975 resultados para Braquiterapia ocular


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To study the frequency of ocular lesions in 30 gerbils infected with 100 embryonated eggs of Toxocara canis, indirect binocular ophthalmoscopy was performed 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 and 38 days after infection. All the animals presented larvae in the tissues and 80% presented ocular lesions. Hemorrhagic foci in the choroid and retina were present in 92% of the animals with ocular lesions. Retinal exudative lesions, vitreous lesions, vasculitis and retinal detachment were less frequent. Mobile larvae or larval tracks were observed in four (13.3%) animals. Histological examination confirmed the ophthalmoscopic observations, showing that the lesions were focal and sparse. In one animal, there was a larva in the retina, without inflammatory reaction around it. The results demonstrated that gerbils presented frequent ocular lesions after infection with Toxocara canis, even when infected with a small number of embryonated eggs. The lesions observed were focal, consisting mainly of hemorrhages with signs of reabsorption or inflammation in different segments of eye, and differing from the granulomatous lesions described in ocular larva migrans in humans.


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Para determinar a prevalência da toxoplasmose ocular na população em geral do bairro de Santa Rita de Cássia, Barra Mansa, RJ, foi realizado um estudo seccional no qual 1.071 indivíduos foram submetidos a testes sorológicos (IgG e IgM anti-Toxoplasma) e a exame físico e oftalmológico. O diagnóstico da toxoplasmose ocular presumida foi baseado em critérios clínicos, sorológicos e aspecto da lesão retinocoroidiana. As lesões foram classificadas em três tipos morfológicos: 1. Limites marcados com halo de hiperpigmentação e área de atrofia coriorretiniana central. 2. Halo hipopigmentado e área central hiperpigmentada e 3. Hiperpigmentadas ou hipopigmentadas. A prevalência de lesões cicatrizadas compatíveis com toxoplasmose ocular foi de 3,8% na população em geral e 5,8% entre os indivíduos com sorologia positiva para Toxoplasma gondii (65,9% dos indivíduos analisados), com predominância de: lesões do tipo 1 (41,5%), sexo feminino (68,3%), periféricas (58,5%) e menores que 3 diâmetros de disco (87,8%).


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In order to determine the prevalence of ocular lesions in HTLV-1 infected patients in Salvador Bahia, a transversal study was conducted on 140 HTLV-1 infected patients (90 asymptomatic and 50 tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-1-associated myelopathy) between June 2004 and November 2005. The ophthalmological examination included visual acuity measurement, ocular motility, biomicroscopy of the anterior and posterior chambers, intraocular pressure and evaluation of lachrymal secretion. Observation verified 4 (2.8%) out of 140 patients with uveitis (two patients had intermediate uveitis and two had pan-uveitis) and 39 (36.4%) out of 107 patients with keratoconjunctivitis sicca. The prevalence of Keratoconjunctivitis sicca was significantly higher among the TSP/HAM patients (OR age adjusted=3.64; 95%CI 1.59-8.32). Uveitis and corneal opacities were also important findings, indicating the strong need for periodic ophthalmological follow-up in all HTLV-1 subjects.


