914 resultados para CMMS vs. SCADA


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Mestrado em Fiscalidade


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A vital role is being played by SCADA Communication for Supervisory Control and Data acquisition (SCADA) Monitoring Ststems. Devices that are designed to operate in safety-critical environments are usually designed to failsafe, but security vulnerabilities could be exploited by an attacker to disable the fail-safe mechanisms. Thus these devices must not onlybe designed for safety but also for security. This paper presents a study of the comparison of different Encryption schemes for securing SCADA Component Communication. The encryption schemes such as Symetric Key Encrypton in Wireless SCADA Environment, Assymmetric-key Encryption to Internet SCADA, and the Cross Crypto Scheme Cipher to secure communication for SCADA are analysed and the outcome is evaluated.


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Critical Infrastructures became more vulnerable to attacks from adversaries as SCADA systems become connected to the Internet. The open standards for SCADA Communications make it very easy for attackers to gain in-depth knowledge about the working and operations of SCADA networks. A number of Intenrnet SCADA security issues were raised that have compromised the authenticity, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation of information transfer between SCADA Components. This paper presents an integration of the Cross Crypto Scheme Cipher to secure communications for SCADA components. The proposed scheme integrates both the best features of symmetric and asymmetric encryptiontechniques. It also utilizes the MD5 hashing algorithm to ensure the integrity of information being transmitted.


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Future distribution systems will have to deal with an intensive penetration of distributed energy resources ensuring reliable and secure operation according to the smart grid paradigm. SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is an essential infrastructure for this evolution. This paper proposes a new conceptual design of an intelligent SCADA with a decentralized, flexible, and intelligent approach, adaptive to the context (context awareness). This SCADA model is used to support the energy resource management undertaken by a distribution network operator (DNO). Resource management considers all the involved costs, power flows, and electricity prices, allowing the use of network reconfiguration and load curtailment. Locational Marginal Prices (LMP) are evaluated and used in specific situations to apply Demand Response (DR) programs on a global or a local basis. The paper includes a case study using a 114 bus distribution network and load demand based on real data.


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Ada is really an unfortunate Lady. After years fighting against C/C++ villains, her major lift-up (Ada 95) had brought up a promise of fortune. However, a new strong villain (Java) has appeared trying to end her struggle for survival. Ada has now to fight with her own weapons. She will only prosper by her own merits. But two questions emerge. Do they exist? Are they better than Java’s? Our opinion is that they do exist, and are not matched by any other programming language


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This paper describes the communication stack of the REMPLI system: a structure using power-lines and IPbased networks for communication, for data acquisition and control of energy distribution and consumption. It is furthermore prepared to use alternative communication media like GSM or analog modem connections. The REMPLI system provides communication service for existing applications, namely automated meter reading, energy billing and domotic applications. The communication stack, consisting of physical, network, transport, and application layer is described as well as the communication services provided by the system. We show how the peculiarities of the power-line communication influence the design of the communication stack, by introducing requirements to efficiently use the limited bandwidth, optimize traffic and implement fair use of the communication medium for the extensive communication partners.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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O projecto das instalações eléctricas deve responder a critérios de ordem técnica, nomeadamente no que se refere a garantia da protecção das pessoas e instalações, mas contrapõem-se necessariamente os aspectos de ordem económica; resultara do compromisso entre estas duas posições contrastantes a definição daquela que será a solução mais acertada para uma dada instalação. No capitulo dos custos associados a uma instalação eléctrica tem um peso crucial a energia desperdiçada durante o funcionamento da mesma, duração esta que pode em media considerar-se compreendida entre 20 e 30 anos. Este desperdício tem duas origens: perdas excessivas por ineficiente concepção das instalações e selecção não criteriosa de equipamentos que utilizam a energia eléctrica e malbaratamento da energia eléctrica por funcionamento alem do necessário. Poe-se, portanto, também neste domínio a questão da eficiência energética. Assim, o responsável pela concepção de uma instalação eléctrica devera procurar não somente a solução técnica funcional da mesma mas preocupar-se que essa solução seja igualmente eficiente do ponto de vista energético. A abordagem dum projecto eléctrico eficiente sob o ponto de vista energético devera contemplar os seguintes pontos: a) Minimização de perdas no sistema de distribuição b) Redução das perdas devido ao desperdício na utilização do equipamento eléctrico c) Redução das perdas associadas aos problemas associados a qualidade da energia d) Prever as instalações para incorporarem aparelhagem de contagem e medida para fins de monitorização e de realização de auditorias eléctricas.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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In the last years, several solutions have been proposed to extend PROFIBUS in order to support wired and wireless network stations in the same network. In this paper we compare two of those solutions, one in which the interconnection between wired and wireless stations is made by repeaters and another in which the interconnection is made by bridges. The comparison is both qualitative and numerical, based on simulation models of both architectures.


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The electrooxidative behavior of pravastatin (PRV) in aqueous media was studied by square-wave voltammetry at a glassycarbon electrode (GCE) and at a screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE). Maximum peak current intensities in a pH 5.0 buffer were obtained at +1.3 V vs. AgCl/Ag and +1.0 V vs. Ag for the GCE and SPCE surface respectively. Validation of the developed methodologies revealed good performance characteristics and confirmed their applicability to the quantification of PRV in pharmaceutical products, without significant sample pretreatment. A comparative analysis between the two electrode types showed that SPCEs are preferred as an electrode surface because of their higher sensitivity and the elimination of the need to clean the electrode’s surface for its renewal, which frequently is, if not always, the rate-limiting step in voltammetric analysis.


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O VI par craniano, é responsável pela inervação do músculo recto externo. Uma lesão que afecta o VI par irá resultar numa limitação da abdução. A Síndrome de Duane, do tipo I, caracteriza-se por limitação da abdução unilateral, em que o olho afectado não passa da linha média, por retração do globo ocular e estreitamento da fenda palpebral, em adução. O diagnóstico diferencial é de extrema importância para se proceder a um prognóstico correcto e respectivo plano terapêutico. Objectivos: Esquematizar as diversas características motoras e sensoriais da paralisia do VI par craniano comparando-as com as da Síndrome de Duane Tipo I, designando os testes de ortóptica respectivos. Identificar os testes de diagnóstico diferencial entre as duas entidades e as suas características principais, nomeadamente os exames coordimétricos e o teste das ducções forçadas.


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This paper studies the performance of integer and fractional order controllers in a hexapod robot with joints at the legs having viscous friction and flexibility. For that objective the robot prescribed motion is characterized in terms of several locomotion variables. The controller performance is analised through the Nyquist stability criterion. A set of model-based experiments reveals the influence of the different controller implementations upon the proposed metrics.