951 resultados para Body-cell mass


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A exposição materna durante o período gestacional a uma dieta restrita em proteínas (LP) prejudica o desenvolvimento do pâncreas endócrino em sua prole e aumenta a susceptibilidade à hipertensão, diabetes e obesidade na vida adulta. Há evidências de que esse fenômeno pode persistir em gerações subsequentes. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da restrição proteica sobre o metabolismo da glicose e morfometria pancreática na prole F3 de camundongos ao nascimento e ao desmame. Para tanto, fêmeas virgens de camundongos Suíços (F0) foram acasaladas e receberam dieta normo-proteica (19% de proteína - NP) ou uma dieta isocalórica restrita em proteínas (5% de proteína - LP) durante toda a gravidez. Durante a lactação e o restante do experimento, todos os grupos receberam a dieta NP. Os filhotes machos foram nomeados F1 (NP1 e LP1). As fêmeas F1 e F2 foram acasaladas para produzir F2 e F3 (NP2, LP2, NP3 e LP3), respectivamente. Semanalmente, os filhotes foram pesados e calculada a taxa de crescimento alométrico (log [massa corporal] = log a + log b [idade]). Os animais foram sacrificados nos dias 1 e 21 de idade, a glicemia foi determinada e o pâncreas retirado, pesado e analisado por estereologia e imunofluorescência; a insulina foi mensurada aos 21 dias. Como resultados, os filhotes restritos na primeira geração (LP1) foram menores ao nascer, mas apresentaram um crescimento acelerado nos primeiros sete dias de vida, mostrando catch-up com os controles; a prole LP2 demonstrou a maior massa corporal ao nascimento e tiveram uma taxa de crescimento mais lenta durante a lactação; não houve diferença na massa corporal e na taxa de crescimento na geração F3. A massa de pâncreas foi diminuída em LP1-LP3 ao nascimento, contudo foi aumentada em LP2 ao desmame. A densidade de volume e o diâmetro das ilhotas foram menores em todos os grupos restritos no dia 1 e 21, somente LP1 teve o menor número de ilhotas. Ao nascer, a massa de células beta foi menor em LP1-LP3 e permaneceu baixa durante a lactação. No dia 1 e 21, os filhotes foram normoglicêmicos, entretanto foram hipoinsulinêmicos ao desmame. Portanto, a restrição de proteínas em camundongos durante a gestação produz alterações morfológicas nas ilhotas pancreáticas, sugerindo que a homeostase da glicose foi mantida por um aumento da sensibilidade à insulina durante os primeiros estágios de vida na prole ao longo de três gerações consecutivas.


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As associações entre obesidade, doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (NAFLD) e diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) são bem estabelecidas, e o sistema renina-angiotensina (SRA) pode proporcionar uma ligação entre eles. O bloqueio do SRA em diferentes níveis pode estar relacionado a respostas na resistência à insulina, remodelagem do pâncreas e do fígado em um modelo de obesidade induzida por dieta. Camundongos C57BL/6 foram alimentados com uma dieta hiperlipídica (HF) durante oito semanas e depois tratados com alisquireno (50 mg/kg/dia), enalapril (30 mg/kg/dia) ou losartana (10 mg/kg/dia) por um período adicional de seis semanas. As drogas foram incorporadas na dieta. Avaliou-se a massa corporal (MC), pressão arterial, consumo e gasto energético (GE), metabolismo da glicose e lipídico, histopatologia pancreática e hepática, análise hormonal, imunohistoquímica, perfil gênico e/ou proteico do SRA no pâncreas, gliconeogênese hepática, sinalização da insulina, oxidação e acúmulo lipídico. Todos os inibidores do SRA reduziram significativamente o aumento da pressão arterial nos camundongos alimentados com dieta HF. O tratamento com enalapril, mas não alisquireno ou losartana, reduziu o ganho de MC e a ingestão alimentar; aumentou o GE; amenizou a intolerância à glicose e resistência à insulina; melhorou a massa de células alfa e beta; impediu a redução da adiponectina plasmática e restaurou a sensibilidade à leptina. Além disso, o tratamento com enalapril melhorou a expressão proteica nas ilhotas pancreáticas de Pdx1, GLUT2, ECA2 e do receptor Mas. O tratamento com losartana apresentou uma elevação na expressão proteica de AT2R no pâncreas. No fígado, a administração de enalapril atenuou a esteatose hepática, o acúmulo de triglicerídeos e preveniu o aumento dos níveis de PEPCK, G6Pase e do GLUT2. Do mesmo modo, o enalapril melhorou a transdução dos sinais da insulina através da via IRS-1/Akt, bem como reduziu os níveis de expressão gênica e/ou proteica de PPAR-gama, SREBP-1c e FAS. Esses resultados sugerem que a inibição da ECA com enalapril atenuou muitos efeitos deletérios provocados pelo consumo da dieta HF, incluindo: normalização da morfologia e função das ilhotas pancreáticas, proteção contra a resistência à insulina e acúmulo de lipídios no fígado. Estes efeitos protetores do enalapril podem ser atribuídos, principalmente, à redução no ganho de MC e ingestão alimentar, aumento do GE, ativação do eixo ECA2/Ang(1-7)/receptor Mas e dos níveis de adiponectina, o que promove uma melhora na ação hepática da insulina e leptina, normalização da gliconeogênese, amenizando a NAFLD.


