71 resultados para CAPP


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La tesi propone un approccio semiotico ai videogiochi e indaga le relazioni tra videogioco, memoria e senso, a partire dall’analisi di un ampio corpus di videogiochi, trasversale rispetto ai generi. Il lavoro intende mostrare la proficuità di un incontro tra semiotica e videogiochi sotto un duplice punto di vista: da un lato i videogiochi, in quanto oggetti “nuovi”, rappresentano un buon banco di prova per la teoria e la metodologia semiotica; dall’altro lato la semiotica permette di comprendere meglio i videogiochi, ricostruendo i meccanismi semiotici che contribuiscono a generare gli effetti di senso tipici di questa forma testuale (es. immersività, interattività, flusso…). Il lavoro si propone quindi il duplice obiettivo di individuare le peculiarità del videogioco in quanto oggetto di analisi semiotica (cap. 1) e i meccanismi che in diversi generi videoludici portano alla creazione di effetti di senso peculiari e alla costruzione di una nuova memoria (capp. 3, 4, 5). Il primo capitolo è dedicato a una riflessione teorica e metodologica che intende preparare il campo per l’analisi, provando a “testare” modelli, concetti e strumenti più o meno assestati con lo scopo di riconoscere lo statuto semiotico dei videogiochi e di individuare il modo migliore per analizzarli semioticamente. Inoltre nel cap. 1 si affrontano, ancora in un’ottica generale, le dinamiche tra memoria del gioco e memoria del giocatore e l’importanza dei processi di apprendimento per l’interpretazione videoludica. Gli ultimi tre capitoli sono invece dedicati ai risultati delle analisi, condotte su un corpus ampio di videogiochi, affiancato da un corpus “di controllo” costituito da video di partite concrete, immagini user-generated, interfacce fisiche di gioco e “discorsi su” i videogiochi inseriti nel corpus principale. Il terzo capitolo individua i meccanismi semiotici che contribuiscono a costruire, de-costruire e ricostruire l’identità del giocatore nel corso della partita. Il quarto capitolo affronta la relazione tra tempo del gioco e tempo del giocatore, concentrandosi sulle modalità di configurazione del tempo in atto nei diversi generi videoludici. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato all’approfondimento di un aspetto particolare della testualità videoludica: la capacità dei videogiochi di generare esperienze embodied, cioè esperienze ‘incarnate’ e ‘situate’.


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La ricerca è stata incentrata su di una fonte di grande importanza per una più puntuale comprensione della vita del regno di Federico II: il Quaternus excadenciarum Capitinate. Essa ha tenuto presenti le altre fonti coeve: Liber Augustalis, Registro della Cancelleria di Federico II degli anni 1239-1240, fonti cronachistiche. Il Quaternus è un inventario di talune particolari categorie di beni demaniali, le excadencie, la cui concessione è scaduta e pertanto ritornano al fisco. Tali beni sono situati in 33 località del Giustizierato di Capitanata. Senza data, è stato redatto tra il 1249 e il 1250 (risultano inseriti i beni confiscati a Pier della Vigna, bollato di tradimento nel febbraio 1249). Obiettivo della ricerca è stato duplice: 1) analizzare e approfondire le questioni di natura giuridico-istituzionale ed economica implicate nel documento e tentare di ricostruire uno spaccato della Capitanata del XIII sec.; 2) offrire una nuova e più corretta edizione del testo. La prima parte dello studio ha inteso inquadrare il documento nel contesto delle esigenze proprie delle monarchie del tempo di tenere sotto controllo i beni immobili di ciascun regno ed analizzare la politica economica fridericiana (capp. I, II). La seconda parte è stata dedicata agli approfondimenti innanzi ricordati. Essa è struttura in sette capitoli (I. Il Quaternus excadenciarum Capitinate; II. Beni e diritti costituenti le excadencie Capitinate; III. Il Quaternus come specchio di una politica dispotica; IV. La gestione delle excadencie; V. Pesi e misure; VI. Monete e valori; VII. Il Quaternus come documento sullo stato della Capitanata nel XIII secolo). In appendice: tabelle che offrono per ciascuna delle 33 località considerate, puntuali indicazioni dei beni e diritti censiti, dei nomi dei titolari delle concessioni (spesso personaggi di rango) e delle relative rendite.


