189 resultados para CD25


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L’importance respective des lymphocytes T régulateurs naturels générés dans le thymus ou induits en périphérie dans la régulation immunitaire et la résolution de l’inflammation est désormais bien établie. Nous avons contribué à mettre en évidence une nouvelle voie d’induction de lymphocytes T régulateurs périphériques à partir de cellules T humaines CD4+CD25- naïves et mémoires. Nous avons montré que l’engagement de la molécule ubiquitaire transmembranaire CD47 sur la cellule T par un anticorps monoclonal ou par le peptide 4N1K (peptide dérivé du domaine carboxy-terminal de la thrombospondine-1 et spécifique du site de liaison à CD47) induisait des lymphocytes T CD4+ régulateurs exerçant une fonction suppressive sur les lymphocytes T effecteurs. Les propriétés suppressives induites par la thrombospondine-1 confortent les fonctions anti-inflammatoires de cette protéine de la matrice extracellulaire. L’inhibition exercée par les lymphocytes T régulateurs induits dépend du contact intercellulaire entre les cellules T régulatrices et leurs cibles, et est indépendante du TGF-. Nos résultats démontrent également le rôle de CD47 sur le lymphocyte T CD4+ dans la réponse immunitaire spécifique de l’antigène in vivo. En effet, les souris BALB/c déficientes pour CD47 présentent un biais de la sécrétion d’anticorps et de cytokines de type Th1, alors que les souris BALB/c sont décrites comme exprimant un profil de production de cytokines de type Th2. Nos travaux mettent en évidence le rôle de CD47 dans l’inhibition du développement d’une réponse cellulaire et humorale de type Th1 in vivo, confirmant de précédentes études in vitro réalisées avec des cellules T CD4+ humaines. Nous présentons également le rôle inhibiteur de l’engagement de CD28 in vitro sur la différenciation en cellules Th17 des lymphocytes T CD4+ naïfs isolés de souris BALB/c. Le mécanisme proposé est dépendant de la production de l’IL-2 et de l’IFN- et indépendant de la présence de lymphocytes T régulateurs. Notre étude du rôle de deux molécules transmembranaires CD47 et CD28 exprimées sur la cellule T CD4+, contribue à une meilleure connaissance des mécanismes impliqués dans la tolérance immunologique, la résolution de l’inflammation et la différenciation des cellules T "helper" CD4+.


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L’hépatite autoimmune (HAI) est une maladie grave affectant le foie et présentant un haut taux de mortalité lorsque non traitée. Les traitements disponibles sont efficaces, mais de graves effets secondaires leur sont associés. Ces effets secondaires sont généralement le résultat d'une forte immunosuppression et d’autres sont spécifiques à chaque médicament. Aucune immunothérapie spécifique n’est présentement disponible pour le traitement de l’HAI. Récemment, un modèle murin d’HAI a été développé dans notre laboratoire par xénoimmunisation des souris C57BL/6 avec les antigènes humains de l'HAI de type 2. Ce modèle présente la plupart des caractéristiques biochimiques et cliniques retrouvées chez les patients atteints d'HAI de type 2. Dans cette étude, nous avons évaluée l’efficacité de deux types de traitement pour l’HAI de type 2 à l’aide de notre modèle murin. Dans un premier temps, l’anticorps anti-CD3ε a été étudié en prophylaxie et en traitement. Nous avons montré qu’une posologie de 5µg d’anti-CD3 i.v. par jour pendant 5 jours consécutifs induit une rémission chez les souris avec HAI de type 2 établie (traitement). Cette rémission est caractérisée par une normalisation des niveaux d’alanine aminotransférase et une diminution significative de l’inflammation hépatique. Cette rémission semble être associée à une déplétion partielle et transitoire des lymphocytes T CD3+ dans la périphérie et une augmentation des lymphocytes T régulateurs CD4+, CD25+ et Foxp3+ dans le foie. La même posologie lorsqu’elle est appliquée en prophylaxie n’a pas réussi à prévenir l’apparition de l’HAI de type 2. La deuxième voie de traitement consiste en l’administration par voie intranasale d’un forte dose de formiminotransférase cyclodésaminase murin (mFTCD), un autoantigène reconnu dans l’HAI de type 2. Une administration en prophylaxie par voie intranasale de 100µg de mFTCD par jour durant 3 jours consécutifs arrive à prévenir l’HAI de type 2 en diminuant l’inflammation hépatique au bout de deux semaines post-traitement.


