993 resultados para Biomarkers, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNAs of 20-24 nucleotides that play important roles in carcinogenesis. Accordingly, miRNAs control numerous cancer-relevant biological events such as cell proliferation, cell cycle control, metabolism and apoptosis. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge and concepts concerning the biogenesis of miRNAs, miRNA roles in cancer and their potential as biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and prognosis including the regulation of key cancer-related pathways, such as cell cycle control and miRNA dysregulation. Moreover, microRNA molecules are already receiving the attention of world researchers as therapeutic targets and agents. Therefore, in-depth knowledge of microRNAs has the potential not only to identify their roles in cancer, but also to exploit them as potential biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and identify therapeutic targets for new drug discovery.


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OBJECTIVES: The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT axis is an important cell-signaling pathway that mediates cell proliferation and survival, two biological processes that regulate malignant cell growth. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase CA gene encodes the p110 alpha subunit of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase protein. There are phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase CA mutations in several types of human tumors, and they are frequently observed in breast cancer. However, these mutations have not been investigated in Brazilian breast cancer patients. METHODS: PCR-SSCP and direct DNA sequencing were performed to identify phosphatidylinositol 3-kinaseCA exon 9 and exon 20 mutations in 86 patients with sporadic breast cancer. The relationships between PIK3CA mutations and patient clinicopathological characteristics and survival were analyzed. The presence of the TP53 mutation was also examined. RESULTS: Twenty-three (27%) of the 86 primary breast tumors contained PIK3CA mutations. In exons 9 and 20, we identified the hotspot mutations E542K, E545K, and H1047R, and we identified two new missense mutations (I1022V and L1028S) and one nonsense (R992X) mutation. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase CA exon 20 mutations were associated with poor overall survival and TP53 gene mutations. CONCLUSIONS: Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase CA mutations are common in tumors in Brazilian breast cancer patients, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase CA and TP53 mutations are not mutually exclusive. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase CA exon 20 mutations are associated with poor survival, and they may be useful biomarkers for identifying breast cancer patients with aggressive tumors and for predicting the response to treatment with PI3K pathway inhibitors.


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Introduction: Genetic factors predisposing individuals to cancer remain elusive in the majority of patients with a familial or clinical history suggestive of hereditary breast cancer. Germline DNA copy number variation (CNV) has recently been implicated in predisposition to cancers such as neuroblastomas as well as prostate and colorectal cancer. We evaluated the role of germline CNVs in breast cancer susceptibility, in particular those with low population frequencies (rare CNVs), which are more likely to cause disease." Methods: Using whole-genome comparative genomic hybridization on microarrays, we screened a cohort of women fulfilling criteria for hereditary breast cancer who did not carry BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations. Results: The median numbers of total and rare CNVs per genome were not different between controls and patients. A total of 26 rare germline CNVs were identified in 68 cancer patients, however, a proportion that was significantly different (P = 0.0311) from the control group (23 rare CNVs in 100 individuals). Several of the genes affected by CNV in patients and controls had already been implicated in cancer. Conclusions: This study is the first to explore the contribution of germline CNVs to BRCA1/2-negative familial and early-onset breast cancer. The data suggest that rare CNVs may contribute to cancer predisposition in this small cohort of patients, and this trend needs to be confirmed in larger population samples.


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We recently reported that nuclear grading in prostate cancer is subject to a strong confirmation bias induced by the tumor architecture. We now wondered whether a similar bias governs nuclear grading in breast carcinoma. An unannounced test was performed at a pathology conference. Pathologists were asked to grade nuclei in a PowerPoint presentation. Circular high power fields of 27 invasive ductal carcinomas were shown, superimposed over low power background images of either tubule-rich or tubule-poor carcinomas. We found (a) that diagnostic reproducibility of nuclear grades was poor to moderate (weighed kappa values between 0.07 and 0.54, 27 cases, 44 graders), but (b) that nuclear grades were not affected by the tumor architecture. We speculate that the categorized grading in breast cancer, separating tubule formation, nuclear pleomorphism, and mitotic figure counts in a combined three tier score, prevents the bias that architecture exerts on nuclear grades in less well-controlled situations.


