983 resultados para Círculo de Bakhtin.
This study aims to present analyses of our research, documentary type, which investigates the construction of cultural identities of the Youth and Adults Education (Educação de Jovens e Adultos – EJA), level III, in a public school in the city of Natal/RN, through personal diaries produced in the school environment. In a qualitative-interpretive approach, we anchor our identity studies (BAUMAN, 2001, 2005, 2006; HALL, 1987, 1997, 2011, 2012) that bring us the idea that identities are built and rebuilt by social relations that we do. To this end, we start from a conception of language that does not require pre-conceptions because they are based on the utterance itself. Therefore, we have analyzed the utterances produced by these students from the perspective of Bakhtin Circle (BAKHTIN, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2002, 2010, 2012), which deals with the discursive construction emerging from intersubjective processes of verbal interaction, in a dialogical relationship of the self to the other, by the otherness and the heteroglossia. Moreover, our study is also guided by the guidance on speech genres (BAKHTIN, 2010) and personal journal (LEJEUNE, 2008; MACHADO, 1998, 2009). We join to Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006, 2009) because we believe that this research focuses on a social practice in which language plays a central role and seeks to demonstrate how the speeches of the subject students of EJA, in personal journals, are building tools not only of their identities, but also knowledge and social life of the position that this subject student takes. We conclude this work in a perception of cultural identities that are built by the subject students of EJA, because the results suggest that the identities of these students are fluidly constructed by the representation that the student makes of his or her school, of being student of EJA and how he or she is a student of this educational modality. Thus, through our work, we plan to present another look about the identity or identities of a student of EJA, pointing an insight of this subject.
This work aimed at analyzing the speeches constructed about motivation by English teachers who teach at public state schools in the interior of Minas Gerais. We aimed at delineating the concept of subject underlying the subjects’ notion of motivation and identifying the role that the English teacher attributes to himself and to the student when he/she enunciates on motivational issues, problematizing the possible consequences of these issues for some English teachers while working in public schools. In order to do so, our investigation made use of theoretical assumptions from Applied Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. The theoretical fundamentation deriving from Bakhtin Circle as well as from Michel Pecheux’s theoretical basis were also very relevant for this research. The intersection of these studying fields entails a theoretical construction that considers the voices of those who live the social practice (MOITA LOPES, 2006), which allows one to see the subjects through their heterogeneity, fluidity and fragmentation. Moreover, it generates knowledge about language in its political, ideological, social and historical aspects. AREDA (SERRANI, 1998) was used as a theoretical and methodological framework for data collection. In our analysis, we considered the voices and the conditions of production that constitute 5 English teachers and, from some selected speeches extracted from their discursive production, some notions as intra and interdiscourse, discursive resonance, discursive memory, among others, can be seen interwoven. We hypothesize that the production of meaning deriving from these English teachers comes from a cleavage between the interdiscursivity about motivation and their position in relation to the English language. Some of these teachers’ discursive inscriptions were delineated as they follow: i) the silenced motivation, in which the teachers come up with several voices, repeating what that has already been said about motivation through silence by excess; also, through an inscription in a process of anomy, the English teachers silence motivation, as they come up with other sayings, in an anomic order, denying their identification with their mother tongue and culture because of a desire to learn the foreign language and culture; ii) the motivation in/from/ by others that resounds, in the way the teachers speak, a relation of alterity on what, in/from desire of other relations (colleagues, students, teaching materials, media, etc.), other forms and alternatives are established as a guarantee of students’ motivation; the teachers are also inscripted in in-service practice training as a space of educational development, because they imagine that the experience of the in-service practice alone, which excludes the educational instruction from the Languages course in which they graduated/were graduating at, taught them how to motivate the students; iii) the motivation as a will of power/knowledge, which means there seems to be teachers’ inscription in the relationship between power and knowledge (Foucault, 1996), disconsidering the conflicts that constitute the English classroom to say that there is a control of the English teaching and learning process and, as a result, they also sustain that they hold control over how to motivate; furthermore, the presence of a resonant voice, whose effect is given by an inscription on the (illusion of) completeness can be seen, because the English teachers believe that while motivating their students, this motivation will provide them with all the missing elements, which would mean that when they motivate students, they would be able to fulfill all the gaps in their learning process.
