987 resultados para Budapest, Zsuzsanna Emese , 1940-
Concert program for Symphony Orchestra, February 11, 1940
Concert program for University Symphonic Band, March 4, 1940
Concert program for University Symphonic Band, April 28, 1940
Concert program for The Children's Crusade, May 24, 1940
O presente trabalho procura enquadrar a participação portuguesa na Grande Guerra à luz das variações da política interna. A entrada de Portugal na Grande Guerra foi sempre polémica e não mereceu o unanimismo que se verificou na maioria dos países beligerantes. Desde muito cedo, a sociedade portuguesa dividiu-se entre os que eram a favor da participação portuguesa na guerra e os que eram contra. A acrescer a estas divisões políticas juntamos as dificuldades de um país pobre e atrasado em participar na guerra mais desenvolvida e mortífera de sempre: nomeadamente as questões logísticas do treino, transporte e manutenção de um contingente militar a combater num país estrangeiro. A situação do nosso contingente enviado para a França (C.E.P.) foi piorando gradualmente, pois a falta de apoio político traduziu-se na incapacidade de substituir as tropas em combate. Chegados a Abril de 1918, o C.E.P. foi atacado e vencido pelo exército alemão, tendo, para todos os efeitos acabado enquanto força autónoma de combate. A derrota de La Lys, foi, contudo, transformada numa grande jornada de «valor» e «coragem» do soldado português. Na criação, ampliação e divulgação do «mito» de La Lys, que atravessou três regimes políticos (I República, Ditadura Militar e Estado Novo), a imprensa teve um papel crucial, em particular nos anos que medeiam entre o final da guerra e o início da década de 40 do século XX.
Variante(s) de titre : Libération : hebdomadaire des Français libres
Alexander Leon Hatzan (1864-1941), a native of Belgium, was a self-described medical doctor, missionary, academic and some time herbalist. In 1918 he moved to Niagara Falls, first living on Clifton Avenue (now Zimmerman Ave.), later moving to the River Road home he shared with his wife Ada Beatrice Rolston (1882-1975). He was the author of three books and at least four known music scores. He was heavily involved in the promotion of his books and his music. The correspondence is chiefly in reply to gifts of books and/or music sent by Hatzan to the recipients or in reply to requests for speaking engagements. Hatzan died on October 7, 1941 while visiting Vancouver, BC.
Gwladys Cunningham was the Secretary-Treasurer of the Lincoln N.D.P. Ladies Group as well as involved in the CCF [Co-operative Commonwealth Federation] branch in Thorold. Additional Cunningham family members may also have been involved in the activities of the Thorold Branch. The Thorold branch of the Ontario division of The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation held its first meeting on June 15, 1933 at the home of Mark Kriluck. The branch became an official unit of the CCF when it was granted a charter in August of that same year. Officers elected at the annual meeting in October were W.G. Campbell, President, Jane Griffiths, Vice-President, James Logan Secretary and Mark Kriluck Treasurer. In 1960 the CCF voted to officially change their name to The New Democratic Party. The branch later became known as the Lincoln and Welland Riding Association of The New Democratic Party. Rare publications directly related to the CCF and the NDP remain with the fonds. Some publications were removed and placed in the general stack collection. See below for a list of books that were removed from the fonds and placed in the general collection.
Benjamin Pawling and Peter Ten Broeck were the earliest known settlers of this area. The village of Port Dalhousie owes its existence to the building of the first Welland Canal in 1824. The village was incorporated in 1862 and as a town in 1948. In the early 1960s it became amalgamated with the city of St. Catharines. Port Dalhousie remains a distinctive part of the city today (2009).