118 resultados para Borderland


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Organic matter in sediment samples from three ODP sites (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 167) that form a south-north transect was investigated to reconstruct the paleoclimatic and oceanographic conditions on the California continental margin during the last 160 kyr. Alkenone-derived paleosea surface temperatures (SST) are 3 to 6°C colder in glacial stages and reveal a clear relationship with global climate changes; the differences are greater in the north. Latitudinal SST comparison exhibits water mixing of the colder California Current with warmer waters from the south, particularly in the southern central California borderland area. Organic matter accumulation on the California continental margin indicates an interplay between climatic and atmospheric glacial-interglacial variations and spatially and temporally changing nutrient availability along the California coastline. Climatic and atmospheric dependent circulations apparently caused variations in the intensity of coastal upwelling along the southern central California margin and this suggests, due to the close connection of the California Current to the local wind patterns, that the California Current was weaker during glacial and stronger during interglacial periods.


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High-frequency suborbital variations (Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles) characterize the climatic history of the Northern Hemisphere as observed in Greenland ice cores, deep-sea sediments of the North Atlantic, the Californian borderland, the Arabian Sea, the South China Sea, and the Chinese loess area. Paleoceanographic data from core KL126 from the Bay of Bengal in combination with data from the other Asian monsoonal areas indicate that the feedback processes involving snow and dust of the Tibetan Plateau vary the summer monsoon capacity to transport moisture into central South Asia and into the atmosphere. We postulate that the summer monsoon initiates, amplifies, and terminates these cycles in the Northern Hemisphere.


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El presente trabajo propone reconstruir el sistema productivo organizado por los misioneros de la Compañía de Jesús al sur de la jurisdicción colonial de Buenos Aires, entre 1740 y 1752. Si bien los hombres de la Compañía desarrollaron durante el siglo XVIII establecimientos productivos en todas las regiones rioplatenses, la característica de este caso se refiere a que la estancias y chacras que son descriptas tienen una vida activa de 12 años en la frontera, es decir, en territorio indígena ocupado por la reducciones pero con un dominio colonial no consolidado. Los espacios fronterizos no son habitados permanentemente por los españoles y la dominación y control del Estado suelen ser esporádicos. Por tanto, la experiencia misional se transforma en un mecanismo que pretende vigilar y controlar, pero que para existir en un territorio cuyo dominio es detentado por otras sociedades debe negociar con las mismas sus condiciones de existencia. ¿Cómo afectó esta situación a la constitución de ┤chacras' y ┤estancias' productivas? ¿En qué medida estos establecimientos se integraron a la red de establecimientos que la Compañía posee en tierras ┤españolas'? ¿La organización es similar en el ámbito fronterizo y en el ámbito ┤efectivamente' colonizado?


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This article is dedicated to the study the ways of appropriation of land in the south border of Brazil, in the first half of the century XIX. The historiography has, for tradition, associated the appropriation of large tracts of land, in Rio Grande do Sul, with royal donations. That would have been made, mainly, in the form of 'sesmarias' donations. However, a more detained study shows than the public concessions were just one among other forms of appropriation of the land used by families that accomplished a voracious accumulation of lands. Among other sources, inventories post mortem, registrations of concessions of lands and official correspondences are used. The main analysis focus relapses on the municipal district of Alegrete, between 1800 and 1870


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Selected core samples from the California Continental Borderland (Sites 467-469) were analyzed to evaluate the nature and composition of the lipids and kerogens in terms of their genetic origin and geological maturity. The lipids were of a multiple origin. On the basis of the homolog distributions of the n-alkanes and n-fatty acids, with the shape and magnitude of the unresolved branched and cyclic hydrocarbons, and the structural and stereochemical compositions of the molecular markers, these lipids were derived from primary autochthonous marine (microbial), from allochthonous terrigenous (higher plant wax), and from recycled (geologically mature organic matter) sources. The kerogens were composed of principally marine microbial detritus with a minor input of allochthonous terrestrial material. For the most part, the samples had undergone a thermal maturation according to a normal geothermal gradient, except in the proximity of intrusives. Such additional thermal stress was evident for the samples from Site 469 and to some extent for Site 467 at about a sub-bottom depth of 700 to 800 meters.


