970 resultados para CD40 ligand
Monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs) in clinical use for cancer immunotherapy are ideally generated in serum-free medium (SFM) with inclusion of a suitable maturation factor toward the end of the incubation period. Three good manfacturing practice (GMP) grade SFMs (AIM-V, X-VIVO 15, and X-VIVO 20) were compared with RPMI-1640, supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum or 10% human serum. DCs generated for 7 days in SFM were less mature and secreted less interleukin (IL) 12p70 and IL-10 than DCs generated in 10% serum. DC yield was comparable in SFMs, and a greater proportion of cells was viable after maturation. Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands were compared for their ability to induce cytokine secretion under serum-free conditions in the presence of interferon (IFN) gamma. With the exception of Poly I:C, TLR ligands stimulated high levels of IL-10 secretion. High levels of IL-12p70 were induced by two TLR4-mediated stimuli, lipopolysaccharide and Ribomunyl, a clinical-grade bacterial extract. When T-cell responses were compared in allogeneic mixed leukocyte reaction, DCs stimulated with Ribomunyl induced higher levels of IFN gamma than DCs stimulated with the cytokine cocktail: tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-6, and prostaglandin E-2. In the presence of IL-10 neutralizing antibodies, DC IL-12p70 production and T-cell IFN gamma were increased in vitro. Similarly, DCs stimulated with Ribomunyl, IFN gamma, and anti-IL-10 induced high levels of tetanus toxoid-specific T-cell proliferation and IFN gamma secretion. Thus, MoDCs generated ill SFM efficiently stimulate T-cell IFN gamma production after maturation in the presence of a clinical-grade TLR4 agonist and IL-10 neutralization.
Signal transduction through the surface molecule CD40 is critical for cellular activation in immunoinflammatory states such as sepsis. The mechanisms regulating this pathway are not completely understood. Because CD40 displays potentially regulatory cysteine residues and CD40 is probably exposed to NO in the inflammatory milieu, we hypothesized that S-nitrosylation, the interaction of NO with cysteines residues, acts as a post-translational modification on CD40, coregulating the signaling activity and, therefore, the level of cellular activation. As assessed by the biotin switch and the reduction/chemiluminescence S-nitrosylation detection techniques, CD40 was found to be S-nitrosylated endogenously and upon exposure to NO donors in both human and murine macrophages. S-nitrosylation of CD40 was associated with milder activation by its ligand (CD40L), leading to reduced in vitro cytokine (IL-1 beta, IL-12, and TNF-alpha) production, which was reversed in the presence of inhibitors of NO synthesis. S-nitrosylated CD40 was found in resting RAW 246.7 macrophages and BALB/c mice peritoneal macrophages, turning into the denitrosylated state upon in vitro or systemic exposure, respectively, to LPS. Moreover, monocytes from patients with sepsis displayed denitrosylated CD40 in contrast to the CD40 S-nitrosylation measured in healthy individuals. Finally, in an attempt to explain how S-nitrosylation regulates CD40 activation, we demonstrate that NO affects the redistribution of CD40 on the cell surface, which is a requirement for optimal signal transduction. Our results support a novel post-translational regulatory mechanism in which the CD40 signal may be, at least in part, dependent on cellular activation-induced receptor denitrosylation.
The outcome of dendritic cell (DC) presentation of Ag to T cells via the TCR/MHC synapse is determined by second signaling through CD80/86 and, importantly, by ligation of costimulatory ligands and receptors located at the DC and T cell surfaces. Downstream signaling triggered by costimulatory molecule ligation results in reciprocal DC and T cell activation and survival, which predisposes to enhanced T cell-mediated immune responses. In this study, we used adenoviral vectors to express a model tumor Ag (the E7 oncoprotein of human papillomavirus 16) with or without coexpression of receptor activator of NF-kappaB (RANK)/RANK ligand (RANKL) or CD40/CD40L costimulatory molecules, and used these transgenic DCs to immunize mice for the generation of E7-directed CD8(+) T cell responses. We show that coexpression of RANK/RANKL, but not CD40/CD40L, in E7-expressing DCs augmented E7-specific IFN-gamma-secreting effector and memory T cells and E7-specific CTLs. These responses were also augmented by coexpression of T cell costimulatory molecules (RANKL and CD40L) or DC costimulatory molecules (RANK and CD40) in the E7-expressing DC immunogens. Augmentation of CTL responses correlated with up-regulation of CD80 and CD86 expression in DCs transduced with costimulatory molecules, suggesting a mechanism for enhanced T cell activation/survival. These results have generic implications for improved tumor Ag-expressing DC vaccines, and specific implications for a DC-based vaccine approach for human papillomavirus 16-associated cervical carcinoma.
