1000 resultados para Cão - Oftalmologia - Cirurgia
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Cataract is the leading cause of blindness in dogs. It is defined as an opacity in the lens and is independent of resulting visual deficit. Although there are a growing number of studies related to drug therapy of cataract, the treatment is still considered exclusively surgical. Among the techniques used to remove cataract, phacoemulsification is the best performer. Anesthesia in intraocular surgery has several peculiarities, which are essential to successfully conduct phacoemulsification in dogs. In these patients, a safe and effective anesthesia requires the maintenance of intraocular pressure close to normal, preventing the activation of the oculo-cardiac reflex and complete immobilization of the eye. The appropriate conditions for such surgical procedures can be established through the use of drugs from different pharmacological groups for premedication, induction and maintenance of anesthesia, making a balanced anesthesia. This work was compiled from a careful review of the literature on anesthesia in cataract surgery. Considerations on the pre-medication, induction and maintenance of anesthesia are discussed, aiming to contribute to the phacoemulsification becomes more safe and suitable for the anesthesiologist and the surgeon as well as comfortable for dogs undergoing surgery
OBJETIVO: Avaliação dos resultados da utilização de enxerto de espessura parcial de esclera autóloga para o tratamento das úlceras esclerais profundas, como complicação tardia da exérese de pterígio associada à betaterapia. MÉTODOS: Foram tratados doze olhos de doze pacientes, nove femininos e três masculinos, com idade variando entre 48 e 82 anos, média 65,2 anos. RESULTADOS: Houve boa integração do enxerto em todos os casos, com resultado funcional e cosmético favorável e sem complicações. CONCLUSÃO: Várias técnicas de enxertia tem sido propostas para o tratamento da úlcera escleral: esclera e dura-máter homólogas, derme, cartilagem auricular e periósteo autólogos. No entanto, o procedimento com esclera autóloga apresenta reais vantagens em relaçâo aos enxertos empregados anteriormente. Não há referências na literatura quanto ao emprego de enxerto de esclera autóloga de espessura parcial para o tratamento da úlcera escleral.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Introdução: A catarata em idade pediátrica constitui um desafio cirúrgico. Este desafio assume maior dimensão quando a catarata pediátrica é secundária ao tratamento com radioterapia por tumor ocular. A complexidade da técnica, a maior fragilidade ou fibrose de estruturas oculares e o maior risco de complicações intra e pós operatórias são obstáculos que o cirurgião deve equacionar. Os autores apresentam um caso clinico de uma cirurgia de catarata unilateral, secundária a radiação por feixe de protões externo para tratamento de melanoma da íris, em criança com 11 anos de idade. Métodos: Criança de 8 anos, com lesão pigmentada infero-temporal no olho esquerdo. Estabeleceu-se o diagnóstico de melanoma da íris, tendo realizado radioterapia com feixe acelerado de protões com excisão e recolocação de células limbares. Após 18 meses de radioterapia, constatou-se desenvolvimento de catarata subcapsular posterior com evolução para catarata branca. Aos 11 anos, foi submetida, sob anestesia geral, a facoemulsificação microincisional. Realizaram-se 2 paracenteses de 1 mm e, através destas, efectuou-se a capsulorexis anterior, após coloração com azul tripano. Procedeu-se à realização da incisão principal (2,2mm), à faco-aspiração do cristalino opacificado e à irrigação/aspiração bimanual do córtex. Implantou-se a lente intra-ocular monobloco monofocal (SN 60WF) no saco capsular e efectuou-se capsulorexis posterior primária. Com o objectivo de excluir a presença de vítreo na câmara anterior e simultaneamente obter um efeito anti-inflamatório, injectou-se intra-camerularmente triamcinolona sem conservantes. Resultados: Não se observaram complicações intra ou pós-operatórias, imediatas ou tardias, de relevo. Com 1 ano de evolução, a acuidade visual do olho esquerdo é de 10/10. Após 4 anos de radioterapia não se observa recorrência do tumor, doença metastática nem complicações da radioterapia. Conclusões: A micro-incisão, a capsulorexis posterior primária e a aplicação de triamcinolona intracamerular asseguram maior segurança no procedimento, mais rápida recuperação visual com transparência duradoura do eixo visual e menor inflamação no pós-operatório.