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Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da obesidade materna sobre a estrutura do pâncreas e metabolismo de carboidratos no início da vida adulta, com foco na prole da primeira geração (F1) e segunda geração (F2) de progenitoras F0 alimentadas com dieta rica em gordura nos períodos pré-gestacional, durante a gestação e lactação. Métodos: Camundongos C57BL/6 do gênero feminino (F0) foram alimentadas com dieta padrão (SC) ou dieta rica em gordura (HF) durante as oito semanas que antecederam o acasalamento, durante a gestação e lactação para gerar a F1 (F1-SC e F1-HF). As proles geradas receberam dieta SC até o terceiro mês de vida. Aos três meses de idade, fêmeas F1 foram acasaladas para gerar a F2 (F2-SC e F2-HF). Apenas os machos das geração F1 e F2 foram avaliados aos 3 meses de idade. As características metabólicas foram avaliadas pela massa corporal (MC), glicemia de jejum, área sob a curva no teste oral de tolerância a glicose; análise plasmática de insulina, leptina e adiponectina; distribuição e análise morfológica do pâncreas através da imunohistoquímica e imunofluorescência. Resultados: A prole F1-HF teve aumento significativo na massa corporal e glicemia quando comparado à F1-SC. Por outro lado, as proles F2-HF e F2-SC tiveram massas corporais semelhantes. A prole F1-HF e F2-HF mostrou aumento da ingestão de energia, intolerância à glicose, hiperinsulinemia, hiperleptinemia, hipoadiponectinemia, resistência à insulina, aumento da massa pancreática, o aumento da densidade de volume de ilhotas com elevada massa de células alfa e beta, ilhotas hipertrofiadas caracterizadas por uma distribuição alterada de células alfa e beta, e fraca imunoreatividade do pâncreas homeobox duodeno-1 (PDx1). Conclusões: Uma dieta HF materna consumida durante o período pré-concepção e durante toda a gestação e lactação em camundongos promoveu programação metabólica do pâncreas endócrino com pré-disposição ao diabetes mellitus tipo 2 precoce nas proles F1 e F2 do gênero masculino, sugerindo que essas mudanças são intergeracionais.


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The Yttrium(III) extraction kinetics and mechanism with secnonylphonoxy acetic acid (CA-100) were investigated by a constant interfacial cell with laminar flow. The studies of interfacial tension and solubility of extractant and effects of the stirring rate, temperature, specific interfacial area and species concentration on the extraction rate showed that the extraction regime was dependent on the extraction conditions and the most probable reaction zone was at the liquid-liquid interface. The rate equation of extracting yttrium by CA-100 in heptane was Rf = k[Y3+]((a))[H(2)A(2)]((o))(0.88)[H+]((a))(-1.08).