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OBJECTIVE To assess the expression and regulation of antilipoprotein D (ApoD) and antilipoprotein E (ApoE) in human endometrium. STUDY DESIGN Endometrial biopsies from healthy, regularly cycling women were collected during the late proliferative and mid-secretory phase. mRNA gene expression of ApoD and ApoE was determined using real-time PCR in whole tissue, in isolated stromal (ESC), epithelial (EEC) and CD45(+) leukocytes (EIC), as well as after hormonal stimulation of ESC and EEC in vitro. Protein expression was analyzed using immunohistochemistry. RESULTS ApoD and ApoE mRNA was expressed in all cell types examined. A rise in ApoD mRNA expression was seen in whole endometrium, ESC, and EEC in the secretory phase, as well as after hormonal stimulation of ESC and EEC in vitro. ApoE mRNA was significantly upregulated in whole endometrium of secretory phase biopsies, while its expression was not altered by progesterone in vitro. Immunohistochemistry of whole endometrial tissue localized ApoD mainly in ESC and EEC. While ApoE was localized slightly in ESC, it was particularly noted on the surface of secretory phase endothelial cells. CONCLUSION We demonstrate for the first time the cell-type and cycle dependent expression of ApoD and ApoE within human endometrium, suggesting their role in endometrial modulation.


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In this article, we present a map of the glacial geomorphology of the Altai andWestern Sayan Mountains, covering an area of almost 600,000 km2. Although numerous studies provide evidence for restricted Pleistocene glaciations in this area, others have hypothesized the past existence of an extensive ice sheet. To provide a framework for accurate glacial reconstructions of the Altai and Western Sayan Mountains, we present a map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 based on a mapping from 30 m resolution ASTER DEM and 15 m/30 mresolution Landsat ETM+ satellite imagery. Four landform classes have been mapped: marginal moraines, glacial lineations, hummocky terrain, and glacial valleys. Our mapping reveals an abundance of glacial erosional and depositional landforms. The distribution of these glacial landforms indicates that the Altai and Western Sayan Mountains have experienced predominantly alpine-style glaciations, with some small ice caps centred on the higher mountain peaks. Large marginal moraine complexes mark glacial advances in intermontane basins. By tracing the outer limits of present-day glaciers, glacial valleys, and moraines, we estimate that the past glacier coverage have totalled to 65,000 km2 (10.9% of the mapped area), whereas present-day glacier coverage totals only 1300 km2 (0.2% of the mapped area). This demonstrates the usefulness of remote sensing techniques for mapping the glacial geomorphology in remote mountain areas and for quantifying the past glacier dimensions. The glacial geomorphological map presented here will be used for further detailed reconstructions of the paleoglaciology and paleoclimate of the region.


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In response to the increasing international competitiveness, many manufacturing businesses are rethinking their management strategies and philosophies towards achieving a computer integrated environment. The explosive growth in Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMI) has resulted in the formation of functional "Islands of Automation" such as Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) and Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRPII). This has resulted in an environment which has focussed areas of excellence and poor overall efficiency, co-ordination and control. The main role of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is to integrate these islands of automation and develop a totally integrated and controlled environment. However, the various perceptions of CIM, although developing, remain focussed on a very narrow integration scope and have consequently resulted in mere linked islands of automation with little improvement in overall co-ordination and control. This thesis, that is the research described within, develops and examines a more holistic view of CIM, which is based on the integration of various business elements. One particular business element, namely control, has been shown to have a multi-facetted and underpinning relationship with the CIM philosophy. This relationship impacts various CIM system design aspects including the CIM business analysis and modelling technique, the specification of systems integration requirements, the CIM system architectural form and the degree of business redesign. The research findings show that fundamental changes to CIM system design are required; these are incorporated in a generic CIM design methodology. The affect and influence of this holistic view of CIM on a manufacturing business has been evaluated through various industrial case study applications. Based on the evidence obtained, it has been concluded that this holistic, control based approach to CIM can provide a greatly improved means of achieving a totally integrated and controlled business environment. This generic CIM methodology will therefore make a significant contribution to the planning, modelling, design and development of future CIM systems.


