841 resultados para Building, Communication, ICT, Protocol, Smart-Medium Enterprise


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Ps-graduao em Aquicultura - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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The Information Technology and Communication (ICT) made possible to adapt bibliographic catalogs to the digital environment, giving them more speed, flexibility and efficiency in the information retrieval. The FRBR, as a conceptual model for the bibliographic universe based on entity-relationship modeling, brought to the Librarianship area the possibility of making more efficient operation catalogs. The FRBR model was the first initiative caring about how to accomplish the conceptual modeling of bibliographic catalogs, to do not spend more efforts in individual developments of distinct and inconsistent modeling.However, even many years after its publication, there were few real implementation initiatives. The aim of this study is to present the model, based on its main features and structure, and bring to the discussion some considerations and inconsistencies that, according to the literature, may be the cause of its failure so far. It s based on the national and international literature about conceptual modeling and about the FRBR model.


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Considering the necessity of implementation of the Information Technologies and Communication (ICT) in the public Brazilian schools, the So Paulo State government hearing the call of the federal government and, with the objective to promote the digital inclusion, created the Programa Acessa Escola. The research that we realized and bring expressed on this text, is about such program and allowed us comprehend how it had been developed in the public state schools of the city of Guaratinguet. By visiting the schools, we saw the manner that each school make use of his informatics laboratory; how they understand the government Project; how they develop actions of use of the laboratory and, particularly, how they use the informatics laboratory to the teaching and learning of mathematics helping the professor and the students. To make possible to understand this use, was realized interviews with the responsible intern of each one of the 14 (fourteen) schools of Guaratinguet; with the pedagogical coordinator or director of the school and with the mathematics teacher. By the analysis, realized using a qualitative approach of phenomenological nature, we understand that the intern see himself as an auxiliary of the student and professor in the use of the laboratory. The director or pedagogical coordinator understand that the laboratory is an excellent resource to the school, but still exist the necessity of more resources that allow to attend properly the community; and the mathematics teacher consider important the program in the school as much for the students digital inclusion as for the teaching but they feel not safe to use into his classes, because they consider that there is a lack of capacitation and collaboration to make their activities relevant to the learning. That make possible to recognize what is the function of the intern and what is the way that the students and professor ... ( Complete abstract click eletroctronic access below)


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Ps-graduao em Cincia da Informao - FFC


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Ps-graduao em Educao Escolar - FCLAR


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Internet has affected our lives and society in manifold ways, and partly, in fundamental ways. Therefore, it is no surprise that one of the affected areas is language and communication itself. Over the last few years, online social networks have become a widespread and continuously expanding medium of communication. Being a new medium of social interaction, online social networks produce their own communication style, which in many cases differs considerably from real speech and is also perceived differently. The focus of analysis of my PhD thesis is how social network users from the city of Malaga create this virtual style by means of phonic features typical of the Andalusian variety of Spanish and how the users language attitude has an influence on the use of these phonic features. The data collection was fourfold: 1) a main corpus was compiled from 240 informants utterances on Facebook and Tuenti; 2) a corpus constituted of broad transcriptions of recordings with 120 people from Malaga served as a comparison; 3) a survey in which 240 participants rated the use of said phonetic variants on the following axes: goodbad, correctincorrect and beautifulugly was carried out; 4) a survey with 240 participants who estimated with which frequency the analysed features are used in Malaga was conducted. For the analysis, which is quantitative and qualitative, ten variables were chosen. Results show that the studied variants are employed differently in virtual and real speech depending on how people perceive these variants. In addition, the use of the features is constrained by social factors. In general, people from Malaga have a more positive attitude towards non-standard features if they are used in virtual speech than in real speech. Thus, virtual communication is seen as a style serving to create social meaning and to express linguistic identity. These stylistic practices reflect an amalgam of social presuppositions about usage conventions and individual strategies for handling a new medium. In sum, the virtual style is an initiative deliberately taken by the users, to create their, real and virtual, identities, and to define their language attitudes towards the features of their variety of speech.


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Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in sugar processing in Myanmar appeared in the last decade of the socialist era. An acute sugar deficit, restricted trade in white sugar, and high demand from the conventional dairy business led to the growth of sugar SMEs by appropriate blending of semi-finished products (syrup) in the fields, which were then processed in vacuum pans and centrifugals to obtain white sugar. This became a tradable commodity and sugar SMEs grew in clusters in big cities. They are family-owned businesses. However, they lack the bagasse-based power generation. In recent years, large modern sugar factories operated by private and military companies have emerged as key players. The current shortage of fuel feedstock and competition for raw materials have become driving forces that shift sugar SMEs from market-oriented to raw material-oriented locations. Internal competition among key players made sugar price highly volatile, too. Being placed on a level playing field, the whole industry should be upgraded in terms of price and quality to become export-oriented.


