187 resultados para Botão
The aim of this study was to investigate the daily and annual variation in frequency and in activity of an estuarine dolphin population, Sotalia guianensis, in Brazilian northeastern. Thus we estimated the daily variation and seasonality in frequency of adult and immature and in behavior of socialization, aerial activity, foraging of a boto equatorial population in the Curral inlet (6º13 00 S; 35º3 36 W). We detect some variation. Thus we associate the daily variation with daily period, tide fluctuation and annual season. And the seasonality variation we associate with the fotoperíodo and precipitation variation. From October 1999 to September 2003, through collect four times at month, we made instantaneous record at each five minute in six hours of survey. The surveys hours were ranged into light time of 24 hours, that is, between 06:00 and 17:00 o clock. These observations were developed simultaneous for two observers in a land-based survey at coastline cliff top of which observer have a fully visualization of whole inlet. We found that animals were more active and frequent during the morning. They were more active during low tide than high tide. However they did not show association with tide. We found yet that in a period from June to November (winter-spring) there was the highest socialization, aerial activity and foraging frequency. However adult and immature individual number did not have significance variation along the year. The larger concentration of this behaviors were not associate with photoperiod neither precipitation in the region. These results showed the existence of behavioral daily variation and seasonality in a species that live in equatorial region
The marine tucuxi, Sotalia guianensis, is one of the smallest known cetaceans, has coastal habits, and occurs from Hondures to Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil. The objective of this dissertation was to describe diving behavior of the marine tucuxi in three age classes and to analyze the cardiac capacity to dive through the examination of hearts of stranded specimens. Observations were made from October 2004 to November 2005 from a vantage point, in Curral Bay at Pipa beach-RN. We used Ad Libitum sampling and All occurrences to record the behaviors. The diving was characterized by the total exposition of the tail fluke for a few seconds, in 90° or 45° angles. Were recorded 131 dives in three behavioral contexts: foraging, traveling and socialization. The difference between juveniles and adults in dive time and fluke out at 45° or 90° to search and/or capture prey is probably influenced by the strategy used and ability to capture the prey. The frequency of fluke out at 90° for foraging in adults may be related to increased physiological efficiency of adults in comparison to juveniles. However, in the context of travel and socialization the dive time and fluke out were independent between the age classes. Dive in calves were frequent during socialization (play behavior) and traveling. This, associated with synchronic calve-adult diving suggests that a relationship of these behaviors and the acquisition of experience and foraging skills. As observed in other cetaceans, the heart (n=12) of the estuarine dolphin is broad and presents long ventricles which form a round apex. The right ventricle is long and narrow. The degree of dilatation of the aortic bulb may support the heart during diastole. The characteristic morphology of the heart and short dive duration < 2 min and depth ranged from 10m in the estuarine dolphin, can be likely at physiological adaptation for diving, typical de dolphins with coastal habits. The limitation of diving time in this specie may be influenced by anatomical and physiological restrictions
In some species parental care is vital to survival. Many studies have reported various parental care behaviours in cetaceans. In Sotalia guianensis, some behaviours have been already described and linked to parental care. However, many aspects are still unknown and all these information might be important for the species conservation. The aim of the present study was minimize these gaps, showing the options involved in the marine tucuxi parental care. The observations took place in Enseada do Curral, located in Pipa, Tibal do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte Coast. Between January and December of 2005 the local population of tucuxi was observed during 42 days. The methods used were Focal Animal and Ad Libitum. The results suggest that calves are present in the bay all year long. Groups with calves had a mean of 6,9 animals, allowing the animals to participate in different activities in the group besides caring. The calves created different associations, being usually followed by an adult. In groups, the calves stay mainly in the centre, which offers them protection. Calves remained next to the adults tail, facilitating breastfeeding. The calves most noticeable activities were those in the surface and the behaviour frequencies decreased, in general, in the presence of human swimmers and boats, what could be considered a threat to the animals. Adults shared positions when caring for calves, suggesting allomaternal care; food transfer from adults to calves was observed, which might be related to diet acquisition; three non-described behaviours were seen, indicating a diversified behavioural repertoire for this species
