991 resultados para Boiling water reactor


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Cork processing involves a boiling step to make the cork softer, which consumes a high volume of water and generates a wastewater with a high organic content, rich in tannins. An assessment of the final wastewater characteristics and of the boiling water composition along the boiling process was performed. The parameters studied were pH, color, total organic carbon (TOC), chemical and biochemical oxygen demands (COD, BOD5, BOD20), total suspended solids (TSS), total phenols and tannins (TP, TT). It was observed that the water solutes extraction power is significantly reduced for higher quantities of cork processed. Valid relationships between parameters were established not only envisaging wastewater characterization but also to provide an important tool for wastewater monitoring and for process control/optimization. Boiling water biodegradability presented decreasing values with the increase of cork processed and for the final wastewater its value is always lower than 0.5, indicating that these wastewaters are very difficult to treat by biological processes. The biodegradability was associated with the increase of tannin content that can rise up to 0.7 g/L. These compounds can be used by other industries when concentrated and the clarified wastewater can be reused, which is a potential asset in this wastewater treatment.


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Mushroom strains contain complex nutritional biomolecules with a wide spectrum of therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Among these compounds, β-d-glucans play an important role in immuno-modulating and anti-tumor activities. The present work involves a novel colorimetric assay method for β-1,3-d-glucans with a triple helix tertiary structure by using Congo red. The specific interaction that occurs between Congo red and β-1,3-d-glucan was detected by bathochromic shift from 488 to 516 nm (> 20 nm) in UV–Vis spectrophotometer. A micro- and high throughput method based on a 96-well microtiter plate was devised which presents several advantages over the published methods since it requires only 1.51 μg of polysaccharides in samples, greater sensitivity, speed, assay of many samples and very cheap. β-d-Glucans of several mushrooms (i.e., Coriolus versicolor, Ganoderma lucidum, Pleurotus ostreatus, Ganoderma carnosum, Hericium erinaceus, Lentinula edodes, Inonotus obliquus, Auricularia auricular, Polyporus umbellatus, Cordyseps sinensis, Agaricus blazei, Poria cocos) were isolated by using a sequence of several extractions with cold and boiling water, acidic and alkaline conditions and quantified by this microtiter plate method. FTIR spectroscopy was used to study the structural features of β-1,3-d-glucans in these mushroom samples as well as the specific interaction of these polysaccharides with Congo red. The effect of NaOH on triple helix conformation of β-1,3-d-glucans was investigated in several mushroom species.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology


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Artemisinin is the active antimalarial compound obtained from the leaves of Artemisia annua L. Artemisinin, and its semi-synthetic derivatives, are the main drugs used to treat multi-drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum (one of the human malaria parasite species). The in vitro susceptibility of P. falciparum K1 and 3d7 strains and field isolates from the state of Amazonas, Brazil, to A. annua infusions (5 g dry leaves in 1 L of boiling water) and the drug standards chloroquine, quinine and artemisinin were evaluated. The A. annua used was cultivated in three Amazon ecosystems (várzea, terra preta de índio and terra firme) and in the city of Paulínia, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Artemisinin levels in the A. annua leaves used were 0.90-1.13% (m/m). The concentration of artemisinin in the infusions was 40-46 mg/L. Field P. falciparum isolates were resistant to chloroquine and sensitive to quinine and artemisinin. The average 50% inhibition concentration values for A. annua infusions against field isolates were 0.11-0.14 μL/mL (these infusions exhibited artemisinin concentrations of 4.7-5.6 ng/mL) and were active in vitro against P. falciparum due to their artemisinin concentration. No synergistic effect was observed for artemisinin in the infusions.


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The objective of this work was to analyze changes in the isoflavone profile, determined by high performance liquid chromatography, at different processing stages and after refrigeration of tempeh. For tempeh production, clean soybean grains from cultivars BR 36 (low isoflavone content) and IAS 5 (high) were dehulled, and the separated cotyledons were hydrated and then cooked in boiling water for 30 min. Spores of the fungus Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus were inoculated in the cooked and cooled cotyledons, and incubated at 32ºC for 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours in perforated polypropylene bags, for fermentation. The resulting tempeh was stored at 4ºC for 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours. After 24-hour fermentation, isoflavone glucosides were 50% reduced, and the aglycone forms in the tempeh from both cultivars was increased. The malonyl forms reduced 83% after cooking. Less than 24 hours of refrigeration did not affect the isoflavone profile of tempeh from either cultivar, which is a good indicator of its quality. The tempeh maintains the high and low isoflavone content of the cultivars, which indicates that cultivar differences in this trait should be considered when processing tempeh.