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L’immunosuppression optimale après greffe d’organe solide est une balance délicate et propre à chaque individu entre le risque de rejet et les risques liés à une surexposition au traitement immunosuppresseur. L’évaluation de la fonction résiduelle des lymphocytes T après stimulation par un mitogène (pharmacodynamie effective) devrait permettre de mesurer l’effet direct des médicaments immunosuppresseurs sur leur cible. Nous avons étudié différents paramètres de pharmacodynamie effective chez 34 receveurs pédiatriques de greffe d’organes solides traités par tacrolimus et mycophénolate. Les tests proposés dans ce travail sont adaptés au milieu pédiatrique et à une réalisation en temps réel. La quantification du CD25 parmi les CD4 activés par l’OKT3 permet de distinguer deux groupes de patients selon leur degré d’immunosuppression. L’âge médian est plus bas et la concentration plasmatique médiane en MPA plus élevée dans le groupe de patients plus fortement immunosupprimés. L’étude des paramètres immunologiques pouvant influencer la réponse (sécrétion des interleukines, proportion des sous-populations lymphocytaires CD4, CD8, T naïfs et Trég) ainsi que l’étude du pouvoir de restauration de la fonction lymphocytaire par l’Il-2, la guanosine ou la xanthosine, ne permettent pas de mieux comprendre les variabilités interindividuelles observées. Ces résultats devront être confirmés sur une cohorte plus grande de patients afin de juger de leur intérêt en pratique clinique.


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La vaccination ADN à l’aide de plasmides codant pour des autoantigènes s’est avérée efficace dans la protection contre plusieurs maladies auto-immunes. Le but de ce mémoire était dans un premier temps d’établir si un protocole de vaccination ADN composé de 3 injections de pCMV-CTLA-4-NP et de pVR-IL-12 à deux semaines d’intervalle avait un effet protecteur contre le développement d’une hépatite auto-immune chez la souris TTR-NP, un modèle murin transgénique de la maladie et précédemment développé au laboratoire. Dans un deuxième temps, le but était d’élucider, le cas échéant, les mécanismes sous-tendant la protection conférée par la vaccination ADN. Les hypothèses initiales étaient qu’une protection allait effectivement être conférée par la vaccination ADN et que celle-ci pouvait être attribuable à une déviation de la réponse typiquement Th1 de la maladie vers une réponse Th2, à un épuisement des cellules immunitaires et/ou à l’activation et à l’induction de prolifération de cellules régulatrices. Les résultats montrent que la vaccination ADN induit une protection transitoire contre le développement d’infiltrations lymphocytaires au foie. Cette protection se ferait via un épuisement des cellules CD4+, CD8+ et CD19+ se retrouvant à la rate et exprimant PD 1 dans une plus forte proportion à 3 mois, et ne serait médiée ni par les lymphocytes T régulateurs CD4+CD25+FoxP3+, ni par les cellules CD8+FoxP3+. Une déviation de la réponse Th1 vers une réponse Th2 demeure une explication supplémentaire plausible à la protection conférée mais nécessiterait une caractérisation en situation plus physiologique avant de pouvoir inférer sur son implication réelle. La vaccination ADN n’influe ni sur la présence d’autoanticorps, ni sur les niveaux d’alanine aminotransférase, deux marqueurs de la maladie.


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Introducción: Los desórdenes hipertensivos en el embarazo son la mayor causa de morbimortalidad materna en el mundo, su tratamiento habitualmente se realiza con nifedipino o enalapril durante el postparto indistintamente, pero no hay estudios que los comparen. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con fines analíticos en el cual se incluyeron las historias clínicas de pacientes con trastorno hipertensivo durante el postparto que recibieron alguno de estos dos medicamentos y se evaluó el control de tensión arterial, necesidad de otros antihipertensivos, efectos adversos, presencia de complicaciones en ambos grupos. Resultados: Se estudió una muestra representativa, homogénea de 139 pacientes (p 0,43). Todas controlaron las cifras tensionales con el medicamento recibido. El 45% (n=62) recibió enalapril 20 mg cada 12 horas, el 40% (n=56) recibió nifedipino 30 mg cada 8 horas, el 15% (n=21) recibió nifedipino 30 mg cada 12 horas. No se presentaron efectos adversos, complicaciones o mortalidad en ninguno de los grupos. Las pacientes con enalapril requirieron más antihipertensivos comparado con las pacientes que recibieron nifedipino con diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p 0,001). Discusión La escogencia de un antihipertensivo durante el postparto debe estar encaminada al tipo de trastorno antihipertensivo: aquellos que se presentan por primera vez durante el embarazo se les administra nifedipino con excelentes resultados; aquellos con antecedente de hipertensión previa se les administra enalapril con buenos resultados. Ambos medicamentos controlaron la presión arterial adecuadamente sin complicaciones ni mortalidad.