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El presente trabajo propone reconstruir el sistema productivo organizado por los misioneros de la Compañía de Jesús al sur de la jurisdicción colonial de Buenos Aires, entre 1740 y 1752. Si bien los hombres de la Compañía desarrollaron durante el siglo XVIII establecimientos productivos en todas las regiones rioplatenses, la característica de este caso se refiere a que la estancias y chacras que son descriptas tienen una vida activa de 12 años en la frontera, es decir, en territorio indígena ocupado por la reducciones pero con un dominio colonial no consolidado. Los espacios fronterizos no son habitados permanentemente por los españoles y la dominación y control del Estado suelen ser esporádicos. Por tanto, la experiencia misional se transforma en un mecanismo que pretende vigilar y controlar, pero que para existir en un territorio cuyo dominio es detentado por otras sociedades debe negociar con las mismas sus condiciones de existencia. ¿Cómo afectó esta situación a la constitución de ┤chacras' y ┤estancias' productivas? ¿En qué medida estos establecimientos se integraron a la red de establecimientos que la Compañía posee en tierras ┤españolas'? ¿La organización es similar en el ámbito fronterizo y en el ámbito ┤efectivamente' colonizado?


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This article is dedicated to the study the ways of appropriation of land in the south border of Brazil, in the first half of the century XIX. The historiography has, for tradition, associated the appropriation of large tracts of land, in Rio Grande do Sul, with royal donations. That would have been made, mainly, in the form of 'sesmarias' donations. However, a more detained study shows than the public concessions were just one among other forms of appropriation of the land used by families that accomplished a voracious accumulation of lands. Among other sources, inventories post mortem, registrations of concessions of lands and official correspondences are used. The main analysis focus relapses on the municipal district of Alegrete, between 1800 and 1870


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This article is dedicated to the study the ways of appropriation of land in the south border of Brazil, in the first half of the century XIX. The historiography has, for tradition, associated the appropriation of large tracts of land, in Rio Grande do Sul, with royal donations. That would have been made, mainly, in the form of 'sesmarias' donations. However, a more detained study shows than the public concessions were just one among other forms of appropriation of the land used by families that accomplished a voracious accumulation of lands. Among other sources, inventories post mortem, registrations of concessions of lands and official correspondences are used. The main analysis focus relapses on the municipal district of Alegrete, between 1800 and 1870


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Here we present a high-resolution faunal, floral and geochemical (stable isotopes and trace elements) record from the sediments of Ocean Drilling Program Site 963 (central Mediterranean basin), which shows centennial/millennial-scale resemblance to the high-northern latitude rapid temperature fluctuations documented in the Greenland ice cores between 20 and 70 kyr BP. Oxygen and carbon isotopes, planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossil distributions suggest that Dansgaard-Oeschger (D/O) and Heinrich events (HE) are distinctly expressed in the Mediterranean climate record. Moreover, recurrent though subdued oscillations not previously identified in the Lateglacial Mediterranean sediments document a significant centennial-scale climate variability in the basin that is greater than previously thought. Alternations between climate regimes dominated by polar outbreaks during D/O stadials and warm D/O interstadials, with associated intensification of continental runoff, are well expressed in the ODP Site 963. These place the Mediterranean basin as an often overlooked recorder of the interplay between large- and regional- scale climate controls at intermediate latitudes, and of the possible interactions between different components of the climate system. Significant changes in Ba/Ca values measured in Globigerinoides ruber shells from a number of D/O stadials and interstadials suggest enhanced freshwater input from the north-eastern Mediterranean borderland during the D/O interstadials. However, the short duration of 3D stratification events never led to complete oxygen consumption along the water column, but clear effects of sluggish 3D circulation in the basin are testified to by negative excursions in d13C measured in selected species of planktic and benthic foraminifera. HEs are constantly associated with lightening in the d18O record of planktic foraminifera, possibly because of the impact of iceberg melting in the Iberian Margin on Mediterranean thermohaline circulation. Interestingly, in two cases in particular, HE2 and HE5, fresher water inputs also affected deeper horizons of intermediate waters, suggesting a basin-wide impact.