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The regular doubling of cell mass, and therefore of cell protein content, is required for repetitive cell divisions. Preliminary observations have shown that in dog thyrocytes insulin induces protein accumulation but not DNA synthesis, while TSH does not increase protein accumulation but triggers DNA synthesis in the presence of insulin. We show here that EGF and phorbol myristate ester complement insulin action in the same way. HGF is the only factor activating both protein accumulation and DNA synthesis. The effects of insulin on protein accumulation and in permitting the TSH effect are reproduced by IGF-1 and are mediated, at least in part by the IGF-1 receptor. The concentration effect curves are similar for both effects. Similar results are obtained in human thyrocytes. They reflect true cell growth, as shown by increases in RNA content and cell size. Carbachol and fetal calf serum also stimulate protein synthesis and accumulation without triggering DNA synthesis, but they are not permissive for the mitogenic effects of TSH or of the general adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin. Moreover the mitogenic effect of TSH greatly decreased in cells deprived of insulin for 2 days although these cells remain hypertrophic. Hypertrophy may therefore be necessary for cell division, but it is not sufficient to permit it. Three different mechanisms can therefore be distinguished in the mitogenic action of TSH: (1) the increase of cell mass (hypertrophy) induced by insulin or IGF-1; (2) the permissive effect of insulin or IGF-1 on the mitogenic effect of TSH which may involve both the increase of cell mass and the induction of specific proteins such as cyclin D3 and (3) the mitogenic effect of the TSH cyclic AMP cascade proper.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether skeletal muscle gene expression of calpain 3 is related to obesity and insulin resistance.

DESIGN: Cross-sectional studies in 27 non-diabetic human subjects and in Psammomys obesus, a polygenic animal model of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

MEASUREMENTS: Expression of CAPN3 in skeletal muscle was measured using Taqman fluorogenic PCR. In the human subjects, body composition was assessed by DEXA and insulin sensitivity was measured by euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp. In Psammomys obesus, body composition was determined by carcass analysis, and substrate oxidation rates, physical activity and energy expenditure were measured by whole-body indirect calorimetry.

RESULTS: In human subjects, calpain 3 gene expression was negatively correlated with total (P=0.022) and central abdominal fat mass (P=0.034), and with blood glucose concentration in non-obese subjects (P=0.017). In Psammomys obesus, calpain 3 gene expression was negatively correlated with circulating glucose (P=0.013) and insulin (P=0.034), and with body fat mass (P=0.049). Indirect calorimetry revealed associations between calpain 3 gene expression and carbohydrate oxidation (P=0.009) and energy expenditure (P=0.013).

CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: Lower levels of expression of calpain 3 in skeletal muscle were associated with reduced carbohydrate oxidation and elevated circulating glucose and insulin concentrations, and also with increased body fat and in particular abdominal fat. Therefore, reduced expression of calpain 3 in both humans and Psammomys obesus was associated with phenotypes related to obesity and insulin resistance.


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Background This study aimed to investigate the relationship between depressive and anxiety disorders and indices of adiposity, including body fat mass and percent body fat, as measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry.

Methods In this observational study of 979 randomly-selected women aged 20–93 years, psychiatric history was ascertained using a structured clinical interview (SCID-I/NP). Total body fat was assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and weight, height and waist circumference were measured. Medication use and lifestyle factors were self-reported.

Results Those with a lifetime history of depression had increased fat mass (+ 7.4%) and percent body fat (+ 4.3%), as well as greater mean weight (+ 3.3%), waist circumference (+ 2.9%) and BMI (+ 3.5%) after adjustment for age, anxiety, alcohol consumption, physical activity and past smoking. Furthermore, those meeting criteria for a lifetime history of depression had a 1.7-fold increased odds of being overweight or obese (BMI ≥ 25), a 2.0-fold increased odds of being obese (BMI ≥ 30) and a 1.8-fold increased odds of having a waist circumference ≥ 80 cm. These patterns persisted after further adjustment for psychotropic medication use, smoking status and energy intake. No differences in any measures of adiposity were observed among those with anxiety disorders compared to controls.