Synchronism is the efetivation of the same behavior at the same time by two or more individuals. In cetology only from 2000 we verify an increasing of efforts for studies of synchronic behaviors. The synchronism in cetaceans was reported for a variety of contexts, including feeding, socializing, parental care, while resting, traveling and play, during afilliation, in sexual behaviour and possible while teaching. The synchronism in behavior is influenced by environmental factors and can be modified during stress situations such as the presence of boats. The aim of this study is to explore behavior synchronism presented by the estuarine dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) in Pipa, Rio Grande do Norte state, Northeastern Brazil. A total of 414 hours of observation during the year 2006, using scan sampling method, from a land based sighting was conducted. Analyses were conducted in four steps. Firstly, we determined the pattern of activity of the groups within the bay, testing for the influence of bay configuration before and after rains periods on the activity of animals. Analyses show that forage occurs more frequently after the rainy period, but there was no change in the number of individuals or spatial cohesions between them. Secondly, we analysed the influence of turism boat traffic on the behavior of animals. We verified no changes on the bahavior of animals during the presence of boats. Finally, we tested seven hypotheses regarding the ecological and social dynamics of synchronic behavior. Environmental aspects were considered the main influence for the synchronism, no influences of age, and more selective exihibition of synchronic breathing in feeding and social displays were observed during the study period
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O presente estudo apresenta uma investigação sobre o conhecimento de estudantes ribeirinhos acerca dos botos, em duas instituições formais de ensino de duas diferentes regiões insulares do Estado do Pará. Uma dessas escolas se localiza no município de Soure, na Ilha do Marajó e a outra, no rio Sapucajuba em Abaetetuba. Fizeram parte da pesquisa 80 estudantes, todos, filhos de pescadores, com idades entre 11 e 14 anos. As escolas localizam-se em duas regiões do Estado do Pará, uma delas localizada no município de Soure, na Ilha de Marajó e a outra, no rio Sapucajuba em Abaetetuba. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas fases distintas e complementares: (1) utilização de estórias sobre o boto relatadas em formato de redações elaboradas por alunos da 53 e 63 séries e (2) aplicação de questionários. Sobre a importância dos animais do seu convívio, os peixes foram mais mencionados na opinião dos jovens de Soure (26%) e aves para os alunos de Sapucajuba (51%). O boto aparece logo atrás na escala de importância para a amostra de Soure (24%). Em se tratando de animais prejudiciais, as cobras lideram o ranking entre alunos do Sapucajuba (57%) e peixes com ferrões somam 52% segundo os jovens de Soure. Sobre os botos, meninos e meninas responderam que os vêem, geralmente, em localidades como praias, rios e igarapés. O sentimento "medo" em relação ao boto ocorreu 70% nas respostas dos alunos de Sapucajuba e 41 % entre alunos de Soure evidenciando o papel por ele exercido no imaginário dos ribeirinhos, em parte pela repercussão negativa da lenda entre os amazônidas. Quanto às etnoespécies, a citação do boto preto apareceu mais vezes entre alunos de Sapucajuba (32%), enquanto que, em Soure, os mais citados foram os botos malhado e rosa (37%). Mesmo com um percentual elevado de respostas que designam sentimentos negativos sobre o boto, 57% da amostra de Soure e 82% de Sapucajuba, acreditam na chance de conservá-los, usando como justificativa o fato desses animais fazerem parte da natureza. As análises das redações comprovaram que o conhecimento adquirido pelos alunos é conciso e coerente com a literatura científica quanto ao comportamento ecológico dos botos. Alusões a lendas foram freqüentes nas verbalizações da população pesquisada. Esses dados podem fornecer subsídios para pesquisas científicas objetivando o desenvolvimento da percepção ambiental das comunidades envolvidas, além de mitigarem possíveis ameaças à conservação dos cetáceos.