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RESUMO: Este trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação de esquemas de tratamento alternativos para o carcinoma da próstata com radioterapia externa (EBRT) e braquiterapia de baixa taxa de dose (LDRBT) com implantes permanentes de Iodo-125, biologicamente equivalentes aos convencionalmente usados na prática clínica, com recurso a modelos teóricos e a métodos de Monte Carlo (MC). Os conceitos de dose biológica efetiva (BED) e de dose uniforme equivalente (EUD) foram utilizados, com o modelo linear-quadrático (LQ), para a determinação de regimes de tratamento equivalentes. Numa primeira abordagem, utilizou-se a BED para determinar: 1) esquemas hipofracionados de EBRT mantendo as complicações retais tardias de regimes convencionais com doses totais de 75,6 Gy, 77,4 Gy, 79,2 Gy e 81,0 Gy; e 2) a relação entre as doses totais de EBRT e LDRBT de modo a manter a BED do regime convencional de 45 Gy de EBRT e 110 Gy de LDRBT. Numa segunda abordagem, recorreu-se ao código de MC MCNPX para a simulação de distribuições de dose de EBRT e LDRBT em dois fantomas de voxel segmentados a partir das imagens de tomografia computorizada de pacientes com carcinoma da próstata. Os resultados das simulações de EBRT e LDRBT foram somados e determinada uma EUD total de forma a obterem-se: 1) esquemas equivalentes ao tratamento convencional de 25 frações de 1,8 Gy de EBRT em combinação com 110 Gy de LDRBT; e 2) esquemas equivalentes a EUD na próstata de 67 Gy, 72 Gy, 80 Gy, 90 Gy, 100 Gy e 110 Gy. Em todos os resultados nota-se um ganho terapêutico teórico na utilização de esquemas hipofracionados de EBRT. Para uma BED no reto equivalente ao esquema convencional, tem-se um aumento de 2% na BED da próstata com menos 5 frações. Este incremento dá-se de forma cada vez mais visível à medida que se reduz o número de frações, sendo da ordem dos 10-11% com menos 20 frações e dos 35-45% com menos 40 frações. Considerando os resultados das simulações de EBRT, obteve-se uma EUD média de 107 Gy para a próstata e de 42 Gy para o reto, com o esquema convencional de 110 Gy de LDRBT, seguidos de 25 frações de 1,8 Gy de EBRT. Em termos de probabilidade de controlo tumoral (igual EUD), é equivalente a este tratamento a administração de EBRT em 66 frações de 1,8 Gy, 56 de 2 Gy, 40 de 2,5 Gy, 31 de 3 Gy, 20 de 4 Gy ou 13 de 5 Gy. Relativamente à administração de 66 frações de 1,8 Gy, a EUD generalizada no reto reduz em 6% com o recurso a frações de 2,5 Gy e em 10% com frações de 4 Gy. Determinou-se uma BED total de 162 Gy para a administração de 25 frações de 1,8 Gy de EBRT em combinação com 110 Gy de LDRBT. Variando-se a dose total de LDRBT (TDLDRBT) em função da dose total de EBRT (TDEBRT), de modo a garantir uma BED de 162 Gy, obteve-se a seguinte relação:.......... Os resultados das simulações mostram que a EUD no reto diminui com o aumento da dose total de LDRBT para dose por fração de EBRT (dEBRT) inferiores a 2, Gy e aumenta para dEBRT a partir dos 3 Gy. Para quantidades de TDLDRBT mais baixas (<50 Gy), o reto beneficia de frações maiores de EBRT. À medida que se aumenta a TDLDRBT, a EUD generalizada no reto torna-se menos dependente da dEBRT. Este trabalho mostra que é possível a utilização de diferentes regimes de tratamento para o carcinoma da próstata com radioterapia que possibilitem um ganho terapêutico, quer seja administrando uma maior dose biológica com efeitos tardios constantes, quer mantendo a dose no tumor e diminuindo a toxicidade retal. A utilização com precaução de esquemas hipofracionados de EBRT, para além do benefício terapêutico, pode trazer vantagens ao nível da conveniência para o paciente e economia de custos. Os resultados das simulações deste estudo e conversão para doses de efeito biológico para o tratamento do carcinoma da próstata apresentam linhas de orientação teórica de interesse para novos ensaios clínicos. --------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work was to determine alternative radiotherapy regimens for the treatment of prostate cancer using external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and low dose-rate brachytherapy (LDRBT) with Iodine-125 permanent implants which are biologically equivalent to conventional clinical treatments, by the use of theoretical models and Monte Carlo techniques. The concepts of biological effective dose (BED) and equivalent uniform dose (EUD), together with the linear-quadratic model (LQ), were used for determining equivalent treatment regimens. In a first approach, the BED concept was used to determine: 1) hypofractionated schemes of EBRT maintaining late rectal complications as with the conventional regimens with total doses of 75.6 Gy, 77.4 Gy, 79.2 Gy and 81.0 Gy; and 2) the relationship between total doses of EBRT and LDRBT in order to keep the BED of the conventional treatment of 45 Gy of EBRT and 110 Gy of LDRBT. In a second approach, the MC code MCNPX was used for simulating dose distributions of EBRT and LDRBT in two voxel phantoms segmented from the computed tomography of patients with prostate cancer. The results of the simulations of EBRT and LDRBT were added up and given an overall EUD in order to obtain: 1) equivalent to conventional treatment regimens of 25 fraction of 1.8 Gy of EBRT in combination with 110Gy of LDRBT; and 2) equivalent schemes of EUD of 67 Gy, 72 Gy, 80 Gy, 90 Gy, 100 Gy, and 110Gy to the prostate. In all the results it is noted a therapeutic gain using hypofractionated EBRT schemes. For a rectal BED equivalent to the conventional regimen, an increment of 2% in the prostate BED was achieved with less 5 fractions. This increase is visibly higher as the number of fractions decrease, amounting 10-11% with less 20 fractions and 35-45% with less 20 fractions. Considering the results of the EBRT simulations an average EUD of 107 Gy was achieved for the prostate and of 42 Gy for the rectum with the conventional scheme of 110 Gy of LDRBT followed by 25 fractions of 1.8 Gy of EBRT. In terms of tumor control probability (same EUD) it is equivalent to this treatment, for example, delivering the EBRT in 66 fractions of 1.8 Gy, 56 fractions of 2 Gy, 40 fractions of 2.5 Gy, 31 fractions of 3 Gy, 20 fractions of 4 Gy or 13 fractions of 5 Gy. Regarding the use of 66 fractions of 1.8 Gy, the rectum EUD is reduced to 6% with 2.5 Gy per fraction and to 10% with 4 Gy. A total BED of 162 Gy was achieved for the delivery of 25 fractions of 1.8 Gy of EBRT in combination with 110 Gy of LDRBT. By varying the total dose of LDRBT (TDLDRBT) with the total dose of EBRT (TDEBRT) so as to ensure a BED of 162 Gy, the following relationship was obtained: ....... The simulation results show that the rectum EUD decreases with the increase of the TDLDRBT, for EBRT dose per fracion (dEBRT) less than 2.5 Gy and increases for dEBRT above 3 Gy. For lower amounts of TDLDRBT (< 50Gy), the rectum benefits of larger EBRT fractions. As the TDLDRBT increases, the rectum gEUD becomes less dependent on the dEBRT. The use of different regimens which enable a therapeutic gain, whether deivering a higher dose with the same late biological effects or maintaining the dose to the tumor and reducing rectal toxicity is possible. The use with precaution of hypofractionated regimens, in addition to the therapeutic benefit, can bring advantages in terms of convenience for the patient and cost savings. The simulation results of this study together with the biological dose conversion for the treatment of prostate cancer serve as guidelines of interest for new clinical trials.


