116 resultados para CHLOROQUINE


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A determinação das concentrações sanguíneas de antimaláricos empregando métodos rápidos, simples e sensíveis, representa importante ferramenta para otimização dos esquemas terapêuticos adotados atualmente no Brasil. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetivou a validação de uma metodologia analítica por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detecção no ultravioleta para determinação de cloroquina em amostras de sangue total adsorvidas em papel de filtro, oriundas de pacientes com malária vivax. Foram avaliados: precisão intra e inter ensaio, recuperação, limites de detecção e de quantificação, robustez, estabilidade, linearidade e seletividade. Os resultados demonstraram que os coeficientes de variação intra ensaio em concentrações de 100 a 1000 ng/mL variou de 6 a 10% tanto para cloroquina, quanto para desetilcloroquina. Os coeficientes de variação inter ensaio em concentrações de 100 a 1000 ng/mL variaram de 5 a 10% e 4 a 10% para cloroquina e desetilcloroquina, respectivamente. Os limites de detecção foram 62.5ng/mL para cloroquina e 50.0ng/mL para desetilcloroquina e os limites de quantificação foram 100ng/mL para ambos os analitos. A recuperação em concentração de 100 a 1000 ng/mL variou de 90 a 105% e 95 a 105%, para cloroquina e desetilcloroquina, respectivamente. O método foi linear em intervalo de concentração de 100 ng/mL a 2000 para cloroquina e de 100 a 800 ng/mL para desetilcloroquina. O método foi robusto para pequenas variações de fluxo, pH da fase móvel e composição da fase orgânica. Não foram observados interferentes no procedimento validado dentre aqueles fármacos utilizados no tratamento da malária. A determinação de cloroquina e desetilcloroquina em pacientes com malária vivax cujos valores médios foram de 1266±455 ng/mL e 357±165ng/mL, caracterizaram a aplicabilidade do procedimento validado para a determinação deste antimalárico nestes pacientes.


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Os relatos crescentes da resistência aos antimaláricos no tratamento da malária vivax direcionam a busca de novas estratégias de aperfeiçoamento do tratamento e controle da doença e ao se considerar a ausência de dados referentes a eficácia da associação cloroquina e primaquina e seus respectivos perfis cinéticos em pacientes com malária vivax no estado do Pará, este estudo objetivou avaliar as características epidemiológicas, a resposta terapêutica e as funções renal e hepática de 40 pacientes com malária vivax atendidos no Programa de Ensaios Clínicos em Malária do Instituto Evandro Chagas (Belém/Pará) no período 2008 a 2010. Houve predomínio do gênero masculino (67,5%), a faixa etária de maior incidência foi 34-42 anos (30%), as ocupações principais foram maritimos e vendedores; a maioria (85%) residente em Belém-PA; os primoinfectados representaram 42,5%. A parasitemia inicial média foi 4.485,7 ± 6.732,7 parasitos/mm3, sendo considerada baixa em 95% e média em 5% dos casos. A anemia esteve presente em 60% dos casos com faixa estária predominante entre 23 a 60 anos; 57,5% apresentaram os demais índices hematimétricos foram normais em ambos os gêneros. Os parâmetros bioquímicos foram similares nos pacientes primoinfectados e recorrentes; O perfil cinético da cloroquina demonstrou pico de concentração plasmática de1.102,15 ± 313,52 ng/mL; em D30 foram D30 foram de 98,6 ± 35,88. Os teores médios de primaquina em D2, D7 e D14 foram de 210,2 ng/mL, 345,0 ng/mL e 91,7 ng/mL, respectivamente. O seguimento clínico e laboratorial dos pacientes não detectou recidiva da infecção após o seguimento de 28 dias, e não foram evidenciadas sintomatologia clínica adicional, o que aliado ao tempo médio de clareamento da parasitemia de 80±32 horas indicam que o esquema terapêutico utilizado foi eficaz com taxa de cura de 100%, bem como a qualidade das medidas de orientação, esclarecimento e seguimento do serviço de saúde nos quais os pacientes foram diagnosticados e tratados.