Dentre os mamíferos marinhos presentes na costa brasileira, Sotalia guianensis (subordem Odontoceti, família Delphinidae) é um dos mais comumente encontrados, possuindo ampla distribuição pela América do Sul e Central. Pelo fato de apresentar hábito costeiro, esta espécie encontra-se diretamente relacionada com impactos de origem antrópica tais como poluição, pesca acidental ou degradação de habitats. Somado a estes fatores, a falta de informações relatada pela IUCN surge como outro ponto de preocupação, visto que não se sabe de fato qual o grau de conservação dessa espécie. Por este motivo o presente estudo pretende avaliar características populacionais existentes nos grupos de S. guianensis na região do Lagamar de Cananéia, litoral sul de São Paulo, utilizando-se de microssatélites. Para tanto, aspectos referentes à diversidade genética, grau de parentesco e fluxo gênico entre áreas estuarinas e de mar aberto foram considerados. A amostragem é composta por 22 tecidos oriundos de indivíduos de mar aberto e 11 estuarinos, coletados entre os anos de 1996 e 2009. O material foi amplificado por PCR utilizando-se de oito locos específicos para a espécie. O presente estudo concluiu que a diversidade genética (número de alelos, riqueza alélica, heterozigosidade esperada e observada) ocorrente no grupo de estudo é considerada como moderada quando comparada a outras populações de S. guianensis estudadas. Após a retirada dos locos com indício da presença de alelos nulos, a população mostrou-se em equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg, como revelado também pelo valor de FIS. Corroborando com o nível de diversidade genética encontrado, foram avaliados baixos índices de parentesco, sem diferenças significativas entre os grupos em comparação (estuário e mar aberto), bem como entre os sexos, indicando a ausência de dispersão sexo assimétrica... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
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A recent reassessment of the phylogenetic affinities of cetaceans makes it timely to compare their placentation with that of the artiodactyls. We studied the placentae of two sympatric species of dolphin from the Amazon River Basin, representing two distinct families. The umbilical cord branched to supply a bilobed allantoic sac. Small blood vessels and smooth muscle bundles were found within the stroma of the cord. Foci of squamous metaplasia occurred in the allanto-amnion and allantochorion. The interhemal membrane of the placenta was of the epitheliochorial type. Two different types of trophoblastic epithelium were seen. Most was of the simple columnar type and indented by fetal capillaries. However, there were also areolar regions with tall columnar trophoblast and these were more sparsely supplied with capillaries. The endometrium was well vascularised and richly supplied with actively secreting glands. These findings are consistent with the current view that Cetacea are nested within Artiodactyla as sister group to the hippopotamids.
De acordo com a Agência Europeia para a Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho “todos os anos, mais de 5.550 pessoas perdem a vida na União Europeia em consequência de acidentes de trabalho”. As organizações todos os anos perdem muitas horas de trabalho devido a esses acidentes, o que se traduz em perdas económicas e financeiras, que podem comprometer a competitividade e produtividade das mesmas. Num período em que a situação económico-financeira da maioria das organizações tem vindo a ser comprometida derivado à situação de crise que atravessa em particular o nosso país, é da máxima importância analisar todos os campos constituintes da organização e avaliar o seu risco e impacto de cada um no seu todo, assim sendo perante esta realidade a Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho é também um dos temas que deve ser tido em conta e não menosprezado. Este tema tem vindo a ser cada vez mais debatido pelas organizações e assiste-se a uma mudança de ideias relativamente à sua importância no contexto organizacional pelos efeitos colaterais positivos bem como por obrigatoriedade legal consagrada nos artigos 59.º e 64.º da Constituição da República Portuguesa. Assim, este trabalho de projeto visa avaliar o Centro social, Cultural e Recreativo de Botão em termos de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho, com o objetivo de implementar um Sistema de Gestão de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho, de modo a identificar e minimizar os riscos no local de trabalho, melhorar as condições de trabalho e contribuir para a Instituição cumprir com o seu dever legal e moral. Este trabalho de projeto foi concebido tendo por base visitas às instalações da organização, comunicação com os trabalhadores e responsáveis pela mesma e elaboração de listas de verificação tendo em consideração os requisitos legais e outros aplicáveis em matéria de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho de forma a atingir o objetivo.
The environmental characteristics can modify the acoustics of a species due to habitat, time of day and year. Therefore, this study investigated the relationships between seasons, tide, daily cycle of tides, times of day and different habitat and noise emission of S. guianensis. Sound recordings occurred in the Curral’s Cove and Lagoon Complex of Guaraíras (CLG) in the municipality of Tibau do Sul/RN. Whistles are emitted with lower frequency during rainy season and spring tide while clicks are higher; whistles, clicks and calls have higher frequency during ebb tide. These modifications can be related with turbidity and prey availability. The whistles and clicks occurrence are higher at night probably because luminosity is lower. Furthermore, the whistles and clicks frequency reduction overnight allows the sound to travel longer distance and helps the view which is limited; but the minimum frequency increase was needed to catch the prey. The low occurrence of calls could be related to the small group size. The acoustic changes at night may be partly influenced by light levels as prey availability that is larger in this period. Whistle frequencies and click initial frequency are higher in CLG than Curral’s cove that permitted good precision. However, click central frequency is lower and may be connected to tracking the area. Several factors may be associated with such modifications as background noise, bottom and others. This study supports the hypothesis that S. guianensis presents an acoustic plasticity according to the local conditions where the species is embedded and adapts to the environmental changes.