Objectivo: O uso de Mitomicina C, na cirurgia de pterígeo, tem como objectivo diminuir a taxa de recidiva, contudo a sua aplicação não é isenta de complicações. O presente estudo pretende avaliar o efeito, a curto prazo, da aplicação intraoperatória de mitomicina C sobre o endotélio corneano, em doentes submetidos a excisão de pterígeo. Material e Métodos: Estudo prospectivo que incluiu 30 doentes submetidos a excisão de pterígeo primário. Em 15 doentes aplicou-se intraoperatoriamente mitomicina C a 0,02% durante 2 minutos, sobre a esclerótica com colocação posterior de auto-enxerto de conjuntiva. Nos restantes 15 doentes (grupo controlo) procedeu-se a excisão de pterigeo com auto-enxerto de conjuntiva, sem aplicação de mitomicina C. Realizou-se microscopia especular no pré-operatório e aos 2 meses de followup, avaliando-se a densidade de células endoteliais, coeficiente de variação, percentagem de células hexagonais e espessura central da córnea. Utilizou-se o Teste Paired Samples t-test para determinar a existência de diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o pré e pós-operatório, entre os 2 grupos, em relação aos parâmetros em estudo, adoptando-se um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Para todos os parâmetros analisados não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. A densidade de células endoteliais no grupo em que foi aplicada mitomicina C e no grupo controlo foi respectivamente de 2652,67±136,30; 2588,56±352,04 células/mm2 pré-operatoriamente e de 2714,57±204,04 ; 2279,89±875,71 células/mm2 pós-operatoriamente (p=0,185 ; p=0,32). O coeficiente de variação do tamanho celular no grupo em que foi aplicada mitomicina C e no grupo controlo foi respectivamente de 30,44±2,74; 34,22±3,27 células/mm2 pré-operatoriamente e de 30,11±2,71; 32,00±2,69 células/mm2 pós-operatoriamente (p=0,751 ; p=0,053). A percentagem de células hexagonais no grupo em que foi aplicada mitomicina C e no grupo controlo foi respectivamente de 44,11±2,85 ; 43,11±5,33 células/mm2 pré-operatoriamente e de 44,44±4,45 ; 48,22±4,41 células/mm2 pós-operatoriamente (p=0,824 ; p=0,056). A espessura central da córnea no grupo em que foi aplicada mitomicina C e no grupo controlo foi respectivamente de 534,33±49,80 ; 542,56±47,21 células/mm2 pré-operatoriamente e de 518±33,47 ; 536,11±43,24 células/mm2 pós-operatoriamente (p=0,072 ; p=0,183). Conclusão: O uso de mitomicina tópica a 0.02% não afectou de forma estatisticamente significativa o endótelio corneano.
Este relatório foi realizado no âmbito do estágio curricular no Hospital Veterinário do Baixo Vouga de 1 de Setembro de 2015 a 31 de Janeiro de 2016. A primeira componente trata da casuística acompanhada no estágio. A área médica mais comum foi a gastroenterologia. A segunda componente consiste na revisão bibliográfica da aspergilose canina complementada com um caso clínico acompanhado no estágio. A aspergilose sino-nasal canina ocorre principalmente em indivíduos jovens ou de meia-idade, mesaticéfalos ou dolicocéfalos e saudáveis. O seu diagnóstico implica o conjunto de vários exames, nomeadamente imagiológicos, cultura de fungos, histopatologia, serologia e diagnóstico molecular. O tratamento recomendado é o tópico. A aspergilose disseminada é menos frequente, sendo mais comum na raça Pastor Alemão. Sendo geralmente mais grave, o tratamento passa essencialmente pela terapia antifúngica sistémica. O uso de fungicidas tem sido muito associado à ocorrência de resistências cruzadas a antifúngicos azóis, dificultando o tratamento destas infeções; Abstract: Small Animal Medicine This report was elaborated following a traineeship at the Hospital Veterinário do Baixo Vouga from September 1st, 2015 to January, 31st, 2016. The first component covers the casuistry accompanied during the same. The most prevalent medical field was the gastroenterology. The second component consists of a literature review of canine aspergillosis along with the report of a case followed during the internship. Canine sinonasal aspergillosis primarily affects young to middle-aged, mesaticephalic or dolichocephalic and healthy dogs. Its diagnosis involves a conjunction of medical exams, namely imagiologic, fungal culture, histopathology, serology and molecular diagnosis. The recommended treatment is the topical one. Disseminated aspergillosis is more infrequent, occurring usually in German Shepard Dogs. Being more grievous, its treatment is based upon the administration of systemic antifungals. The use of azole fungicides has been linked to the development of cross-resistances between these and the antifungal azoles, making it difficult to treat such infections.