This article aims at discussing the contributions of the Bakhtinian Circle theories to foreign language teaching and learning (HALL et al., 2005), as far as the first years of formal education in Brazil are concerned. Up to the present moment, foreign languages, including English, are not officially part of the National Curriculum of the first five schooling years. Due to the importance of English in a globalized world and despite all the controversial socio-educational impacts of such an influence, there has been an increase in the interest in this discipline at the beginning years of Brazilian public education (ROCHA, 2006), which has been happening at an irregular pace and without official parameters. Therefore, the relevance of this work lies on the possible guidelines it may offer to support a more effective, situated and meaningful teaching-learning process in that context. Standing for a pluralistic approach to language education, we take the bakhtinian speech genres as organizers of the educational process. We strongly believe that through a dialogic, pluralistic and trans/intercultural teaching (MAHER, 2007), whose main objective is the development of multi (COPE e KALANTZIS, 2000) and critical (COMBER, 2006) literacies, the hybridization of genres and cultures, as well as the creation of third spaces (KOSTOGRIZ, 2005; KUMARAVADIVELU, 2008) can happen. From this perspective, foreign language teaching and learning play a transformative role in society and English is seen as a boundary object (STAR e GRIESEMER, 1989), in and by which diversity, pluralism and polyphony can naturally find their way.
In this paper I explore the Indigenous Australian women's performance classroom (hereafter ANTH2120) as a dialectic and discursive space where the location of possibility is opened for female Indigenous performers to enter into a dialogue from and between both non-Indigenous and Indigenous voices. The work of Bakhtin on dialogue serves as a useful standpoint for understanding the multiple speaking positions and texts in the ANTH2120 context. Bakhtin emphasizes performance, history, actuality and the openness of dialogue to provide an important framework for analysing multiple speaking positions and ways of making meaning through dialogue between shifting and differing subjectivities. I begin by briefly critiquing Bakhtin's "dialogic imagination" and consider the application and usefulness of concepts such as dialogism, heteroglossia and the utterance to understanding the ANTH2120 classroom as a polyphonic and discursive space. I then turn to an analysis of dialogue in the ANTH2120 classroom and primarily situate my gaze on an examination of the interactions that took place between the voices of myself as family/teacher/student and senior Yanyuwa women from the r e m o t e N o r t h e r n T e r r i t o r y A b o r i g i n a l c o m m u n i t y o f B o r r o l o o l a as family/performers/teachers. The 2000 and 2001 Yanyuwa women's performance workshops will be used as examples of the way power is constantly shifting in this dialogue to allow particular voices to speak with authority, and for others to remain silent as roles and relationships between myself and the Yanyuwa women change. Conclusions will be drawn regarding how my subject positions and white race privilege affect who speaks, who listens and on whose terms, and further, the efficacy of this pedagogical platform for opening up the location of possibility for Indigenous Australian women to play a powerful part in the construction of knowledges about women's performance traditions.
Este texto - escrito a partir de entrevistas coletivas realizadas na pesquisa Formação de profissionais da educação infantil no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: concepções, políticas e modos de implementação - tem seu foco no tema e referencial teórico-metodológico da mudança. Esse referencial baseia-se na concepção de linguagem de Bakhtin, preciosa para a compreensão da originalidade com que o tema da mudança foi abordado pelos participantes: a metáfora de sacudir. Conceitos de ambivalência dialética e dialogismo revelaram-se ferramentas teóricas fundamentais para a pesquisa. A idéia de que é preciso mudar, acompanhada pelo desejo de mudar, emergiu em quase todas as entrevistas. Mas foi em entrevista feita com nove professoras que a mudança foi mencionada como se constituísse a ação educativa: uma das professoras entrevistadas relatou que não concordava com a prática vivida e resolveu "dar um sacode no pedagógico".
Este artigo reflete sobre o conceito do Circulo de Roqueplo sob a ótica de Japiassu para a interdisciplinaridade da ciência da informação.Conforme resultados da pesquisa, apresenta-se o quadro desenvolvido para a estrutura de conhecimento da área, que poderá ser adotado como formato para estabelecer o núcleo de pesquisa para estudos de informação na ciência da informação.
