959 resultados para Blood glutathione reductase
The aim of this study was to test the protective roles of superoxide dismutases (SODs), guaiacol peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and glutathione reductase (GR) against oxidative damage and their activities in different phases of the dry down process in Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. leaves. Drought stress was imposed during 100 consecutive days and rewatering after 16, 72, and 100 days. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), malondialdehyde, and SODs activities were elevated significantly with progressing drought stress. POD and CAT activities increased markedly in the early phase of drought and decreased significantly with further drought stress continuation, and POD activity was unable to recover after rewatering. Ascorbate, reduced glutathione, APX, and GR activities declined in the initial stages of drought process, elevated significantly with further increasing water deficit progression and recovered after rewatering. These results indicate that: (1) iron SODs-removing superoxide anion is very effective during the whole drought stress; (2) CAT scavenges H2O2 in the early phase of drought and enzymes of ascorbate-glutathione cycle scavenge H2O2 in further increasing drought stress; and (3) POD does not contribute to protect against oxidative damage caused by H2O2 under drought stress.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Anthropogenic pollutant chemicals pose a major threat to aquatic organisms. There is a need for more research on emerging categories of environmental chemicals such as nanomaterials, endocrine disruptors and pharmaceuticals. Proteomics offers options and advantages for early warning of alterations in environmental quality by detecting sub-lethal changes in sentinel species such as the mussel, Mytilus edulis. This thesis aimed to compare the potential of traditional biomarkers (such as enzyme activity measurement) and newer redox proteomic approaches. Environmental proteomics, especially a redox proteomics toolbox, may be a novel way to study pollutant effects on organisms which can also yield information on risks to human health. In particular, it can probe subtle biochemical changes at sub-lethal concentrations and thus offer novel insights to toxicity mechanisms. In the first instance, the present research involved a field-study in three stations in Cork Harbour, Ireland (Haulbowline, Ringaskiddy and Douglas) compared to an outharbour control site in Bantry Bay, Ireland. Then, further research was carried out to detect effects of anthropogenic pollution on selected chemicals. Diclofenac is an example of veterinary and human pharmaceuticals, an emerging category of chemical pollutants, with potential to cause serious toxicity to non-target organisms. A second chemical used for this study was copper which is a key source of contamination in marine ecosystems. Thirdly, bisphenol A is a major anthropogenic chemical mainly used in polycarbonate plastics manufacturing that is widespread in the environment. It is also suspected to be an endocrine disruptor. Effects on the gill, the principal feeding organ of mussels, were investigated in particular. Effects on digestive gland were also investigated to compare different outcomes from each tissue. Across the three anthropogenic chemicals studied (diclofenac, copper and bisphenol A), only diclofenac exposure did not show any significant difference towards glutathione transferase (GST) responses. Meanwhile, copper and bisphenol A significantly increased GST in gill. Glutathione reductase (GR) enzyme analysis revealed that all three chemicals have significant responses in gill. Catalase activity showed significant differences in digestive gland exposed to diclofenac and gills exposed to bisphenol A. This study focused then on application of redox proteomics; the study of the oxidative modification of proteins, to M. edulis. Thiol proteins were labelled with 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein prior to one-dimensional and two-dimensional electrophoresis. This clearly revealed some similarities on a portion of the redox proteome across chemical exposures indicating where toxicity mechanism may be common and where effects are unique to a single treatment. This thesis documents that proteomics is a robust tool to provide valuable insights into possible mechanisms of toxicity of anthropogenic contaminants in M. edulis. It is concluded that future research should focus on gill tissue, on protein thiols and on key individual proteins discovered in this study such as calreticulin and arginine kinase which have not previously been considered as biomarkers in aquatic toxicology prior to this study.
Three groups of cows representing three ranges of welfare in the production system were included in the study: two groups of Bruna dels Pirineus beef cattle maintained under different management systems (good and semiferal conditions) and a group of Alberes cows, a breed that lives in the mountains (hardest conditions).
In order to identify new stress/welfare biomarkers, serum from Bruna cows living in both environments was subjected to DIGE labelling, two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-MS or ion trap MS. Identification was achieved for 15 proteins, which mainly belonged to three biological functions, the oxidative stress pathway (glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and paraoxonase (PON-1)), the acute phase protein family (Heremans Schmid glycoprotein alpha2 (α2-HSG)) and the complement system.