There is potential for unrecognised confounding, interpretations are limited to women and a temporal relationship could not be inferred.

Conclusions Depression was associated with greater adiposity. The difference in body fat mass was numerically greater than differences in indirect measures of adiposity, suggesting that the latter may underestimate the extent of adiposity in this population.


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Limited data have suggested that the consumption of fluid milk after resistance training (RT) may promote skeletal muscle hypertrophy. The aim of this study was to assess whether a milk-based nutritional supplement could enhance the effects of RT on muscle mass, size, strength, and function in middle-aged and older men. This was an 18-mo factorial design (randomized control trial) in which 180 healthy men aged 50–79 yr were allocated to the following groups: 1) exercise + fortified milk, 2) exercise, 3) fortified milk, or 4) control. Exercise consisted of progressive RT with weight-bearing impact exercise. Men assigned to the fortified milk consumed 400 ml/day of low-fat milk, providing an additional 836 kJ, 1000 mg calcium, 800 IU vitamin D3, and 13.2 g protein per day. Total body lean mass (LM) and fat mass (FM) (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry), midfemur muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) (quantitative computed tomography), muscle strength, and physical function were assessed. After 18 mo, there was no significant exercise by fortified milk interaction for total body LM, muscle CSA, or any functional measure. However, main effect analyses revealed that exercise significantly improved muscle strength (∼20–52%, P < 0.001), LM (0.6 kg, P < 0.05), FM (−1.1 kg, P < 0.001), muscle CSA (1.8%, P < 0.001), and gait speed (11%, P < 0.05) relative to no exercise. There were no effects of the fortified milk on muscle size, strength, or function. In conclusion, the daily consumption of low-fat fortified milk does not enhance the effects of RT on skeletal muscle size, strength, or function in healthy middle-aged and older men with adequate energy and nutrient intakes.


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Objective: Previous research has demonstrated a relationship between adiposity and bipolar disorder, although data are derived predominantly from patient samples and use indirect methods of assessing adiposity. This study investigated the association between bipolar disorder and several indices of adiposity, including body fat mass as measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), in a community-based sample.

Methods: In this study, 21 women with bipolar disorder and 523 healthy controls were drawn from an age-stratified, random, community-based sample of women (20–93 years) participating in the Geelong Osteoporosis Study. Bipolar disorder was diagnosed utilising a semi-structured clinical interview. Anthropometric measurements (weight, height, waist and hip circumference) were taken and fat mass was determined from whole body DXA scans (Lunar DPX-L).

Results: Those with bipolar disorder tended to have greater adiposity. Age-adjusted mean (95% CI) values for bipolar versus controls according to adiposity indices were weight 75.6 (68.9–82.3) versus 72.6 (71.3–74.0) kg, waist circumference 89.8 (84.1–95.6) versus 87.3 (86.1–88.5) cm, waist:hip ratio 0.85 (0.82–0.87) versus 0.84 (0.83–0.84), body mass index 27.6 (25.1–30.1) versus 27.5 (27.0–28.0) kg/m2, fat mass 31.4 (26.5–36.3) versus 28.6 (27.5–29.5) kg and %body fat 40.4 (36.9–43.9) versus 38.0 (37.3–38.7)%; all p > 0.05. Further adjustment for height, smoking, alcohol, psychotropic medication, energy intake or physical activity did not influence these patterns.

Conclusion: Although a pattern suggestive of greater adiposity among those with bipolar disorder was observed, no significant differences were detected. We cannot exclude the possibility of a type II error. Further research with a larger sample may produce more conclusive results.


