798 resultados para Business Intelligence, ETL, Data Warehouse, Metadati, Reporting


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Inom Business Intelligence har begreppet Self-Service Business Intelligence (Self-Service BI) vuxit fram. Self-Service BI omfattar verktyg vilka möjliggör för slutanvändare att göra analyser och skapa rapporter utan teknisk support. Ett av dessa verktyg är Microsoft PowerPivot.På Transportstyrelsens Järnvägsavdelning finns behov av ett Self-Service BI-verktyg. Vi fick i uppdrag av Sogeti att undersöka om PowerPivot var ett lämpligt verktyg för Transportstyrelsen. Målet med uppsatsen har varit att testa vilka tekniska möjligheter och begränsningar PowerPivot har samt huruvida PowerPivot är användbart för Transportstyrelsen.För att få en djupare förståelse för Self-Service BI har vi kartlagt vilka möjligheter och begränsningar med Self-Service BI-verktyg som finns beskrivna i litteraturen. Vi har sedan jämfört dessa med våra testresultat vilket har varit syftet med uppsatsen.Resultatet av testerna har visat att Transportstyrelsens Järnvägsavdelning initialt behöver teknisk support för att använda PowerPivot. Testerna har även visat att vissa av Transportstyrelsens krav inte kan uppfyllas. Detta minskar användbarheten för Transportstyrelsen.Vidare har vi kommit fram till att Self-Service BI inte alltid är enkelt att använda för slutanvändare utan teknisk support. Resultatet visar även att det krävs en BI-infrastruktur för att enkelt skapa rapporter med god kvalitet och högsta möjliga korrekthet.


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Denna rapport behandlar vilka egenskaper som är viktiga att ta hänsyn till vid val av rapportverktyg inom området Business Intelligence. Begreppet BI är relativt omfattande och syftar till färdigheter, teknologier, applikationer och metoder av systematisk och vetenskaplig art som en organisation använder för att bättre förstå sin verksamhet, sin omgivning och omvärld. Rapportverktyg utgör således en mindre del i en större kedja av processer för att stödja beslutstagande.Landstinget Dalarna har anlitat Sogeti, som har varit vår uppdragsgivare för detta examensarbete, för att implementera BI i sin verksamhet och vår studie har sitt ursprung i att Landstinget Dalarna idag har ett stort behov av olika typer av rapporter i många olika delar av organisationen. Rapportbehovet har visat sig vara omfattande och för att lätta på arbetsbördan för de systemutvecklare som skapar rapporter har funderingar framkommit att det skulle kunna vara en bra lösning att låta användarna inom Landstinget Dalarna själva skapa en del av sina egna rapporter. Målet med arbetet är att ge de systemutvecklare som arbetar i projektet riktlinjer kring vilka egenskaper olika rapportverktyg innehar för att de enklare skall kunna avgöra vilket som är lämpligast att använda. De verktyg som i denna studie jämförs med varandra är Report Builder 3.0, PowerPivot samt Dashboard Designer 2010, samtliga från Microsoft.För att göra denna jämförelse mellan olika rapportverktyg krävs bra underlag för att kunna förstå vilka egenskaper som är relevanta att fokusera på samt om några egenskaper väger tyngre än andra.Efter att ha utfört intervjuer med systemutvecklare som arbetar med BI har vi kunnat skapa oss en tydligare bild av detta område. Egenskaperna har sammanställts för att användas i vår jämförelse mellan de olika rapportverktygen. Att dessa egenskaper är av vikt bekräftas till viss del av den teori som finns på området. De egenskaper som främst visar sig vara viktiga i valet är vilken befintlig plattform som används, verktygets möjlighet att skapa interaktiva rapporter samt vilken typ av användare verktyget riktar sig till. Även andra egenskaper visar sig vara viktiga att ta hänsyn till, men då främst beroende på vilka krav som ställs. Resultatet av den praktiska jämförelsen mellan de olika rapportverktygen visar att verktygen till viss del överlappar varandra i funktionalitet samtidigt som de är anpassade för olika typer av användare och plattformar. De utgör allihop delar i Microsofts BI-pussel som på olika sätt skall bidra till att alltid kunna täcka upp de krav som kan finnas beroende på behov och förutsättningar. Samtidigt visar det sig att jämförda rapportverktyg besitter vissa generella egenskaper som gör att verktygen i stora drag klarar, om än på olika sätt, att skapa snarlika rapporter.