Para conclusão do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade de Évora foi realizado um estágio no Centro Hospitalar Veterinário, situado no Porto, de Setembro de 2015 a Fevereiro de 2016, sob a orientação do Dr. André Gomes Pereira. O presente relatório está dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte consiste numa descrição de todos os casos e procedimentos assistidos. A segunda parte é composta por uma monografia sobre o tema “Pancreatite Canina”, com apresentação de dois casos clínicos, acompanhados durante a realização do estágio. A pancreatite é atualmente a doença do pâncreas exócrino mais comum em cães, podendo estar associada a inúmeros fatores de risco. A não existência de um teste, não invasivo, suficientemente específico e sensível, aliado à inespecificidade dos sinais clínicos torna o diagnóstico da pancreatite desafiante. Contudo, a ecografia abdominal é um teste de fácil utilização, que associado à crescente especialização do Médico Veterinário se tem mostrado muito útil na deteção de alterações pancreáticas; Abstract: (Small Animal Medicine and Surgery) For completion of the MSc in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Évora was held an internship at the Centro Hospitalar Veterinário located in Porto, from September 2015 to February 2016, under the supervision of Dr. André Gomes Pereira. This report is divided into two sections. The first part is a description of all cases and procedures. The second part consists of a monograph about "Canine Pancreatitis" with the presentation of two clinical cases followed during the internship. Pancreatitis is currently the most common exocrine pancreas disease in dogs that may be associated with numerous risk factors. The absence of a test, non-invasive, sensitive and specific enough, combined with the lack of specific clinical signs makes the diagnosis of pancreatitis challenging. However, abdominal ultrasound is an easy to use test that combined with the increasing specialization of the veterinarian has been very useful in detecting pancreatic changes.
O estágio curricular, descrito no presente relatório, teve lugar no Hospital Veterinário do Porto, num período de seis meses, desde 14 de setembro de 2015 a 14 de março de 2016. Este relatório foi realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária e encontra-se dividido em duas partes. A primeira referente à casuística acompanhada no decorrer do estágio e a segunda constituída por uma revisão bibliográfica subordinada ao tema “Eritema multiforme canino”. Seguidamente apresenta-se um caso clínico acompanhado pela autora, no âmbito desse mesmo tema. O eritema multiforme é uma doença imunomediada multifatorial descrita em humanos, cães, gatos, cavalos, bovinos e ovinos. A sua patogenia continua por esclarecer mas supõe-se que seja resultado de uma reação de hipersensibilidade mediada por células a vários antigénios. O seu diagnóstico é histopatológico, sendo que o prognóstico varia consoante a severidade das lesões e o conhecimento da causa; Abstract: Small Animal Surgery and Clinical Practice The externship described in this report took place at the Veterinary Hospital of Porto, in a six month period, between the 14th of September 2015 and the 14th of March 2016. This report was carried out under the masters degree in veterinary medicine and is divided into two parts. The first is related to the casuistics accompanied during the externship and the second consists of a literature review on the theme "Canine erythema multiforme", followed by a clinical case accompanied by the author, on the same subject. Erythema multiforme is a multifactorial immune-mediated disorder described in humans, dogs, cats, horses, cattle and sheep. Its pathogenesis remains unclear but is thought to be a result of a hypersensitivity reaction mediated by cells to various antigens. The diagnosis is histological, and the prognosis varies depending on the severity of lesions and the knowledge of the cause.