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A malária vivax é uma doença que a cerca de 40% da população mundial, utiliza-se no tratamento desta, cloroquina (150 mg) e primaquina (15 mg). Esta é uma 8- aminoquinolina com ação esquizonticida tecidual. Dentre seus efeitos adversos se destaca a capacidade de oxidar a hemoglobina, de maneira dose dependente, que é agravada nos indivíduos com deficiência da glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase. Ao se considerar a ausência de estudos referentes aos teores de metemoglobina e sua correlação com as concentrações plasmáticas de primaquina nos pacientes com malária vivax, justifica-se a realização deste estudo empregando-se como ferramentas a monitorização das concentrações sanguíneas de primaquina e sua correlação com os teores de metemoglobina. Neste sentido, foi realizado seguimento clínico-laboratorial de 20 pacientes com malária vivax antes (D0) e após três (D3), sete (D7) e quatorze (D14) dias iniciado o tratamento, bem como a validação do método para determinação de primaquina por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE). A metemoglobinemia foi avaliada pela técnica de Hegesh et al. (1970) e a glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase pelo teste colorimétrico de Brewer et al. (1962). A metodologia validada demonstrou parâmetros aplicáveis à determinação de primaquina, cujos teores médios em D3, D7 e D14 foram de 227±106 ng/mL, 191±97 ng/mL e 160±128ng/mL. Não foram obervadas diferenças significativas nas concentrações do fármaco quanto ao sexo dos pacientes participantes e nos diversos dias do estudo. Os teores médios de metemoglobina em D0, D3, D7 e D14 foram de 1,15±0,9%, 4,1±2%, 5,7±2% e 3±1,4%, respectivamente. Foi observado aumento no teor de metemoglobina após administração do fármaco, sem diferença quanto ao sexo. Não foi observada correlação significativa entre os teores de metemoglobina e as concentrações plasmáticas de primaquina em ambos os sexos. Os coeficientes de correlação de Pearson para os sexos masculino e feminino foram 0.8296 e 0.8137, respectivamente. Foi observada deficiência da expressão da enzima glicose-6- fosfato desidrogenase em seis pacientes do sexo masculino sem diferenças entre os teores de metemoglobina e das concentrações plasmáticas de Primaquina, quando comparados com pacientes com expressão normal da enzima.


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Informações etnomédicas mostram que algumas espécies de Aspidosperma (Apocynaceae) são utilizadas contra a malária no Brasil e motivaram a avaliação de 6 espécies que foram coletadas no Estado de Minas Gerais: A. cylindrocarpon Müll. Arg., A. parvifolium A. DC., A. olivaceum Müll. Arg., A. ramiflorum Müll. Arg., A. spruceanum Benth. ex Müll. Arg. and A. tomentosum Mart. Um total de 23 extratos de diferentes partes das plantas, em diferentes solventes, foram testados in vitro contra cepas de Plasmodium falciparum resistente a cloroquina (W2) e sensível a cloroquina (3D7). Todos os extratos mostraram-se ativos apresentando valores de CI50 na faixa de 5,0 ± 2,8 µg/mL a 65,0 ± 4,2 µg/ mL. O perfil por CCD dos extratos revelou a presença de alcalóides nas 6 espécies avaliadas. Esses resultados parecem confirmar o uso popular de espécies de Aspidosperma no tratamento da malária humana no Brasil e parecem indicar os alcalóides como possíveis compostos ativos das espécies testadas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective. To assess the efficacy and safety of pandemic 2009 influenza A (H1N1) in SLE under different therapeutic regimens. Methods. A total of 555 SLE patients and 170 healthy controls were vaccinated with a single dose of a non-adjuvanted preparation. According to current therapy, patients were initially classified as SLE No Therapy (n = 75) and SLE with Therapy (n = 480). Subsequent evaluations included groups under monotherapy: chloroquine (CQ) (n = 105), prednisone (PRED) epsilon 20 mg (n = 76), immunosuppressor (IS) (n = 95) and those with a combination of these drugs. Anti-H1N1 titres and seroconversion (SC) rate were evaluated at entry and 21 days post-vaccination. Results. The SLE with Therapy group had lower SC compared with healthy controls (59.0 vs 80.0%; P < 0.0001), whereas the SLE No Therapy group had equivalent SC (72 vs 80.0%; P = 0.18) compared with healthy controls. Further comparison revealed that the SC of SLE No Therapy (72%) was similar to the CQ group (69.5%; P = 0.75), but it was significantly reduced in PRED epsilon 20 mg (53.9%; P = 0.028), IS (55.7%; P = 0.035) and PRED epsilon 20 mg + IS (45.4%; P = 0.038). The concomitant use of CQ in each of these later regimens was associated with SC responses comparable with SLE No Therapy group (72%): PRED epsilon 20 mg + CQ (71.4%; P = 1.00), IS + CQ (65.2%; P = 0.54) and PRED epsilon 20 mg + IS + CQ (57.4%; P = 0.09). Conclusion. Pandemic influenza A H1N1/2009 vaccine response is diminished in SLE under immunosuppressive therapy and antimalarials seems to restore this immunogenicity.


