242 resultados para Bluetooth


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Lo scopo dell’elaborato di tesi è la progettazione e lo sviluppo di un’applicazione per il modulo Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Texas Instrument CC2650 in grado di leggere le informazioni da un sensore analogico, tramite un Analog-Digital- Converter (ADC), e di scambiare i dati con uno smartphone Android in tempo reale. L’interfaccia realizzata deve essere universale, ovvero dovrà essere compatibile con sensori di diverso tipo, facilmente estensibile per l’aggiunta di un numero maggiore di periferiche di lettura e utilizzabile con un ampio numero di dispositivi.


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In questo elaborato è stato effettuato uno studio di soluzioni tecnologiche per eseguire una localizzazione di prossimità in ambienti indoor tramite la percezione di segnali Bluetooth Low Energy. Il sistema analizzato e sperimentato è composto da un dispositivo in ricezione che effettua una stima della distanza che intercorre con il trasmettitore, tramite la valutazione della potenza del segnale ricevuto. A causa della propagazione indoor, tale stima risulta poco accurata in termini di ranging in quanto vengono a generarsi delle fluttuazioni istantanee del segnale ricevuto dovute a fenomeni di multipath. L’obiettivo di questo progetto è stato quello di mitigare queste oscillazioni sfruttando due trasmettitori al posto di uno, effettuando quindi in ricezione opportune combinazioni fra i segnali ricevuti (Diversity Combining Techniques).


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La tesi analizza lo stack di comunicazione Bluetooth e le possibili estensioni di TuCSoN per permettere il suo utilizzo. Come risultato di questo lavoro, sono state realizzate delle librerie software che permettono lo scambio di messaggi tra TuCSoN su Android e dispositivi Bluetooth.


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Il progetto si propone di dotare la realta fisica di un estensione digitale. Sensori, attuatori e tecnologie embedded hanno cambiato il nostro modo di lavorare, allenarci e seguire i nostri interessi. Il mondo del commercio non e rimasto a guardare ed ha dovuto adattarsi alla metamorfosi high-tech del settore dei servizi. Il sistema proposto costituisce un promotore per acquisti ed un raccoglitore intelligente di abitudini sullo shopping e si compone di applicazione mobile, microcontroller e web server. Caratteristica prima e principale del progetto e sicuramente la pervasivita. All'utente ed utilizzatore dell'app dello shopping center deve essere certamente resa nota la collaborazione al fine di raccogliere dati statistici sulle sue abitudini, tuttavia sono le modalita di tale operazione a dover rimanere velate, in modo da non appesantire il cliente con tediose operazioni di invio di feedback e valutazioni ed allo stesso tempo permettere una raccolta capillare delle informazioni. Parallelamente alla raccolta di dati funzionali al producer, sono state implementate features per il consumatore, come notifiche promozionali place-triggered e pubblicita mirata. Tra tutte le tecnologie adibite allo scambio di informazioni, si e scelto l'utilizzo del Bluetooth e del piu recente Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) per permettere ai dispositivi di comunicare tra loro.


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In questo elaborato sono stati confrontati i moduli bluetooth WT11, BLE113 , BT121 rispetto alle loro caratteristiche di banda, consumo, range e utilizzabilita in un contesto applicativo stringente come quello degli utilizzi biomeccanici. Si sono prima elencati i settori di riferimento, per poi descrivere il contesto applicativo in ambito medico e sportivo. Il confronto finale ha tenuto conto delle modalita di comunicazione bluetooth classic e bluetooth low energy, cercando di motivare quale modulo risulti migliore per questo particolare e innovativo contesto.


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Systems for indoor positioning using radio technologies are largely studied due to their convenience and the market opportunities they offer. The positioning algorithms typically derive geographic coordinates from observed radio signals and hence good understanding of the indoor radio channel is required. In this paper we investigate several factors that affect signal propagation indoors for both Bluetooth and WiFi. Our goal is to investigate which factors can be disregarded and which should be considered in the development of a positioning algorithm. Our results show that technical factors such as device characteristics have smaller impact on the signal than multipath propagation. Moreover, we show that propagation conditions differ in each direction. We also noticed that WiFi and Bluetooth, despite operating in the same radio band, do not at all times exhibit the same behaviour.


