866 resultados para Bromine.


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The first hyperpolarizability (beta) of a series of half-sandwich Ru complexes with a mercaptobenzothiazole ligand bearing a halogen atom substitution in the para-position has been investigated by hyper-Rayleigh scattering and quantum chemical calculations. The heterocyclic ligand with a bromine atom in the para position makes it a very good donor and charge flows to the Ru center enhancing the beta value of the complex by a factor of 2 compared to the complex with the ligand without the halogen substitution. The resonance (+R) and the inductive (-I) effects exerted by the halogen atom in the para position push electrons in opposing directions in the complex. For the Br and Cl atoms the resonance effect dominates which enables the ligand to donate electrons to the metal center thereby increasing the hyperpolarizability whereas for the fluorine atom, the inductive effect is dominant which reduces the charge flow to the metal and the hyperpolarizability drops even below that of the unsubstituted ligand. This unprecedented halogen atom effect on beta of metal complexes is reported. (C) 2015 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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The behaviors of six new cyclophane receptors for organic guest molecules in aqueous media are reported. These new hosts are modifications of more basic parent structures, and the main goal of their examination has been to determine how the modifications affect host selectivity for cationic guests. In particular, we have been interested in determining how additional non-covalent binding interactions can complement the cation-π interactions active in the parent systems. Three types of modifications were made to these systems. Firstly, neutral methoxy and bromine substituents were added to produce four of the six new macrocycles. Secondly, two additional aromatic rings (relative to the parent host) capable of making cation-π interactions with charged guest species were appended. Thirdly, a negatively charged carboxyl group was attached to produce a cavity in which electrostatic interactions should enhance cationic guest binding. ^1H-NMR and circular dichroic techniques were employed to determine the binding affinities of a wide variety of organic guests for the parent and modified structures in aqueous media.

Bromination of the parent host greatly enhances its binding in a general fashion, primarily as the result of hydrophobic interactions. The addition of methoxy groups does not enhance binding, apparently as a result of a collapse of the hosts into a conformation that is not suitable for binding. The appendage of extra aromatic rings enhances the binding of positively charged guests, most likely in response to more complete encapsulation of guest species. The addition of a negatively charged carboxylate enhances the binding to only selective groups of cationic guests. AM1 calculations of the electrostatic potentials of several guests molecules suggests that the enhancements seen with the modified receptor compared to the parent are most likely the result of close contact between regions of highest potential on the guest and the appended carboxylate.


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The technique of variable-angle, electron energy-loss spectroscopy has been used to study the electronic spectroscopy of the diketene molecule. The experiment was performed using incident electron beam energies of 25 eV and 50 eV, and at scattering angles between 10° and 90°. The energy-loss region from 2 eV to 11 eV was examined. One spin-forbidden transition has been observed at 4.36 eV and three others that are spin-allowed have been located at 5.89 eV, 6.88 eV and 7.84 eV. Based on the intensity variation of these transitions with impact energy and scattering angle, and through analogy with simpler molecules, the first three transitions are tentatively assigned to an n → π* transition, a π - σ* (3s) Rydberg transition and a π → π* transition.

Thermal decomposition of chlorodifluoromethane, chloroform, dichloromethane and chloromethane under flash-vacuum pyrolysis conditions (900-1100°C) was investigated by the technique of electron energy-loss spectroscopy, using the impact energy of 50 eV and a scattering angle of 10°. The pyrolytic reaction follows a hydrogen-chloride α-elimination pathway. The difluoromethylene radical was produced from chlorodifluoromethane pyrolysis at 900°C and identified by its X^1 A_1 → A^1B_1 band at 5.04 eV.

Finally, a number of exploratory studies have been performed. The thermal decomposition of diketene was studied under flash vacuum pressures (1-10 mTorr) and temperatures ranging from 500°C to 1000°C. The complete decomposition of the diketene molecule into two ketene molecules was achieved at 900°C. The pyrolysis of trifluoromethyl iodide molecule at 1000°C produced an electron energy-loss spectrum with several iodine-atom, sharp peaks and only a small shoulder at 8.37 eV as a possible trifluoromethyl radical feature. The electron energy-loss spectrum of trichlorobromomethane at 900°C mainly showed features from bromine atom, chlorine molecule and tetrachloroethylene. Hexachloroacetone decomposed partially at 900°C, but showed well-defined features from chlorine, carbon monoxide and tetrachloroethylene molecules. Bromodichloromethane molecule was investigated at 1000°C and produced a congested, electron energy-loss spectrum with bromine-atom, hydrogen-bromide, hydrogen-chloride and tetrachloroethylene features.