The antigen-presenting cell-expressed CD40 is implied in the regulation of counteractive immune responses such as induction of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-10, respectively. The mechanism of this duality in CD40 function remains unknown. Here, we investigated whether such duality depends on ligand binding. Based on CD40 binding, we identifed two dodecameric peptides, peptide-7 and peptide-19, from the phage peptide library. Peptide-7 induces IL-10 and increases Leishmania donovani infection in macrophages, whereas peptide-19 induces IL-12 and reduces L. donovani infection. CD40-peptide interaction analyses by surface plasmon resonance and atomic force microscopy suggest that the functional differences are not associated with the studied interaction parameters. The molecular dynamic simulation of the CD40-peptides interaction suggests that these two peptides bind to two different places on CD40. Thus, we suggest for the first time that differential binding of the ligands imparts functional duality to CD40.
The activation of CD40 on B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells by its ligand CD154 (CD40L) is essential for the development of humoral and cellular immune responses. CD40L and other TNF superfamily ligands are noncovalent homotrimers, but the form under which CD40 exists in the absence of ligand remains to be elucidated. Here, we show that both cell surface-expressed and soluble CD40 self-assemble, most probably as noncovalent dimers. The cysteine-rich domain 1 (CRD1) of CD40 participated to dimerization and was also required for efficient receptor expression. Modelization of a CD40 dimer allowed the identification of lysine 29 in CRD1, whose mutation decreased CD40 self-interaction without affecting expression or response to ligand. When expressed alone, recombinant CD40-CRD1 bound CD40 with a KD of 0.6 μm. This molecule triggered expression of maturation markers on human dendritic cells and potentiated CD40L activity. These results suggest that CD40 self-assembly modulates signaling, possibly by maintaining the receptor in a quiescent state.
The antigen-presenting cell-expressed CD40 is implied in the regulation of counteractive immune responses such as induction of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-10, respectively. The mechanism of this duality in CD40 function remains unknown. Here, we investigated whether such duality depends on ligand binding. Based on CD40 binding, we identifed two dodecameric peptides, peptide-7 and peptide-19, from the phage peptide library. Peptide-7 induces IL-10 and increases Leishmania donovani infection in macrophages, whereas peptide-19 induces IL-12 and reduces L. donovani infection. CD40-peptide interaction analyses by surface plasmon resonance and atomic force microscopy suggest that the functional differences are not associated with the studied interaction parameters. The molecular dynamic simulation of the CD40-peptides interaction suggests that these two peptides bind to two different places on CD40. Thus, we suggest for the first time that differential binding of the ligands imparts functional duality to CD40.
Coordinated interactions between T and B cells are crucial for inducing physiological B cell responses. Mutant mice in which tyrosine 136 of linker for activation of T cell (LAT) is replaced by a phenylalanine (Lat(Y136F)) exhibit a strong CD4(+) T cell proliferation in the absence of intended immunization. The resulting effector T cells produce high amounts of T(H)2 cytokines and are extremely efficient at inducing polyclonal B cell activation. As a consequence, these Lat(Y136F) mutant mice showed massive germinal center formations and hypergammaglobulinemia. Here, we analyzed the involvement of different costimulators and their ligands in such T-B interactions both in vitro and in vivo, using blocking antibodies, knockout mice, and adoptive transfer experiments. Surprisingly, we showed in vitro that although B cell activation required contact with T cells, CD40, and inducible T cell costimulator molecule-ligand (ICOSL) signaling were not necessary for this process. These observations were further confirmed in vivo, where none of these molecules were required for the unfolding of the LAT CD4(+) T cell expansion and the subsequent polyclonal B cell activation, although, the absence of CD40 led to a reduction of the follicular B cell response. These results indicate that the crucial functions played by CD40 and ICOSL in germinal center formation and isotype switching in physiological humoral responses are partly overcome in Lat(Y136F) mice. By comparison, the absence of CD80-CD86 was found to almost completely block the in vitro B cell activation mediated by Lat(Y136F) CD4(+) T cells. The role of CD80-CD86 in T-B cooperation in vivo remained elusive due to the upstream implication of these costimulatory molecules in the expansion of Lat(Y136F) CD4(+) T cells. Together, our data suggest that CD80 and CD86 costimulators play a key role in the polyclonal B cell activation mediated by Lat(Y136F) CD4(+) T cells even though additional costimulatory molecules or cytokines are likely to be required in this process.