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Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) has been shown to play important roles in the immune system. It acts as a key negative regulator of signaling via receptors for IFNs and other cytokines controlling T cell development, as well as Toll receptor signaling in macrophages and other immune cells. To gain further insight into SOCS1, we have identified and characterized the zebrafish socs1 gene, which exhibited sequence and functional conservation with its mammalian counterparts. Initially maternally derived, the socs1 gene showed early zygotic expression in mesodermal structures, including the posterior intermediate cell mass, a site of primitive hematopoiesis. At later time points, expression was seen in a broad anterior domain, liver, notochord, and intersegmental vesicles. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of socs1 resulted in perturbation of specific hematopoietic populations prior to the commencement of lymphopoiesis, ruling out T cell involvement. However, socs1 knockdown also lead to a reduction in the size of the developing thymus later in embryogenesis. Zebrafish SOCS1 was shown to be able to interact with both zebrafish Jak2a and Stat5.1 in vitro and in vivo. These studies demonstrate a conserved role for SOCS1 in T cell development and suggest a novel T cell-independent function in embryonic myelopoiesis mediated, at least in part, via its effects on receptors using the Jak2-Stat5 pathway.


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Both serum leptin and bone mineral density are positively correlated with body fat, generating the hypothesis that leptin may be a systemic and/or local regulator of bone mass. We investigated 214 healthy, nonobese Australian women aged 20-91 yr. Bone mineral content, projected bone area, and body fat mass were measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and fasting serum leptin levels by RIA. Associations between bone mineral content (adjusted for age, body weight, body fat mass, and bone area) and the natural logarithm of serum leptin concentrations were analyzed by multiple regression techniques. There was a significant positive association at the lateral spine, two proximal femur sites (Ward's triangle and trochanter), and whole body (partial r2 = 0.019 to 0.036; all P < 0.05). Similar trends were observed at the femoral neck and posterior-anterior-spine. With bone mineral density the dependent variable (adjusted for age, body weight, and body fat mass), the association with the natural logarithm of leptin remained significant at the lateral spine (partial r2 = 0.030; P = 0.011), was of borderline significance at the proximal femur sites (partial r2 = 0.012 to 0.017; P = 0.058 to 0.120), and was not significant at the other sites. Our results demonstrate an association between serum leptin levels and bone mass consistent with the hypothesis that circulating leptin may play a role in regulating bone mass.


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Amyloid deposition and reduced β-cell mass are pathological hallmarks of the pancreatic islet in type 2 diabetes; however, whether the extent of amyloid deposition is associated with decreased β-cell mass is debated. We investigated the possible relationship and, for the first time, determined whether increased islet amyloid and/or decreased β-cell area quantified on histological sections is correlated with increased β-cell apoptosis. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human pancreas sections from subjects with (n = 29) and without (n = 39) diabetes were obtained at autopsy (64 ± 2 and 70 ± 4 islets/subject, respectively). Amyloid and β cells were visualized by thioflavin S and insulin immunolabeling. Apoptotic β cells were detected by colabeling for insulin and by TUNEL. Diabetes was associated with increased amyloid deposition, decreased -cell area, and increased β-cell βapoptosis, as expected. There was a strong inverse correlation between β-cell area and amyloid deposition (r=0.42, P < 0.001). β-Cell area was selectively reduced in individual amyloid-containing islets from diabetic subjects, compared with control subjects, but amyloid-free islets had β-cell area equivalent to islets from control subjects. Increased amyloid deposition was associated with β-cell apoptosis (r= 0.56, P < 0.01). Thus, islet amyloid is associated with decreased β-cell area and increased β-cell apoptosis, suggesting that islet myloid deposition contributes to the decreased β-cell mass that characterizes type 2 diabetes.


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Aims/hypothesis Islet amyloid in type 2 diabetes contributes to loss of beta cell mass and function. Since islets are susceptible to oxidative stress-induced toxicity, we sought to determine whether islet amyloid formation is associated with induction of oxidative stress.

Methods Human islet amyloid polypeptide transgenic and non-transgenic mouse islets were cultured for 48 or 144 h with or without the antioxidant N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) or the amyloid inhibitor Congo Red. Amyloid deposition, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, beta cell apoptosis, and insulin secretion, content and mRNA were measured.