BACKGROUND: Restorative proctocolectomy is the procedure of choice to treat familial adenomatous polyposis, however it can be associated to short-term and long-term postoperative complications. AIM: To evaluate the occurrence of complications related to the surgical treatment of familial adenomatous polyposis with ileal pouch technique. METHODS: Retrospective study of 69 patients with familial adenomatous polyposis after rectocolectomy with ileal reservoir between 1984 and 2006, operated on Coloproctology Group, Medical Sciences Faculty, State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil. The median follow-up period was 82 (2-280) months. Data obtained were surgical techniques and postoperative complications. RESULTS: The morbidity and mortality were 63.8% and 2.9%, respectively. The most frequent complications were small-bowel obstruction (17.4%), anastomotic stricture (15.9%) and pelvic sepsis (10.1%). Acute ischemia of the ileal pouch (4.3%), pouchitis (2.9%) and ileal pouch-related fistula (2.9%) had poorer frequency than others. CONCLUSIONS: The morbid-mortality was similar to the literature?s data and it is acceptable for a complex surgery in two terms like the ileal reservoir-anal anastomosis. The small-bowel obstruction was the most frequent complication. However, ischemia of the reservoir, pouchitis and pelvic sepsis were important complications and was related to the failure of the ileal reservoir.
BACKGROUND: Total rectocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis is the choice surgical procedure for patients with ulcerative colitis. In cases of Crohn's disease post-operative diagnosis, it can be followed by pouch failure. AIM: To evaluate ileal pouch-anal anastomosis long-term outcome in patients with Crohn's disease. METHODS: Between February 1983 and March 2007, 151 patients were submitted to ileal pouch-anal anastomosis by Campinas State University Colorectal Unit, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 76 had pre-operative ulcerative colitis diagnosis and 11 had post-operative Crohn's disease diagnosis. Crohn's disease diagnosis was made by histopathological biopsies in nine cases, being one in surgical specimen, two cases in rectal stump, small bowel in two cases, ileal pouch in three and in perianal abscess in one of them. The median age was 30.6 years and eight (72.7%) were female. RESULTS: All patients had previous ulcerative colitis diagnosis and in five cases emergency colectomy was done by toxic megacolon. The mean time until of Crohn's disease diagnosis was 30.6 (6-80) months after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Ileostomy closure was possible in 10 cases except in one that had ileal pouch fistula, perianal disease and small bowel involvement. In the long-term follow-up, three patients had perineal fistulas and one had also a pouch-vaginal fistula. All of them were submitted to a new ileostomy and one had the pouch excised. Another patient presented pouch-vaginal fistula which was successfully treated by mucosal flap. Three patients had small bowel involvement and three others, pouch involvement. All improved with medical treatment. Presently, the mean follow-up is 76.5 months and all patients are in clinical remission, and four have fecal diversion. The remaining patients have good functional results with 6-10 bowel movements/day. CONCLUSION: Crohn's disease diagnosis after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis may be usual and later complications such fistulas and stenosis are common. However, when left in situ ileal pouch is associated with good function.