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The core-level energy shifts observed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) have been used to determine the band bending at Si(111) surfaces terminated with Si-Br, Si-H, and Si-CH3 groups, respectively. The surface termination influenced the band bending, with the Si 2p3/2 binding energy affected more by the surface chemistry than by the dopant type. The highest binding energies were measured on Si(111)-Br (whose Fermi level was positioned near the conduction band at the surface), followed by Si(111)-H, followed by Si(111)-CH3 (whose Fermi level was positioned near mid-gap at the surface). Si(111)-CH3 surfaces exposed to Br2(g) yielded the lowest binding energies, with the Fermi level positioned between mid-gap and the valence band. The Fermi level position of Br2(g)-exposed Si(111)-CH3 was consistent with the presence of negatively charged bromine-containing ions on such surfaces. The binding energies of all of the species detected on the surface (C, O, Br) shifted with the band bending, illustrating the importance of isolating the effects of band bending when measuring chemical shifts on semiconductor surfaces. The influence of band bending was confirmed by surface photovoltage (SPV) measurements, which showed that the core levels shifted toward their flat-band values upon illumination. Where applicable, the contribution from the X-ray source to the SPV was isolated and quantified. Work functions were measured by ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), allowing for calculation of the sign and magnitude of the surface dipole in such systems. The values of the surface dipoles were in good agreement with previous measurements as well as with electronegativity considerations. The binding energies of the adventitious carbon signals were affected by band bending as well as by the surface dipole. A model of band bending in which charged surface states are located exterior to the surface dipole is consistent with the XPS and UPS behavior of the chemically functionalized Si(111) surfaces investigated herein.


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The O18/O16 ratios of coexisting minerals from a number of regionally metamorphosed rocks have been measured, using a bromine pentafluoride extraction-technique. Listed in order of their increasing tendency to concentrate O18, the minerals analyzed are magnetite, ilmenite, chlorite, biotite, garnet, hornblende, kyanite, muscovite, feldspar, and quartz. The only anomalous sequence detected occurs in a xenolith of schist, in which quartz, muscovite, biotite, and ilmenite, but not garnet, have undergone isotopic exchange with surrounding trondjemite.

With few exceptions, quartz-magnetite and quartz-ilmenite fractionations decrease with increasing metamorphic grade determined by mineral paragenesis and spatial distribution. This consistency does not apply to quartz-magnetite and quartz-ilmenite fractionations obtained from rocks in which petrographic evidence of retrogradation is present.

Whereas measured isotopic fractionations among quartz, garnet, ilmenite, and magnetite are approximately related to metamorphic grade, fractionations between these minerals and biotite or muscovite show poor correlation with grade. Variations in muscovite-biotite fractionations are relatively small. These observations are interpreted to mean that muscovite and biotite are affected by retrograde re-equilibration to a greater extent than the anhydrous minerals analyzed.

Measured quartz-ilmenite fractionations range from 12 permil in the biotite zone of central Vermont to 6.5 permil in the sillimanite-orthoclase zone of southeastern Connecticut. Analyses of natural assemblages from the kyanite and sillimanite zones suggest that equilibrium quartz-ilmenite fractionations are approximately 8 percent smaller than corresponding quartz-magnetite fractionations. Employing the quartz-magnetite geothermometer calibrated by O'Neil and Clayton (1964), a temperature of 560°C was obtained for kyanite-bearing schists from Addison County, Vermont. Extending the calibration to quartz-ilmenite fractionations, a temperature of 600°C was obtained for kyanite-schists from Shoshone County, Idaho. At these temperatures kyanite is stable only at pressures exceeding 11 kbars (Bell, 1963), corresponding to lithostatic loads of over 40 km.


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Room-temperature tunable excitonic photoluminescence is demonstrated in alloy-tuned layered Inorganic-Organic (IO) hybrids, (C12H 25NH3)2PbI4(1-y)Br4y (y = 0 to 1). These perovskite IO hybrids adopt structures with alternating stacks of low-dimensional inorganic and organic layers, considered to be naturally self-assembled multiple quantum wells. These systems resemble stacked monolayer 2D semiconductors since no interlayer coupling exists. Thin films of IO hybrids exhibit sharp and strong photoluminescence (PL) at room-temperature due to stable excitons formed within the low-dimensional inorganic layers. Systematic variation in the observed exciton PL from 510 nm to 350 nm as the alloy composition is changed, is attributed to the structural readjustment of crystal packing upon increase of the Br content in the Pb-I inorganic network. The energy separation between exciton absorption and PL is attributed to the modified exciton density of states and diffusion of excitons from relatively higher energy states corresponding to bromine rich sites towards the lower energy iodine sites. Apart from compositional fluctuations, these excitons show remarkable reversible flips at temperature-induced phase transitions. All the results are successfully correlated with thermal and structural studies. Such structural engineering flexibility in these hybrids allows selective tuning of desirable exciton properties within suitable operating temperature ranges. Such wide-range PL tunability and reversible exciton switching in these novel IO hybrids paves the way to potential applications in new generation of optoelectronic devices. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A synthetic strategy for fabricating a dense amine functionalized self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on hydroxylated surfaces is presented. The assembly steps are monitored by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared- attenuated total reflection, atomic force microscopy, variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry, UV-vis surface spectroscopy, contact angle wettability, and contact potential difference measurements. The method applies alkylbromide-trichlorosilane for the fabrication of the SAM followed by surface transformation of the bromine moiety to amine by a two-step procedure: S(N)2 reaction that introduces the hidden amine, phthalimide, followed by the removal of the protecting group and exposing the free amine. The use of phthalimide moiety in the process enabled monitoring the substitution reaction rate on the surface (by absorption spectroscopy) and showed first-order kinetics. The simplicity of the process, nonharsh reagents, and short reaction time allow the use of such SAMs in molecular nanoelectronics applications, where complete control of the used SAM is needed. The different molecular dipole of each step of the process, which is verified by DFT calculations, supports the use of these SAMs as means to tune the electronic properties of semiconductors and for better synergism between SAMs and standard microelectronics processes and devices.