Biological validation included the Alberes breed. GPx and PON-1 were validated by an enzymatic assay and found to be higher and lower, respectively, in cows living in hard conditions. α2-HSG was validated by ELISA and found to be reduced in hard conditions. Other biomarkers of the redox status were also altered by living conditions: protein carbonyl content, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione reductase (GR).
Our results show that changes in the redox system are the main adaptation of cows living in challenging environmental conditions. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: “Farm animal proteomics”.
As zonas costeiras, estuarinas e lagunares são consideradas áreas muito produtivas e dotadas de grande biodiversidade sendo, por isso, consideradas de elevado valor ecológico e económico. No entanto, nas últimas décadas tem vindo a verificar-se um aumento da contaminação destes ecossistemas como resultado de diversas actividades antrópicas. As abordagens actualmente disponíveis para avaliação do impacto da poluição em ecossistemas estuarinos e lagunares apresentam diversos tipos de lacunas, pelo que é importante desenvolver metodologias mais eficazes com organismos autóctones. Neste contexto, o objectivo central desta dissertação consistiu em desenvolver e validar métodos ecologicamente relevantes para avaliação da contaminação estuarina e dos seus efeitos, utilizando o góbio-comum (Pomatoschistus microps), quer como organismo-teste quer como espécie sentinela, devido à importante função que desempenha nas cadeias tróficas de diversos estuários da costa Portuguesa. A Ria de Aveiro foi seleccionada como área de estudo principalmente pelo facto de possuir zonas com diferentes tipos de contaminação predominante e de haver conhecimento científico de base abundante e de elevada qualidade sobre este ecosistema. Na primeira fase do estudo, foram investigados os efeitos agudos de dois hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) (benzo[a]pireno e antraceno), de um fuel-óleo e de dois metais (cobre e mercúrio) em P. microps, utilizando ensaios laboratoriais baseados em biomarcadores e em parâmetros comportamentais, os quais foram avaliados utilizando um dispositivo expressamente desenvolvido para o efeito, designado por speed performance device (SPEDE). Como biomarcadores foram utilizados parâmetros envolvidos em funções fisiológicas determinantes para a sobrevivência e desempenho dos animais (neurotransmissão, obtenção de energia, destoxificação e defesas anti-oxidantes), nomeadamente a actividade das enzimas acetilcolinesterase, lactato desidrogenase, CYP1A1, glutationa S-transferases, glutationa reductase, glutationa peroxidase, superóxido dismutase, catalase, tendo ainda sido determinados os níveis de peroxidação lipídica como indicador de danos oxidativos. De forma global, os resultados indicaram que os agentes e a mistura testados têm a capacidade de interferir com a função neurológica, de alterar as vias utilizadas para obtenção de energia celular, induzir as defesas antioxidantes e, no caso do cobre e do mercúrio, de causarem peroxidação lipídica. Foram ainda obtidas relações concentração-resposta a nível dos parâmetros comportamentais testados, nomeadamente a capacidade de nadar contra a corrente e a distância percorrida a nadar contra o fluxo de água, sugerindo que os agentes testados podem, por exemplo, diminuir a capacidade de fuga aos predadores, as probabilidades de captura de presas e o sucesso reprodutivo. Na segunda fase, tendo sido já adaptadas técnicas para determinação de vários biomarcadores em P. microps e estudada a sua resposta a dois grupos de poluentes particularmente relevantes em ecossistemas estuarinos e lagunares (metais e HAPs), foi efectuado um estudo de monitorização utilizando P. microps como bioindicador e que incluiu diversos parâmetros ecológicos e ecotoxicológicos, nomedamente: 20 parâmetros indicativos da qualidade da água e do sedimento, concentração de 9 metais em sedimentos e no corpo de P. microps, 8 biomarcadores e 2 índices de condição na espécie seleccionada. A amostragem foi efectuada em quatro locais da Ria de Aveiro, um considerado como referência (Barra) e três com diferentes tipos predominantes de contaminação (Vagueira, Porto de Aveiro e Cais do Bico), sazonalmente, durante um ano. Os resultados obtidos permitiram uma caracterização ecotoxicológica dos locais, incluindo informação sobre a qualidade da água, concentrações de contaminantes ambientais prioritários nos sedimentos e nos tecidos de P. microps, capacidade desta espécie para bioacumular metais, efeitos exercidos pelas complexas misturas de poluentes presentes em cada uma das zonas de amostragem nesta espécie e possíveis consequências para a população. A análise multivariada permitiu analisar de forma integrada todos os resultados, proporcionando informação que não poderia ser obtida analisando os dados de forma compartimentalizada. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos no âmbito desta dissertação indicam que P. microps possui características adequadas para ser utilizado como organismoteste em ensaios laboratoriais (e.g. abundância, fácil manutenção, permite a determinação de diferentes tipos de critérios de efeito utilizando um número relativamente reduzido de animais, entre outras) e como organismo sentinela em estudos de monitorização da poluição e da qualidade ambiental, estando portanto de acordo com estudos de menor dimensão previamente efectuados. O trabalho desenvolvido permitiu ainda adaptar a P. microps diversas técnicas bioquímicas vulgarmente utilizadas como biomarcadores em Ecotoxicologia e validá-las quer no laboratório quer em cenários reais; desenvolver um novo bioensaio, utilizando um dispositivo de teste especialmente concebido para peixes epibentónicos baseado na performance natatória de uma espécie autóctone e em biomarcadores; relacionar os efeitos a nível bioquímico com parâmetros comportamentais que ao serem afectados podem reduzir de forma drástica e diversificada (e.g. aumento da mortalidade, diminuição do sucesso reprodutivo, redução do crescimento) a contribuição individual para a população. Finalmente, foi validada uma abordagem multidisciplinar, combinando metodologias ecológicas, ecotoxicológicas e químicas que, quando considerada de forma integrada utilizando análises de estatística multivariada, fornece informação científica da maior relevância susceptível de ser utilizada como suporte a medidas de conservação e gestão em estuários e sistemas lagunares.
More than 3000 types of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are applied in Human and veterinary medicine practice. These compounds are considered an emergent class of environmental contaminants with the ability to cause damage and unexpected effects to aquatic organisms, namely in species of high commercial value. APIs are ubiquitous in the environment being frequently detected in influents and effluents of waste water treatment plants (WWTPs), surface waters and more distressingly in the public tap water in concentrations ranging from ng to μg.L-1. Considering these premises, the present thesis focused on APIs detection in the Arade river water, the impact of summer period in APIs’ concentration alterations applying the passive sampler device, POCIS (polar organic compound integrative sampler), as well as, the assessment of the effects caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) ibuprofen (IBU) and diclofenac (DCF) and antidepressant selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) fluoxetine as single and mixture exposures along with a classical contaminant copper (Cu) on a non-target species, mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. For this purpose, a multibiomarker approach was applied namely including biomarkers of oxidative stress (antioxidant enzymes activities of superoxide dismutase – SOD, catalase – CAT, glutathione reductase – GR and Phase II glutathione-S-transferase), damage - lipid peroxidation (LPO), neurotoxic effects (through the activity of acetylcholinesterase enzyme - AChE) and endocrine disruption (through vitellogenin-like proteins measurement applying the indirect method of alkali-labile phosphate - ALP) after exposure of mussel species’ to selected APIs at environmental relevant concentrations. The main results highlighted the occurrence of 19 APIs in the river Arade from several distinct therapeutic classes. Stimulant caffeine, antiasthmatic theophylline, NSAID ibuprofen and analgesic paracetamol presented the highest concentrations. Summer impact was inconclusive due to each API transient concentration in each month. The multibiomarker results revealed distinct responses towards each selected API (as single exposure or as mixtures) that were tissue and time dependent. Several multistressor interactions were proposed for each biomarker. The results also revealed APIs potential to induce oxidative stress, LPO, neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption even at extremely low concentrations on a species extremely vulnerable to APIs presence highlighting the urgency on the development of methodologies able to prevent its entrance in the aquatic environment.