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Modulation of host immunity is an important potential mechanism by which probiotics confer health benefits. This study was designed to investigate the effects of a probiotic strain, Lactobacillus casei Shirota (LcS), on immune function, using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in vitro. In addition, the role of monocytes in LcS-induced immunity was also explored. LcS promoted natural killer (NK) cell activity and preferentially induced expression of CD69 and CD25 on CD8+ and CD56+ subsets in the absence of any other stimulus. LcS also induced production of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-12 and IL-10 in the absence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In the presence of LPS, LcS enhanced IL-1β production, but inhibited LPS-induced IL-10 and IL-6 production, and had no further effect on TNF-α and IL-12 production. Monocyte-depletion significantly reduced the impact of LcS on lymphocyte activation, cytokine production and NK cell activity. In conclusion, LcS preferentially activated cytotoxic lymphocytes in both the innate and specific immune system, which suggests that LcS could potentiate the destruction of infected cells in the body. LcS also induced both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine production in the absence of LPS, but inhibited LPS-induced cytokine production in some cases. Monocytes play an important role in LcS-induced immunological responses.


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Commensal bacteria, including some species of lactobacilli commonly present in human breast milk, appear to colonize the neonatal gut and contribute to protection against infant infections, suggesting that lactobacilli could potentially modulate immunity. In this study, we evaluated the potential of two Lactobacillus strains isolated from human milk to modulate the activation and cytokine profile of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) subsets in vitro. Moreover, these effects were compared to the same probiotic species of non-milk origin. Lactobacillus salivarius CECT5713 and Lactobacillus fermentum CECT5716 at 105, 106 and 107 bacteria/mL were co-cultured with PBMC (106/mL) from 8 healthy donors for 24 h. Activation status (CD69 and CD25 expressions) of natural killer (NK) cells (CD56+), total T cells (CD3+), cytotoxic T cells (CD8+) and CD4+ T cells was determined by flow cytometry. Regulatory T cells (Treg) were also quantified by intracellular Foxp3 evaluation. Regarding innate immunity, NK cells were activated by addition of both Lactobacillus strains, and in particular, the CD8+ NK subset was preferentially induced to highly express CD69 (90%, p<0.05). With respect to acquired immunity, approximately 9% of CD8+ T cells became activated after co-cultivation with L. fermentum or L salivarius. Although CD4+ T cells demonstrated a weaker response, there was a preferential activation of Treg cells (CD4+CD25+Foxp3+) after exposure to both milk probiotic bacteria (p<0.05). Both strains significantly induced the production of a number of cytokines and chemokines, including TNFα, IL-1β, IL-8, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, and GM-CSF, but some strain-specific effects were apparent. This work demonstrates that L salivarius CECT5713 and L. fermentum CECT5716 enhanced both natural and acquired immune responses, as evidenced by the activation of NK and T cell subsets and the expansion of Treg cells, as well as the induction of a broad array of cytokines.


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There is considerable interest in the strain specificity of immune modulation by probiotics. The present study compared the immunomodulatory properties of six probiotic strains of different species and two genera in a human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) model in vitro. Live cells of lactobacilli (Lactobacillus casei Shirota, L. rhamnosus GG, L. plantarum NCIMB 8826 and L. reuteri NCIMB 11951) and bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium longum SP 07/3 and B. bifidum MF 20/5) were individually incubated with PBMC from seven healthy subjects for 24 h. Probiotic strains increased the proportion of CD69+ on lymphocytes, T cells, T cell subsets and natural killer (NK) cells, and increased the proportion of CD25+, mainly on lymphocytes and NK cells. The effects on activation marker expression did not appear to be strain specific. NK cell activity was significantly increased by all six strains, without any significant difference between strains. Probiotic strains increased production of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and macrophage inflammatory protein 1α to different extents, but had no effect on the production of IL-2, IL-4, IL-5 or TNF-β. The cytokines that showed strain-specific modulation included IL-10, interferon-γ, TNF-α, IL-12p70, IL-6 and monocyte chemotactic protein-1. The Lactobacillus strains tended to promote T helper 1 cytokines, whereas bifidobacterial strains tended to produce a more anti-inflammatory profile. The results suggest that there was limited evidence of strain-specific effects of probiotics with respect to T cell and NK cell activation or NK cell activity, whereas production of some cytokines was differentially influenced by probiotic strains.


