990 resultados para CLEFT-PALATE REPAIR


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Objectives : To evaluate self-esteem, coping styles, and health-related quality of life and their relationships in Polish adolescents and young adults with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate and related sex differences. Design and Participants : Self-report questionnaires measuring self-esteem (Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory), coping styles (Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations), and health-related quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) were completed by 48 participants with cleft lip and palate (age, 16 to 23 years; 31 males, 17 females) and 48 controls without cleft lip and palate (age, 16 to 23 years; 28 males, 20 females) matched for age, place of residence, and socioeconomic status. Results : Regarding self-esteem, individuals with cleft lip and palate scored higher on body functioning (P < .01) and defensive self-enhancement (P < .05). Self-control showed an interaction effect: Females with cleft lip and palate scored higher than controls, but males did not differ between groups (P < .05). Males with cleft lip and palate scored lower than controls in personal power but higher in body functioning (P < .05); females showed no differences between groups. The groups did not differ with regard to coping styles or quality of life, but several correlations were found between self-esteem and coping styles, and quality of life (P < .01). Conclusions : Late adolescents and young adults with and without cleft lip and palate differed little in terms of psychological adjustment measures. The higher scores in defensive self-enhancement of individuals with cleft lip and palate suggest the need for instruments measuring social approval in psychosocial adjustment research involving this group.


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It is well recognized that offspring of women with epilepsy who are taking anticonvulsant medications have an increased incidence of clefting abnormalities. This increase has been attributed to the teratogenic effects of anticonvulsant medications but an alternative explanation involving a genetic association of epilepsy and clefting has also been proposed. Five family studies attempting to resolve this controversy have been inconclusive either because of study design or analytic limitations. This family study was designed to determine whether epilepsy aggregates in families ascertained by an individual with a clefting disorder. The Mayo Clinic medical linkage registry was used to identify individuals with cleft lip with or without cleft palate and cleft palate in southeast Minnesota from 1935-1986. Only those cases who were 15 years or younger during this period were included in the study. The proband's parents and descendants of their parents, including the proband's sibs, children, grandchildren, niece/nephews, grandnieces/nephews, halfsibs and spouses were also identified and all of their medical records were reviewed for seizure disorders. The standardized morbidity ratios for epilepsy of 0.9 (95% CI 0.2-2.6) observed for first degree relatives (excluding parents) and 0.0 for second degree relatives were not increased. The SMRs ranged from 0.7-2.2 for the individual relative types (parents 1.5, sibs 0.7, children 2.2, probands 1.1, spouses 2.0) and were also not increased. These results do not support the suggestions of some that clefting and epilepsy aggregate together in families. ^


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Nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (NSCLP) is a common birth defect with a multifactorial etiology. Despite decades of research, the genetic underpinnings of NSCLP still remain largely unexplained. A genome wide association study (GWAS) of a large NSCLP African American family with seven affected individuals across three generations found evidence for linkage at 8q21.3-24.12 (LOD = 2.98). This region contained three biologically relevant candidate genes: Frizzled-6 (FZD6) (LOD = 2.8), Matrilin-2 (MATN2) (LOD = 2.3), and Solute Carrier Family 25, Member 32 (SLC26A32) (LOD = 1.6). Sequencing of the coding regions and the 5’ and 3’ UTRs of these genes in two affected family members identified a rare intronic variant, rs138557689 (c.-153+432A>C), in FZD6. The rs138557689/C allele segregated with the NSCLP phenotype; in silico analysis predicted and EMSA analysis showed that the 138557689/C allele creates new DNA binding sites. FZD6 is part of the WNT pathway, which is involved in craniofacial development, including midface development and upper lip fusion. Our novel findings suggest that an alteration in FZD6 gene regulation may perturb this tightly controlled biological pathway and in turn contribute to the development of NSCLP in this family. Studies are underway to further define how the rs138557689/C variant affects expression of FZD6.


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Aim:To describe the clinical, demographic and environmental features associated with NSCL/P (nonsyndromic cleft lip and/or palate) patients born in western Parana state, Brazil. Methods: This cross-sectional, observational, retrospective study included 188 patients attended at the Association of Carriers of Cleft Lip and Palate - APOFILAB, Cascavel-Parana, between 2012 and 2014. Information on demographic characteristics, medical and dental histories and life style factors were obtained from records and personal interviews. Results: Among the 188 patients, cleft lip and palate (CLP) was the most frequent subtype (55.8%), followed by cleft lip only (CLO, 25.0%) and cleft palate only (CPO, 19.2%). Caucasian males were the most affected, although no differences among types of cleft were observed. The otorhinolaryngologic and respiratory alterations were the most frequent systemic alterations in NSCL/P patients, and more than 80% of the NSCL/P mothers reported no vitamin supplements during the first trimester of pregnancy. Conclusions: This study revealed that the prevalence of nonsyndromic oral cleft types in this cohort was quite similar to previously reported prevalence rates. Systemic alterations were identified among 23.4% of the patients and patients with CLP were the most affected. History of maternal exposition to environmental factors related to nonsyndromic oral clefts was frequent and most mothers reported no vitamin supplements during the pregnancy. This study highlights the importance of identifying systemic alterations and risk factors associated with NSCL/P in the Brazilian population for planning comprehensive strategies and integrated actions for the development of preventive programs and treatment.


