969 resultados para Building Information Modeling (BIM)


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Enhancing collaboration in building information modelling (BIM) teams has attracted considerable attention. Current research studies have almost entirely focused on the technical aspects of BIM overlooking the significant effects of team configurations and working procedures on collaboration in BIM teams. Against this backdrop, the present study is driven by the objective of enhancing awareness of the challenges that face teams in developing BIM models and propose a number of effective measures modifying team configurations and adjusting working processes to enhance collaboration. To this end, the study draws upon a case-study and ethnographic theory building research approach through which the development of the BIM model was explored and its major challenges with corresponding applied solutions in a high profile infrastructure project backdrop. The study set out to contribute to the field by providing evidence and opening a window for conceptualisation of the problems and modifications for enhancing collaboration in BIM through the lens of team working principles. The discussion presented outlines practical implications and provides insight into how issues of collaboration in BIM could be dealt with armed with a heightened awareness of principles of team working.


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The design and construction community has shown increasing interest in adopting building information models (BIMs). The richness of information provided by BIMs has the potential to streamline the design and construction processes by enabling enhanced communication, coordination, automation and analysis. However, there are many challenges in extracting construction-specific information out of BIMs. In most cases, construction practitioners have to manually identify the required information, which is inefficient and prone to error, particularly for complex, large-scale projects. This paper describes the process and methods we have formalized to partially automate the extraction and querying of construction-specific information from a BIM. We describe methods for analyzing a BIM to query for spatial information that is relevant for construction practitioners, and that is typically represented implicitly in a BIM. Our approach integrates ifcXML data and other spatial data to develop a richer model for construction users. We employ custom 2D topological XQuery predicates to answer a variety of spatial queries. The validation results demonstrate that this approach provides a richer representation of construction-specific information compared to existing BIM tools.


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Over several decades, academics around the world have investigated the necessary tools, techniques, and conditions which would allow BIM (building information modeling) to become a positive force in the world of construction. As the research results matured, BIM started to become commercially available. Researchers and many in industry soon realized that BIM, as a technological innovation, was, in and of itself, not the end point in the journey. The technical adoption of BIM has to be supported by process and culture change within organizations to make a real impact on a project (for example, see AECbytes Viewpoint #35 by Chuck Eastman, Paul Teicholz, Rafael Sacks and Kathleen Liston). Current academic research aims to understand the steps beyond BIM, which will help chart the future of our industry over the coming decades. This article describes an international research effort in this area, coordinated by the Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions (IDDS) initiative of the CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction). We hope that it responds to and extends the discussion initiated by Brian Lighthart in AECbytes Viewpoint #56, which asked about who is charting future BIM directions.


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This paper investigates the mutual relations of three current drivers of construction: lean construction, building information modelling and sustainability. These drivers are based on infrequently occurring changes, only incidentally simultaneous, in their respective domains. It is contended that the drivers are mutually supportive and thus synergistic. They are aligned in the sense that all require, promote or enable collaboration. It is argued that these three drivers should be implemented in a unified manner for rapid and robust improvements in construction industry performance and the quality of the constructed facilities and their benefits for stakeholders and wider society.


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The introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM) to the design, construction and operation of buildings is changing the way that the building construction industry works. BIM involves the development of a full 3D virtual model of a building which not only contains the 3D information necessary to show the building as it will appear, but also contains significant additional data about each component in the building. BIM represents both physical and virtual objects in a building. This includes the rooms and spaces within and around the building. The additional data stored on each part of the building can support building maintenance opera- tions and, more importantly from the perspective of this paper, support the generation and running of simula- tions of the operation of the building and behaviour of people within it under both normal and emergency scenarios. The initial discussion is around the use of BIM to support the design of resilient buildings which references the various codes and standards that define current best practice. The remainder of the discussion uses various recent events as the basis for discussion on how BIM could have been used to support rapid recovery and re- building.


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This digital poster (which was on display at "The Cube", Queensland University of Technology) demonstrates how specification parameters can be extracted from a product library repository for use in augmenting the information contents of the objects in a local BIM tool (Revit in this instance).


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Building information models have created a paradigm shift in how buildings are built and managed by providing a dynamic repository for building data that is useful in many new operational scenarios. This change has also created an opportunity to use building information models as an integral part of security operations and especially as a tool to facilitate fine-grained access control to building spaces in smart buildings and critical infrastructure environments. In this paper, we identify the requirements for a security policy model for such an access control system and discuss why the existing policy models are not suitable for this application. We propose a new policy language extension to XACML, with BIM specific data types and functions based on the IFC specification, which we call BIM-XACML.