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The adoption of simulation as a powerful enabling method for knowledge management is hampered by the relatively high cost of model construction and maintenance. A two-step procedure, based on a divide and conquer strategy, is proposed in this paper. First, a simulation program is partitioned based on a reinterpretation of the model-view-controller architecture. Individual parts are then connected, in terms of abstraction, to guard against possible changes that resulted from shifting user requirements. We explore the applicability of these design principles through a detailed discussion of an industry case study. The knowledge-based perspective guides the design of architecture to accommodate the need of emulation without compromising the integrity of the simulation program. The synergy between simulation and a knowledge management perspective, as shown in the case study, has the potential to achieve the objectives of rapid development of models, with low maintenance cost. This could, in turn, facilitate an extension of the use of simulation in the knowledge management domain.


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In recent time, technology applications in different fields, especially Business Intelligence (BI) have been developed rapidly and considered to be one of the most significant uses of information technology with special position reserved. The application of BI systems provides organizations with a sense of superiority in the competitive environment. Despite many advantages, the companies applying such systems may also encounter problems in decision-making process because of the highly diversified interactions within the systems. Hence, the choice of a suitable BI platform is important to take the great advantage of using information technology in all organizational fields. The current research aims at addressing the problems existed in the organizational decision-making process, proposing and implementing a suitable BI platform using Iranian companies as case study. The paper attempts to present a solitary model based on studying different methods in BI platform choice and applying the chosen BI platform for different decisionmaking processes. The results from evaluating the effectiveness of subsequently implementing the model for Iranian Industrial companies are discussed.


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The implementation of a business intelligence (BI) system is a complex undertaking requiring considerable resources. Yet there is a limited authoritative set of critical success factors (CSFs) for management reference because the BI market has been driven mainly by the IT industry and vendors. This research seeks to bridge the gap that exists between academia and practitioners by investigating the CSFs influencing BI systems success. The study followed a two-stage qualitative approach. Firstly, the authors utilised the Delphi method to conduct three rounds of studies. The study develops a CSFs framework crucial for BI systems implementation. Next, the framework and the associated CSFs are delineated through a series of case studies. The empirical findings substantiate the construct and applicability of the framework. More significantly, the research further reveals that those organisations which address the CSFs from a business orientation approach will be more likely to achieve better results.


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This paper presents and discusses the critical success factors (CSFs) influencing the implementation of business intelligence (BI) systems. Based on a preliminary critical success factors (CSFs) framework, multiple case studies approach was applied to investigate the CSFs influencing BI systems implementation in seven large engineering enterprises. The empirical findings demonstrate a clear trend towards multidimensional challenges involved in such resourceful and complex undertaking. The CSFs exist in various dimensions composed of organisation, process, and technology perspectives. More significantly, the study reveals that a more fundamental issue concerning the business needs of BI systems may, in the end, impede BI systems success. That is, BI stakeholders are urged to apply a business-orientation approach in tackling implementation challenges and ensuring buy-in from business stakeholders.


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The Business Intelligence (BI) system provides users with multi-dimensional information (so-called BI product) to support their decision-making. However, very often business users still could not fully understand the BI product, nor have a clear picture of the entire information manufacturing chain of the BI product. In response to this situation, this paper presents an integrated metadata framework (“BIP-Map”) to facilitate the traceability and accountability of a BI product following the design science research approach. Specifically, the salient modelling and management techniques from the business process modelling notation (BPMN), the information product map (IP-Map), and the metadata management are adapted to construct a three-layered integrated metadata framework enabling the business users to make timely and informed decisions. A BIP-Map informed prototype system has been developed in collaboration with online job recruitment firms. The authors conducted in-depth interviews with seven key BI stakeholders of the recruitment firms to evaluate the usefulness of the BIP-Map. It is envisaged that the metadata framework allows the technical personnel to understand the business processes that relate to certain information provided in the BI reports. Business users will also be able to gain insights into the logic behind any BI report.