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KCNMA1 encodes the α-subunit of the large conductance, voltage and Ca(2+)-activated (BK) potassium channel and has been reported as a target gene of genomic amplification at 10q22 in prostate cancer. To investigate the prevalence of the amplification in other human cancers, the copy number of KCNMA1 was analyzed by fluorescence-in-situ-hybridization (FISH) in 2,445 tumors across 118 different tumor types. Amplification of KCNMA1 was restricted to a small but distinct fraction of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer with the highest prevalence in invasive ductal breast cancers and serous carcinoma of ovary and endometrium (3-7%). We performed an extensive analysis on breast cancer tissue microarrays (TMA) of 1,200 tumors linked to prognosis. KCNMA1 amplification was significantly associated with high tumor stage, high grade, high tumor cell proliferation, and poor prognosis. Immunofluorescence revealed moderate or strong KCNMA1 protein expression in 8 out of 9 human breast cancers and in the breast cancer cell line MFM223. KCNMA1-function in breast cancer cell lines was confirmed by whole-cell patch clamp recordings and proliferation assays, using siRNA-knockdown, BK channel activators such as 17ß-estradiol and the BK-channel blocker paxilline. Our findings revealed that enhanced expression of KCNMA1 correlates with and contributes to high proliferation rate and malignancy of breast cancer.


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BACKGROUND: We evaluated the ability of CA15-3 and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) to predict breast cancer recurrence. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data from seven International Breast Cancer Study Group trials were combined. The primary end point was relapse-free survival (RFS) (time from randomization to first breast cancer recurrence), and analyses included 3953 patients with one or more CA15-3 and ALP measurement during their RFS period. CA15-3 was considered abnormal if >30 U/ml or >50% higher than the first value recorded; ALP was recorded as normal, abnormal, or equivocal. Cox proportional hazards models with a time-varying indicator for abnormal CA15-3 and/or ALP were utilized. RESULTS: Overall, 784 patients (20%) had a recurrence, before which 274 (35%) had one or more abnormal CA15-3 and 35 (4%) had one or more abnormal ALP. Risk of recurrence increased by 30% for patients with abnormal CA15-3 [hazard ratio (HR) = 1.30; P = 0.0005], and by 4% for those with abnormal ALP (HR = 1.04; P = 0.82). Recurrence risk was greatest for patients with either (HR = 2.40; P < 0.0001) and with both (HR = 4.69; P < 0.0001) biomarkers abnormal. ALP better predicted liver recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: CA15-3 was better able to predict breast cancer recurrence than ALP, but use of both biomarkers together provided a better early indicator of recurrence. Whether routine use of these biomarkers improves overall survival remains an open question.


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EphA2, also known as ECK (epithelial cell kinase), is a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase that is commonly over-expressed in cancers such as those of the prostate, colon, lung, and breast. For breast cancers, EphA2 overexpression is most prominent in the ER-negative subtype, and is associated with a higher rate of lung metastasis. Studies conducted to demonstrate the role of EphA2 in a non-cancerous environment have shown that it is very important in developmental processes, but not in normal adult tissues. These results make EphA2 a prospective therapeutic target since new therapies are needed for the more aggressive ER-negative breast cancers. A panel of breast cancer cell lines was screened for expression of EphA2 by immunoblotting. Several of the overexpressing cell lines, including BT549, MDA-MB-231, and HCC 1954 were selected for experiments utilizing siRNA for transient knockdown and shRNA for stable knockdown. Targeted knockdown of EphA2 was measured using RT-PCR and immunoblotting techniques. Here, the functions of EphA2 in the process of metastasis have been elucidated using in vitro assays that indicate cancer cell metastatic potential and in vivo studies that reveal the effect of EphA2 on mammary fat pad tumor growth, vessel formation, and the effect of using EphA2-targeting siRNA on pre-established mammary fat pad tumors. A decrease in EphA2 expression both in vitro and in vivo correlated with reduced migration and experimental metastasis of breast cancer cells. Current work is being done to investigate the mechanism behind EphA2’s participation in some of these processes. These studies are important because they have contributed to understanding the role that EphA2 plays in the progression of breast cancers to a metastatic state.