Le CD40 est un membre de la famille des récepteurs du facteur de nécrose tumorale ("Tumour necrosis factor", TNF), initialement identifié sur des cellules de carcinome de la vessie. L'interaction du CD40 avec son ligand (CD40L) est d'une importance cruciale pour le développement des cellules B et de la commutation d'isotype au cours de la réponse immunitaire acquise. L'expression du complexe CD40/CD40L était initialement cru d'être limiter aux cellules du système immunitaire, mais aujourd'hui il est bien connu que ce complexe est également exprimé sur les cellules du système circulatoire et vasculaire, et est impliqué dans diverses réactions inflammatoires; de sorte que le CD40L est maintenant considéré comme une molécule thrombo-inflammatoire prédictive des événements cardiovasculaires. Les plaquettes expriment constitutivement le CD40, alors que le CD40L n'est exprimé que suite à leur l'activation. Il est ensuite clivé en sa forme soluble (sCD40L) qui représente la majorité du sCD40L en circulation. Il fut démontré que le sCD40L influence l'activation plaquettaire mais son effet exact sur la fonction plaquettaire, ainsi que les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires sous-jacents à son action demeurent inconnus. Ainsi, ce projet a été entrepris dans le but d’adresser les objectifs spécifiques suivants: 1) évaluer les effets in vitro du sCD40L sur l'activation et l'agrégation plaquettaire; 2) identifier les récepteurs plaquettaires impliqués dans l’action du sCD40L; 3) élucider les voies signalétiques intracellulaires induits par le sCD40L; 4) évaluer les effets du sCD40L sur la formation de thrombus in vivo. Nous avons trouvé que le sCD40L augmente fortement l'activation et l'agrégation des plaquettes en réponse à de faibles concentrations d'agonistes. Les plaquettes humaines traitées avec une forme mutante du sCD40L qui n'interagit pas avec le CD40, et les plaquettes de souris déficientes en CD40 ne furent pas en mesure d'induire de telles réponses, indiquant que le récepteur principal du sCD40L au niveau des plaquettes est le CD40. En plus, nous avons identifié la présence de plusieurs membres de la famille du facteur associé du récepteur du TNF ("TNF receptor-associated factor", TRAF) dans les plaquettes et nous avons montré que seulement le TRAF2 s'associe avec le CD40 suite à la stimulation par le sCD40L. Nos résultats indiquent aussi que le sCD40L agisse sur les plaquettes au repos par l'entremise de deux voies signalétiques distinctes. La première voie implique l'activation de la petite GTPase Rac1 et de sa cible en aval, soit la protéine kinase p38 activée par le mitogène ("p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase", p38 MAPK ), menant au changement de forme plaquettaire et à la polymérisation de l'actine; alors que la deuxième voie implique l'activation de la cascade signalétique du NF-kB. Par ailleurs, à la suite d'une lésion artérielle induite par le chlorure de fer, le sCD40L exacerbe la formation de thrombus et l'infiltration leucocytaire au sein du thrombus dans les souris du type sauvage, mais pas chez les souris déficientes en CD40. En conclusion, ce projet a permis d'identifier pour la première fois deux voies signalétiques distinctes en aval du CD40 plaquettaire et a permis d'établir leur implication dans l'activation et l'agrégation plaquettaire en réponse au sCD40L. De manière plus importante, ce projet nous a permis d'établir un lien direct entre les niveaux élevés du sCD40L circulant et la formation de thrombus in vivo, tout en soulignant l'importance du CD40 dans ce processus. Par conséquent, l'axe CD40/CD40L joue un rôle important dans l'activation des plaquettes, les prédisposant à une thrombose accrue en réponse à une lésion vasculaire. Ces résultats peuvent expliquer en partie la corrélation entre les taux circulants élevés du sCD40L et l'incidence des maladies cardiovasculaires.
