941 resultados para CARDIOVASCULAR CONTROL


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Magnesium and its alloys are an emerging class of resorbable materials for orthopedic and cardiovascular applications. The typical strategy underlying the development of these materials involves the control of material processing routes and the addition of alloying elements. Crystallographic texture is known to control bulk mechanical as well as surface properties. However, its role in determining the properties of magnesium for implant materials has not been well studied. In this work, an extruded rod of pure magnesium was cut in multiple directions to generate samples with different textures. It was found that texture significantly affected the strength and ductility of magnesium. Corrosion rates in Hank's solution decreased with the increased presence of low energy basal planes at the surface. In vitro cell studies revealed that changes in texture did not induce cytotoxicity. Thus, the control of texture in magnesium based implants could be used to tailor the mechanical properties and the resorption rates without compromising cytocompatibility. This study elucidates the importance of texture in the use of magnesium as a resorbable biomaterial.


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Pesquisas recentes têm demonstrado que a periodontite pode modificar a concentração sanguínea de uma série de tipos celulares e substâncias bioquímicas, que são considerados fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a associação entre a periodontite crônica e marcadores de risco para doença cardiovascular. No Estudo I foram examinados 100 pacientes aparentemente saudáveis sistemicamente, sendo 66 portadores de periodontite crônica e 34 pacientes controle, sem doença periodontal. Exames periodontais e exames sanguíneos foram realizados, e obtidas as espessuras das camadas íntima-média (IMT) da artéria carótida. No Estudo II, 66 pacientes participantes do Estudo I, diagnosticados com periodontite crônica, foram aleatoriamente submetidos a tratamento periodontal imediato (Grupo Teste, n=33) ou tratamento periodontal retardado (Grupo Controle, n=33). Os dados colhidos no Estudo I foram registrados como pré-tratamento (T0). Novos exames clínicos periodontais e laboratoriais foram realizados no período de 2 meses (T2) e 6 meses (T6) após os exames iniciais (Grupo Controle) ou conclusão do tratamento periodontal (Grupo Teste). Os dados colhidos foram analisados através de testes estatísticos. Os resultados mostraram que pacientes com periodontite crônica quando comparados ao grupo controle, apresentaram valores médios significativamente mais elevados na contagem total de hemácias (p<0,001), hemoglobina (p<0,001), hematócrito (p<0,001), contagem de plaquetas (p=0,019), velocidade de hemossedimentação (p<0,001), proteína C-reativa (p<0,001). Os níveis de HDL-colesterol foram significativamente mais baixos nos pacientes com periodontite crônica quando comparados ao grupo controle (p<0,001). As camadas íntima-média da parede da artéria carótida esquerda foram significativamente mais espessas nos pacientes com periodontite crônica quando comparados ao grupo controle (p=0,049). Os indíviduos com periodontite crônica também apresentaram 3,26 vezes mais chances de possuir Síndrome Metabólica do que aqueles indivíduos que não possuem doença peridontal (IC 95%: 1,8-5,9). No Estudo II, quando comparados os valores médios dos dados hematológicos após tratamento, no grupo teste, foi possível observar melhora estatisticamente significativa, entre T0/T2, dos valores de VHS e triglicerídeos (p=0,002; p=0,004; respectivamente). Redução nos valores médios da contagem total de leucócitos, VHS, CRP, transaminase glutâmico pirúvica, colesterol total e triglicerídeos, entre T0/T6, foi verificada no grupo teste pós-tratamento (p=0,028; p<0,001; p<0,001; p=0,010; p<0,001; p=0,015, respectivamente). Os resultados indicaram que a periodontite crônica severa está associada com níveis elevados de marcadores da inflamação e trombogênese, além de alterações no perfil lipídico em indivíduos sistemicamente saudáveis, podendo atuar como possível fator de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares. O tratamento periodontal não-cirúrgico mostrou-se eficaz na redução dos níveis dos marcadores sistêmicos da inflamação e na melhora do perfil lipídico em indivíduos com doença periodontal severa, consequentemente, reduzindo o risco de doenças cardiovasculares.