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With the increase in complexity of engineering projects and design quality in the construction industry, the traditional two-dimensional "Information Island" approach to design is becoming less able to meet current design needs due to its lack of coordination and information sharing. Collaborative design using a Build Information Modeling (BIM) technology platform promises to provide an effective means of designing and communicating through networking and real-time data sharing. This paper first analyzes the shortcomings of the two-dimensional design process and the potential application of collaborative design. By combining the attributes of BIM, a preliminary BIM-based building design collaborative platform is developed to improve the design approach and support a more collaborative design process. A real-life case is presented to demonstrate the feasibility and validity of the platform and its use in practice. From this, it is shown that BIM has the potential to realize effective information sharing and reduce errors, thereby improving design quality. The BIM-based building design collaborative platform presented is expected to provide the support needed for the extensive application of BIM in collaborative design and promote a new attitude to project management.


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This paper conceptualizes a framework for bridging the BIM (building information modelling)-specifications divide through augmenting objects within BIM with specification parameters derived from a product library. We demonstrate how model information, enriched with data at various LODs (levels of development), can evolve simultaneously with design and construction using different representation of a window object embedded in a wall as lifecycle phase exemplars at different levels of granularity. The conceptual standpoint is informed by the need for exploring a methodological approach which extends beyond current limitations of current modelling platforms in enhancing the information content of BIM models. Therefore, this work demonstrates that BIM objects can be augmented with construction specification parameters leveraging product libraries.


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The goal of the single building information model has existed for at least thirty years and various standards have been published leading up to the ten-year development of the Industry Foundation Classes. These have been initiatives from researchers, software developers and standards committees. Now large property owners are becoming aware of the benefits of moving IT tools from specific applications towards more comprehensive solutions. This study addresses the state of Building Information Models and the conditions necessary for them to become more widely used. It is a qualitative study based on information from a number of international experts and has asked a series of questions about the feasibility of BIMs, the conditions necessary for their success, and the role of standards with particular reference to the IFCs. Some key statements were distilled from the diverse answers received and indicate that BIM solutions appear too complex for many and may need to be applied in limited areas initially. Standards are generally supported but not applied rigorously and a range of these are relevant to BIM. Benefits will depend upon the building procurement methods used and there should be special roles within the project team to manage information. Case studies are starting to appear and these could be used for publicity. The IFCs are rather oversold and their complexities should be hidden within simple-to-use software. Inevitably major questions remain and property owners may be the key to answering some of these. A framework for presenting standards, backed up by case studies of successful projects, is the solution proposed to provide better information on where particular BIM standards and solutions should be applied in building projects.


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There is a broad consensus surrounding the ability of building information modelling (BIM) to positively impact a project by enabling greater collaboration. This paper aims to examine the development of BIM and how it can contribute to the evermore present and growing cold-formed steel (CFS) industry. This is achieved thorough a comprehensive literature review and four exploratory interviews with industry experts. Work has been carried out, for the first time, alongside one of the UK’s largest CFS Designer/Fabricators in conjunction with Northern Ireland’s leading Architectural and Town Planning Consultants in the identification and dissemination of information. The capabilities of BIM have been investigated through modeling of simple CFS structures n consultation with the project partners. By scrutinising the literature and associated interviews, the primary opportunities, as well as barriers, of BIM implementation have been investigated in the context of these companies. It is essential to develop greater understanding of the flexibility, adaptability and interoperability of BIM software as the UK construction industry faces a daunting challenge; fully collaborative 3D BIM as required by the UK Government under the “Government Construction Strategy” by 2016 in all public sector projects. This paper, and the wider study that it stems from, approaches the problem from a new angle, from sections of the construction industry that have not yet fully embedded BIM.


