931 resultados para Brazilian single health system
In April 2000, Deloitte & Touche in conjunction with the York Health Economics Consortium were chosen by The Department of Health & Children to carry out an examination of the health services over the past ten years Download the Report here
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Over the last four years health services in Ireland have benefited from the largest ever sustained increase in funding. Facilities are being developed and refurbished, more staff are being hired and the number of people benefiting from health services has increased substantially. A lot has been achieved, but a lot remains to be done. Very clear deficiencies in services remain which must be addressed. There are unacceptably long waiting times in various parts of the system, important services remain underdeveloped and major demographic challenges must be addressed. By doubling health funding over the last four years, the Government has moved the debate on health funding from resources alone to both resources and reform. Download the Report here
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The National Health Strategy Quality and Fairness â?" A Health System for You was launched by the Government in 2001 to provide vision and strategic direction for health and personal social services. This report provides: Read the Report (PDF, 1.37mb) Â
Quality & Fairness Report A Health System for You – Action Plan Progress Report 2006 The National Health Strategy (Quality and Fairness - A Health System for You) was launched by the Government in 2001 to provide vision and strategic direction for the health and personal social services. The Strategy, currently in year seven of its seven to ten year life span, sets out key objectives for the health system which are centred on four national goals: Click here to download PDF 484kb
Given the scale of the challenge facing the health system for 2013 and subsequent years, the Department of Health invited the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies to prepare a report on the implications for the Irish health system of our current financial pressures. The Observatory is an international partnership hosted by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The partnership includes three other international agencies (European Commission, the European Investment Bank, World Bank), several national and decentralized governments, including Ireland, and academic institutions. As an independent and neutral knowledge broker the Observatory's core mission is to inform policy-making and decision-making processes by providing tailored, timely and reliable evidence on health policy and health systems. Click here to download PDF 2.1mb
 Public reporting of quality indicators promotes the principle of a transparent and accountable health care system that encourages a continuing focus on improving the quality of care it provides. This work brings us a step further in enhancing the quality and safety of our system. It is important that this report is not relied upon to draw conclusions on quality of care. That was not the purpose of the exercise. The data is mostly over five years old and was collected from the system before the improvements to collection and reporting of information that the hospitals were asked to put in place as part of the work to prepare this report. The Department of Health will produce a report of quality indicators based on data from 2011 to 2013 inclusive later in 2014 which will identify regions and hospitals. A governance process will shortly be established to oversee the selection and reporting of these indicators. This system will report at national and regional level and will be aligned with international systems so that international comparisons can be reported. The publication of this report is an important step in the development of this national reporting system. It shows that we can use a major IT system called HIPE which captures information on all hospital stays in all public hospitals to examine quality and safety of care. Health Care Quality Indicators in the Irish Health System
Es versión en inglés del Plan Integral de Tabaquismo de Andalucía. Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Ciudadanía / Quiénes somos / Planes y Estrategias)
A Comprehensive Plan is a medium-term planning instrument. Its development alone does not guarantee the achievement of the goals laid out in it, but by defining the goals, establishing priorities and setting out courses of action and concrete activities it will allow for an overall vision of the objectives being aimed towards and the tasks that will need to be carried out. The first Comprehensive Mental Health Plan for Andalusia 2003-2007 (I PISMA, Plan Integral de Salud Mental de Andalucía) was developed using this approach. Nine courses of action were covered in this Plan, which over its duration lead to noticeable progress in various fields.The assessment of the I PISMA and the experience gained from its development have channelled into this second Comprehensive Mental Health Plan for Andalusia 2008-2012 (II PISMA). The main principles for this second Plan are quality improvements, equality and efficiency of health services, aimed at public awareness of mental health in the Andalusian population, prevention of the illnesses and improvements to the care of patients and their families.
En la cub.: Plan de parto y nacimiento. Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Ciudadanía / Inicio / Nuestra salud / Vida sana / Embarazo y salud)
Cancer is a major health problem in our Autonomous Community and is the second cause of death in both males and females. The incidence, mortality, potential years of life lost and resource consumption alongside the suffering endured by patients and families call for a commitment to be made by the Health Administration, healthcare professionals, patients and caregivers. This Plan is based on updated analyses of the mortality, incidence and survival of Cancer in Andalusia, of the situation of Cancer care and the resources available and of the expectations of patients and main caregivers, and on the conclusions of different Work Groups on the Management of Processes related to Cancer. The Andalusian Comprehensive Cancer Plan establishes an action programme that involves organisational and functional changes, new proposals for the training of professionals and a specific funding base.
The Comprehensive Heart Disease Action Plan for Andalusia 2005-2009 has been prepared within the framework of the presentations made both in the 3rd Andalusian Health Action Plan and in the Quality Plan of the Public Health System. Consequently, as with these two referral instruments, the improvement in the health results for the citizens of Andalusia continues to be sought without wavering, specifically with regard to meeting the needs and expectations of the population affected by health problems in this area.