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Bluetooth wireless technology is a robust short-range communications system designed for low power (10 meter range) and low cost. It operates in the 2.4 GHz Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) band and it employs two techniques for minimizing interference: a frequency hopping scheme which nominally splits the 2.400 - 2.485 GHz band in 79 frequency channels and a time division duplex (TDD) scheme which is used to switch to a new frequency channel on 625 μs boundaries. During normal operation a Bluetooth device will be active on a different frequency channel every 625 μs, thus minimizing the chances of continuous interference impacting the performance of the system. The smallest unit of a Bluetooth network is called a piconet, and can have a maximum of eight nodes. Bluetooth devices must assume one of two roles within a piconet, master or slave, where the master governs quality of service and the frequency hopping schedule within the piconet and the slave follows the master’s schedule. A piconet must have a single master and up to 7 active slaves. By allowing devices to have roles in multiple piconets through time multiplexing, i.e. slave/slave or master/slave, the Bluetooth technology allows for interconnecting multiple piconets into larger networks called scatternets. The Bluetooth technology is explored in the context of enabling ad-hoc networks. The Bluetooth specification provides flexibility in the scatternet formation protocol, outlining only the mechanisms necessary for future protocol implementations. A new protocol for scatternet formation and maintenance - mscat - is presented and its performance is evaluated using a Bluetooth simulator. The free variables manipulated in this study include device activity and the probabilities of devices performing discovery procedures. The relationship between the role a device has in the scatternet and it’s probability of performing discovery was examined and related to the scatternet topology formed. The results show that mscat creates dense network topologies for networks of 30, 50 and 70 nodes. The mscat protocol results in approximately a 33% increase in slaves/piconet and a reduction of approximately 12.5% of average roles/node. For 50 node scenarios the set of parameters which creates the best determined outcome is unconnected node inquiry probability (UP) = 10%, master node inquiry probability (MP) = 80% and slave inquiry probability (SP) = 40%. The mscat protocol extends the Bluetooth specification for formation and maintenance of scatternets in an ad-hoc network.


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El planteamiento inicial era proveer al individuo invidente de un sistema autónomo capaz de guiarle según sus preferencias. El resultado obtenido al finalizar este proyecto ha sido un dispositivo autónomo configurable por el usuario mediante una aplicación sw , desarrollada en la plataforma móvil Android capaz de comunicarse con el dispositivo autónomo(móvil personal). La idea de utilizar como plataforma de desarrollo sw Android, se basó fundamentalmente en que es código open source, es gratuito y está presente en el 70 por ciento de los móviles de Europa. La idea inicial era que ambos hubieran sido integrados en un mismo dispositivo, pero una vez comenzado el proyecto y habiendo evaluado los hábitos actuales, decidimos adaptar la idea general del proyecto, a nuestros días. Para ello hicimos uso del dispositivo móvil más usado hoy en día, como es nuestros teléfonos móviles, o más bien los llamado Smartphone, con los cuales podemos desde su aplicación originaria que es llamar, hasta realizar multitud de operaciones al mismo tiempo como puede ser comunicación por internet, posicionamiento via GPS, intercambio de ficheros por bluetooth… tantas como podamos programar. Sobre este último atributo, intercambio de información a través de bluetooth, es la interfaz que vamos a aprovechar para la realización de nuestro proyecto. Hoy en día el 90% de los Smartphone tiene entre sus características de conectividad la posibilidad de intercambiar información vía bluetooth. Una vez se tiene resuelto el interfaz entre el medio y el usuario se debe solucionar la forma de transformar la información para que los dispositivos móviles recojan la información y sepan discernir entre la información importante y la que no lo es. Para ello hemos desarrollado una tarjeta configurable, con un módulo bluetooth comercial para enviar la información. El resultado final de esta tarjeta proporciona una manera fácil de configurar diferentes mensajes que serán utilizados según la situación. ABSTRACT The initial approach consisted of a system that shows the way for blind people to get somewhere or something or provide to them important information, an autonomous system able to guide to their preference. After several analyses the project accomplish is a standalone device configurable by the user via an application sw, developed in Android mobile platform capable of communicating with the standalone device (personal cell phone). The decision of using the sw development platform of Android was due to the open source code concept and the great extent of presence on 70 percent of European mobiles. The first idea was that the sw and the device were integrated into a single device, but once the project had been started and having assessed the current habits, it has changed to be adapted to the present technology to get a better usability on the present-day. To achieve the project goals the most used mobile device today was used, our mobile phones, or rather called Smartphone, which you could use to phone your mother or perform many operations simultaneously such as communication online, positioning via GPS, bluetooth file trading program, etc. On this last attribute, information sharing via bluetooth, is the interface that it has been taken to complete the project. Today 90% of the Smartphone include in its connectivity features the ability to exchange information via bluetooth. Once that it was solved the interface between the environment and the final user, the next step incorporates the transformation of the information that the mobile devices collect from the environment to discern between the information the user configure to be notified or not. The hardware device that makes it possible is a configurable card with a bluetooth module that is able to send the information. The final result of this card provides an easy way to configure different messages, that we could use depending of the situation.