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Este trabalho insere-se no âmbito de um estágio curricular realizado no gabinete de projetos SE2P, durante o qual foram desenvolvidas ferramentas de cálculo estrutural em situação de incêndio, integradas numa metodologia de trabalho que segue os princípios inerentes à tecnologia BIM (Building Information Modeling). Em particular foi implementado um procedimento de análise ao fogo segundo os modelos simplificados prescritos pelos Eurocódigos. Estes modelos garantem a segurança estrutural, permitindo, de forma rápida e eficiente, a determinação das necessidades de proteção passiva para diferentes cenários, tendo em vista a obtenção da solução mais económica. Esta dissertação, para além da apresentação do trabalho desenvolvido em regime de estágio curricular, objetivou dotar o leitor de um documento que introduza os principais conceitos relativos ao cálculo estrutural em situação de incêndio, indicando as várias opções de análise e respetivas vantagens e desvantagens, ajudando a definir a sua adequabilidade ao projeto em estudo. Neste contexto é efetuada uma introdução geral ao fenómeno do fogo e às medidas mais correntes de proteção, indicando-se os documentos normativos aplicáveis tanto ao cálculo estrutural como aos materiais de proteção. É também abordada a interação entre as várias normas que devem ser consultadas quando é efetuada uma análise ao fogo, e quais se aplicam a cada fase da análise. Efetua-se uma clara distinção entre a análise do comportamento térmico e mecânico, indicando-se as principais propriedades dos materiais em função do tipo de análise e a forma como são afetadas pela temperatura. No campo da análise do comportamento térmico faz-se essencialmente referência aos modelos de cálculo simplificados do desenvolvimento da temperatura em elementos metálicos e vigas mistas, com e sem proteção passiva. No que concerne ao campo da análise do comportamento mecânico são descritos os modelos de cálculo simplificados para a verificação da segurança estrutural atendendo às ações e combinações em situação de incêndio e à perda de resistência a temperaturas elevadas. Relativamente ao trabalho desenvolvido na SE2P, relativo ao desenvolvimento de ferramentas de cálculo e a sua implementação na análise ao fogo, realiza-se uma descrição detalhada de todo o processo, e da forma como se integra no conceito BIM, utilizando informações provenientes da modelação das estruturas e introduzindo novos dados ao modelo. Realizou-se também a aplicação de todo o procedimento de análise e das ferramentas desenvolvidas, a um caso de estudo baseado num edifício de habitação. Este caso de estudo serviu também para criar cenários de otimização utilizando-se referências de preços de mercado para o aço, sua transformação em fábrica e sistemas de proteção passiva, demonstrando-se a dificuldade em encontrar caminhos rápidos e diretos de decisão no processo de otimização.


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Este relatório apresenta o estágio curricular relativo ao curso de mestrado em engenharia civil na área de especialização de estruturas. O estágio decorreu no grupo O Feliz, S.A, uma metalomecânica sedeada em Braga. No âmbito do estágio, foi efetuada uma pesquisa e de seguida um projeto real aplicando a metodologia Building Information Modeling. Inicialmente, será feita uma apresentação da empresa e definidos os objetivos propostos para o estágio. Seguidamente, será apresentada toda a pesquisa realizada sobre o BIM para poder, seguidamente, realizar um projeto real utilizando esta metodologia, proposta pela empresa. Posteriormente é apresentado o projeto realizado com a metodologia BIM e todo o seu processo até chegar à sua construção. Por último, são apresentadas algumas das obras que estavam em curso durante a realização do presente trabalho e que houve a oportunidade de acompanhar, refletindo a experiência adquirida na área, durante o desenvolvimento do estágio.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e Computadores


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This paper reviews the technical features and requirements of Building Information Modelling (BIM)-servers as collaboration platforms for multi-disciplinary building and construction projects. Multi-disciplinary collaboration is the norm in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industries, especially in complex projects. The widespread adoption of object-oriented Computer-aided Design (CAD) tools that support BIM capabilities has generated greater interest in model based exchange of information across disciplines and consultants who have traditionally collaborated through the frequent exchange of 2D drawings and documents. BIM-servers are collaboration platforms that are expected to provide the technical capability to support this inter-disciplinary exchange of 3D models in addition to intelligent management of the related drawings, documents and other forms of data. Since BIM-servers are a recent technical development a review of their technical features can help further development. This paper serves this objective by providing a review of the technical features and requirements for using BIM-servers as multi-disciplinary collaboration platforms on building and construction projects. The methodologies include focus group interviews (FIGs) with representatives from the diverse AEC disciplines, a case study on a state-of-the-art BIM-server, and a critical review and analysis of current collaboration platforms that are available to the AEC industries. This paper concludes that greater emphasis should be placed on supporting technical requirements to facilitate technology management and implementation across disciplines. Their implications for user-centric technology development in design and construction industry are also discussed.