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El presente trabajo propone reconstruir el sistema productivo organizado por los misioneros de la Compañía de Jesús al sur de la jurisdicción colonial de Buenos Aires, entre 1740 y 1752. Si bien los hombres de la Compañía desarrollaron durante el siglo XVIII establecimientos productivos en todas las regiones rioplatenses, la característica de este caso se refiere a que la estancias y chacras que son descriptas tienen una vida activa de 12 años en la frontera, es decir, en territorio indígena ocupado por la reducciones pero con un dominio colonial no consolidado. Los espacios fronterizos no son habitados permanentemente por los españoles y la dominación y control del Estado suelen ser esporádicos. Por tanto, la experiencia misional se transforma en un mecanismo que pretende vigilar y controlar, pero que para existir en un territorio cuyo dominio es detentado por otras sociedades debe negociar con las mismas sus condiciones de existencia. ¿Cómo afectó esta situación a la constitución de ┤chacras' y ┤estancias' productivas? ¿En qué medida estos establecimientos se integraron a la red de establecimientos que la Compañía posee en tierras ┤españolas'? ¿La organización es similar en el ámbito fronterizo y en el ámbito ┤efectivamente' colonizado?


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Quantity, type, and maturity of the organic matter of middle Miocene to Quaternary sediments from the eastern North Pacific (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63) were determined. Hydrocarbons and fatty acids in lipid extracts were analyzed by capillary column gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Kerogens were investigated by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and microscopy, and vitrinite reflectance values were determined. At Site 467, in the San Miguel Gap of the outer California Continental Borderland, organic carbon contents range from 1.46% to 5.40%. Normalized to organic carbon, total extracts increase from about 10 to 36 mg/g Corg with depth. The organic matter is a mixture of both marine and terrestrial origin, with the marine organic matter representing a high proportion in some of the samples. Steroid hydrocarbons - sterenes and steradienes in the upper part of the section and steranes in the deepest sample - are the most abundant compounds in the nonaromatic hydrocarbon fractions. Perylene, alkylated thiophenes, and aromatic steroid hydrocarbons dominate in the aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of the shallower samples; increasing maturation is indicated by a more petroleumlike aromatic hydrocarbon distribution. Microscopy revealed a high amount of liptinitic organic matter and confirmed the maturation trend as observed from analysis of the extracts. The vitrinite reflectance may be extrapolated to a bottom-hole value of nearly 0.5% Ro. The liquid hydrocarbon potential of the sediments at higher maturity levels is rated to be good to excellent. At Site 471, off Baja California, organic carbon values are between 0.70% and 1.12%. Extract values increase with depth, as at Site 467. The investigation of the soluble and insoluble organic matter, despite some compositional similarities, consistently revealed a more terrigenous influx compared with Site 467. Thus the potential for liquid hydrocarbon generation is lower, the organic matter being more gas-prone. The deepest sample analyzed indicates the onset of hydrocarbon generation. At this site, frequent sand intercalations offer pathways for migration and possibly reservoir formation.


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Seafloor recycling of organic materials in Santa Monica Basin, California was examined through in situ benthic chamber experiments, shipboard whole-core incubations and pore water studies. Mass balance calculations indicate that the data are internally consistent and that the estimated benthic exchange rates compare well with those derived from deep, moored conical sediment traps and hydrographic modeling. Pore water and benthic flux observations indicate that the metabolizable organic matter at the seafloor must be composed of at least two fractions of very different reactivities. While the majority of reactive organic compounds degrade quickly, with a half-life of <=6.5 years, 1/4 of the total metabolizable organic matter appears to react more slowly, with a half-life on the order of 1700 years. Down-core changes in pore water sulfate and titration alkalinity are not explained by stoichiometric models of organic matter diagenesis and suggest that reactions not considered previously must be influencing the pore water concentrations. Measured recycling and burial rates indicate that 43% of the organic carbon reaching the basin seafloor is permanently buried. The results for Santa Monica Basin are compared to those reported for other California Borderland Basins that differ in sedimentation rate and bottom water oxygen content. Organic carbon burial rates for the Borderland Basins are strongly correlated with total organic carbon deposition rate and bulk sedimentation rate. No significant correlation is observed between carbon burial and bottom water oxygen, extent of oxic mineralization and sediment mixing. Thus, for the California Borderlands, it appears that carbon burial rates are primarily controlled by input rates and not by variations in preservation.