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PURPOSE: There is growing evidence that probiotics confer health benefits to the host by modulating immune function, especially in older people, where immunosenescence is a feature even of healthy ageing. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a probiotic drink containing Lactobacillus casei Shirota (LcS) on immune function in a healthy non-immunocompromised older population. METHODS: Thirty healthy old volunteers were recruited into a randomized placebo-controlled, single-blind crossover study. The volunteers were supplemented with the probiotic drink containing 1.3 × 10(10) CFU LcS or skimmed milk per day for 4 weeks, followed by 4 weeks of washout and were crossed over to the other treatment. Peripheral blood and saliva samples were collected at baseline and end of each treatment. RESULTS: Probiotic consumption was associated with a significant increase in natural killer (NK) cell activity relative to baseline and a significant decrease in the mean fluorescence intensity of CD25 expression in the resting T cells compared with placebo. Additionally, there was a trend towards an increased ratio of IL-10 to IL-12 relative to baseline after LcS intake. CONCLUSIONS: Consumption of a probiotic drink containing LcS improved NK cell activity and tended to produce a more anti-inflammatory cytokine profile in an older population.


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Background: In mammals, early-life environmental variations appear to affect microbial colonization and therefore competent immune development, and exposure to farm environments in infants has been inversely correlated with allergy development. Modelling these effects using manipulation of neonatal rodents is difficult due to their dependency on the mother, but the relatively independent piglet is increasingly identified as a valuable translational model for humans. This study was designed to correlate immune regulation in piglets with early-life environment. Methods: Piglets were nursed by their mother on a commercial farm, while isolatorreared siblings were formula fed. Fluorescence immunohistology was used to quantify T-reg and effector T-cell populations in the intestinal lamina propria and the systemic response to food proteins was quantified by capture ELISA. Results: There was more CD4+ and CD4+CD25+ effector T-cell staining in the intestinal mucosa of the isolator-reared piglets compared with their farm-reared counterparts. In contrast, these isolator-reared piglets had a significantly reduced CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T-cell population compared to farm-reared littermates, resulting in a significantly higher T-reg-to-effector ratio in the farm animals. Consistent with these findings, isolator-reared piglets had an increased serum IgG anti-soya response to novel dietary soya protein relative to farm-reared piglets. Conclusion: Here, we provide the first direct evidence, derived from intervention, that components of the early-life environment present on farms profoundly affects both local development of regulatory components of the mucosal immune system and immune responses to food proteins at weaning. We propose that neonatal piglets provide a tractable model which allows maternal and treatment effects to be statistically separated.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are critical for the generation of T-cell responses. DC function may be modulated by probiotics, which confer health benefits in immunocompromised individuals, such as the elderly. This study investigated the effects of four probiotics, Bifidobacterium longum bv. infantis CCUG 52486, B. longum SP 07/3, L. rhamnosus GG (L.GG) and L. casei Shirota (LcS) on DC function in an allogeneic mixed leucocyte reaction (MLR) model, using DCs and T-cells from young and older donors in different combinations. All four probiotics enhanced expression of CD40, CD80 and CCR7 on both young and older DCs, but enhanced cytokine production (TGF-β, TNF-α) by old DCs only. LcS induced IL-12 and IFNγ production by DC to a greater degree than other strains, while Bifidobacterium longum bv. infantis CCUG 52486 favoured IL-10 production. Stimulation of young T cells in an allogeneic MLR with DC was enhanced by probiotic pretreatment of old DCs, which demonstrated greater activation (CD25) than untreated controls. However, pretreatment of young or old DCs with LPS or probiotics failed to enhance the proliferation of T-cells derived from older donors. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that ageing increases the responsiveness of DCs to probiotics, but this is not sufficient to overcome the impact of immunosenescence in the MLR.