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Purpose: To determine the relationship of goblet cell density (GCD) with tear function and ocular surface physiology. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in 35 asymptomatic subjects with mean age 23.8±3.6 years. Tear film assessment, conjunctiva and cornea examination were done in each subject. Conjunctival impression cytology was performed by applying Nitrocellulose Millipore MFTM-Membrane filter over the superior bulbar conjunctiva. The filter paper was than fixed with 96% ethanol and stained with Periodic Acid Schiff, Hematoxylin and Eosin. GCD was determined by optical microscopy. Relation between GCD and Schirmer score, tear break-up time (TBUT), bulbar redness, limbal redness and corneal staining was determined. Results: The mean GCD was 151±122 cells/mm2. GCD was found higher in eyes with higher Schirmer score but it was not significant (p = 0.75). There was a significant relationship ofGCDwith TBUT (p = 0.042). GCD was not correlated with bulbar redness (p = 0.126), and limbal redness (p = 0.054) as well as corneal staining (p = 0.079). No relationship of GCD with age and gender of the subjects (p > 0.05) was observed. Conclusion: GCD was found correlated with TBUT but no significant correlation was found with the aqueous portion of the tear, limbal as well as bulbar redness and corneal staining.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Optometria Avançada


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a segurança e eficácia da braquiterapia intracoronariana usando o sistema Beta-CathTM na prevenção da recorrência de restenose intra-stent (RIS), por meio da análise dos resultados clínicos, angiográficos e pelo ultra-som intracoronariano (USIC). MÉTODO: Foram submetidos à angioplastia com cateter-balão, seguida de beta-radiação intracoronariana com o sistema Beta-CathTM (90Sr/Y) 30 pacientes com RIS em artérias coronárias nativas e, posteriormente, avaliados. RESULTADOS: Incluíram-se lesões reestenóticas complexas (77% do tipo difuso-proliferativo) com extensão elevada (18,66±4,15 mm). O sucesso da braquiterapia foi de 100%. A dose média utilizada foi de 20,7±2,3 Gy, liberada em um período médio de 3,8±2,1 min. No seguimento tardio, o diâmetro luminal mínimo (DLM) intra-stent diminuiu discretamente (1,98±0,30mm para 1,84±0,39 aos 6 meses, p=0,13), com uma perda tardia de 0,14±0,18 mm. O DLM intra-segmentar foi significativamente menor do que o intra-stent (1,55±0,40mm vs.1,84±0,39mm, p=0,008), associando-se à perda tardia (0,40±0,29mm vs. 0,14±0,18mm; p=0,0001). No USIC, observou-se discreto incremento do tecido neointimal em 6,8±14,3 mm³ aos 6 meses (p=0,19) e a percentagem de obstrução volumétrica aumentou em 4,7±7,5%. A reestenose binária e a revascularização do vaso-alvo recorreram em 17% dos casos; houve 1 caso (3%) de oclusão tardia, associada a infarto do miocárdio. A sobrevida livre de eventos foi de 80%. CONCLUSÃO: O manejo da reestenose intra-stent com a beta-radiação intracoronariana mostrou-se procedimento seguro e eficaz, com alta taxa de sucesso imediato, representando uma opção terapêutica para a inibição da hiperplasia neointimal.