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The southward passage of the Rivera triple junction and its effect on the North American plate are primary controls on the Miocene tectonic evolution of the outer borderland of California. Detrital modes of sand shed off the Patton Ridge and cored by the Deep Sea Drilling Project provide evidence of progressive tectonic erosion of the Patton accretionary prism and neartrench volcanism. Volcanic glass in the sediment is predominantly calcalkaline rhyolite and andesite, typical of subductionrelated volcanism, but also includes minor low-K2O tholeiitic basalt. We attribute these compositional features to interaction with a spreading ridge associated with a possible trench-ridge-trench triple junction along the Patton Escarpment from 18 to 16 Ma. This study suggests that evidence of ridge-trench interaction may be commonly preserved along submerged plate margins, in contrast to its more limited recognition and discussion in the literature based on exposed examples in Chile, Japan and Alaska.


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Late Quaternary oxygen (d18O) and carbon (d13C) isotopic records for the benthic foraminifer Uvigerina and the planktonic foraminifer Globigerina bulloides are presented for the upper 20 meters composite depth sediment sequence of Ocean Drilling Program Site 1014, Tanner Basin, in the outer California Borderland province. The benthic oxygen isotopic record documents a continuous >160-k.y. sequence from marine isotope Stage (MIS) 6 to the present day. The record closely resembles other late Quaternary North Pacific benthic isotope records, as well as the well-dated deep-sea sequence (SPECMAP), and thus provides a detailed chronologic framework. Site 1014 provides a useful record of the California response to climate change as it enters the southern California Border-land. Sedimentation rates are relatively constant and high (~11.5 cm/k.y. ). The planktonic foraminiferal record is well pre-served except during marine isotope Substages 5b and 5d, when normally high G. bulloides abundance is strongly diminished as a result of dissolution. The planktonic oxygen isotopic shift of ~3 per mil between the last glacial maximum and the Holocene suggests a surface water temperature shift of <7°C, similar to estimates from Hole 893A (Leg 146) to the north. Unlike Santa Barbara Basin, G. bulloides d18O values during the last interglacial (MIS 5) at Site 1014 were significantly higher than during the Holocene. In particular, marine isotope Substage 5e (Eemian) was ~0.8 per mil higher. This is unlikely to reflect a cooler Eemian but is instead the result of preferential dissolution of thin-shelled (low d18O) specimens during this interval. In this mid-depth basin, a large benthic d18O shift during Termination I suggests dramatic temperature and salinity changes in response to switches in the source of North Pacific Intermediate Water. Although d13C values of the planktonic foraminifer G. bulloides are in disequilibria with seawater and hence interpretations are limited, the G. bulloides record exhibits several negative d13C excursions found at other sites in the region (Sites 1017 and 893). This indicates a response of G. bulloides d13C to regional surface water processes along the southern California margin. A general increase in benthic carbon isotopic values (-1.75 per mil to -0.75 per mil) in Tanner Basin during the last 200 k.y. is overprinted with smaller fluctuations correlated with climate change. The coolest intervals during the last glacial maximum (MISs 2 and 4) exhibit lower benthic d13C values, which correlate with global 13C shifts. The opposite relationship is exhibited during the last interglacial before 85 ka, when lower benthic d13C values are associated with warmer intervals (marine isotope Substages 5c and 5e) of the last interglacial. These time intervals were also marked by decreased intermediate water ventilation. Increased dissolution and organic accumulation during Substages 5b and 5d are anticorrelated with the benthic d13C record. These results suggest that a delicate balance in intermediate water d13C has existed between the relative influences of global 13C and regional ventilation changes at the 1165-m water depth of Site 1014.