Le CD40 est une glycoprotéine transmembranaire de type I, appartenant à la famille des TNFRs, exprimée à la surface des cellules immunitaires, hématopoïétiques, vasculaires, épithéliales, et d’autres types de cellules, y compris les cellules tumorales. Le CD40 ne possédant pas de domaine kinase, pour induire un signal il interagit directement ou indirectement avec des protéines adaptatrices telles que les TRAFs et les JAKs. L’interaction du CD40 avec son principal ligand, le CD154, joue un rôle primordial dans la régulation de la réponse immunitaire et le maintien de l’homéostasie. L’activation du CD40 à la surface des cellules B augmente leur capacité de présentation d’antigène, en plus d’induire la prolifération, la commutation isotypique et l’apoptose. Les patients souffrant de mutations au niveau du gène codant pour le CD40 ou de son ligand sont immunosupprimés et sensibles à des infections opportunistes. Des études ont montré que le CD40 comme d’autres membres de la famille des TNFRs est capable de former des homodimères. Plus récemment, on a montré que la formation du CD40 homodimère est le résultat de son engagement sur les cellules B. En plus, cette homodimérisation du CD40 est importante pour la phosphorylation de l’Akt. L’interaction CD40/CD154 peut avoir un rôle direct dans l’immunothérapie par l’induction de l’apoptose de certaines cellules cancéreuses ou un rôle indirect en activant les cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (CPA) afin d'augmenter l’efficacité de l’activation des cellules T cytotoxiques. Nos résultats montrent que l’induction de la mort cellulaire par le CD40 requiert la perméabilisation du lysosome, la libération de la cathepsine B, la présence de ROS et une interaction avec le TRAF6, cette mort cellulaire programmée est plus importante en présence de la forme monomérique du CD40, muté au niveau de la cystéine 238. Par ailleurs, l’homodimérisation du CD40 requerrait sa translocation vers les radeaux lipidiques et nécessiterait la présence des ROS. Cette homodimérisation du CD40 semble être importante pour l’activation des cellules B par le biais de l’induction de l’expression du CD23, CD69 et CD80. De plus, nos résultats montrent pour la première fois une implication du CD40 homodimère dans l’induction du CD23 par le biais du TLR4. Nos résultats soulignent l’importance du CD40 homodimère dans certaines voies de signalisation. Ainsi, ils mettent en évidence le rôle de la Cys-238 dans la coopération entre des récepteurs de la réponse immunitaire innée et adaptative. Toutes ces données permettraient une meilleure compréhension de certaines voies de signalisation impliquées dans plusieurs maladies auto-immunes et faisant objet de plusieurs essais thérapeutiques.
One of the most important immunopathological consequence of intraperitoneal alveolar echinococcosis (AE) in the mouse is suppression of T cell-mediated immune responses. We investigated whether and how intraperitoneal macrophages (MØs) are, respectively, implicated as antigen-presenting cells (APCs). In a first step we showed that peritoneal MØs from infected mice (AE-MØs) exhibited a reduced ability to present a conventional antigen (chicken ovalbumin, C-Ova) to specific responder lymph node T cells. In a subsequent step, AE-MØs as well as naïve MØs (positive control) proved their ability to uptake and process C-Ova fluorescein isthiocyanate (FITC). Furthermore, in comparison with naïve MØs, the surface expression of Ia molecules was up-regulated on AE-MØs at the early stage of infection, suggesting that AE-MØs provide the first signal via the antigen-Ia complex. To study the accessory activity of MØs, AE-MØs obtained at the early and late stages of infection were found to decrease Con A-induced proliferation of peritoneal naïve T cells as well as of AE-sensitized peritoneal T cells, in contrast to stimulation with naïve MØs. The status of accessory molecules was assessed by analysing the expression level of costimulatory molecules on AE-MØs, with naïve MØs as controls. It was found that B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86) expression remained unchanged, whereas CD40 was down-regulated and CD54 (= ICAM-1) was slightly up-regulated. In a leucocyte reaction of AE-MØs with naïve or AE-T cells, both types of T cells increased their proliferative response when CD28 - the ligand of B7 receptors - was exposed to anti-CD28 in cultures. Conversely to naïve MØs, pulsing of AE-MØs with agonistic anti-CD40 did not even partially restore their costimulatory activity and failed to increase naïve or AE-T cell proliferation. Neutralizing anti-B7-1, in combination with anti-B7-2, reduced naïve and AE-T cell proliferation, whereas anti-CD40 treatment of naïve MØs increased their proliferative response to Con A. These results point at the key role of B7 receptors as accessory molecules and the necessity of the integrity of CD40-expression by naïve MØs to improve their accessory activity. Taken together, the obstructed presenting-activity of AE-MØs appeared to trigger an unresponsiveness of T cells, contributing to the suppression of their clonal expansion during the chronic phase of AE-infection.
CD40 and its ligand regulate pleiotropic biological responses, including cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. In many inflammatory lung diseases, tissue damage by environmental or endogenous oxidants plays a major role in disease pathogenesis. As the epithelial barrier is a major target for these oxidants, we postulated that CD40, the expression of which is increased in asthma, plays a role in the regulation of apoptosis of bronchial epithelial cells exposed to oxidants. Using 16HBE 14o- cells exposed to oxidant stress, we found that ligation of CD40 (induced by G28-5 monoclonal antibodies) enhanced cell survival and increased the number of cells in G2/M (interphase between DNA synthesis and mitosis) of the cell cycle. This was associated with NF-kappaB and activator protein-1 activation and increased expression of the inhibitor of apoptosis, c-IAP1. However, oxidant stress-induced apoptosis was found to be caspase- and calpain-independent implicating CD40 ligation as a regulator of caspase-independent cell death. This was confirmed by the demonstration that CD40 ligation prevented mitochondrial release and nuclear translocation of apoptosis inducing factor. In conclusion, we demonstrate a novel role for CD40 as a regulator of epithelial cell survival against oxidant stress. Furthermore, we have identified, for the first time, an endogenous inhibitory pathway of caspase-independent cell death.