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Introduction. Breast cancer is a highly variable disease, and long-term outcomes for individual patients are difficult to predict. We evaluated a retrospective cohort of early stage breast cancer (ESBC) patients based on a variety of clinical and epidemiological factors, specifically looking at the distribution of metastasis and associations with these clinical and epidemiological factors. ^ Methods. Patients were derived from the Early Stage Breast Cancer Repository (ESBCR) with a breast cancer diagnosed between 1985 and 2000. We conducted univariate and multivariate analysis of the data to evaluate associations between characteristics and occurrence of overall, visceral, and bone metastasis. Visceral metastasis was defined as lung, liver, peritoneal, lymph node (thoracic, abdominal, pelvis), and contralateral breast cancer. ^ Results. Overall, 394 (16%) patients developed a metastasis. Of these, 83% were visceral and 17% were bone. Multivariate analyses identified the following variables to be associated with metastasis: Any metastasis: age at diagnosis, stage, ER/PR status, hormone treatment, and type of surgery (1)Visceral metastasis: age at diagnosis, stage, hormone treatment, and type of surgery (2) Bone metastasis –Alcohol use, stage, and ER/PR status ^ Discussion/conclusion. ER-/PR- status has previously been found to be associated with bone metastasis, as we confirm in our cohort. We report an association between alcohol use and bone metastasis whereas previous studies find an association with recurrence. Distribution of metastases varies from previous studies. Typically, previous studies reported bone metastasis >30%, yet our study found 17%. Previous studies varied in design, and definition of visceral metastasis. Future research is needed to further elucidate prognostic factors associated with specific metastases A more thorough understanding of what might predict which ESBC patients will develop metastases can help direct future treatment. Future studies of this nature could include the Perou intrinsic subtypes, biomarkers like Ki-67, and genetic analyses such as Oncotype DX or MammaPrint.^


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Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women, accounting for over 25% of cancer diagnoses and 13% of cancer-related deaths in Canadian women. There are many types of therapies for treatment or management of breast cancer, with chemotherapy being one of the most widely used. Taxol (paclitaxel) is one of the most extensively used chemotherapeutic agents for treating cancers of the breast and numerous other sites. Taxol stabilizes microtubules during mitosis, causing the cell cycle to arrest until eventually the cell undergoes apoptosis. Although Taxol has had significant benefits in many patients, response rates range from only 25-69%, and over half of Taxol-treated patients eventually acquire resistance to the drug. Drug resistance remains one of the greatest barriers to effective cancer treatment, yet little has been discerned regarding resistance to Taxol, despite its widespread clinical use. Kinases are known to be heavily involved in cancer development and progression, and several kinases have been linked to resistance of Taxol and other chemotherapeutic agents. However, a systematic screen for kinases regulating Taxol resistance is lacking. Thus, in this study, a set of kinome-wide screens was conducted to interrogate the involvement of kinases in the Taxol response. Positive-selection and negative-selection CRISPR-Cas9 screens were conducted, whereby a pooled library of 5070 sgRNAs targeted 507 kinase-encoding genes in MCF-7 breast cancer cells that were Taxol-sensitive (WT) or Taxol-resistant (TxR) which were then treated with Taxol. Next generation sequencing (NGS) was performed on cells that survived Taxol treatment, allowing identification and quantitation of sgRNAs. STK38, Blk, FASTK and Nek3 stand out as potentially critical kinases for Taxol-induced apoptosis to occur. Furthermore, kinases CDKL1 and FRK may have a role in Taxol resistance. Further validation of these candidate kinases will provide novel pre-clinical data about potential predictive biomarkers or therapeutic targets for breast cancer patients in the future.


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Objective: Relapse fear is a common psychological scar in cancer survivors. The aim of this study is to assess the effects of an abridged version of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in breast cancer patients.Method: An open trial was developed with 12 non-metastatic breast cancer patients assigned to 2 conditions, ACT and waiting list. Interventions were applied in just one session and focused on the acceptance of relapse fears through a ‘defusion’ exercise. Interference and intensity of fear measured through subjective scales were collected after each intervention and again 3 months later. Distress, hypochondria and ‘anxious preocupation’ were also evaluated through standardized questionnaires.Results: The analysis revealed that ‘defusion’ contributed to decrease the interference of the fear of recurrence, and these changes were maintained three months after intervention in most subjects. 87% of participants showed clinically significant decreases in interference at follow-up sessions whereas no patient in the waiting list showed such changes. Statistical analysis revealed that the changes in interference were significant when comparing pre, post and follow-up treatment, and also when comparing ACT and waiting list groups. Changes in intensity of fear, distress, anxious preoccupation and hypochondria were also observed.Conclusions: Exposure through ‘defusion’ techniques might be considered a useful option for treatment of persistent fears in cancer patients. This study provides evidence for therapies focusing on psychological acceptance in cancer patients through short, simple and feasible therapeutic methods.