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Business intelligence (BI) architecture based on service-oriented architecture (SOA) concept enables enterprises to deploy agile and reliable BI applications. However, the key factors for implementing a SOA-based BI architecture from technical perspectives have not yet been systematically investigated. Most of the prior studies focus on organisational and managerial perspectives rather than technical factors. Therefore, this study explores the key technical factors that are most likely to have an impact on the implementation of a SOA-based BI architecture. This paper presents a conceptual model of BI architecture built on SOA concept. Drawing on academic and practitioner literature related to SOA and software architectural design, we propose fourteen key factors that may influence the implementation of a SOA-based BI architecture. This study bridges the gap between academic and practitioners.


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Due to ubiquitous information requirements, market interest in mobile business intelligence (BI) has grown markedly. However, mobile BI market is a relatively new area that has been driven primarily by the IT industry. Yet, there is a lack of systematic study on the critical success factors for mobile BI. This research reviews the state-of-the-art of mobile BI, and explores the critical success factors based on a rigorous examination of the academic and practitioner literature. The study reveals that critical success factors of mobile BI generally fall into four key dimensions, namely security, mobile technology, system content and quality, and organisational support perspectives. The various research findings will be useful to organisations which are considering or undertaking mobile business intelligence initiatives.


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Extant studies suggest implementing a business intelligence (BI) system is a costly, resource-intensive and complex undertaking. Literature draws attention to the critical success factors (CSFs) for implementation of BI systems. Leveraging case studies of seven large organizations and blending them with Yeoh and Koronios's (2010) BI CSFs framework, our empirical study gives evidence to support this notion of CSFs and provides better contextual understanding of the CSFs in BI implementation domain. Cross-case analysis suggests that organizational factors play the most crucial role in determining the success of a BI system implementation. Hence, BI stakeholders should prioritize on the organizational dimension ahead of other factors. Our findings allow BI stakeholders to holistically understand the CSFs and the associated contextual issues that impact on implementation of BI systems.


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This book presents the latest exchange of academic research on all aspects of practicing and managing information using a multidisciplinary approach that examines its quality for organizational growth.


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Business intelligence and analytics (BIA) initiatives are costly, complex and experience high failure rates. Organizations require effective approaches to evaluate their BIA capabilities in order to develop strategies for their evolution. In this paper, we employ a design scienceparadigm to develop a comprehensive BIA effectiveness diagnostic (BIAED) framework that can be easily operationalized. We propose that a useful BIAED framework must assess the correct factors, should be deployed in the proper process context and acquire the appropriateinput from different constituencies within an organization. Drawing on the BIAED framework, we further develop an online diagnostic toolkit that includes a comprehensive survey instrument. We subsequently deploy the diagnostic mechanism within three large organizations in North America (involving over 1500 participants) and use the results toinform BIA strategy formulation. Feedback from participating organizations indicates that the BIA diagnostic toolkit provides insights that are essential inputs to strategy development. This work addresses a significant research gap in the area of BIA effectiveness assessment.


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A eficiência operacional nos bancos é um fator que vem ganhando importância em função da evolução no cenário econômico, apontando para maior competitividade. Nesse contexto, a gestão operacional agências torna-se cada vez mais relevante. Entretanto, a atividade de gerenciar milhares de agências, com necessidade de agilidade na tomada de decisões, mostra-se complexa. Nesse sentido, o Business Intelligence se apresenta como uma solução para otimizar a atividade de gestão, adicionando inteligência ao negócio. Não obstante, questões práticas de implementação e uso são desafios para unir BI e gestão de agências bancárias. Este trabalho analisa a aplicação de Business Intelligence para a gestão operacional de agências bancárias em busca de práticas relevantes. O método de pesquisa utilizado é o estudo de caso, aplicado em uma grande instituição financeira nacional. Por meio de consulta a documentações, entrevistas com Gerentes Regionais e Equipe de Projeto buscou-se verificar proposições que foram depreendidas da revisão da literatura sob dois aspectos: implementação e utilização da solução de BI. Como resultado, foram confirmadas as proposições apontando para importância do apoio da organização e alinhamento ao negócio para uma implementação bem sucedida, além da constatação que BI não pode ser tratado apenas como uma ferramenta, na verdade além da parte técnica, envolve processos e negócios. Com relação à utilização, foi verificado que BI traz mais qualidade à informação, melhora o suporte ao processo de tomada de decisão e trás benefícios intangíveis e tangíveis para a gestão operacional de agências bancárias, como aumento da produtividade, redução de custos e riscos e melhor atendimento ao cliente.