The copolymer poly (L-co-D,L lactic acid), PLDLA, has gained prominence in the field of temporary prostheses due to the fact that their time of degradation is quite compatible with the requirement in the case of osseous fracture. In this work the in vivo degradation of devices from copolymer, as a system of plates and screws, used in fixation of the tibia of rabbits was studied. The devices were implanted in 15 adult rabbits, albinos, New Zealand race, and they were used as control devices of alloys of titanium (Ti-6Al-4V/ V grade). The use of copolymers, synthesized in the laboratory, was tested in the repair of fracture in rabbits'tibias, being assessed in the following times: 2 weeks, 2 months and 3 months. Morphological analysis of tissue surrounding the plate and screw system, for 2 weeks of implantation, showed the presence of osteoblasts, indicating a pre bone formation. After 2 months there was new bone formation in the region in contact with the polymer. This bone growth occurred simultaneously with the process of PLDLA degradation, invading the region where there was polymer and after 3 months there was an intense degradation of the copolymer and hence greater tissue invasion compared to 2 months which characterized bone formation in a region where the polymer degraded. The in vivo degradation study of the devices for PLDLA by means of histological evaluations during the period of consolidation of the fracture showed the efficiency of plate and screw system, and it was possible to check formation of bone tissue at the implantation site, without the presence of inflammatory reaction
PURPOSE: To determine the main causes of penetrating keratoplasty indications at Hospital das Clínicas-UNICAMP (January, 1999 to December, 2003). METHODS: A non-comparative, retrospective series of case studies. The authors reviewed the files of 857 patients who underwent penetrating keratoplasty at Hospital das Clínicas-UNICAMP between 1999-2003 and classified them into different categories according to diagnostic indication for surgery. RESULTS: The age range was between 0-88 years (average 44 years ±1.2). The main causes of penetrating keratoplasty were: keratoconus in 427 cases (49.82%); 152 cases (17.74%) of corneal ulceration (perforated or not); corneal graft failure in 87 cases (10.15%); bullous keratopathy, 72 cases (8.40%); Fuchs dystrophy in 59 cases (6.88%); trachoma complications in 28 cases (3.27%); other causes, 32 (3.74%). In children under 10 years of age, the main cause of penetrating keratoplasty indications was infectious ulcer (77.78%) and between 11-50 years of age, keratoconus was the main cause (71.65%). CONCLUSION: This study was composed of a young population, and the main causes of penetrating keratoplasty were keratoconus and therapeutic keratoplasty.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the frequency of different types of glaucoma at the Hospital das Clínicas of Campinas State University. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 329 patients followed at the Glaucoma Service of Campinas State University from October 1 to December 20, 2000. The frequency of each type of glaucoma and the treatment were analyzed. RESULTS: There were 329 patients examined at the Glaucoma Service: 132 (40.1%) were referred to the service as glaucoma suspects and 197 (59.9%) as glaucoma patients. Ninety of the 132 glaucoma suspects had glaucoma (68.2%) and 42 are still under investigation (31.8%). Among the 329 patients, 283 (86%) had glaucoma, 42 (12.8%) were glaucoma suspects, 2 (0.6%) had ocular hypertension and 2 (0.6%) did not have glaucoma. There were 530 eyes with glaucoma: 298 (56.2%) with primary open angle glaucoma, 108 (20.4%) with chronic angle closure glaucoma, 21 (4%) with glaucoma following cataract surgery, 19 (3.6%) congenital glaucoma and 16 (3%) with low-tension glaucoma. All patients received initial clinical treatment with IOP-lowering medication. After a mean follow up of 10.5 months, 89 (16.8%) underwent laser therapy: 72 (13.6%) iridotomy, 7 (1.3%) trabeculoplasty and 10 (1.9%) panphotocoagulation. A hundred and seventy nine (33%) eyes required surgical treatment. CONCLUSION: The most frequent types of glaucoma were primary open angle and angle closure glaucoma. Low tension glaucoma and glaucoma associated with exfoliation syndrome were uncommon in this population.
PURPOSE: To report a case of Nocardia asteroides scleritis in a patient without risk factors for infeccious scleritis. METHODS: A 38-year old woman was initially examined for pain, discharge, photophobia of 1 month duration in her right eye. Her medical and ophthalmological history were unremarkable. The results of laboratory tests were normal. Surgical debridement of necrotic tissue was performed and material was sent for biopsy and culture confirmed as Nocardia asteroides. Treatment consisted of amikacin eyedrops, and systemic trimethropim-sulfamethoxazole. The infection resolved leaving scleral thinning and a subconjunctival fibrovascular scar. Best corrected visual acuity two months after referral had improved to LE, 20/20. CONCLUSION: Prompt evaluation and treatment is essential for successful management of Nocardia asteroides infectious scleritis.