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INTRODUCCIÓN: los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares (FRCV) son los que se asocian a una mayor probabilidad de sufrir una enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV), estos pueden ser no modificables o modificables como la hipertensión primaria que tiene un origen multifactorial. Mediante el método Framingham se describen el perfil del riesgo cardiovascular absoluto (RCV) que es la probabilidad de presentar un evento cardiovascular en 10 años y la edad vascular (EV) la cual indica la edad que le corresponde a las arterias. OBJETIVOS: 1) Estimar el perfil de RCV y EV en personas con HTA primaria a través del método Framingham. 2) Conocer dentro del RCV, si el riesgo es bajo, medio o alto teniendo en cuenta la edad, HDL-colesterol, colesterol total (COL), pensión arterial sistólica (PAS), diabetes tipo 1 y tipo 2 y el tabaquismo. MÉTODOS: participaron en el estudio 58 personas (edad= 51,7 ±7,8 años) 46 hombres y 12 mujeres) diagnosticadas con HTA primaria y sobrepeso u obesidad, incluidas en la investigación EXERDIET-HTA. Se les realizó una estimación del RCV y EV a través del método Framingham. Las variables que se consideraron para la valoración fueron la edad, HDL-C, COL, PAS, si padecían diabetes o no y si eran fumadores o no. RESULTADOS: las personas estudiadas presentan un RCV del 15,5±7,7% que se relaciona con un RCV de nivel medio, siendo más alto en los hombres que en las mujeres (P=0,001). En la totalidad el 24% de los participantes presenta un RCV alto, el 47% medio y el 24% bajo. La EV media estimada es de 65±10 años, 13 años superior a la edad cronológica. CONCLUSIONES: Personas con diagnóstico de HTA primaria y el correspondiente tratamiento farmacológico presentan un RCV medio a sufrir un evento cardiovascular en los próximos 10 años de entre el 10-20%. Se hace necesario un control más exhaustivo de todos los FRCV, de forma especial en los hombres en relación con el hábito del tabaquismo. La EV en personas hipertensas es superior a la edad cronológica, lo que acentúa la necesidad de adopción de un estilo de vida más saludable


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Previous authors have suggested a higher likelihood for industry-sponsored (IS) studies to have positive outcomes than non-IS studies, though the influence of publication bias was believed to be a likely confounder. We attempted to control for the latter using a prepublication database to compare the primary outcome of recent trials based on sponsorship. We used the "advanced search" feature in the clinicaltrials.gov website to identify recently completed phase III studies involving the implementation of a pharmaceutical agent or device for which primary data were available. Studies were categorized as either National Institutes of Health (NIH) sponsored or IS. Results were labeled "favorable" if the results favored the intervention under investigation or "unfavorable" if the intervention fared worse than standard medical treatment. We also performed an independent literature search to identify the cardiovascular trials as a case example and again categorized them into IS versus NIH sponsored. A total of 226 studies sponsored by NIH were found. When these were compared with the latest 226 IS studies, it was found that IS studies were almost 4 times more likely to report a positive outcome (odds ratio [OR] 3.90, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.6087 to 5.9680, p <0.0001). As a case example of a specialty, we also identified 25 NIH-sponsored and 215 IS cardiovascular trials, with most focusing on hypertension therapy (31.6%) and anticoagulation (17.9%). IS studies were 7 times more likely to report favorable outcomes (OR 7.54, 95% CI 2.19 to 25.94, p = 0.0014). They were also considerably less likely to report unfavorable outcomes (OR 0.11, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.26, p <0.0001). In conclusion, the outcomes of large clinical studies especially cardiovascular differ considerably on the basis of their funding source, and publication bias appears to have limited influence on these findings.


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Animals have long been noted for their ability to moderate cardiovascular responses to stress. To date, however, little attention has been directed towards the ability of videotapes of animals to buffer people from challenges. This study thus explored the effect of five video conditions (fish, bird, primate, control 1 [humans], control 2 [blank screen]) on the heart rate and blood pressure of 100 volunteers before and after exposure to a cognitive stressor. Twenty participants were randomly assigned to each of the video conditions. Both the heart rate and blood pressure (diastolic and systolic) of the participants were recorded after a 10 minute period of relaxation (phase 1), following 10 minutes of exposure to the appropriate video for that condition (phase 2) and again, following a 10 minute period of reading aloud, i.e. a cognitive stressor (phase 3). The videos encouraged relaxation, with participants in all conditions exhibiting significantly (p < 0.001) lower levels of heart rate and blood pressure in phase 2 than phases 1 or 3. Individuals exposed to the videos of birds, fish and primates showing significantly (p < 0.001) lower levels of heart rate and blood pressure in phase 3 than individuals exposed to the control videos. It is concluded that videotapes of certain animals can reduce cardiovascular responses to psychological stress and may help to buffer viewers from anxiety, at least in the short term.