Results After 48 h, amyloid deposition was associated with increased ROS levels and increased beta cell apoptosis, but no change in insulin secretion, content or mRNA levels. Antioxidant treatment prevented the rise in ROS, but did not prevent amyloid formation or beta cell apoptosis. In contrast, inhibition of amyloid formation prevented the induction of oxidative stress and beta cell apoptosis. After 144 h, amyloid deposition was further increased and was associated with increased ROS levels, increased beta cell apoptosis and decreased insulin content. At this time-point, antioxidant treatment and inhibition of amyloid formation were effective in reducing ROS levels, amyloid formation and beta cell apoptosis. Inhibition of amyloid formation also increased insulin content.

Conclusions/interpretation Islet amyloid formation induces oxidative stress, which in the short term does not mediate beta cell apoptosis, but in the longer term may feed back to further exacerbate amyloid formation and contribute to beta cell apoptosis.


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Aims/hypothesis In type 2 diabetes, aggregation of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) into amyloid is associated with beta cell loss. As IAPP is co-secreted with insulin, we hypothesised that IAPP secretion is necessary for amyloid formation and that treatments that increase insulin (and IAPP) secretion would thereby increase amyloid formation and toxicity. We also hypothesised that the unique properties of the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist exendin-4 to maintain or increase beta cell mass would offset the amyloid-induced toxicity.

Methods Islets from amyloid-forming human IAPP transgenic and control non-transgenic mice were cultured for 48 h in 16.7 mmol/l glucose alone (control) or with exendin-4, potassium chloride (KCl), diazoxide or somatostatin. Human IAPP and insulin release, amyloid deposition, beta cell area/islet area, apoptosis and AKT phosphorylation levels were determined.

Results In control human IAPP transgenic islets, amyloid formation was associated with increased beta cell apoptosis and beta cell loss. Increasing human IAPP release with exendin-4 or KCl increased amyloid deposition. However, while KCl further increased beta cell apoptosis and beta cell loss, exendin-4 did not. Conversely, decreasing human IAPP release with diazoxide or somatostatin limited amyloid formation and its toxic effects. Treatment with exendin-4 was associated with an increase in AKT phosphorylation compared with control and KCl-treated islets.

Conclusions/interpretation IAPP release is necessary for islet amyloid formation and its toxic effects. Thus, use of insulin secretagogues to treat type 2 diabetes may result in increased islet amyloidogenesis and beta cell death. However, the AKT-associated anti-apoptotic effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists such as exendin-4 may limit the toxic effects of increased islet amyloid.


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Aggregation of human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) as islet amyloid is associated with increased beta cell apoptosis and reduced beta cell mass in type 2 diabetes. Islet amyloid formation induces oxidative stress, which contributes to beta cell apoptosis. The cJUN N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway is a critical mediator of beta cell apoptosis in response to stress stimuli including oxidative stress and exogenous application of hIAPP. We determined whether amyloid formation by endogenous hIAPP mediates beta cell apoptosis through JNK activation and downstream signalling pathways.

hIAPP transgenic and non-transgenic mouse islets were cultured for up to 144 h in 16.7 mmol/l glucose to induce islet amyloid in the presence or absence of the amyloid inhibitor Congo Red or a cell-permeable JNK inhibitor. Amyloid, beta cell apoptosis, JNK signalling and activation of downstream targets in the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways were measured.

JNK activation occurred with islet amyloid formation in hIAPP transgenic islets after 48 and 144 h in culture. Neither high glucose nor the hIAPP transgene alone was sufficient to activate JNK independent of islet amyloid. Inhibition of islet amyloid formation with Congo Red reduced beta cell apoptosis and partially decreased JNK activation. JNK inhibitor treatment reduced beta cell apoptosis without affecting islet amyloid. Islet amyloid increased mRNA levels of markers of the extrinsic (Fas, Fadd) and intrinsic (Bim [also known as Bcl2l11]) apoptotic pathways, caspase 3 and the anti-apoptotic molecule Bclxl (also known as Bcl2l1) in a JNK-dependent manner.

Islet amyloid formation induces JNK activation, which upregulates predominantly pro-apoptotic signals in both extrinsic and intrinsic pathways, resulting in beta cell apoptosis.