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BACKGROUND: The quantification of total (free+sulfated) metanephrines in urine is recommended to diagnose pheochromocytoma. Urinary metanephrines include metanephrine itself, normetanephrine and methoxytyramine, mainly in the form of sulfate conjugates (60-80%). Their determination requires the hydrolysis of the sulfate ester moiety to allow electrochemical oxidation of the phenolic group. Commercially available urine calibrators and controls contain essentially free, unhydrolysable metanephrines which are not representative of native urines. The lack of appropriate calibrators may lead to uncertainty regarding the completion of the hydrolysis of sulfated metanephrines, resulting in incorrect quantification. METHODS: We used chemically synthesized sulfated metanephrines to establish whether the procedure most frequently recommended for commercial kits (pH 1.0 for 30 min over a boiling water bath) ensures their complete hydrolysis. RESULTS: We found that sulfated metanephrines differ in their optimum pH to obtain complete hydrolysis. Highest yields and minimal variance were established for incubation at pH 0.7-0.9 during 20 min. CONCLUSION: Urinary pH should be carefully controlled to ensure an efficient and reproducible hydrolysis of sulfated metanephrines. Synthetic sulfated metanephrines represent the optimal material for calibrators and proficiency testing to improve inter-laboratory accuracy.


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The safe use of nuclear power plants (NPPs) requires a deep understanding of the functioning of physical processes and systems involved. Studies on thermal hydraulics have been carried out in various separate effects and integral test facilities at Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) either to ensure the functioning of safety systems of light water reactors (LWR) or to produce validation data for the computer codes used in safety analyses of NPPs. Several examples of safety studies on thermal hydraulics of the nuclear power plants are discussed. Studies are related to the physical phenomena existing in different processes in NPPs, such as rewetting of the fuel rods, emergency core cooling (ECC), natural circulation, small break loss-of-coolant accidents (SBLOCA), non-condensable gas release and transport, and passive safety systems. Studies on both VVER and advanced light water reactor (ALWR) systems are included. The set of cases include separate effects tests for understanding and modeling a single physical phenomenon, separate effects tests to study the behavior of a NPP component or a single system, and integral tests to study the behavior of the whole system. In the studies following steps can be found, not necessarily in the same study. Experimental studies as such have provided solutions to existing design problems. Experimental data have been created to validate a single model in a computer code. Validated models are used in various transient analyses of scaled facilities or NPPs. Integral test data are used to validate the computer codes as whole, to see how the implemented models work together in a code. In the final stage test results from the facilities are transferred to the NPP scale using computer codes. Some of the experiments have confirmed the expected behavior of the system or procedure to be studied; in some experiments there have been certain unexpected phenomena that have caused changes to the original design to avoid the recognized problems. This is the main motivation for experimental studies on thermal hydraulics of the NPP safety systems. Naturally the behavior of the new system designs have to be checked with experiments, but also the existing designs, if they are applied in the conditions that differ from what they were originally designed for. New procedures for existing reactors and new safety related systems have been developed for new nuclear power plant concepts. New experiments have been continuously needed.