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(C5H9C5H4)(3)NdBrLi(THF)(4)(1)(C5H9=cyclopentyl) was obtained from the reaction of NdCl3 with C5H9C5H4Na and LiBr (Nd:Na:Li=1:2:1 molar ratio) in THE X-ray crystallography showed that the ten-coordinated neodymium atom is bonded to three cyclopentylcyclopentadienyl(eta(5)) rings and a single bromine atom bridging a lithium which is bonded to three THF molecules. Complex 1 is triclinic, P1 space group with unit dimensions of a= 12.048(2), b= 13.498(3), c= 13.831(3)Angstrom, a = 104.16(3), beta = 104.07(3), gamma =95.96(3)degrees, V=2083.3(7)Angstrom(3), Z=2, D-c=1.35Mg/m(3) and F(000)=874. (C5H9C5H4)(3)SmTHF (2) was synthesized by reaction of anhydrous SmCl3 with C5H9C5H4Na at a molar ratio of 1:3. The structure was determined by X-ray crystallography. The ten-coordinated samarium atom is bonded to three cycloperrtylcyclopentadienyl rings and one oxygen of THF molecule to form a pseudo-tetrahedron. Complex 2 is orthorhombic, Fdd2 space group with unit cell dimensions of a =28.175(5)Angstrom, b =46.24(2) Angstrom, c =9.167(4) Angstrom(3), V=11943(8)Angstrom(3), Z= 16, D-c = 1.38Mg/m(3) and F(000)=5136.


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(ButCp)2NdCl.2THF reacts with one equivalent of phenyllithum in THF yielding tris(tert-butylcyclopentadienyl)neodymium lithium bromide tetrahydrofuran, [(ButCP)3 NdBrLi(THF)3], as a by-product, whose structure has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The 10-coordinated neodymium atom is bonded to three tert-butyl-cyclopentadienyl groups and one bromine atom, forming a distorted pseudo-tetrahedron.


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During the DY105-12, 14cruise (RN DAYANG YIHAO, November 2003) on East Pacific Rise (EPR) 12-13 degrees N, the submarine hydrothermal activity was investigated and the CTD hydrocast was carried out at EPR12 degrees 39 ' N - 12 degrees 54 ' N. From the temperature anomalies and the concentrations of magnesium, chlorine, bromine in seawater samples, we discover that magnesium depletes 9.3%-22.4%, chlorine and bromine enrich 10.3%-28.7% and 10.7%-29.0% respectively relative to normal seawater at the stations which have chemistry anomalies, moreover temperature and chemistry anomalies are at the same layer. The depletion of magnesium in the plume may be caused by a fluid lacking of magnesium which rises after the hydrothermal fluid reaches the equilibrium with ambient seawater, the enrichment of chlorine and bromine might be the result of inputting later brine which is generated by phase separation due to hydrothermal activity. In addition, the Br/CI ratio in the abnormal layers at the survey area is identical to that in seawater, which implies that halite dissolution (or precipitation) occurs neither when the fluid is vented nor when hydrothermal fluid entraining ambient seawater rises to form plume. From the abnormal instance at E55 station, it is very possible that there might exist a new hydrothermal vent site.