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To evaluate the theoretical underpinnings of current categorical approaches to classify childhood psychopathological conditions, this dissertation examined whether children with a single diagnosis of an anxiety disorder (ANX only) and children with an anxiety diagnosis comorbid with other diagnoses (i.e., anxiety + anxiety disorder [ANX + ANX], anxiety + depressive disorder [ANX + DEP], and anxiety + disruptive disorder [ANX + EXT]) could be differentiated using external validation criteria of clinical phenomenology (i.e., levels of anxiety, depression, and internalizing, externalizing and total behavior problems). This study further examined whether the four groups could be differentiated in terms of their interaction patterns with their parents and peers, respectively. The sample consisted of 129 youth and their parents who presented to the Child Anxiety and Phobia Program (CAPP) housed within the Child and Family Psychosocial Research Center at Florida International University, Miami. Youth were between the ages of 8 and 14 years old. A battery of questionnaires was used to assess participants' clinical presentation in terms of levels of anxiety, depression, and internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Family and peer interaction were evaluated through rating scales and through behavior observation tasks. Statistics based on the parameter estimates of the structured equation models indicated that all the comorbid groups were significantly different from the pure anxiety disorder group when it came to depression indices of clinical phenomenology. Further, significant differences appeared mainly in terms of the ANX + DEP comorbid group relative to the other comorbid groups. In terms of Parent-child interaction the ANX + EXT and the ANX + DEP comorbid groups were differentiated from the pure anxiety disorder and ANX + ANX comorbid group when it came to the appraisal of the parent/child relationship by the parent, and the acceptance subscale according to the mother report. In terms of peer-child interaction the ANX + EXT and the ANX + DEP comorbid groups were statistically significantly different from the pure anxiety disorder only when it came to the positive interactions and the social skills as rated by mother. Limitations and future research recommendations are discussed.


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The current study examined whether variables that have been found to influence treatment outcome serve as mediators of a child and adolescent cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) anxiety program at multiple time points throughout the intervention. The study also examined mediating variables measured at multiple time points during treatment to determine the time lags necessary for changes in the mediator variable to translate into changes on treatment gains. Participants were 168 youth (ages 6 to 16 years; 54% males) and their mothers who presented to the Child Anxiety and Phobia Program (CAPP) at Florida International University (FIU). Overall, results indicate that the mediators at multiple time points influenced youth anxiety in a fluctuating manner, such that a decrease in skills at one given session caused changes in youth anxiety at a later session. This dynamic between the mediator and outcome may be reflective of the process of therapeutic change and suggests that skills gained from session to session took time to exert their effect on youth anxiety. The methodology employed helps to elucidate how variables mediate treatment outcome in youth anxiety disorders.


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Three Flying Saucers is wall mounted set of three works which parody the iconic kitsch set of three flying ducks which inhabit the walls of many houses from the 1950’s to today. The project proposes a time in the future where contact with alien intelligent life has been established and we have finally obtained proof that Flying Saucers were real and had been visiting our world for many decades. Now these mysterious celestial forms have been adopted as the new kitsch and adorn the homes of the future.


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Curatorial Aims and Objectives: Fragmentos was a curated exhibition (or expose) of 13 contemporary Australian artists. It was presented at the upstairs gallery at the Escuela Activa de fotografia in Cuernavaca, Morelos in Mexico. The curatorial objective was to present small samples or fragments from the creative practice of a number Australian artists. It would therefore act as introduction to their broader practice and as a way of representing the diverse range of creative explorations by a number contemporary, mostly Melbourne based Australian artists. These artists were selected on the basis of their diverse and often conceptual approaches to art making. All the artists have an established practice in the arts and their work reflects an experimental and investigative approach to materials and processes as well as exploring a wide range of conceptual and thematic concerns. Visitors to the Fragmentos exhibition were primarily local Mexican artists, art students and academics and members of the general public. The gallery is located in the heart of a photography school in central Cuernavaca but the students are engaged in a wide range of practices and the local arts community is vibrant and divers. Many of the works presented in this exhibition invited audience interaction and even the opportunity to contribute to the works providing a connection to the Australian artists involved and as a way of demystifying the ideas behind the works. One of the main curatorial objectives was to create a sense of connection and dialogue between local Mexican artists and the works. By offering samples and fragments, some of which were from unfinished work (in development) the audience could have an experience which was akin to visiting an artists studio or at least seeing something from behind the scenes This gives a sense of the artists as people, which is often not the case with highly resolved and finished works of art, displayed in a white cube. To facilitate this sense of discovery I made a number of small tables using builders timber work horses with a simple ply wood top to act as benches on which the artists work could be placed and to suggest the idea of things being in a transitional stage and undergoing and development. Also, the inclusion of pin boards, magnifying glasses, G Clamps were used during the installation to invoke this sense of workshop or studio. The works were very well received and I gave a number of public talks and presentation to student groups as well as after hour’s appointments to discuss the exhibition with various academics. The project has also generated some new engagements between Mexican and Australian artists with at least 3 outcomes emerging.