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Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan turvallisuustoiminto-käsitteen määrittelyä ja käyttöä osana ydinvoimalaitosten turvallisuuden varmistamista. Työssä kuvataan paine- ja kiehutusvesilaitosten toiminnan yleispiirteet, sekä Teollisuuden Voima Oy:n (TVO) laitosten Olkiluoto 1 & 2 sekä Olkiluoto 3 tarkempi turvallisuustoiminta turvallisuusjärjestelmien ja -automaation osalta. Työssä esitellään eräs tapa määrittää turvallisuustoimintoja. Malli perustuu hierarkkiseen rakenteeseen, jossa ylimpänä ovat laitostason turvallisuustoiminnot ja alimpana turvallisuustoimintoihin osallistuvien laitteiden ja niiden osien toiminnot. Turvallisuustoimintoja on mahdollista käyttää ydinvoimalaitoksen turvallisuusluokituksen tekemiseen ja perustelemiseen. Turvallisuustoiminto kertoo suoraan luokiteltavan kohteen turvallisuusmerkityksen. Kohteen turvallisuusmerkityksen selvittäminen, eli liittäminen turvallisuustoimintoon, voi olla vaikeaa. Turvallisuustoimintoja on myös mahdollista käyttää laitoksen turvallisuusautomaation riittävän varmistamisen (mm. redundanttisuus, diversiteetti ja erotus) osoittamiseen erityisesti ohjelmoitavan automaation yhteydessä. Turvallisuustoimintoja voidaan hyödyntää laitoksen hätätilanneohjeiden kehittämisessä ja myös laitoksenmuun turvallisuusdokumentaation selkeyttämisessä. Työn tuloksena kehitettiin käyville laitoksille (OL1 & 2) aikaisempaa kattavammat turvallisuustoiminnot. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin rakenteilla olevalle laitokselle (OL3) määriteltyjä turvallisuustoimintoja.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tehdä Apros-laskentamalli PKL-koelaitteistosta ja testata kuinka hyvin Apros pystyy laskemaan PKL-koelaitteistolla suoritetun E2.2 pienen vuodon kokeen. Tavoitteena oli myös tarkastella boorittoman veden tulpan etenemistä pienen vuodon kokeen aikana. PKL-koelaitteisto vastaa saksalaista sähköteholtaan 1300 MW olevaa Philippsburg 2 painevesilaitosta. Koelaitteiston tilavuudet ja teho on skaalattu kertoimella 145. Työssä tehdyllä laskentamallilla tarkasteltiin boorittoman veden tulpan liikkumista pienen vuodon kokeen aikana. Kun malli oli valmis, laskenta suoritettiin Apros 5.05 versiolla. Boorittoman veden tulpan etenemisen laskennassa käytettiin toisen kertaluvun diskretointia, jolla booripitoisuuden muutokset säilyvät teräväreunaisina. Laskentamalli pystyi kuvaamaan koelaitteistolla suoritetussa pienen vuodon kokeessa tapahtuneet ilmiöt varsin hyvin. Eroa koetuloksiintuli pääkiertopiirien luonnonkiertojen alkamishetkistä ja primääripaineen käyttäytymisessä. Kokeen alkutilanne ei ollut stationääritila, joten alkutilanteen asettamisessa oli hankaluuksia. Varsinkin pääkiertopiirien veden pinnankorkeuksienasettamisessa oli vaikeuksia, koska veden pinnankorkeuksien erot pyrkivät tasoittumaan nopeasti kokeen aikana. Apros pystyi laskemaan PKL-koelaitteistolla suoritetun pienen vuodon kokeen hyvin. Mallilla tulisi kuitenkin laskea vielä toisentyyppisiäkin kokeita, ennen kuin voidaan varmuudella tietää mallin toimivuus. PKL-koelaitteisto vastaa pääpiirteiltään Suomeen rakennettavaa Olkiluoto 3 ydinvoimalaitosta. Tehty työ antaa lisävarmuutta, kun Olkiluoto 3 laitoksen turvallisuustarkasteluita tehdään.


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This thesis gives an overview of the validation process for thermal hydraulic system codes and it presents in more detail the assessment and validation of the French code CATHARE for VVER calculations. Three assessment cases are presented: loop seal clearing, core reflooding and flow in a horizontal steam generator. The experience gained during these assessment and validation calculations has been used to analyze the behavior of the horizontal steam generator and the natural circulation in the geometry of the Loviisa nuclear power plant. The cases presented are not exhaustive, but they give a good overview of the work performed by the personnel of Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). Large part of the work has been performed in co-operation with the CATHARE-team in Grenoble, France. The design of a Russian type pressurized water reactor, VVER, differs from that of a Western-type PWR. Most of thermal-hydraulic system codes are validated only for the Western-type PWRs. Thus, the codes should be assessed and validated also for VVER design in order to establish any weaknesses in the models. This information is needed before codes can be used for the safety analysis. Theresults of the assessment and validation calculations presented here show that the CATHARE code can be used also for the thermal-hydraulic safety studies for VVER type plants. However, some areas have been indicated which need to be reassessed after further experimental data become available. These areas are mostly connected to the horizontal stem generators, like condensation and phase separation in primary side tubes. The work presented in this thesis covers a large numberof the phenomena included in the CSNI code validation matrices for small and intermediate leaks and for transients. Also some of the phenomena included in the matrix for large break LOCAs are covered. The matrices for code validation for VVER applications should be used when future experimental programs are planned for code validation.