Per tal d’avaluar l’impacte de la contaminació en els ecosistemes aquàtics, aquesta tesi es centra en una aproximació multi-biomarcador en els biofilms. En complement dels biomarcadors clàssics, es va demostrar que les activitats dels enzims antioxidants (AEA): catalasa, ascorbat peroxidasa i glutatió reductasa eren biomarcardors d'estrès oxidatiu en els biofilms. Tot i que les AEA poden veure's influenciades amb la mateixa mesura per factors naturals (edat del biofilm, llum de colonització o d'exposició) i contaminants (herbicides i farmacèutics), aquestes AEA permeten entendre millor l'efecte dels contaminants. Cal remarcar que assajos de toxicitat aguda es poden utilitzar per comparar la capacitat antioxidant entre comunitats i conèixer la seva pre-exposició a l'estrès oxidatiu. Aquesta aproximació multi-biomarcador a nivell de comunitat és especialment interessant per avaluar la toxicitat dels contaminants emergents (β-blockers) sobre espècies no-diana. Per tal de millorar-la, també es va verificar la possibilitat de mesurar l'expressió gènica en biofilms.
The molecular basis of the positive association between apoE4 genotype and CVD remains unclear. There is direct in vitro evidence indicating that apoE4 is a poorer antioxidant relative to the apoE3 isoform, with some indirect in vivo evidence also available. Therefore it was hypothesised that apoE4 carriers may benefit from alpha-tocopherol (alpha-Toc) supplementation. Targeted replacement mice expressing the human apoE3 and apoE4 were fed with a diet poor (0 mg/kg diet) or rich (200 mg/kg diet) in alpha-Toc for 12 weeks. Neither apoE genotype nor dietary alpha-Toc exerted any effects on the antioxidant defence system, including glutathione, catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities. In addition, no differences were observed in mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation. alpha-Toc concentrations were modestly higher in plasma and lower in tissues of apoE4 compared with apoE3 mice, with the greatest differences evident in the lung, suggesting that an apoE4 genotype may reduce alpha-Toc delivery to tissues. A tendency towards increased plasma F-2-isoprostanes in apoE4 mice was observed, while liver thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances did not differ between apoE3 and apoE4 mice. In addition, C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations were reduced in apoE4 mice indicating that this positive effect on CRP may in part negate the increased CVD risk associated with an apoE4 genotype.
The degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra has been linked to the formation of the endogenous neurotoxin 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine. Sulforaphane (SFN), an isothiocyanate derived from the corresponding precursor glucosinolate found in cruciferous vegetables has been observed to exert a range of biological activities in various cell populations. In this study, we show that SFN protects primary cortical neurons against 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine induced neuronal injury. Pre-treatment of cortical neurons with SFN (0.01-1 microM) resulted in protection against 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine-induced neurotoxicity, which peaked at 100 nM. This protection was observed to be mediated by the ability of SFN to modulate the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2 and the activation of Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1/NF-E2-related factor-2 leading to the increased expression and activity of glutathione-S-transferase (M1, M3 and M5), glutathione reductase, thioredoxin reductase and NAD(P)H oxidoreductase 1. These data suggest that SFN stimulates the NF-E2-related factor-2 pathway of antioxidant gene expression in neurons and may protect against neuronal injury relevant to the aetiology of Parkinson's disease.
Prostate cancer is one of the most frequent cancer types in Western societies and predominately occurs in the elderly male. The strong age-related increase of prostate cancer is associated with a progressive accumulation of oxidative DNA damage which is presumably supported by a decline of the cellular antioxidative defence during ageing. Risk of developing prostate cancer is much lower in many Asian countries where soy food is an integral part of diet. Therefore, isoflavones from soy were suggested to have chemopreventive activities in prostate cells. Here, we have investigated the hypothesis that the soy-isoflavone genistein could protect DNA of LAPC-4 prostate cells from oxidative stress-related damage by enhancing the expression of antioxidative genes and proteins. A 24 h preincubation with genistein (1-30 microM) protected cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage, as determined by the comet assay. Analysis of two cDNA macroarrays, each containing 96 genes of biotransformation and stress response, revealed a modulated expression of 3 genes at 1 microM and of 19 genes at 10 microM genistein. Real-time PCR confirmed the induction of three genes encoding products with antioxidant activities, namely glutathione reductase (2.7-fold), microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 (1.9-fold) and metallothionein 1X (6.3-fold), at 1-30 microM genistein. 17Beta-estradiol, in contrast, decreased the expression of metallothionein 1X at 0.3 microM (2.0-fold), possibly pointing to an estrogen receptor-mediated regulation of this gene. Immunocytochemical staining revealed an induction of metallothionein proteins at 30 microM genistein, while their intracellular localization was unaffected. Metallothioneins were previously found to protect cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage. Hence, our findings indicate that genistein protects prostate cells from oxidative stress-related DNA damage presumably by inducing the expression of antioxidative products, such as metallothioneins. Genistein, therefore, might counteract the age-related decline of important antioxidative defence systems which in turn maintain DNA integrity.