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Purpose: To investigate the association of cardiovascular risk factors and inflammatory markers with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Design: Cross-sectional case-control study. Participants: Of the 410 of the =65-year-old community sample invited to attend, 205 participated (50% response rate). Of the 215 clinic attendees who were invited to participate, 212 agreed to take part (98% response rate). A diagnosis of neovascular AMD in at least one eye was made in 193 clinic attendees and 2 of the community sample. Methods: Clinic and community participants underwent a detailed ophthalmic examination with fundus imaging, were interviewed for assessment of putative risk factors, and provided a blood sample. Analysis included levels of serum lipids, intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM), vascular cellular adhesion molecule (VCAM), and C-reactive protein (CRP). All participants were classified by fundus image grading on the basis of the eye with more severe AMD features. Main Outcome Measure: Neovascular AMD. Results: There were 195 participants with choroidal neovascularization in at least one eye, 97 nonneovascular AMD participants, and 115 controls (no drusen or pigmentary irregularities in either eye). In confounder-adjusted logistic regression, a history of cardiovascular disease was strongly associated with neovascular AMD (odds ratio [OR], 7.53; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.78-20.41). Cigarette smoking (OR, 3.71; 95% CI, 1.25-11.06), being in the highest quartile of body mass index (OR, 3.82; 95% CI, 1.22-12.01), stage 2 hypertension (OR, 3.21; 95% CI, 1.14-8.98), and being in the highest quartile of serum cholesterol (OR, 4.66; 95% CI, 1.35-16.13) were positively associated with neovascular AMD. There was no association between AMD status and serum CRP, ICAM, or VCAM. Conclusions: Our results suggest that cardiovascular disease plays an etiological role in the development of choroidal neovascularization in a proportion of older adults and highlight the importance of control of blood pressure and cholesterol, avoidance of smoking, and maintenance of a normal body weight. © 2008 American Academy of Ophthalmology.


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Pericytes are known to communicate with endothelial cells by direct contact and by releasing cytokines such as TGF-beta. There is also strong evidence that pericytes act as regulators of endothelial cell proliferation and differentiation. We have investigated the effect of pericyte-conditioned medium (PCM) on proliferation of human microvascular endothelial cells in vitro, together with the expression of the vasoregulatory molecules, constitutive and inducible nitric oxide synthases (ecNOS and iNOS), and endothelin-1 (ET-1). Expression was measured at the mRNA level using semiquantitative RT-PCR for all three genes and at the protein level for ecNOS and iNOS using Western blotting. Growth curves for HMECs showed that PCM inhibits proliferation, eventually leading to cell death. Exposure to PCM repressed iNOS mRNA expression fivefold after 6 h. A similar, though delayed, reduction in protein levels was observed. ecNOS mRNA was slightly induced at 6 h, though there was no significant change in ecNOS protein. By contrast, ET-1 mRNA was induced 2.3-fold after 6 h exposure to PCM. We conclude that pericytes release a soluble factor or factors that are potent inhibitors of endothelial cell growth and promote vasoconstriction by up-regulating endothelin-1 and down-regulating iNOS. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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Objectives: We sought to replicate the association between the kinesin-like protein 6 (KIF6) Trp719Arg polymorphism (rs20455), and clinical coronary artery disease (CAD).
Background: Recent prospective studies suggest that carriers of the 719Arg allele in KIF6 are at increased risk of clinical CAD compared with noncarriers.
Methods: The KIF6 Trp719Arg polymorphism (rs20455) was genotyped in 19 case-control studies of nonfatal CAD either as part of a genome-wide association study or in a formal attempt to replicate the initial positive reports.
Results: A total of 17,000 cases and 39,369 controls of European descent as well as a modest number of South Asians, African Americans, Hispanics, East Asians, and admixed cases and controls were successfully genotyped. None of the 19 studies demonstrated an increased risk of CAD in carriers of the 719Arg allele compared with noncarriers. Regression analyses and fixed-effects meta-analyses ruled out with high degree of confidence an increase of <2% in the risk of CAD among European 719Arg carriers. We also observed no increase in the risk of CAD among 719Arg carriers in the subset of Europeans with early-onset disease (younger than 50 years of age for men and younger than 60 years of age for women) compared with similarly aged controls as well as all non-European subgroups.
Conclusions: The KIF6 Trp719Arg polymorphism was not associated with the risk of clinical CAD in this large replication study.