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Mercury is a potent neurotoxin even at low concentrations. The unoxidised metal has a high vapour pressure and can circulate through the atmosphere, but when oxidised can deposit and be accumulated through the food chain. This work aims to investigate the oxidation processes of atmospheric Hg0(g). The first part describes efforts to make a portable Hg sensor based on Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (CEAS). The detection limit achieved was 66 ngm−3 for a 10 second averaging time. The second part of this work describes experiments carried out in a temperature controlled atmospheric simulation chamber in the Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada, USA. The chamber was built around an existing Hg CRDS system that could measure Hg concentrations in the chamber of<100 ngm−3 at 1 Hz enabling reactions to be followed. The main oxidant studied was bromine, which was quantified with a LED based CEAS system across the chamber. Hg oxidation in the chamber was found to be mostly too slow for current models to explain. A seven reaction model was developed and tested to find which parameters were capable of explaining the deviation. The model was overdetermined and no unique solution could be found. The most likely possibility was that the first oxidation step Hg + Br →HgBr was slower than the preferred literature value by a factor of two. However, if the more uncertain data at low [Br2] was included then the only parameter that could explain the experiments was a fast, temperature independent dissociation of HgBr some hundreds of times faster than predicted thermolysis or photolysis rates. Overall this work concluded that to quantitatively understand the reaction of Hg with Br2, the intermediates HgBr and Br must be measured. This conclusion will help to guide the planning of future studies of atmospheric Hg chemistry.


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Allylic sulfonyl halides can be generated by halogenolysis of the corresponding triorganotin sulfinates. Allylic sulfonyl bromides and iodides undergo a first order, thermal desulfination with allylic rearrangement to yield the corresponding allylic halides. The desulfination of a cyclic allylic sulfonyl bromide is stereospecific, proceeding with T-syn bromine migration.


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Volatile halogenated organic compounds containing bromine and iodine, which are naturally produced in the ocean, are involved in ozone depletion in both the troposphere and stratosphere. Three prominent compounds transporting large amounts of marine halogens into the atmosphere are bromoform (CHBr3), dibromomethane (CH2Br2) and methyl iodide (CH3I). The input of marine halogens to the stratosphere has been estimated from observations and modelling studies using low-resolution oceanic emission scenarios derived from top-down approaches. In order to improve emission inventory estimates, we calculate data-based high resolution global sea-to-air flux estimates of these compounds from surface observations within the HalOcAt (Halocarbons in the Ocean and Atmosphere) database (https://halocat.geomar.de/). Global maps of marine and atmospheric surface concentrations are derived from the data which are divided into coastal, shelf and open ocean regions. Considering physical and biogeochemical characteristics of ocean and atmosphere, the open ocean water and atmosphere data are classified into 21 regions. The available data are interpolated onto a 1 degrees x 1 degrees grid while missing grid values are interpolated with latitudinal and longitudinal dependent regression techniques reflecting the compounds' distributions. With the generated surface concentration climatologies for the ocean and atmosphere, global sea-to-air concentration gradients and sea-to-air fluxes are calculated. Based on these calculations we estimate a total global flux of 1.5/2.5 Gmol Br yr(-1) for CHBr3, 0.78/0.98 Gmol Br yr(-1) for CH2Br2 and 1.24/1.45 Gmol Br yr(-1) for CH3I (robust fit/ordinary least squares regression techniques). Contrary to recent studies, negative fluxes occur in each sea-to-air flux climatology, mainly in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. "Hot spots" for global polybromomethane emissions are located in the equatorial region, whereas methyl iodide emissions are enhanced in the subtropical gyre regions. Inter-annual and seasonal variation is contained within our flux calculations for all three compounds. Compared to earlier studies, our global fluxes are at the lower end of estimates, especially for bromoform. An under-representation of coastal emissions and of extreme events in our estimate might explain the mismatch between our bottom-up emission estimate and top-down approaches.


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Enantiopure trans-dihydrodiols have been obtained by a chemoenzymatic synthesis from the corresponding cis-dihydrodiol metabolites, obtained by dioxygenase-catalysed arene cis-dihydroxylation at the 2,3-bond of monosubstituted benzene substrates. This generally applicable, seven-step synthetic route to trans-dihydrodiols involves a regioselective hydrogenation and a Mitsunobu inversion of configuration at C-2, followed by benzylic bromination and dehydrobromination steps. The method has also been extended to the synthesis of both enantiomers of the trans-dihydrodiol derivatives of toluene, through substitution of a vinyl bromine atom of the corresponding trans-dihydrodiol enantiomers derived from bromobenzene. Through incorporation of hydrogenolysis and diMTPA ester diastereoisomer resolution steps into the synthetic route, both trans-dihydrodiol enantiomers of monohalobenzenes were obtained from the cis-dihydrodiols of 4-haloiodobenzenes.


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The oxidation of bromide has been investigated by linear sweep and cyclic voltammetry at platinum electrodes in the room temperature ionic liquid, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide, ([C(4)mim][NTf2]), and the conventional aprotic solvent. acetonitrile, (MeCN). Similar voltammetry was observed in both solvents, despite their viscosities differing by more than an order of magnitude. DigiSim(R) was employed to simulate the voltammetric response. The mechanism is believed to involve the direct oxidation of bromide to bromine in a heterogeneous step, followed by a homogenous reaction to form the tribromide anion: 2Br(-) --> Br-2 + 2e(-)