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Triple negative breast cancers (TNBC) are often described as biologically aggressive tumors, with poorer survival compared to other breast cancer subtypes. The fact that TNBC lacks an obvious target like estrogen receptor and HER2 represents a major challenge in the management of these patients. Genomic analyses have revealed that TNBC comprises a diverse group of cancers, which have distinct molecular profiles and different prognosis. These studies also highlighted molecular aberrations that could serve as potential treatment targets. On the other hand, a high percentage of TNBCs express some important surface receptors that have been already exploited in the development of promising targeted therapies, which are currently tested in clinical trials. In this review, we will provide an overview on the molecular diversity of TNBC with special emphasis on the evolving role of some potential biomarkers that may be utilized in the near future.


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Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer in women. Despite all recent advances in early diagnosis and therapy, mortality data is not decreasing. This is an outcome of the inexistence of validated serum biomarkers allowing an early prognosis, out coming from the limited understanding of the natural history of the disease. In this context, miRNAs have been attracting a special interest throughout the scientific community as promising biomarkers in the early diagnosis of cancer. In breast cancer, several miRNAs and their levels of expression are significantly different between normal tissue and tissue with neoplasia, as well as between different molecular subtypes of breast cancer, also associated with prognosis. Thus, this these presents a meta-analysis that allows identifying a reliable miRNA biomarker for the early detection of breast cancer. In this, miRNA-155 was identified as the best one and an electrochemical biosensor was developed for its detection in serum samples. The biosensor was assembled by following three button-up stages: (1) the complementary miRNA sequence thiol terminated (anti-miRNA-155) was immobilized on a commercial gold screen-printed electrode (Au-SPE), followed by (2) blocking non-specific binding with mercaptosuccinic acid and by (3) miRNA hybridization. The biosensor was able to detect miRNA concentrations lying in the 10-18 mol/L (aM) range, displaying a linear response from 10 aM to 1nM. The device showed a limit of detection of 5.7 aM in human serum samples and good selectivity against other biomolecules in serum, such as cancer antigen CA-15.3 and bovine serum albumin (BSA). Overall, this simple and sensitive strategy is a promising approach for the quantitative and/or simultaneous analysis of multiple miRNA in physiological fluids, aiming at further biomedical research devoted to biomarker monitoring and point-of-care diagnosis.


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Background There is evidence that certain mutations in the double-strand break repair pathway ataxia-telangiectasia mutated gene act in a dominant-negative manner to increase the risk of breast cancer. There are also some reports to suggest that the amino acid substitution variants T2119C Ser707Pro and C3161G Pro1054Arg may be associated with breast cancer risk. We investigate the breast cancer risk associated with these two nonconservative amino acid substitution variants using a large Australian population-based case–control study. Methods The polymorphisms were genotyped in more than 1300 cases and 600 controls using 5' exonuclease assays. Case–control analyses and genotype distributions were compared by logistic regression. Results The 2119C variant was rare, occurring at frequencies of 1.4 and 1.3% in cases and controls, respectively (P = 0.8). There was no difference in genotype distribution between cases and controls (P = 0.8), and the TC genotype was not associated with increased risk of breast cancer (adjusted odds ratio = 1.08, 95% confidence interval = 0.59–1.97, P = 0.8). Similarly, the 3161G variant was no more common in cases than in controls (2.9% versus 2.2%, P = 0.2), there was no difference in genotype distribution between cases and controls (P = 0.1), and the CG genotype was not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer (adjusted odds ratio = 1.30, 95% confidence interval = 0.85–1.98, P = 0.2). This lack of evidence for an association persisted within groups defined by the family history of breast cancer or by age. Conclusion The 2119C and 3161G amino acid substitution variants are not associated with moderate or high risks of breast cancer in Australian women.