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Desde que se implant la Sociedad de la Informacin, educadores e investigadores de todo el mundo han discutido y reflexionado sobre temticas acerca de cmo deben ser usadas las Tecnologas de la Informacin y la Comunicacin (TIC) para apoyar los aprendizajes, y cmo estas herramientas pueden ser tiles para mejorar los resultados acadmicos. Vivimos en una sociedad dinmica, sujeta a continuos cambios que afectan a cada una de los sectores de nuestra vida. El auge de las TIC ha transformado nuestro modo de pensar, de relacionarnos e incluso la manera de ensear y de aprender. De ah que la incorporacin de las TIC a la sociedad en general y, de forma especfica, al mundo de la educacin se perciba hoy, como una realidad cada vez ms consolidada y tambin como una necesidad. Por eso, este trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamental la evaluacin de la implantacin y el desarrollo que la educacin y las TIC han tenido desde comienzos del siglo XXI hasta nuestros das. Este trabajo se dividir en dos partes diferenciadas y complementarias. En una primera seccin se presenta el marco terico de los pilares fundamentales que sustentan la interaccin entre educacin y nuevas tecnologas y lo que ello conlleva. Un segundo apartado presenta el diseo metodolgico de la investigacin y los resultados alcanzados al aplicar instrumentos de evaluacin en un centro escolar y su posterior anlisis e interpretacin de los resultados en referencia al impacto de las nuevas tecnologas en las aulas. ABSTRACT Since Information Society was introduced, educators and researchers from around the world have discussed and have reflected on issues about how the Information Technology and Communication (ICT) must be used to support learning, and how these tools can be useful for improving academic outcomes. We live in a dynamic society that is subject to continuous changes affecting every sector of our life. The growth of ICT has transformed the way we think and interact and even the way of teaching and learning. Hence, the incorporation of ICT in society in general and, specifically, in the world of education today is perceived as an increasingly consolidated reality and also as a necessity. Therefore, this work has as main objective the evaluation of the implementation and the development that education and ICT have had since the beginning of the XXI century to today. This work is divided into two distinct and complementary parts. The first section presents the theoretical framework of the pillars that support the interaction between education and new technology and what it entails. The second section presents the methodology of the research and results achieved by applying assessment instruments in a school and its subsequent analysis and interpretation of the results concerning to the impact of new technologies in the classrooms.


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En el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educacin Superior los estudios deben de estar orientados a facilitar la movilidad de los futuros egresados para que su inclusin en mundo laboral sea global y en este contexto, los sistemas educativos deben introducir cambios en el proceso de enseanza aprendizaje y en la gestin. Como uno de los elementos bsicos de la creacin del EEES es el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida, se deben adoptar metodologas que doten al estudiante de capacidades para poder enfrentarse a todos los retos de la vida laboral. A travs de la presente investigacin se trata de aportar una visin real de la aplicacin efectiva de un modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y el Mtodo del Caso acompaados de una fuerte Accin Tutorial y el uso de la Tecnologa de la Informacin y Comunicacin en la Universidad (TIC). Se considera asimismo de gran inters para la mejora del aprendizaje conocer cul es la opinin real de los estudiantes universitarios, ya que son los principales implicados en relacin a un modelo formativo apoyado en el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas, el Mtodo del Caso, la Accin Tutorial y utilizacin de las TIC. A travs de este estudio se pretende comprobar y valorar cual es la visin real que los alumnos tienen de estas aplicaciones y como las utilizan. Para ello durante los ltimos cursos se ha trabajado con alumnos de los ltimos cursos de la Escuela Tcnica Superior de Ingeniera Civil de la Universidad Politcnica de Madrid aplicando tcnicas de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y el Mtodo del Caso conjuntamente con la utilizacin de un Modelo de Accin Tutorial y el uso de la TIC. La tarea se ha centrado en desarrollar, a lo largo de los cursos 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 y 2013-14, un modelo de Accin Tutorial con los alumnos matriculados en las asignaturas de Caminos I, Caminos II, Aforos y Ordenacin del Trfico, asignaturas de la titulacin de Ingeniera Tcnica de Obras Pblicas, y por otro lado, en la asignatura de Caminos, perteneciente a la titulacin de Ingeniera Civil. Mediante cuestionarios al inicio y final del curso, se ha conocido cul es la opinin que poseen los alumnos sobre esta accin. A continuacin, durante los cursos 2010-11, 2011-12 y 2013-14 se desarrolla un modelo experimental para evaluar las mejoras, tanto de rendimiento como de adquisicin de competencias, utilizando el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y el Mtodo del Caso acompaados de las TIC en el proceso de enseanzaaprendizaje como modelo de Accin Tutorial con alumnos. ABSTRACT Abstract In the frame of the European Higher Education Area, the studies must be faced to facilitate mobility of future graduates for inclusion in the workplace is global and in this context, educational systems must introduce changes in the process of education-learning and management. Since one of the basic elements of the creation of the EHEA is learning throughout life, there must be adopted methodologies that provide the student of aptitudes to be able to face all the challenges of the labor life. Through this research it is provided a real vision of the effective application of a Model of Learning Based on Problems and the Case Method accompanied by a strong Tutorial Action and the use of ITC in the University. It is also considered of great interest for the improvement of learning to know what the real opinion of the college students is, as they are the main players in relation in a training model based on Problem-Based Learning, the Case Method, the Tutorial Action and Use of ICT. Through this study it is expected to verify and assess which is the real vision that students have about these applications and how they use them. In order to achieve the goal of this research project, during the last three years I have been working with students of last courses of the Civil Engineering School of the Technical University of Madrid applying with them techniques of Problem-Based Learning and the Case Method together with the use of a Model Action Tutorial and the Use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT). The task has focused on developing, over the 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2013-14 courses, a model of Tutorial Action with students enrolled in the subjects of Roads I, Roads II, Traffic Gauging and Traffic Management, all of them of the old degree in Civil Engineering (1971 Study Plan), and secondly, on the subject of Roads which belong to the current degree of Civil Engineering. Using questionnaires at the beginning and end of the course the perception that students have on this action.. Then, during the 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2013-14 courses an experimental model is developed to evaluate improvements in both performance and skills acquisition, using Problem-Based Learning and the Case Method together with the ICT in Teaching-Learning Pprocess as a model of Tutorial Action with students.