Cette thèse met en lumière les relations réciproques entre les deux artefacts‐clés de la culture russe et mondiale du XXe siècle : la théorie du carnaval et de la ménippée de Mikhaïl Bakhtine et le dernier roman de Mikhaïl Boulgakov. Les chercheurs n'ont pas tardé à remarquer leur étonnante synthonie après leur sortie de l'oubli qui a eu lieu presque en même temps et qui a été marquée par la publication des ouvrages de Bakhtine Problèmes de la poétique de Dostoïevski (1963), L'oeuvre de François Rabelais et la culture populaire au Moyen Âge et sous la Renaissance (1965) et par la parution du roman de Boulgakov Le Maître et Marguerite (1966-1967). C'est déjà dans la postface de la première édition du roman que Le Maître et Marguerite reçoit le nom de «ménippée de Bakhtine». Un tel rapprochement entre la théorie de Bakhtine et le roman de Boulgakov s'explique par leur intérêt simultané pour différentes manifestations de la poétique du carnaval qui s'appuie sur des traditions portant l'empreinte des conceptions du temps cyclique et de l'éternel retour par le biais de la mort, propres aux rituels agraires de l'époque archaïque et aux fêtes du Nouvel An de l'Antiquité. A partir du début du XXe siècle et jusqu'aux années 40, la notion de carnavalesque en Russie est un ensemble d'idées unique, un concept doté d'un caractère d'universalité culturelle de son temps: le carnavalesque attire l'attention non seulement de Bakhtine et de Boulgakov, mais aussi de presque tous les modernistes russes et de certains philologues de l'époque. Dans notre travail, l'étude de la ressemblance des approches du problème du carnaval chez Boulgakov et chez Bakhtine s'organise selon deux axes de recherche. Le premier est lié à la théorie des genres moderne et à son développement dans la philosophie de Bakhtine. C'est dans ce contexte que nous examinons la notion antique de la satire ménippée (ou de la ménippée), considérée par Bakhtine en tant que genre littéraire qui reflète le mieux la poétique du carnaval. C'est également ce contexte qui nous permet d'analyser l'évolution de la théorie du carnaval et de la ménippée chez Bakhtine depuis ses travaux des années 30 jusqu'à la parution du « quatrième chapitre célèbre » de la deuxième édition de son ouvrage consacré à Dostoïevski. Le même contexte sert à délimiter l'emploi de la théorie du carnaval et de la ménippée dans la critique littéraire et à déterminer l'efficacité de cet outil théorique que nous utilisons lors de l'analyse du roman Le Maître et Marguerite. Le second axe de notre recherche est lié à l'étude des traditions du carnaval, à l'examen de leurs sources mythologiques et de leurs sources relatives aux mystères. Ces sources sont considérées telles qu'elles se présentent dans les manières de concevoir le carnaval propres à Bakhtine et à Boulgakov que nous avons nommées, respectivement, le carnaval de Bakhtine et le carnaval de Boulgakov. La reconstruction du carnaval de Bakhtine a permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs approches du thème du carnaval présentes dans ses ouvrages. La distinction de ces approches est d'autant plus importante que son oubli peut causer de fausses interprétations des idées de Bakhtine exprimées dans L'oeuvre de François Rabelais et mener à des critiques injustes de son auteur. Nous avons également tenu compte des théories avec lesquelles dialogue la philosophie du carnaval de Bakhtine : nous l'avons examinée en relation avec des études de la fête, du carnaval et du sacrifice caractéristiques du paysage scientifique des premières décennies du XXe siècle. Nous avons également comparée la philosophie du carnaval aux théories des philosophes européens contemporains de Bakhtine qui se sont intéressés à la même problématique, mais qu'on n'a pas l'habitude de mentionner à ce propos. En ce qui concerne l'étude du roman Le Maître et Marguerite et l'analyse du carnaval de Boulgakov, nous avons tâché d'unir deux approches. D'une part, nous avons mis au jour les sources de l'auteur ; d'autre part, nous avons examiné cette oeuvre dans une perspective dont le but est d'aider à comprendre la spécificité du carnavalesque chez Boulgakov en s'appuyant sur des travaux d'éminents spécialistes du folklore, de la mytho-archéologie, de la mytho-critique et de la sémiotique moderne. Notre recherche a permis de mettre en évidence les manifestations caractéristiques de la poétique du carnaval dans Le Maître et Marguerite, auparavant négligées par la critique. En outre, nous avons prêté une attention particulière à la façon dont Boulgakov utilise des éléments et modèles mythologiques « pré-carnavalesques » qui n'ont pas été étudiés de manière suffisante dans l'oeuvre de Bakhtine. Cela nous a permis non seulement de voir sous un autre jour les scènes-clés du roman, mais aussi d'avoir la connaissance plus approfondie du carnaval de Bakhtine à travers le carnaval de Boulgakov.
Development of methods to explore data from educational settings, to understand better the learning process.
El presente trabajo versa sobre una cuestión nominal y materialmente zanjada por la doctrina civil y penal como es la naturaleza jurídica de la RC ex delicto. Sin embargo, a juicio del autor, se trata de una problemática todavía viva. No se defiende la mutación penal de la responsabilidad civil derivada de delito. Pero sí se hace especial hincapié en los relevantes efectos punitivos a ella asignados, en su carácter no sólo y exclusivamente civil, así como en la existencia de un interés público que trasciende a las partes en conflicto y que justificaría su ejercicio en el proceso penal por el Ministerio Fiscal.