The amyloid cascade hypothesis places amyloid-β at the origin of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Amyloid-β (Aβ) is the product of the sequential cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by the enzymes β- and γ-secretases. An inflammatory component to AD has been suggested in association with CD40 (a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (TNFRS) and its cognate ligand CD40L. In this study, I hypothesized that the neutralization of pro-inflammatory cytokines produced downstream of CD40/CD40L interaction would reduce APP processing. I also hypothesized that blocking the binding of different adaptor proteins to CD40 by mutating its cytoplasmic tail would result in significant reduction of the APP metabolites: Aβ, sAPPβ, sAPPα, CTFβ and CTFα. ^ Treatment with CD40L of human embryonic kidney cells over-expressing both APP and CD40 (HEK/APPsw/CD40) significantly increased levels of the cytokine granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Neutralizing antibodies against GM-CSF mitigated the CD40L-induced production of Aβ in these cells. Treatment of the HEK/APPsw/CD40 cells with recombinant GM-CSF significantly increased Aβ levels. GM-CSF receptor gene silencing with shRNA significantly reduced Aβ levels to below base line in non-stimulated HEK/APPsw/CD40 cells. Silencing of the GM-CSF receptor also decreased APP endocytosis (therefore reducing the availability of APP to be cleaved in the endosomes). ^ Using CD40 mutants, I show that CD40L can increase levels of Aβ(1-40), Aβ(1-42), sAPPβ, sAPPα and CTFβ independently of TRAF signaling. TRAFs had been shown to be necessary for most CD40/CD40L-dependent signaling. An increase in mature/immature APP ratio after CD40L treatment of CD40wt and CD40-mutant cells was observed, reflecting alterations in APP trafficking. CD4OL treatment of a neuroblastoma cell line over-expressing CTFβ suggested that CD40L affected γ-secretase activity. Inhibition of γ-secretase activity significantly reduced sAPPβ levels in the CD40L treated HEK/APPsw CD40wt and the CD40-mutant cells. The latter suggests CD40/CD40L interaction primarily acts on γ-secretase and affects β-secretase via a positive feedback mechanism. ^ Taken together, the results of this dissertation suggest that GM-CSF operates downstream of CD40/CD40L interaction and that GM-CSF modulates Aβ production by influencing APP trafficking. Moreover, the data presented suggest that CD40/CD40L interaction can modulate APP processing via a mechanism independent of TRAF signaling. ^
The [Ru3O(Ac)6(py)2(CH3OH)]+ cluster provides an effective electrocatalytic species for the oxidation of methanol under mild conditions. This complex exhibits characteristic electrochemical waves at -1.02, 0.15 and 1.18 V, associated with the Ru3III,II,II/Ru3III,III,II/Ru 3III,III,III /Ru3IV,III,III successive redox couples, respectively. Above 1.7 V, formation of two RuIV centers enhances the 2-electron oxidation of the methanol ligand yielding formaldehyde, in agreement with the theoretical evolution of the HOMO levels as a function of the oxidation states. This work illustrates an important strategy to improve the efficiency of the oxidation catalysis, by using a multicentered redox catalyst and accessing its multiple higher oxidation states.
This work describes the infrared spectroscopy characterization and the charge compensation dynamics in supramolecular film FeTPPZFeCN derived from tetra-2-pyridyl-1,4-pyrazine (TPPZ) with hexacyanoferrate, as well as the hybrid film formed by FeTPPZFeCN and polypyrrole (PPy). For supramolecular film, it was found that anion flux is greater in a K+ containing solution than in Li+ solution, which seems to be due to the larger crystalline ionic radius of K+. The electroneutralization process is discussed in terms of electrostatic interactions between cations and metallic centers in the hosting matrix. The nature of the charge compensation process differs from others modified electrodes based on Prussian blue films, where only cations such as K+ participate in the electroneutralization process. In the case of FeTPPZFeCN/PPy hybrid film, the magnitude of the anions’s flux is also dependent on the identity of the anion of the supporting electrolyte.