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More than 40% of the World population is at risk of contracting malaria, which affects primarily poor populations in tropical and subtropical areas. Antimalarial pharmacotherapy has utilised plant-derived products such as quinine and artemisinin as well as their derivatives. However, worldwide use of these antimalarials has caused the spread of resistant parasites, resulting in increased malaria morbidity and mortality. Considering that the literature has demonstrated the antimalarial potential of triterpenes, specially betulinic acid (1) and ursolic acid (2), this study investigated the antimalarial activity against P. falciparum chloroquine-sensitive 3D7 strain of some new derivatives of 1 and 2 with modifications at C-3 and C-28. The antiplasmodial study employed flow cytometry and spectrofluorimetric analyses using YOYO-1, dihydroethidium and Fluo4/AM for staining. Among the six analogues obtained, compounds 1c and 2c showed excellent activity (IC50 = 220 and 175 nM, respectively) while 1a and b demonstrated good activity ( IC50 = 4 and 5 mu M, respectively). After cytotoxicity evaluation against HEK293T cells, 1a was not toxic, while 1c and 2c showed IC50 of 4 mu M and a selectivity index (SI) value of 18 and 23, respectively. Moreover, compound 2c, which presents the best antiplasmodial activity, is involved in the calcium-regulated pathway(s).


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The influence of antimalarials on lipids in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has been identified in several studies but not in many prospective cohorts. The aim of this study was to longitudinally determine the effect of antimalarials on the lipoprotein profile in SLE. Patients and methods: Fasting total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) plasma levels were determined at entry and after 3 months of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) treatment in a longitudinal evaluation of 24 patients with SLE. Results: a significant decrease in TC (198 +/- 33.7 vs. 183 +/- 30.3 mg/dl, p = 0.023) and LDL levels (117 +/- 31.3 vs. 101 +/- 26.2 mg/dl, p = 0.023) were detected after the 3 months of HCQ therapy. The reduction of 7.6% in TC (p = 0.055) and 13.7% in LDL levels (p = 0.036) determined a significant decrease in the frequency of dyslipidemia (26% vs. 12.5%, p = 0.013) after HCQ therapy. Conclusion: This longitudinal study demonstrated the beneficial effect of antimalarials on lipids in SLE since this therapy induced a reduction of atherogenic lipoproteins. Lupus (2012) 21, 1178-1182.


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Background: The activation of innate immune responses by Plasmodium vivax results in activation of effector cells and an excessive production of pro-inflammatory cytokines that may culminate in deleterious effects. Here, we examined the activation and function of neutrophils during acute episodes of malaria. Materials and Methods: Blood samples were collected from P. vivax-infected patients at admission (day 0) and 30-45 days after treatment with chloroquine and primaquine. Expression of activation markers and cytokine levels produced by highly purified monocytes and neutrophils were measured by the Cytometric Bead Assay. Phagocytic activity, superoxide production, chemotaxis and the presence of G protein-coupled receptor (GRK2) were also evaluated in neutrophils from malaria patients. Principal Findings: Both monocytes and neutrophils from P. vivax-infected patients were highly activated. While monocytes were found to be the main source of cytokines in response to TLR ligands, neutrophils showed enhanced phagocytic activity and superoxide production. Interestingly, neutrophils from the malaria patients expressed high levels of GRK2, low levels of CXCR2, and displayed impaired chemotaxis towards IL-8 (CXCL8). Conclusion: Activated neutrophils from malaria patients are a poor source of pro-inflammatory cytokines and display reduced chemotactic activity, suggesting a possible mechanism for an enhanced susceptibility to secondary bacterial infection during malaria.


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Emerging resistance to chloroquine (CQ) poses a major challenge for Plasmodium vivax malaria control, and nucleotide substitutions and copy number variation in the P. vivax multidrug resistance 1 (pvmdr-1) locus, which encodes a digestive vacuole membrane transporter, may modulate this phenotype. We describe patterns of genetic variation in pvmdr-1 alleles from Acre and Amazonas in northwestern Brazil, and compare then with those reported in other malaria-endemic regions. The pvmdr-1 mutation Y976F, which is associated with CQ resistance in Southeast Asia and Oceania, remains rare in northwestern Brazil (1.8%) and its prevalence mirrors that of CO resistance worldwide. Gene amplification of pvmdr-1, which is associated with mefloquine resistance but increased susceptibility to CO, remains relatively rare in northwestern Brazil (0.9%) and globally (< 4%), but became common (> 10%) in Tak Province, Thailand, possibly because of drug-mediated selection. The global database we have assembled provides a baseline for further studies of genetic variation in pvmdr-1 and drug resistance in P. vivax malaria.