We investigated the toxic effect of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) combined with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) on Prototheca zopfii from bovine mastitis. P. zopfii isolates were identified and characterized by morpho-physiological parameters; presences of P. zopfii genotype 2 were also investigated. Subsequently, P. zopfii was incubated in the absence (control) or presence of IAA/HRP and examined for: (i) cell viability; (ii) colonies number formation; (iii) antioxidant enzyme activity; and (iv) DNA integrity. Significance of differences was calculated using ANOVA and Tukey`s test (P a parts per thousand currency sign 0.05). As evidenced by Trypan blue exclusion and colony formation in Sabouraud dextrose agar, IAA/HRP addition to the culture reduced respective P. zopfii viability and P. zopfii colony formation in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. IAA/HRP specifically reduced cell viability in 10, 15, 20, 25, and 32% after 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 h of incubation, respectively, compared with the control at the same time. The number of colony formation was inhibited (45, 82, and 88%) by IAA/HRP after 4, 6, and 9 h of incubation, respectively, compared with the control at the same time. In addition, P. zopfii antioxidant activity increased measurably in the presence of IAA/HRP (6 h); superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase, and glutathione peroxidase increased by 90, 120, 150% and 3.4 times, compared with the controls. IAA/HRP did not appear to effect P. zopfii DNA integrity when examined by electrophoresis. In conclusion, IAA/HRP appears to function as a microbicidal mechanism on P. zopfii genotype 2 from bovine mastitis.
Oxidative stress has been associated with normal aging and Alzheimer`s disease (AD). However, little is known about oxidative stress in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients who present a high risk for developing AD. The aim of this study was to investigate plasma production of the lipid peroxidation marker, malonaldehyde (MDA) and to determine, in erythrocytes, the enzymatic antioxidant activity of catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione S-transferase (GST) in 33 individuals with MCI, 29 with mild probable AD and 26 healthy aged subjects. GR/GPx activity ratio was calculated to better assess antioxidant defenses. The relationship between oxidative stress and cognitive performance was also evaluated by the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). AD patients showed higher MDA levels than both MCI and healthy elderly subjects. MCI subjects also exhibited higher MDA levels compared to controls. Catalase and GPx activity were similar in MCI and healthy individuals but higher in AD. GR activity was lower in MCI and AD patients than in healthy aged subjects. Additionally, GR/GPx ratio was higher in healthy aged subjects, intermediate in MCI and lower in AD patients. No differences in GST activity were detected among the groups. MMSE was negatively associated with MDA levels (r = -0.31, p = 0.028) and positively correlated with GR/GPx ratio in AD patients (r = 0.68, p < 0.001). MDA levels were also negatively correlated to GR/GPx ratio (r = -0.31, p = 0.029) in the AD group. These results suggest that high lipid peroxidation and decreased antioxidant defenses may be present early in cognitive disorders.
