarkasteltu rasvaistenjätevesien puhdistuksessa käytettyjä perinteisiä käsittelymenetelmiä ja ultrasuodatusta. Perinteisiä rasvaisten jätevesien käsittelymenetelmiä ovat muun muassalaskeutus, flotaatio, hydrosykloni, pisarakoon kasvattaminen suodatus sekä biologinen käsittely. Lisäksi happohydrolyysia voidaan soveltaa edellä mainittujen menetelmien esikäsittelynä. Perinteisten puhdistusmenetelmien käyttöä rajoittavatniiden tehottomuus emulgoituneen ja liukoisen öljyn poistossa. Tämä sekä kiristyneet päästövaatimukset ja kalvotekniikan nopea kehittyminen ovat lisänneet kiinnostusta kalvotekniikkaan. Työn soveltavassa osassa on tarkasteltu rasvojen mahdollisesti aiheuttamia ongelmia Porvoon jalostamon kemiallisessa ja biologisessa puhdistuksessa. Rasvaisia jätevesiä muodostuu biodieselin valmistuksessa, jossa rasvoja käytetään syöttöaineena. Vertailtaessa jalostamon vesilaitoksen nykyisiä olosuhteita ja rasvojen käsittelyn vaatimia olosuhteita havaitaan, että optimiolosuhteet ovat melko lähellä toisiaan ja rasvaisten jätevesien mukana tulevat fosfori-, typpi- ja COD-kuormat melko pieniä. Suurimmat mahdolliset rasvojen aiheuttamat ongelmat syntyvät aktiivilietelaitoksella, jossa kevyt pinnalle nouseva rasva nostaa mukanaan lietettä. Rasvat ja rasvahapot myös lisäävät rihmamaisten bakteerien kasvua, joiden runsas esiintyminen aiheuttaa huonosti laskeutuvaa lietettä, eli paisuntalietettä. Rasvaisten vesien aiheuttamaa kuormitusta aktiivilieteprosessiin on tarkasteltu Activated sludge Model No. 3:n ja bio-P fosforin poisto moduuliin pohjautuvan Excel-taulukkolaskentamallin avulla. Pohjana työssä on käytetty Tuomo Hillin vuonna 2002 diplomityönä tekemää taulukkolaskentamallia. Työssä on esitelty kaikki mallin kannalta oleelliset yhtälöt ja parametrit. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella mallin käytettävyyttä rajoittaa se, että sitä ei ole kalibroitu Porvoon jalostamolle. Kalibroimattomalla mallilla voidaan saada vain suuntaa antavia tuloksia.
Gas-liquid mass transfer is an important issue in the design and operation of many chemical unit operations. Despite its importance, the evaluation of gas-liquid mass transfer is not straightforward due to the complex nature of the phenomena involved. In this thesis gas-liquid mass transfer was evaluated in three different gas-liquid reactors in a traditional way by measuring the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa). The studied reactors were a bubble column with a T-junction two-phase nozzle for gas dispersion, an industrial scale bubble column reactor for the oxidation of tetrahydroanthrahydroquinone and a concurrent downflow structured bed.The main drawback of this approach is that the obtained correlations give only the average volumetric mass transfer coefficient, which is dependent on average conditions. Moreover, the obtained correlations are valid only for the studied geometry and for the chemical system used in the measurements. In principle, a more fundamental approach is to estimate the interfacial area available for mass transfer from bubble size distributions obtained by solution of population balance equations. This approach has been used in this thesis by developing a population balance model for a bubble column together with phenomenological models for bubble breakage and coalescence. The parameters of the bubble breakage rate and coalescence rate models were estimated by comparing the measured and calculated bubble sizes. The coalescence models always have at least one experimental parameter. This is because the bubble coalescence depends on liquid composition in a way which is difficult to evaluate using known physical properties. The coalescence properties of some model solutions were evaluated by measuring the time that a bubble rests at the free liquid-gas interface before coalescing (the so-calledpersistence time or rest time). The measured persistence times range from 10 msup to 15 s depending on the solution. The coalescence was never found to be instantaneous. The bubble oscillates up and down at the interface at least a coupleof times before coalescence takes place. The measured persistence times were compared to coalescence times obtained by parameter fitting using measured bubble size distributions in a bubble column and a bubble column population balance model. For short persistence times, the persistence and coalescence times are in good agreement. For longer persistence times, however, the persistence times are at least an order of magnitude longer than the corresponding coalescence times from parameter fitting. This discrepancy may be attributed to the uncertainties concerning the estimation of energy dissipation rates, collision rates and mechanisms and contact times of the bubbles.