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Plant-derived proanthocyanidins (PAC) have been promoted as a natural method of improving health and immune function in livestock. It has previously been shown that PAC are effective agonists for activating ruminant γδ T-cells in vitro, however effects on other livestock species are not yet clear. Moreover, the fine structural characteristics of the PAC which contribute to this stimulatory effect have not been elucidated. Here, we demonstrate activation of porcine γδ T-cells by PAC via up-regulation of CD25 (IL-2Rα) and show that 1) activation is dependent on degree of polymerization (DP), with PAC fractions containing polymers with mean DP >6 significantly more effective than fractions with mean DP <6, whilst flavan-3-ol monomers (the constituent monomeric units of PAC) did not induce CD25 expression and 2) both procyanidin and prodelphinidin-type PAC are effective agonists. Furthermore, we show that this effect of PAC is restricted to the γδ T-cell population within porcine peripheral mononuclear cells as significant CD25 up-regulation was not observed in non γδ T-cells, and no activation (via CD80/86 up-regulation) was evident in monocytes. Our results show that dietary PAC may contribute to enhancement of innate immunity in swine via activation of γδ T-cells.


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To study the role of TLR2 in a experimental model of chronic pulmonary infection, TLR2-deficient and wild-type mice were intratracheally infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, a primary fungal pathogen. Compared with control, TLR2(-/-) mice developed a less severe pulmonary infection and decreased NO synthesis. Equivalent results were detected with in vitro-infected macrophages. Unexpectedly, despite the differences in fungal loads both mouse strains showed equivalent survival times and severe pulmonary inflammatory reactions. Studies on lung-infiltrating leukocytes of TLR2(-/-) mice demonstrated an increased presence of polymorphonuclear neutrophils that control fungal loads but were associated with diminished numbers of activated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes. TLR2 deficiency leads to minor differences in the levels of pulmonary type 1 and type 2 cytokines, but results in increased production of KC, a CXC chemokine involved in neutrophils chemotaxis, as well as TGF-beta, IL-6, IL-23, and IL-17 skewing T cell immunity to a Th17 pattern. In addition, the preferential Th17 immunity of TLR2(-/-) mice was associated with impaired expansion of regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+) T cells. This is the first study to show that TLR2 activation controls innate and adaptive immunity to P. brasiliensis infection. TLR2 deficiency results in increased Th17 immunity associated with diminished expansion of regulatory T cells and increased lung pathology due to unrestrained inflammatory reactions. The Journal of Immunology, 2009, 183: 1279-1290.


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Ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) is a potential contributor for the development of chronic allograft nephropathy. T cells are important mediators of injury, even in the absence of alloantigens. We performed a depletion of TCD4(+)CTLA4(+)Foxp3(+) cells with anti-CD25(PC61), a treatment with anti-GITR (DTA-1) and rat-IgG, followed by 45 min of ischemia and 24/72 h of reperfusion, and then analyzed blood urea, kidney histopathology and gene expression in kidneys by QReal Time PCR. After 24 h of reperfusion, depletion of TCD4(+)CTLA4(+)Foxp3(+) cells reached 30.3%(spleen) and 67.8%(lymph nodes). 72 h after reperfusion depletion reached 43.1%(spleen) and 90.22%(lymph nodes) and depleted animals presented with significantly poorer renal function, while DTA-1 (anti-GITR)-treated ones showed a significant protection, all compared to serum urea from control group (IgG: 150.10 +/- 50.04; PC61: 187.23 +/- 31.38; DTA-1: 64.53 +/- 25.65, mg/dL, p<0.05). These data were corroborated by histopathology. We observed an increase of HO-1 expression in animals treated with DTA-1 at 72 h of reperfusion with significant differences. Thus, our results suggest that PC61 (anti-CD25) mAb treatment is deleterious, while DTA-1 (anti-GITR) mAb treatment presents a protective role in the renal IRI, indicating that some regulatory populations of T cells might have a role in IRI. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: We investigated the influence of acute inflammation in skin isograft acceptance. Methods: Two mouse lines selected for maximal (AIR(MAX)) or minimal inflammatory response (AIR(MIN)) were transplanted with syngeneic skin. Cellular infiltrates and cytokine production were measured 1, 3, 7 or 14 days post-transplantation. The percentage of CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) cells in the lymph nodes was also evaluated. Results: Grafts were totally accepted in 100% of AIR(MAX) and in 26% of AIR(MIN) mice. In the latter, partial acceptance was observed in 74% of the animals. Emigrated cells were basically PMN and were enhanced in AIR(MAX) transplants. IL-10 production by graft infiltrating cells showed no interline differences. IFN-gamma was increased in AIR(MIN) grafts at day 14 and lower percentages of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) cells in the lymph nodes were observed in these mice. Conclusions: Our data suggest that differences in graft acceptance might be due to a lack of appropriate regulation of the inflammatory response in AIR(MIN) mice compromising the self/non-self recognition.