Aminoacetone (AA), triose phosphates, and acetone are putative endogenous sources of potentially cytotoxic and genotoxic methylglyoxal (MG), which has been reported to be augmented in the plasma of diabetic patients. In these patients, accumulation of MG derived from aminoacetone, a threonine and glycine catabolite, is inferred from the observed concomitant endothelial overexpression of circulating semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases. These copper-dependent enzymes catalyze the oxidation of primary amines, such as AA and methylamine, by molecular oxygen, to the corresponding aldehydes, NH4+ ion and H2O2. We recently reported that AA aerobic oxidation to MG also takes place immediately upon addition of catalytic amounts of copper and iron ions. Taking into account that (i) MG and H2O2 are reportedly cytotoxic to insulin-producing cell lineages such as RINm5f and that (ii) the metal-catalyzed oxidation of AA is propagated by O-2(center dot-) radical anion, we decided to investigate the possible pro-oxidant action of AA on these cells taken here as a reliable model system for pancreatic beta-cells. Indeed, we show that AA (0.10-5.0 mM) administration to RINm5f cultures induces cell death. Ferrous (50-300 mu M) and Fe3+ ion (100 mu M) addition to the cell cultures had no effect, whereas Cu2+ (5.0-100 mu M) significantly increased cell death. Supplementation of the AA- and Cu2+-containing culture medium with antioxidants, such as catalase (5.0 mu M), superoxide dismutase (SOD, 50 U/mL), and N-acetylcysteine (NAC, 5.0 mM) led to partial protection. mRNA expression of MnSOD, CuZnSOD, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase, but not of catalase, is higher in cells treated with AA (0.50-1.0 mM) plus Cu2+ ions (10-50 mu M) relative to control cultures. This may imply higher activity of antioxidant enzymes C, in RINm5f AA-treated cells. In addition, we have found that AA (0.50-1.0 mM) Plus Cu2+ (100 mu M) (i) increase RINm5f cytosolic calcium; (ii) promote DNA fragmentation; and (iii) increase the pro-apoptotic (Bax)/antiapoptotic (Bcl-2) ratio at the level of mRNA expression. In conclusion, although both normal and pathological concentrations of AA are probably much lower than those used here, it is tempting to propose that excess AA in diabetic patients may drive oxidative damage and eventually the death of pancreatic beta-cells.
In this work, two different docking programs were used, AutoDock and FlexX, which use different types of scoring functions and searching methods. The docking poses of all quinone compounds studied stayed in the same region in the trypanothione reductase. This region is a hydrophobic pocket near to Phe396, Pro398 and Leu399 amino acid residues. The compounds studied displays a higher affinity in trypanothione reductase (TR) than glutathione reductase (GR), since only two out of 28 quinone compounds presented more favorable docking energy in the site of human enzyme. The interaction of quinone compounds with the TR enzyme is in agreement with other studies, which showed different binding sites from the ones formed by cysteines 52 and 58. To verify the results obtained by docking, we carried out a molecular dynamics simulation with the compounds that presented the highest and lowest docking energies. The results showed that the root mean square deviation (RMSD) between the initial and final pose were very small. In addition, the hydrogen bond pattern was conserved along the simulation. In the parasite enzyme, the amino acid residues Leu399, Met400 and Lys402 are replaced in the human enzyme by Met406, Tyr407 and Ala409, respectively. In view of the fact that Leu399 is an amino acid of the Z site, this difference could be explored to design selective inhibitors of TR.
A novel method to measure oxidative stress resulting from exhaustive exercise in rats is presented. In this new procedure we evaluated the erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes, catalase ( CAT) and glutathione reductase (GR), the plasma oxidative attack markers, reactive carbonyl derivatives (RCD) and thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS). Muscular tissue damage was evaluated by monitoring plasma creatine kinase (CK) and plasma taurine ( Tau) concentrations. Also, we monitored total sulphydryl groups (TSG) and uric acid (UA), and the level of the 70 kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) in leukocytes as a marker of oxidative stress. In the study we found a correspondence between erythrocyte CAT and GR activities and leukocyte HSP70 levels, principally 3 h after the acute exercise, and this suggested an integrated mechanism of antioxidant defense. The increase in levels of plasma Tau was coincident with the increasing plasma levels of CK and TBARS, principally after two hours of exercise. Thus tissue damage occurred before the expression of any anti-oxidant system markers and the monitoring of Tau, CK or TBARS may be important for the estimation of oxidative stress during exhaustive exercise. Furthermore, the integrated analyses could be of value in a clinical setting to quantify the extent of oxidative stress risk and reduce the need to perform muscle biopsies as a tool of clinical evaluation.