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Background The discovery and development of anti-malarial compounds of plant origin and semisynthetic derivatives thereof, such as quinine (QN) and chloroquine (CQ), has highlighted the importance of these compounds in the treatment of malaria. Ursolic acid analogues bearing an acetyl group at C-3 have demonstrated significant anti-malarial activity. With this in mind, two new series of betulinic acid (BA) and ursolic acid (UA) derivatives with ester groups at C-3 were synthesized in an attempt to improve anti-malarial activity, reduce cytotoxicity, and search for new targets. In vitro activity against CQ-sensitive Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 and an evaluation of cytotoxicity in a mammalian cell line (HEK293T) are reported. Furthermore, two possible mechanisms of action of anti-malarial compounds have been evaluated: effects on mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) and inhibition of β-haematin formation. Results Among the 18 derivatives synthesized, those having shorter side chains were most effective against CQ-sensitive P. falciparum 3D7, and were non-cytotoxic. These derivatives were three to five times more active than BA and UA. A DiOC6(3) ΔΨm assay showed that mitochondria are not involved in their mechanism of action. Inhibition of β-haematin formation by the active derivatives was weaker than with CQ. Compounds of the BA series were generally more active against P. falciparum 3D7 than those of the UA series. Conclusions Three new anti-malarial prototypes were obtained from natural sources through an easy and relatively inexpensive synthesis. They represent an alternative for new lead compounds for anti-malarial chemotherapy.


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Introduction Alfa-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) has a variety of biological functions such as downregulation of pro-inflammatory pathways, reduction of skin delayed-type hypersensitivity and blockage of leukocyte migration. Inhibition of experimental disease models development including inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis has been shown, however the immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects of α-MSH on murine lupus remain undetermined. Objectives To evaluate the effect of α-MSH analogue (NDP α-MSH) on pristane-induced murine lupus. Methods Thirty-five BALB/c mice were injected with 0.5 ml intraperitoneal (IP) pristane for lupus-like model induction and 5 age/gender matched control mice were given saline. Pristane-induced lupus animals received daily IP saline (n = 5) or treatments with 3.1 mg/kg/d chloroquine (n = 10), 1.25 mg/kg/d NDP α-MSH (n = 10) or 2.5 mg/kg/d NDP α-MSH (n = 10). Prior and 180 days after induction, clinical and laboratorial lupus-like parameters were examined. Sera ANA was tested by IF using Hep2 cells. Statistical analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney and Fisher test and P < 0,05 considered significant. Results Arthritis in both hind legs and large amounts of lipogranulomas in peritoneal cavity were observed in all lupus-like animals in contrast to all controls. By visual observation, all lupus animals treated with both doses of α-MSH had significant less amount and lower size lipogranulomas. Mean arthritis score in 5 untreated mice, 9 animals treated with chloroquine and 8 with α-MSH 2.5 mg/kg/d was 5.2, 3.33 and 3.1 respectively. Remarkably, mean arthritis score of animals treated with α-MSH 1.25 mg/kg/d was 1.6, significantly lower than untreated mice (1.6 vs 5.2, p = 0.0291). ANAs were negative in sera from all 40 animals before pristane lupus injection; 180 days after induction, ANAs remained negative in normal mice but became positive in all 5 (100%) untreated lupus animals, 7 (77%), 4 (50%) and 3 (35%) lupus models treated with chloroquine, α-MSH 2.5 mg/kg/d and α-MSH 1.25 mg/kg/d (100% vs 35%, p = 0,0256), respectively. Before the end of the experiment, by day 150, 3 animals died: 1 treated with chloroquine and 2 with higher doses of α-MSH. Conclusion NDP α-MSH promoted improvement of clinical and serological parameters in pristane-induced murine lupus suggesting a potential role for this drug in human SLE.


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Structure-activity relationship studies were carried out by chemical modification of manzamine A (1), 8-hydroxymanzamine A (2), manzamine F (14), and ircinal isolated from the sponge Acanthostrongylophora. The derived analogues were evaluated for antimalarial, antimicrobial, and antineuroinflammatory activities. Several modified products exhibited potent and improved in vitro antineuroinflammatory, antimicrobial, and antimalarial activity. 1 showed improved activity against malaria compared to chloroquine in both multi- and single-dose in vivo experiments. The significant antimalarial potential was revealed by a 100% cure rate of malaria in mice with one administration of 100 mg/kg of 1. The potent antineuroinflammatory activity of the manzamines will provide great benefit for the prevention and treatment of cerebral infections (e.g., Cryptococcus and Plasmodium). In addition, 1 was shown to permeate across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in an in vitro model using a MDR-MDCK monolayer. Docking studies support that 2 binds to the ATP-noncompetitive pocket of glycogen synthesis kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta), which is a putative target of manzamines. On the basis of the results presented here, it will be possible to initiate rational drug design efforts around this natural product scaffold for the treatment of several different diseases.