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A series of 7 cerium double-decker complexes with various tetrapyrrole ligands including porphyrinates, phthalocyaninates, and 2,3-naphthalocyaninates have been prepared by previously described methodologies and characterized with elemental analysis and a range of spectroscopic methods. The molecular structures of two heteroleptic \[(na)phthalocyaninato](porphyrinato) complexes have also been determined by X-ray diffraction analysis which exhibit a slightly distorted square antiprismatic geometry with two domed ligands. Having a range of tetrapyrrole ligands with very different electronic properties, these compounds have been systematically investigated for the effects of ligands on the valence of the cerium center. On the basis of the spectroscopic (UV−vis, near-IR, IR, and Raman), electrochemical, and structural data of these compounds and compared with those of the other rare earth(III) counterparts reported earlier, it has been found that the cerium center adopts an intermediate valence in these complexes. It assumes a virtually trivalent state in cerium bis(tetra-tert-butylnaphthalocyaninate) as a result of the two electron rich naphthalocyaninato ligands, which facilitate the delocalization of electron from the ligands to the metal center. For the rest of the cerium double-deckers, the cerium center is predominantly tetravalent. The valences (3.59−3.68) have been quantified according to their LIII-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) profiles.


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Hydrotalcites of formula Mg6 (Fe,Al)2(OH)16(CO3).4H2O formed by intercalation with the carbonate anion as a function of divalent/trivalent cationic ratio have been successfully synthesised. The XRD patterns show variation in the d-spacing attributed to the size of the cation. Raman and infrared bands in the OH stretching region are assigned to (a) brucite layer OH stretching vibrations (b) water stretching bands and (c) water strongly hydrogen bonded to the carbonate anion. Multiple (CO3)2- symmetric stretching bands suggest that different types of (CO3)2- exist in the hydrotalcite interlayer. Increasing the cation ratio (Mg/Al,Fe) resulted in an increase in the combined intensity of the 2 Raman bands at around 3600 cm-1, attributed to Mg-OH stretching modes, and a shift of the overall band profile to higher wavenumbers. These observations are believed to be a result of the increase in magnesium in the structure. Raman spectroscopy shows a reduction in the symmetry of the carbonate, leading to the conclusion that the anions are bonded to the brucite-like hydroxyl surface and to the water in the interlayer. Water bending modes are identified in the infrared spectra at positions greater than 1630 cm-1, indicating the water is strongly hydrogen bonded to both the interlayer anions and the brucite-like surface.


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1,2-Bis[10,15-di(3,5-di-tert-butyl)phenylporphyrinatonickel(II)-5-yl]diazene was synthesised via copper catalysed coupling of aminated nickel(II) 5,10-diarylporphyrin (“corner porphyrin”) and its X-ray crystal structure was determined. Two different crystals yielded different structures, one with the free meso positions in a trans-like orientation, and the other with a cis-like disposition. The free meso positions of the obtained dimer have been further functionalised while the synthesis of a zinc analogue has so far been unsuccessful. The X-ray crystal structure of the dinitro derivative of the dinickel(II) azoporphyrin was determined, and the structure showed a cis-like disposition of the nitro groups.


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Two series of novel ruthenium bipyridyl dyes incorporating sulfur-donor bidentate ligands with general formula \[Ru(R-bpy)2C2N2S2] and \[Ru(R-bpy)2(S2COEt)]\[NO3] (where R =H, CO2Et, CO2H; C2N2S2 = cyanodithioimidocarbonate and S2COEt = ethyl xanthogenate) have been synthesized and characterized spectroscopically, electrochemically and computationally. The acid derivatives in both series (C2N2S2 3 and S2COEt 6) were used as a photosensitizer in a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) and the incident photo-to-current conversion efficiency (IPCE), overall efficiency (_) and kinetics of the dye/TiO2 system were investigated. It was found that 6 gave a higher efficiency cell than 3 despite the latter dye’s more favorable electronic properties, such as greater absorption range, higher molar extinction coefficient and large degree of delocalization of the HOMO. The transient absorption spectroscopy studies revealed that the recombination kinetics of 3 were unexpectedly fast, which was attributed to the terminal CN on the ligand binding to the TiO2, as evidenced by an absorption study of R =H and CO2Et dyes sensitized on TiO2, and hence leading to a lower efficiency DSSC.


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A soluble cyclic porphyrin oligomer (CPO) consisting of four 5,10- diarylporphyrins linked by alternating azo and butadiyne bridges has been synthesised via an aminated dinickel(II) butadiyne dimer. This is the first cyclic tetramer that combines both azo and butadiyne bridges and extends the azoporphyrin family, which comprises only a very few examples. The electronic absorption spectrum of the tetramer is more similar to spectra of azoporphyrins than to those of butadiyne-linked dimers or tetramer, exhibiting a two component Soret band with a splitting of 4190 cm-1 and a strongly red-shifted Q band maximum at 735 nm.


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Azobenzenes (1,2-diaryldiazenes) are very important organic pigments, and they have a unique place in the field of photoresponsive conjugated molecules due to their (usually) reversible E/Z photoisomerisation. The current intense interest in molecular analogues of mechanical components and information storage and processing elements has stimulated research into conjugated molecules whose shape and/or optical properties can be switched electro- or photochemically. Among the classes of conjugated pigments being explored in these contexts are the porphyrinoids, which offer advantages of intense light absorption, a variety of accessible oxidation states, and synthetic control of properties through peripheral or central substitution. Extension of porphyrinoid conjugation can be achieved by linking the peripheral carbons either by three direct bonds (as in the “porphyrin tapes” of Osuka et al.) or through potentially conjugating bridges such as alkenes or, even better, alkynes.


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A series of new spin-labeled porphyrin containing isoindoline nitroxide moieties were synthesized and characterized as potential free radical fluorescence sensors. Fluorescence-suppression was observed in the free-base monoradical porphyrins, whilst the free-base biradical porphyrins exhibited highly suppressed fluorescence about three times greater than the monoradical porphyrins. The observed fluorescence-suppression was attributed to enhanced intersystem crossing resulting from electronexchange between the doublet nitroxide and the excited porphyrin fluorophore. Notably, fluorescencesuppression was not as strong in the related metalated porphyrins, possibly due to insufficient spin coupling between the nitroxide and the porphyrin. Continuous wave EPR spectroscopy of the diradical porphyrins in fluid solution suggests that the nitroxyl-nitroxyl interspin distance is long enough and tumbling is fast enough not to detect dipolar coupling.


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Adsorptions of Rhodamine B (RhB) and Basic Blue 9 (BB9, also known as methylene blue) by sugarcane bagasse of different surface areas were compared in this study. There was a small gain in the amount of dye removed by increasing bagasse surface area from 0.57 m2/g to 1.81 m2/g. BB9 adsorption was less sensitive to surface area change than RhB adsorption. Adsorption capacity of 250 mg/L RhB on 1 g/L bagasse was 65.5 mg/g compared to a value of 30.7 mg/g obtained with BB9 under the same conditions. Increasing adsorption temperature (from 30 °C to 50 °C) while having no effect on RhB adsorption, slightly decreased BB9 adsorption by ~4%. The differences in adsorption performances between these dyes have been related to the molecular structure of the dyes and the surface chemistry of bagasse.