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Lipoxygenases (LOX) contribute to vascular disease and inflammation through generation of bioactive lipids, including 12-hydro(pero)xyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-H(P)ETE). The physiological mechanisms that acutely control LOX product generation in mammalian cells are uncharacterized. Human platelets that contain a 12-LOX isoform (p12-LOX) were used to define pathways that activate H( P) ETE synthesis in the vasculature. Collagen and collagen-related peptide (CRP) (1 to 10 mug/mL) acutely induced platelet 12-H(P)ETE synthesis. This implicated the collagen receptor glycoprotein VI ( GPVI), which signals via the immunoreceptor-based activatory motif (ITAM)-containing FcRgamma chain. Conversely, thrombin only activated at high concentrations (> 0.2 U/mL), whereas U46619 and ADP alone were ineffective. Collagen or CRP-stimulated 12-H( P) ETE generation was inhibited by staurosporine, PP2, wortmannin, BAPTA/AM, EGTA, and L-655238, implicating src-tyrosine kinases, PI3-kinase, Ca2+ mobilization, and p12-LOX translocation. In contrast, protein kinase C (PKC) inhibition potentiated 12-H( P) ETE generation. Finally, activation of the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM)-containing platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM-1) inhibited p12-LOX product generation. This study characterizes a receptor-dependent pathway for 12-H(P) ETE synthesis via the collagen receptor GPVI, which is negatively regulated by PECAM-1 and PKC, and demonstrates a novel link between immune receptor signaling and lipid mediator generation in the vasculature.


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Hypertension, a key risk factor for stroke, cardiovascular disease and dementia, is associated with chronic vascular inflammation, and although poorly understood, putative mechanisms include proinflammatory responses induced by mechanical stretching, with cytokine release and associated upregulated expression of adhesion molecules. Because blood pressure increases with age, we measured baseline and tumour necrosis alpha (TNF-a)-stimulated CD11b/CD18 adhesion molecule expression on leucocytes to assess any association between the two. In 38 subjects (mean age 85 years), consecutively enrolled from Belfast Elderly Longitudinal Free-Living Aging Study (BELFAST), baseline and TNF-a-stimulated CD11b/CD18 expression on separated monocytes and neutrophils increased with systolic blood pressure >120 mmHg (p=0.05) and for lymphocytes, with diastolic blood pressure >80 mmHg (p<0.05).These findings show increased potential stickiness of intravascular cells with increasing blood pressure which is accentuated by TNF-a, and suggest mechanistic reasons why better hypertension control is important. 


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Inconsistent evidence of the hypothesized favorable effects of high job control on health may have resulted from a failure to treat job control as a multifactor concept. The authors studied whether the 2 components of job control, decision authority and skill discretion, were differentially associated with cause-specific mortality in 13,510 Finnish forest company employees with no history of severe illness. Surveys on work characteristics were carried out in 1986 and 1996, and the respondents were followed up until the end of 2005 by use of the Statistics Finland National Death Registry. During a mean follow-up of 15.5 years, 981 participants died. In the analyses adjusted for confounders, employees with high and intermediate levels of skill discretion had a lower all-cause mortality risk than those with low skill discretion, with hazard ratios of 0.84 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.69, 1.02) and 0.81 (95% CI: 0.69, 0.96), respectively. In contrast, high decision authority was associated with elevated risks of all-cause, cardiovascular, and alcohol-related mortality, with hazard ratios of 1.28 (95% CI: 1.06, 1.54), 1.49 (95% CI: 1.11, 2.02), and 2.03 (95% CI: 1.03, 4.00), respectively. The results suggest that job control is not an unequivocal concept in relation to mortality; decision authority and skill discretion show different and to some extent opposite associations.