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El Proyecto Fin de Carrera, con título, "Interacción desde dispositivos Android vía Bluetooth, con juguete teledirigido, para su uso por personas con discapacidad" pretende completar la primera versión de la aplicación sobre dispositivo Android para manejar un juguete teledirigido añadiendo nuevas formas de interactuar con el dispositivo Android. Para este caso, el juguete teledirigido es el mismo: el robot esférico llamado Sphero. Dicho robot posee una interfaz a través de la cual puede recibir instrucciones, y mediante las cuales, se puede poner en movimiento o iluminarse con diferentes colores. Esta ampliación facilitará la interacción del usuario con el dispositivo Android, además de ampliar la funcionalidad hacia la inversa: recibir los movimientos del robot Sphero en el dispositivo Android cuando es manejado con la mano. Completando la primera versión, como cumplimiento de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera, se han realizado una serie de mandos nuevos, los cuales abarcan desde el manejo del robot por instrucciones de voz, movimientos del dispositivo Android desde el que se ejecuta, describir una trayectoria dibujada previamente en el dispositivo Android, o, realizar una serie de movimientos corregidos mediante la aplicación gracias a los límites de movimientos para un usuario concreto que pueden introducirse. Además, completando lo anteriormente escrito, se ha desarrollado una aplicación web que registrará todos los datos de uso del juguete, la cual, explota una base de datos que almacena toda interacción con el juguete. Estos datos estarán asociados a un usuario, debido a que la aplicación Android debe perfilarse para el uso de un usuario concreto. El perfilado de usuario se ha completado añadiendo una serie de información que puede ser útil para la persona que analice el comportamiento de una persona con discapacidad que utilice la aplicación. Por último, se ha realizado un estudio de elementos externos que puedan facilitar la interacción con los dispositivos Android a personas que sufran alguna discapacidad. ABSTRACT. The Thesis, titled "Interaction from Android devices via Bluetooth, with remote control toy, for use by people with disabilities" project aims to complete the first version of the application on Android device to manage a remote control toy adding new ways of interacting to Android device. For this case, the remote control toy is the same: the spherical robot called Sphero. This robot has an interface through which it can receive instructions, and by means of which can be set in motion or illuminated with different colors. This expansion will facilitate user interaction with the Android device, and extend the functionality to reverse: receiving Sphero robot movements in the Android device when handled by hand. Completing the first version, in fulfillment of this Thesis, there have been a number of new controls, which range from control of robot by voice instructions, movements Android device from which it runs, describe a path drawn previously on your Android device, or perform a series of movements corrected by applying through limits of movement for a particular user can be made. Besides completing the above written, has developed a web application that will record all data on use of the toy, which exploits a database that stores all interaction with the toy. These data will be associated with a user, because the Android application should be outlined for the use of a particular user. The user profile is completed by adding a range of information that can be useful for the person to analyze the behavior of a disabled person to use the application. Finally, a study was made of external elements that can facilitate interaction with Android devices to people who suffer from a disability.