982 resultados para Bursa of fabricius


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The growing demand for quality prawn seed from the farmers‘ and entrepreneurs, coupled with uncertainity of their availability from nature at the appropriate time in required quantities has prompted‘ research on problems connected with prawn seed production. Endocrine control of reproduction in the penaeid shrimp _P_. monodon has been investigated in detail by adopting a comprehensive approach to the problem. The major aspects of the study included in depth investigations of the cytological details of the reproductive and neuroendocrine organs in correlation with the process of gonadal maturation. Based on the conclusions drawn from such ultrastructural studies various endocrine manipulations were carried out to see their effects on gonadal maturation. Besides that studies on the reproductive quality of male P_. monodon and the cryopreservation of spermatophores form a part of the present investigation. The shrimp 3; Inonodon used in the present study were collected from the offshore waters of Cochin, Madras and Mandapam and from the culture ponds of Vypeen Island near Cochin (Kerala) . The entire investigation on the cytological aspects were carried out using standard histological and electron-microscopic methods. Endocrine manipulations and cryopreservation studies is also carried out using the standard methods.


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Habitat ecology and food and feeding of the herring bow crab, Varuna litterata of Cochin Backwaters, Kerala, India were investigated for a period of one year (April 2011-March 2012). Among the 15 stations surveyed, the crabs were found to occur only in 4 stations, which had a close proximity to the sea. Sediment analysis of the stations revealed that the substratum of these stations is sandy in nature and is rich in organic carbon content (0.79% to 1.07%). These estuarine crabs is euryhaline and are found to be distributed in areas with a sandy substratum, higher organic carbon content and more tidal influx. The stomach contents analysis of crabs examined showed that their diet included crustacean remains, plants, sand and debris, fishes, miscellaneous group and unidentified matter. In adults and sub-adults, crustaceans formed the dominant food group, while in juveniles, sand and debris formed the dominant group. From the present study, V. litterata was found to be a predatory omnivore capable of ingesting both animal and plant tissues


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The tolerance of Callosobruchus maculatus from different geographical locations reared on two cowpea varieties, pale brown Ife Brown (IFBV) and dark brown IAR48 (IAR48V), to seed powder of Piper guineense (Schum and Thonn) was investigated. C. maculatus populations were collected from nine different locations across Osun state in the South Western part of Nigeria. The main and interactive effects of cowpea variety, population origin and dose on C. maculatus tolerance to P. guineense were explored. It was observed that bruchids that emerged from IAR48V had greater tolerance of P. guineense than bruchids reared on IFBV. There were significant effects (P < 0.001) of cowpea variety, population and dose, and significant interactions among these factors (except variety � dose, P > 0.05) on the response of bruchids to P. guineense. When reared on IAR48V, bruchid populations from the North-Eastern part of the state show greater tolerance to P. guineense than their counterparts from the SoutheWest. This study underscores the importance of knowledge of the origin of the population and the cowpea variety on which C. maculatus developed when managing bruchids damage using P. guineense


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Diatraea saccharalis F. is one of the greatest pests of the sugar cane culture. This report aimed to characterize the germanium region of the sugarcane borer by light and transmission electron microscopy, emphasizing the morphological steps of the ovarian cluster formation. In the germanium of this insect, four zones could be morphologically identified during the cluster formation. In the most apical end of each ovariole - Zone I - the germ line stem cells undergo complete mitotic division, originating the cystoblasts. In the Zone II, each cystoblast produces a group of eight cells, the cystocytes, which are interconnected by the ring canals. Clusters containing all the cystocytes in the meiosis, characterizes the Zone III. Germ cells with ultrastructural features of apoptosis are also detected in this Zone. In the Zone IV the cystocytes differentiate, morphologically, into one oocyte and seven nurse cells. Interstitial somatic cells and pre-follicle cells exhibit, in their cytoplasm, heterogeneous vacuoles containing degenerated cellular fragments, characterized as apoptotic bodies. Our results pointed out to the morphological evidences related with important control mechanisms for new clusters/follicles production and for the cellular arrangement into the germanium, resulting from the programmed cell death. We believe that the morphological characterization of ovarian cluster formation in D. saccharalis provided valuable information for the understanding of the initial steps of oogenesis and contributed for the knowledge of the cellular mechanisms related with the oocyte production and with reproduction in insects.