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This study examined whether individual differences in perception of the quality of professional support available at a time of stress may be associated with security of attachment. We developed a new measure of parents' perceptions of emotional and practical support provided by a wide range of professionals involved in the treatment of infants with cleft lip. it showed good internal reliability and stability over 4 months. Mothers of 102 infants with cleft lip, with or without cleft palate, completed the measure at 2 and 6 months, together with the Parental Bonding Instrument and the General Health Questionnaire. Mean scores reflecting how much they could trust or talk frankly, or share their worst fears, with professionals, and the extent to which they saw them as a source of useful information or practical help, were lower among mothers with recollections of low maternal care in childhood, or high control. This was the case at 2 and 6 months, and there were some indications of an increasing contribution of low maternal care from 2 to 6 months. The associations were not explained by current depression. Further research is needed to clarify the role of attachment processes in parents' responses to serious medical conditions in their children, and into the implications for the way professionals in paediatric services provide support.


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Background: Children with cleft lip are known to be at raised risk for socio-emotional difficulties, but the nature of these problems and their causes are incompletely understood; longitudinal studies are required that include comprehensive assessment of child functioning, and consideration of developmental mechanisms. Method: Children with cleft lip (with and without cleft palate) (N = 93) and controls (N = 77), previously studied through infancy, were followed up at 7 years, and their socio-emotional functioning assessed using teacher and maternal reports, observations of social interactions, and child social representations (doll play). Direct and moderating effects of infant attachment and current parenting were investigated, as was the role of child communication difficulties and attractiveness. Results: Children with clefts had raised rates of teacher-reported social problems, and anxious and withdrawn-depressed behaviour; direct observations and child representations also revealed difficulties in social relationships. Child communication problems largely accounted for these effects, especially in children with cleft palate as well as cleft lip. Insecure attachment contributed to risk in both index and control groups, and a poorer current parenting environment exacerbated the difficulties of those with clefts. Conclusions: Children with clefts are at raised risk for socio-emotional difficulties in the school years; clinical interventions should focus on communication problems and supporting parenting; specific interventions around the transition to school may be required. More generally, the findings reflect the importance of communication skills for children’s peer relations.


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Objective: Early mother-infant interactions are impaired in the context of infant cleft lip, and are associated with adverse child psychological outcomes, but the nature of these interaction difficulties is not yet fully understood. The aim of this study was to explore adult gaze behaviour and cuteness perception, which are particularly important during early social exchanges, in response to infants with cleft lip, in order to investigate potential foundations for the interaction difficulties seen in this population. Methods: Using an eye-tracker, eye movements were recorded as adult participants viewed images of infant faces with and without cleft lip. Participants also rated each infant on a scale of cuteness. Results: Participants fixated significantly longer on the mouths of infants with cleft lip, which occurred at the expense of fixation on eyes. Severity of cleft lip was associated with the strength of fixation bias, with participants looking even longer at the mouths of infants with the most severe clefts. Infants with cleft lip were rated as significantly less cute than unaffected infants. Men rated infants as less cute than women overall, but gave particularly low ratings to infants with cleft lip Conclusions: Results demonstrate that the limited disturbance in infant facial configuration of cleft lip can significantly alter adult gaze patterns and cuteness perception. Our findings could have important implications for early interactions, and may help in the development of interventions to foster healthy development in infants with cleft lip.


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Objective: To evaluate the presence of enamel alterations in deciduous maxillary central incisors of infants with unilateral cleft lip and alveolar ridge, with or without cleft palate, and to compare the occurrence and location of these alterations between the central incisor adjacent to the cleft and the contralateral incisor. Design: Intraoral clinical examination was performed after tooth cleaning and drying by a single examiner with the aid of a dental mirror, dental probe, and artificial light, with the child positioned on a dental chair. The defects were recorded in a standardized manner according to the criteria of the Modified Developmental Defects of Enamel Index. Setting: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies (HRAC) at Bauru, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Patients: One hundred one infants were evaluated. All were white, of both genders, aged 12 to 36 months and had at least two thirds of the crowns of maxillary incisors erupted. Results: Demarcated opacity was the most common defect at both cleft and noncleft sides, followed by diffuse opacity. The occurrence of hypoplasia at the cleft side was 11.8%. Most defects affected less than one third of the crown. Conclusion: The occurrence of enamel defects in deciduous maxillary central incisors of patients with unilateral cleft lip was 42.6%, mainly affecting the cleft side as to both number and severity.