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OBJETIVO: Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar as alterações vasculares morfológicas e morfométricas induzidas pela braquiterapia com Samário-153 (153 Sm) em coelhos hipercolesterolêmicos, com doses elevadas. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 43 coelhos hipercolesterolêmicos, brancos, da raça New Zealand, e o total de 86 artérias ilíacas submetidas a lesão por balão de angioplastia. Divididos em três grupos: dois (GI) irradiados com as doses de 15Gy (n=14) e 60Gy (n=36) e um grupo controle (n=36). Foram realizadas avaliação histológica morfométrica e análise histológica qualitativa para análise tecidual. RESULTADOS: Foram observadas uma redução significativa da neoproliferação intimal (NPI) no GI 15 Gy (p<0,0001), uma redução da área de camada média (ACM) (p<0,0001) e % estenose (p<0,0001) comparada com os demais grupos. O GI 60 Gy teve o maior índice de PNI, aumento da ACM, AV e porcentagem de estenose. No GI 60 Gy, observou-se maior número de células xantomatosas (GI 60Gy:86,11% e GI 15Gy:14,29%, p<0,0001), tecido amorfo hialino (GI 60Gy:58,33% e GI 15 Gy:0%, p=0,0001) e proliferação vascular (GI60 Gy:30,56% e GI15 Gy:0%, p=0,0221). Outras análises teciduais não apresentaram diferença estatística entre os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A dose elevada de 60Gy ocasionou intensa proliferação celular considerada radiolesão vascular, ao contrário da dose de 15Gy que apresentou excelente inibição da neo-proliferação intimal.


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Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) is a vision-threatening eye disease with no validated treatment and unknown pathogeny. In CSCR, dilation and leakage of choroid vessels underneath the retina cause subretinal fluid accumulation and retinal detachment. Because glucocorticoids induce and aggravate CSCR and are known to bind to the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), CSCR may be related to inappropriate MR activation. Our aim was to assess the effect of MR activation on rat choroidal vasculature and translate the results to CSCR patients. Intravitreous injection of the glucocorticoid corticosterone in rat eyes induced choroidal enlargement. Aldosterone, a specific MR activator, elicited the same effect, producing choroid vessel dilation -and leakage. We identified an underlying mechanism of this effect: aldosterone upregulated the endothelial vasodilatory K channel KCa2.3. Its blockade prevented aldosterone-induced thickening. To translate these findings, we treated 2 patients with chronic nonresolved CSCR with oral eplerenone, a specific MR antagonist, for 5 weeks, and observed impressive and rapid resolution of retinal detachment and choroidal vasodilation as well as improved visual acuity. The benefit was maintained 5 months after eplerenone withdrawal. Our results identify MR signaling as a pathway controlling choroidal vascular bed relaxation and provide a pathogenic link with human CSCR, which suggests that blockade of MR could be used therapeutically to reverse choroid vasculopathy.


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Trends in prevalence rates of onchocercal ocular lesions were examined over the period 1980 to 1990 using data from two cross-sectional surveys. There was evidence for increasing prevalence of anterior chamber microfilariae, iridocyclitis, optic atrophy, and chorioretinopathy. Large increases in prevalence, in particular, were seen for posterior segment lesions: optic atrophy increased from 2.7% to 6.4% and chorioretinopathy from 8.8% to 35.6%. Greatest increases in these lesions were seen in the Chachi which was attributed to the large increases in prevalence of microfilariae in the anterior chamber particularly in those aged 30 years or greater. The study findings suggest that ocular onchocerciasis is evolving in parallel with the well documented parasitological changes.


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Herpes simplex ocular infection is a major cause of corneal blindness. Local antiviral treatments exist but are associated with corneal toxicity, and resistance has become an issue. We evaluated the biodistribution and efficacy of a humanized anti-herpes simplex virus (anti-HSV) IgG FAb fragment (AC-8; 53 kDa) following repeated topical administration. AC-8 was found in the corneal epithelium, anterior stroma, subepithelial stromal cells, and retinal glial cells, with preferential entry through the ocular limbus. AC-8 was active against 13 different strains of HSV-1, with 50% and 90% mean effective concentrations (MEC(50) and MEC(90), respectively) ranging from 0.03 to 0.13 μg/ml, indicating broad-spectrum activity. The in vivo efficacy of AC-8 was evaluated in a mouse model of herpes-induced ocular disease. Treatment with low-dose AC-8 (1 mg/ml) slightly reduced the ocular disease scores. A greater reduction of the disease scores was observed in the 10-mg/ml AC-8-treated group, but not as much as with trifluridine (TFT). AC-8 treatment reduced viral titers but less than trifluridine. AC-8 did not display any toxicity to the cornea or other structures in the eye. In summary, topical instillation of an anti-HSV FAb can be used on both intact and ulcerated corneas. It is well tolerated and does not alter reepithelialization. Further studies to improve the antiviral effect are needed for AC-8 to be considered for therapeutic use.