The future of high technology welded constructions will be characterised by higher strength materials and improved weld quality with respect to fatigue resistance. The expected implementation of high quality high strength steel welds will require that more attention be given to the issues of crack initiation and mechanical mismatching. Experiments and finite element analyses were performed within the framework of continuum damage mechanics to investigate the effect of mismatching of welded joints on void nucleation and coalescence during monotonic loading. It was found that the damage of undermatched joints mainly occurred in the sandwich layer and the damageresistance of the joints decreases with the decrease of the sandwich layer width. The damage of over-matched joints mainly occurred in the base metal adjacent to the sandwich layer and the damage resistance of the joints increases with thedecrease of the sandwich layer width. The mechanisms of the initiation of the micro voids/cracks were found to be cracking of the inclusions or the embrittled second phase, and the debonding of the inclusions from the matrix. Experimental fatigue crack growth rate testing showed that the fatigue life of under-matched central crack panel specimens is longer than that of over-matched and even-matched specimens. Further investigation by the elastic-plastic finite element analysis indicated that fatigue crack closure, which originated from the inhomogeneousyielding adjacent to the crack tip, played an important role in the fatigue crack propagation. The applicability of the J integral concept to the mismatched specimens with crack extension under cyclic loading was assessed. The concept of fatigue class used by the International Institute of Welding was introduced in the parametric numerical analysis of several welded joints. The effect of weld geometry and load condition on fatigue strength of ferrite-pearlite steel joints was systematically evaluated based on linear elastic fracture mechanics. Joint types included lap joints, angle joints and butt joints. Various combinations of the tensile and bending loads were considered during the evaluation with the emphasis focused on the existence of both root and toe cracks. For a lap joint with asmall lack-of-penetration, a reasonably large weld leg and smaller flank angle were recommended for engineering practice in order to achieve higher fatigue strength. It was found that the fatigue strength of the angle joint depended strongly on the location and orientation of the preexisting crack-like welding defects, even if the joint was welded with full penetration. It is commonly believed that the double sided butt welds can have significantly higher fatigue strength than that of a single sided welds, but fatigue crack initiation and propagation can originate from the weld root if the welding procedure results in a partial penetration. It is clearly shown that the fatigue strength of the butt joint could be improved remarkably by ensuring full penetration. Nevertheless, increasing the fatigue strength of a butt joint by increasing the size of the weld is an uneconomical alternative.