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Objective: To radiographically evaluate the prevalence of dental anomalies in patients with complete and incomplete bilateral cleft lip, comparing the prevalence of anomalies between genders and cleft types. Setting: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of Sao Paulo (HRAC/USP), Bauru, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants: 150 randomly selected panoramic radiographs of individuals with complete or incomplete bilateral cleft lip; patient age 12 to 25 years (mean age 13.8 years). Results: Data were statistically analyzed to compare the possible association between presence of hypodontia and supernumerary teeth, according to gender and cleft type. Among the 150 patients evaluated, 80 (53.3%) were male and 70 (46.6%) were female. Since no statistically significant difference was found in hypodontia between genders, data were grouped for analysis, revealing prevalence of 31.6% for complete clefts and 26.8% for incomplete clefts. Concerning supernumerary teeth, the prevalence for the male patients was 28.2% for complete cleft lip and 29.2% for incomplete cleft lip. For female patients, the prevalence was significantly (p = .006) lower for complete cleft lip (17.5%) than for incomplete cleft lip (46.6%). Conclusions: The present results suggest that the prevalence of hypodontia was higher in patients with complete cleft lip, and the prevalence of supernumerary teeth was higher in patients with incomplete cleft lip, in agreement with previous studies.


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The use of prosthetic devices for correction of velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) is an alternative treatment for patients with conditions that preclude surgery and for those individuals with a hypofunctional velopharynx (HV) with a poor prognosis for the surgical repair of VPI. Understanding the role and measuring the outcome of prosthetic treatment of velopharyngeal dysfunction requires the use of tools that allow for documenting pre- and post-treatment outcomes. Experimental openings in speech bulbs have been used for simulating VPI in studies documenting changes in aerodynamic, acoustic and kinematics aspects of speech associated with the use of palatal prosthetic devices. The use of nasometry to document changes in speech associated with experimental openings in speech bulbs, however, has not been described in the literature. Objective: This single-subject study investigated nasalance and nasality at the presence of experimental openings drilled through the speech bulb of a patient with HV. Material and Methods: Nasometric recordings of the word "pato" were obtained under 4 velopharyngeal conditions: no-opening (control condition), no speech bulb, speech bulb with a 20 mm(2) opening, and speech bulb with 30 mm(2) opening. Five speech-language pathologists performed auditory-perceptual ratings while the subject read an oral passage under all conditions. Results: Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant difference among conditions (p=0.0002), with Scheffe post hoc test indicating difference from the no-opening condition. Conclusion: The changes in nasalance observed after drilling holes of known sizes in a speech bulb suggest that nasometry reflect changes in transfer of sound energy related to different sizes of velopharyngeal opening.


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Background: Oral clefts are one of the most common birth defects with significant medical, psychosocial, and economic ramifications. Oral clefts have a complex etiology with genetic and environmental risk factors. There are suggestive results for decreased risks of cleft occurrence and recurrence with folic acid supplements taken at preconception and during pregnancy with a stronger evidence for higher than lower doses in preventing recurrence. Yet previous studies have suffered from considerable design limitations particularly non-randomization into treatment. There is also well-documented effectiveness for folic acid in preventing neural tube defect occurrence at 0.4 mg and recurrence with 4 mg. Given the substantial burden of clefting on the individual and the family and the supportive data for the effectiveness of folic acid supplementation as well as its low cost, a randomized clinical trial of the effectiveness of high versus low dose folic acid for prevention of cleft recurrence is warranted.Methods/design: This study will assess the effect of 4 mg and 0.4 mg doses of folic acid, taken on a daily basis during preconception and up to 3 months of pregnancy by women who are at risk of having a child with nonsyndromic cleft lip with/without palate (NSCL/P), on the recurrence of NSCL/P. The total sample will include about 6,000 women (that either have NSCL/P or that have at least one child with NSCL/P) randomly assigned to the 4 mg and the 0.4 mg folic acid study groups. The study will also compare the recurrence rates of NSCL/P in the total sample of subjects, as well as the two study groups (4mg, 0.4 mg) to that of a historical control group. The study has been approved by IRBs (ethics committees) of all involved sites. Results will be disseminated through publications and presentations at scientific meetings.Discussion: The costs related to oral clefts are high, including long term psychological and socio-economic effects. This study provides an opportunity for huge savings in not only money but the overall quality of life. This may help establish more specific clinical guidelines for oral cleft prevention so that the intervention can be better tailored for at-risk women.