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Tässä työssä selvitettiin heliumjäähdytteisellä kuulakekoreaktorilla tuotetun sähkön hinnan muodostumista. Saatuja tuloksia vertailtiin hiilidioksidin erotuksen savukaasuista mahdollistavilla laitteilla varustettuihin hiili- ja maakaasuvoimalaitoksiin sekä kevytvesitekniikalla toteutettuun ydinvoimalaan. Työssä käytiin lyhyesti läpi kuulakekoreaktorin tekniikkaa ja mahdollisia sovelluskohteita, joissa voidaan käyttää hyväksi reaktorin jäähdytteen korkeaa lämpötilaa. Kuulakekoreaktorin kustannustietoja arvioitiin eri lähteissä esitettyjen lukujen perusteella. Ominaisinvestointikustannukseksi saatiin 1722 €/kWe. Sähköntuotannon polttoainekustannukseksi laskettiin 5,4 €/MWh ja käyttö- ja kunnossapito-kustannuksina käytettiin 7 €/MWh. Laitoksen sähköntuotantokustannusten laskenta suoritettiin annuiteettimenetelmällä käyttäen 5 % reaalikorkoa ja 40 vuoden taloudellista pitoaikaa sekä 90 % käyttökerrointa. Laskuissa käytettiin vuoden 2002 hintatasoa. Laskelmien perusteella kuulakekoreaktorin sähköntuotantokustannukseksi saatiin 25,1 €/MWh. Tämän todettiin olevan samalla tasolla kuin kevytvesireaktorilla tuotetun sähkön hinta. Hiilidioksidin erotuslaitteilla varustetun hiilivoimalaitoksen sähköntuotantokustannukseksi saatiin 44,0 €/MWh ja maakaasukombivoimalaitoksen 36,3 €/MWh.


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Työn tavoitteena on kartoittaa painevesireaktorityyppisen ydinvoimalaitoksen prosessihyötysuhteen parantamiskohteita. Aluksi kirjallisuudesta etsitään hyötysuhteen parantamiskeinoja ideaalisessa höyryvoimalaitosprosessissa. Näistä valitaan sopivimmat tarkastelun kohteeksi todellisessa voimalaitoksessa: syöttöveden esilämmityksen tehostaminen väliottohöyryvirtausta kasvattamalla ja syöttöveden esilämmittimen lämmönsiirtopintaa lisäämällä. Tarkastelussa pyritään löytämään paras mahdollinen hyötysuhde väliottohöyrylinjojen putkikokoa sekä esilämmittimien putkien lukumäärää muuttamalla. Diskreetin optimoinnin iteraatioaskel määritetään hyötysuhteen osittaisderivaattojen avulla. Tehtäviä muutoksia simuloidaan APROS-simulointiohjelmalla, jossa käytetään Loviisan voimalaitoksesta tehtyä mallia VVER-440. Työssä havaittiin, että pelkkiä väliottohöyrylinjojen putkikokoja – ja massavirtaa – kasvattamalla Loviisan voimalaitoksen hyötysuhdetta voidaan parantaa parhaimmillaan 32,75%:sta 32,85%:iin. Syöttöveden esilämmittimien lämmönsiirtopintaa lisäämällä saadaan suurempi parannus hyötysuhteeseen: 32,75%:sta 32,99%:iin. Näissä tapauksissa muutettiin kaikkia väliottohöyrylinjoja tai syöttöveden esilämmittimien lämpöpintoja. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös joitakin pienempiä muutoskohteita, joista paras hyötysuhteen kasvu saatiin korkeapaine-esilämmittimien lämmönsiirtopintaa kasvattamalla sekä toisen väliottohöyrylinjan (RD12) ja sitä vastaavan syöttöveden esilämmittimen muutosten yhteisvaikutuksena.


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The purpose of this work was to design and carry out thermal-hydraulic experiments dealing with overcooling transients of a VVER-440-type nuclear reactor pressure vessel. Sudden overcooling accident could have negative effect on the mechanical strength of the pressure vessel. If part of the pressure vessel is compromised, the intense pressure inside a pressurized water reactor could cause the wall to fracture. Information on the heat transfer along the outside of the pressure vessel wall is necessary for stress analysis. Basic knowledge of the overcooling accident and heat transfer types on the outside of the pressure vessel is presented as background information. Test facility was designed and built based to study and measure heat transfer during specific overcooling scenarios. Two test series were conducted with the first one concentrating on the very beginning of the transient and the second one concentrating on steady state heat transfer. Heat transfer coefficients are calculated from the test data using an inverse method, which yields better results in fast transients than direct calculation from the measurement results. The results show that heat transfer rate varies considerably during the transient, being very high in the beginning and dropping to steady state in a few minutes. The test results show that appropriate correlations can be used in future analysis.


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Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols can be easily distinguished due to their reactivity towards tribromoisocyanuric acid (TBCA). The test is performed by adding TBCA to the alcohol in a test tube heated in a boiling water bath. Orange color develops in the tube containing the primary alcohol, light yellow is observed in the tube containing the secondary alcohol while the tertiary alcohol results in a colorless mixture.


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Työssä käydään läpi säteilyhaurastumisilmiöitä ja niistä johtuvia vaikutuksia kevytvesilaitosten reaktoripainesäiliöille