A detailed in situ spectroellipsometric analysis of the nucleation and growth of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a:Si:H) is presented. Photoelectronic quality a‐Si:H films are deposited by plasma‐enhanced chemical vapor deposition on smooth metal (NiCr alloy) and crystalline silicon (c‐Si) substrates. The deposition of a‐Si:H is analyzed from the first monolayer up to a final thickness of 1.2 μm. In order to perform an improved analysis, real time ellipsometric trajectories are recorded, using fixed preparation conditions, at various photon energies ranging from 2.2 to 3.6 eV. The advantage of using such a spectroscopic experimental procedure is underlined. New insights into the nucleation and growth mechanisms of a‐Si:H are obtained. The nucleation mechanism on metal and c‐Si substrates is very accurately described assuming a columnar microstructural development during the early stage of the growth. Then, as a consequence of the incomplete coalescence of the initial nuclei, a surface roughness at the 10-15 Å scale is identified during the further growth of a‐Si:H on both substrates. The bulk a‐Si:H grows homogeneously beneath the surface roughness. Finally, an increase of the surface roughness is evidenced during the long term growth of a‐Si:H. However, the nature of the substrate influenced the film growth. In particular, the film thickness involved in the nucleation‐coalescence phase is found lower in the case of c‐Si (67±8 Å) as compared to NiCr (118±22 Å). Likewise films deposited on c‐Si present a smaller surface roughness even if thick samples are considered (>1 μm). More generally, the present study illustrates the capability of in situ spectroellipsometry to precisely analyze fundamental processes in thin‐film growth, but also to monitor the preparation of complex structures on a few monolayers scale.
Rasvaisten jätevesien puhdistus on sitä tuottaville yrityksille kallista ja hankalaa. Nykyisten päästövaatimusten saavuttaminen on perinteisillä jätevedenkäsittelymenetelmillä vaikeaa tai lähes mahdotonta, riippuen käsiteltävän jäteveden ominaisuuksista. Rasvaisen jäteveden käsittelyssä on käytetty mm. laskeutusta, flotaatiota, hydrosykloneja, pisaroitusta, suodatusta sekä biologista käsittelyä. Lisäksi happohydrolyysiä voidaan soveltaa edellä mainittujen menetelmien esikäsittelynä. Useita näitä erotusmenetelmiä voidaan myös tehostaa kemikaalien lisäyksellä. Työn kirjallisuusosassa on käsitelty rasvaisten jätevesien ja emulsioiden kalvosuodatusta ja kalvojen käyttöä pisaroituselementtinä. Tavanomaisessa kalvosuodatuksessa tarkoituksena on erottaa kalvoa läpäisemätön rasvajae ja permeoituva vesijae toisistaan, kun taas pisaroittamisen tarkoituksena on saada dispergoituneen faasin pisarakoko kasvamaan joko kalvon pinnalla tai sen huokosissa. Pisarakoon kasvaessa emulsion stabiilisuus heikkenee ja faasit voidaan helpommin erottaa toisistaan. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tavoitteena oli tutkia kalvosuodatuksen ja erilaisten kalvojen toimivuutta esteröintilaitoksen rasvaisten jätevesien käsittelyssä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin MW- (GE Osmonics), C30F- (Nadir Filtration), Teflon Typar- (Tetratex) sekä JX-kalvoa (Osmonics Desal). Haastetta työhön syntyi tutkittujen jätevesien ominaisuuksien suuresta vaihtelusta sitä tuottavan laitoksen panostyylisestä toiminnasta johtuen. Lisäksi tutkittiin, onko syöttöliuoksen pH-säädöllä ja laskeutuksella ennen suodatusta merkittävää etua itse kalvosuodatusprosessiin. Kalvotekniikkaa voidaan tämän tutkimuksen perusteella soveltaa myös esteröintilaitoksen rasvaisten jätevesien suodatukseen, ja erityistä etua saadaan jäteveden pH-säädöllä (pH 3) ja laskeutuksella ennen varsinaista suodatusta. Tällaiseen käsittelyyn soveltuu tutkituista kalvoista parhaiten hydrofiilinen regeneroidusta selluloosasta valmistettu C30F-kalvo, jonka etuna on vähäinen foulaantuminen muihin tutkittuihin kalvoihin verrattuna.
The geoambiental and landscape description of the beach-dune system of Cala Borró, (Cap Ras), placed in the town of Colera (Alt Empordà), is carried out. The dunar system, developed with orientation and N-S, links three beach pockets following the topographic slopes of the torrential basins. We find coalescence of dunes in the upper zones, which were possibly an object of reafforestation in the 19thC. to avoid erosion