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Objective: To evaluate the presence of enamel alterations in deciduous maxillary central incisors of infants with unilateral cleft lip and alveolar ridge, with or without cleft palate, and to compare the occurrence and location of these alterations between the central incisor adjacent to the cleft and the contralateral incisor.Design: Intraoral clinical examination was performed after tooth cleaning and drying by a single examiner with the aid of a dental mirror, dental probe, and artificial light, with the child positioned on a dental chair. The defects were recorded in a standardized manner according to the criteria of the Modified Developmental Defects of Enamel Index.Setting: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies (HRAC) at Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil.Patients: One hundred one infants were evaluated. All were white, of both genders, aged 12 to 36 months and had at least two thirds of the crowns of maxillary incisors erupted.Results: Demarcated opacity was the most common defect at both cleft and noncleft sides, followed by diffuse opacity. The occurrence of hypoplasia at the cleft side was 11.8%. Most defects affected less than one third of the crown.Conclusion: The occurrence of enamel defects in deciduous maxillary central incisors of patients with unilateral cleft lip was 42.6%, mainly affecting the cleft side as to both number and severity.


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A child with microdeletion at 22q11.21 was referred to a craniofacial center due to hypernasality, unintelligible speech, and bifid uvula. Velopharyngeal dysfunction remained after surgical repair of submucous cleft palate and speech therapy. A prosthetic-behavioral treatment approach involving total obturation of the velopharynx was successfully implemented for management of velopharyngeal hypodynamism.


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Vitamin A and its derivatives, retinoic acid, tretinoin and isotretinoin, are currently used in dermatological treatments. The administration of high doses of this vitamin provokes congenital malformations in mice: cleft palate, maxillary and mandibular hypoplasia and total or partial fusion of the maxillary incisors. This study compares the tooth germs of the first maxillary and mandibular molars of fetal mice submitted to isotretinoin during organogenesis. Twelve 60-day-old female Mus musculus were divided into two groups on the 7th day of pregnancy: treated group--1 mg isotretinoin per kg body weight, dissolved in vegetable oil, was administered from the 7th to the 13th day of pregnancy; control group--vegetable oil in equivalent volume was administered orally for the same period. On the 16th day of pregnancy, the females were sacrificed, the fetuses were removed and their heads amputated. After standard laboratory procedures, 6-micron thick serial slices were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for optical microscopy examination. The results showed that both groups had closed palates with no reminiscence of epithelial cells; however, the first molar germs of the isotretinoin-treated animals showed delayed development compared to the control animals.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the long-term effects of orthognathic surgery on subsequent growth of the maxillomandibular complex in the young cleft patient. Patients and Methods: We evaluated 12 young cleft patients (9 male and 3 female patients), with a mean age of 12 years 6 months (range, 9 years 8 months to 15 years 4 months), who underwent Le Fort I osteotomies, with maxillary advancement, expansion, and/or downgrafting, by use of autogenous bone or hydroxyapatite grafts, when indicated, for maxillary stabilization. Five patients had concomitant osteotomies of the mandibular ramus. All patients had presurgical and postsurgical orthodontic treatment to control the occlusion. Radiographs taken at initial evaluation (T1) and presurgery (T2) were compared to establish the facial growth vector before surgery, whereas radiographs taken immediately postsurgery (T3) and at longest follow-up (T4) were used to determine postsurgical growth. Each patient's lateral cephalograms were traced, and 16 landmarks were identified and used to compute 11 measurements describing presurgical and postsurgical growth. Results: Before surgery, all patients had relatively normal growth. After surgery, cephalograms showed statistically significant growth changes from T3 to T4, with the maxillary depth decreasing by -3.3° ± 1.8°, Sella-nasion-point A by -3.3° ± 1.8°, and point A-nasion-point B by -3.6° ± 2.8°. The angulation of the maxillary incisors increased by 9.2° ± 11.7°. Of 12 patients, 11 showed disproportionate postsurgical jaw growth. Maxillary growth occurred predominantly in a vertical vector with no anteroposterior growth, even though most patients had shown anteroposterior growth before surgery. The distance increased in the linear measurement from nasion to gnathion by 10.3 ± 7.9 mm. Four of 5 patients operated on during the mixed dentition phase had teeth that erupted through the cleft area. A variable impairment of postoperative growth was seen with the 2 types of grafting material used. No significant difference was noted in the effect on growth in patients with unilateral clefts versus those with bilateral clefts. The presence of a pharyngeal flap was noted to adversely affect growth, whereas simultaneous mandibular surgery did not. After surgery, 11 of 12 patients tended toward a Class III end-on occlusal relation. Conclusions: Orthognathic surgery may be performed on growing cleft patients when mandated by psychological and/or functional concerns. The surgeon must be cognizant of the adverse postsurgical growth outcomes when performing orthognathic surgery on growing cleft patients with the possibility for further surgery requirements. Performing maxillary osteotomies on cleft patients would be more predictable after completion of facial growth. © 2008 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.