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Desde o incio das pesquisas em folkcomunicao, essa rea de estudo vem sofrendo uma evoluo contnua com a descoberta de novos objetos de investigao diante de seu veloz desenvolvimento. A Internet est mudando a forma de como as pessoas se comunicam e vivem. No bojo dessas mudanas, a Folkcomunicao, que perpassa a comunicao das massas por ter sua gnese no folclore, vem ganhando novos objetos com a evoluo das tecnologias da Informao. A questo principal que esse trabalho levanta a de verificar como a Internet influenciou o pensamento da folkcomunicao. No entanto, este estudo pretende elucidar algumas perguntas, como: Quem so os novos lderes folkcomunicacionais? ; Como os meios de comunicao de massa influenciam o contedo da mensagem folk na Internet? ; A mensagem folk pela Internet teve de ser adaptada ao meio? ; Podemos encontrar manifestaes para todas as audincias folk na Internet? , e Como as audincias recebem o contedo da comunicao? . Para tanto, buscou-se embasamento em conceitos de Luiz Beltro, e atualizaes deste em Jos Marques de Melo, Joseph Luyten, Cristina Schmidt, Osvaldo Meira Trigueiro, dentre outros. Os resultados obtidos levam ao entendimento de que as pesquisas do campo comunicacional no ambiente virtual na Internet seguem um padro prximo das manifestaes encontradas em outros suportes ainda que se possam verificar atualizaes temporais e espaciais.(AU)


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Desde o incio das pesquisas em folkcomunicao, essa rea de estudo vem sofrendo uma evoluo contnua com a descoberta de novos objetos de investigao diante de seu veloz desenvolvimento. A Internet est mudando a forma de como as pessoas se comunicam e vivem. No bojo dessas mudanas, a Folkcomunicao, que perpassa a comunicao das massas por ter sua gnese no folclore, vem ganhando novos objetos com a evoluo das tecnologias da Informao. A questo principal que esse trabalho levanta a de verificar como a Internet influenciou o pensamento da folkcomunicao. No entanto, este estudo pretende elucidar algumas perguntas, como: Quem so os novos lderes folkcomunicacionais? ; Como os meios de comunicao de massa influenciam o contedo da mensagem folk na Internet? ; A mensagem folk pela Internet teve de ser adaptada ao meio? ; Podemos encontrar manifestaes para todas as audincias folk na Internet? , e Como as audincias recebem o contedo da comunicao? . Para tanto, buscou-se embasamento em conceitos de Luiz Beltro, e atualizaes deste em Jos Marques de Melo, Joseph Luyten, Cristina Schmidt, Osvaldo Meira Trigueiro, dentre outros. Os resultados obtidos levam ao entendimento de que as pesquisas do campo comunicacional no ambiente virtual na Internet seguem um padro prximo das manifestaes encontradas em outros suportes ainda que se possam verificar atualizaes temporais e espaciais.(AU)