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Although insects lack the adaptive immune response of the mammalians, they manifest effective innate immune responses, which include both cellular and Immoral components. Cellular responses are mediated by hemocytes, and Immoral responses include the activation of proteolytic cascades that initiate many events, including NO production. In mammals, nitric oxide synthases (NOSs) are also present in the endothelium, the brain, the adrenal glands, and the platelets. Studies on the distribution of NO-producing systems in invertebrates have revealed functional similarities between NOS in this group and vertebrates. We attempted to localize NOS activity in tissues of naive (UIL), yeast-injected (YIL), and saline-injected (SIL) larvae of the blowfly Chrysomya megacephala, using the NADPH diaphorase technique. Our findings revealed similar levels of NOS activity in muscle, fat body, Malpighian tubule, gut, and brain, suggesting that NO synthesis may not be involved in the immune response of these larval systems. These results were compared to many studies that recorded the involvement of NO in various physiological functions of insects.


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The morphometric study of the midgut in Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera) larvae parasitized by the Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera) showed that there was significant increase in the columnar, goblet and regenerative cells and their nuclei; the midgut lumen diameter and the epithelial height were also increased in the parasitized larvae. The multivariate analysis showed that parasitism affected the columnar cell only in the posterior region, and the goblet cells along the midgut length (anterior and posterior regions). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A larva de Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius (broca-da-cana) tem grande interesse econômico, pois afeta o cultivo e aproveitamento industrial da cana-de-açúcar. Entretanto, poucos são os estudos sobre a morfologia interna desse inseto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar, morfometricamente, o seu epitélio intestinal, ao longo de seu comprimento, visando caracterizar regiões estruturalmente diferentes. O intestino médio de larvas no último instar foi subdividido em três regiões: proximal, mediana e distal e os fragmentos foram processados para observação em microscopia de luz. Os cortes histológicos foram analisados em sistema computadorizado de análise de imagens para medir comprimento, largura e área do epitélio, das diferentes células epiteliais, dos seus respectivos núcleos e do lúmen intestinal. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste estatístico de Kruskal-Wallis e à análise multivariada. Nossos resultados mostraram que o intestino médio apresentou-se constituído, morfometricamente, por duas diferentes regiões, proximal e distal; a região mediana apresentou valores coincidentes tanto com a região proximal quanto com a distal, sugerindo ser região intermediária. As células epiteliais (colunares, caliciformes e regenerativas), quando avaliadas pela análise estatística multivariada, não apresentaram diferença morfométrica nas diferentes regiões do intestino médio. Entretanto, a análise de variância, realizada para variáveis isoladas, mostrou que as células regenerativas apresentaram maior variabilidade morfométrica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A morphometric study of the ghost crab Ocypode quadrata from Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, focusing on the relationships between carapace width and carapace length, abdomen width, gonopod length and propodus length and height of the major cheliped is presented. An allometric positive growth was found for most of the analyzed relationships; however, important changes in the gonopod and abdomen were observed at the size at which sexual maturity is attained. Morphological (external) sexual maturity for both sexes is achieved at a smaller size than that at which gonad maturity is reached. Concerning heterochely, 53.3% of the analyzed specimens exhibited a longer propodus length in the right cheliped.


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A glândula salivar apresenta-se com um duto anterior único, formado por um epitélio colunar, dois dutos laterais curtos, os quais apresentam-se com epitélio cúbico simples e que na sua porção mais proximal torna-se colunar. Posterior a estes, encontram-se os dois reservatórios, os quais possuem o epitélio bastante delgado e é neste reservatório que a região secretora da glândula se abre. Os ramos dorsal e ventral da região secretora da glândula conectam-se por meio de comissuras transversais, sendo que, posteriormente, a região secretora termina em forma de alça. A região secretora é uniforme, não apresenta tipos celulares distintos e é formada por um epitélio cúbico simples. Neste trabalho é apresentada, também, a revisão sobre a morfologia da glândula salivar larval em insetos, principalmente com relação aos Hymenoptera-Aculeata.