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Melinda Capp and her sister Meredith are identical twin. The Sisters installation presented at the Castlemaine state festival is an exploration of the experience and memories of having grown up as a twin and the complexity for both the self as single and self as other/double which underpins and confronts both the physical and psychological sense being a twin. Nature / Nurture: The work is explored as a dichotomy of Nature / Nurture by referencing the domestic context of childhood (which can be interpreted as an exposition of the influence of nurture) and reference to the physical, genetic aspect of being a twin (a reference to Nature). The Installation was located in a bedroom of a 1960’s brick house, now empty, and invites the viewer to enter into a world which pulls between these two forces of nature/nurture, which shape the sense of identity and realization of self for each twin. The bond between twins emerges at the cellular level and continues for the rest of their lives. Despite all emergence of individuality and bloodline thread binds them together forever no matter the distance between them and changes through time In dark wooden wardrobe two dresses, made from fine white tissues paper, hang quietly on each side of the robe with backlighting which floods the room with an ethereal luminance. Placed in the center of a large bare wall, a small image of Melinda and Meredith as young children (a photo transfer also on the ephemeral tissue paper) hangs in isolation. This placement and the surrounding space unites these two young twins together, bound in symmetry like a mirror image in the vast open space of the empty wall, a symbol of the potential for growth and individual identity in a world which surrounds them. On the opposite wall a series of object and artifacts are pressed between sheets of acrylic and backlit as if they were some sorts of scientific samples for detailed inspection. Feathers/hair, handmade paper with embroided (reference to the traditionally feminine arts) text and the words Blood Ties traced out. Each object is placed for analysis and hovers in space at the viewers approximate eye level like a series of clues for the revelation of some deeper insight. Hidden speakers were embedded within the walls of the room and played looped recordings at low level inviting the viewer to listen as a voyeur. A series of whispered schoolyard chants by Melinda and Meredith (identical wording were individually recorded by each sister and then superimposed) and a collage of spoken word, memories and anecdotes from the period of their childhood. Most notably recollections of the Apollo Moon landing. A symbol of the ability of science to transcend and reveal that which lies beyond and within, while at the same time counterpointed by the poetics of childhood songs emerging in unison as two twins reveal their innate unification.


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By employing interpretive policy analysis this thesis aims to assess, measure, and explain policy capacity for government and non-government organizations involved in reclaiming Alberta's oil sands. Using this type of analysis to assess policy capacity is a novel approach for understanding reclamation policy; and therefore, this research will provide a unique contribution to the literature surrounding reclamation policy. The oil sands region in northeast Alberta, Canada is an area of interest for a few reasons; primarily because of the vast reserves of bitumen and the environmental cost associated with developing this resource. An increase in global oil demand has established incentive for industry to seek out and develop new reserves. Alberta's oil sands are one of the largest remaining reserves in the world, and there is significant interest in increasing production in this region. Furthermore, tensions in several oil exporting nations in the Middle East remain unresolved, and this has garnered additional support for a supply side solution to North American oil demands. This solution relies upon the development of reserves in both the United States and Canada. These compounding factors have contributed to the increased development in the oil sands of northeastern Alberta. Essentially, a rapid expansion of oil sands operations is ongoing, and is the source of significant disturbance across the region. This disturbance, and the promises of reclamation, is a source of contentious debates amongst stakeholders and continues to be highly visible in the media. If oil sands operations are to retain their social license to operate, it is critical that reclamation efforts be effective. One concern non-governmental organizations (NGOs) expressed criticizes the current monitoring and enforcement of regulatory programs in the oil sands. Alberta's NGOs have suggested the data made available to them originates from industrial sources, and is generally unchecked by government. In an effort to discern the overall status of reclamation in the oil sands this study explores several factors essential to policy capacity: work environment, training, employee attitudes, perceived capacity, policy tools, evidence based work, and networking. Data was collected through key informant interviews with senior policy professionals in government and non-government agencies in Alberta. The following are agencies of interest in this research: Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP); Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (AESRD); Alberta Energy Regulator (AER); Cumulative Environmental Management Association (CEMA); Alberta Environment Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting Agency (AEMERA); Wood Buffalo Environmental Association (WBEA). The aim of this research is to explain how and why reclamation policy is conducted in Alberta's oil sands. This will illuminate government capacity, NGO capacity, and the interaction of these two agency typologies. In addition to answering research questions, another goal of this project is to show interpretive analysis of policy capacity can be used to measure and predict policy effectiveness. The oil sands of Alberta will be the focus of this project, however, future projects could focus on any government policy scenario utilizing evidence-based approaches.