903 resultados para Bio-oil Aging
The fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass is a thermochemical conversion process for production energy which have been very atratactive due to energetic use of its products: gas (CO, CO2, H2, CH4, etc.), liquid (bio-oil) and charcoal. The bio-oil is the main product of fast pyrolysis, and its final composition and characteristics is intrinsically related to quality of biomass (ash disposal, moisture, content of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) and efficiency removal of oxygen compounds that cause undesirable features such as increased viscosity, instability, corrosiveness and low calorific value. The oxygenates are originated in the conventional process of biomass pyrolysis, where the use of solid catalysts allows minimization of these products by improving the bio-oil quality. The present study aims to evaluate the products of catalytic pyrolysis of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) using solid catalysts as tungsten oxides, supported or not in mesoporous materials like MCM-41, derived silica from rice husk ash, aimed to reduce oxygenates produced in pyrolysis. The biomasss treatment by washing with heated water (CEL) or washing with acid solution (CELix) and application of tungsten catalysts on vapors from the pyrolysis process was designed to improve the pyrolysis products quality. Conventional and catalytic pyrolysis of biomass was performed in a micro-pyrolyzer, Py-5200, coupled to GC/MS. The synthesized catalysts were characterized by X ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, X ray fluorescence, temperature programmed reduction and thermogravimetric analysis. Kinetic studies applying the Flynn and Wall model were performed in order to evaluate the apparent activation energy of holoceluloce thermal decomposition on samples elephant grass (CE, CEL and CELix). The results show the effectiveness of the treatment process, reducing the ash content, and were also observed decrease in the apparent activation energy of these samples. The catalytic pyrolysis process converted most of the oxygenate componds in aromatics such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, etc
There are many attractive alternatives to produce chemicals similar to those currently produced from fossil fuel resources. The most viable renewable resource of fixed carbon is biomass. This paper examines processing conditions for the production and recovery of furanics from bagasse as well as bagasse pulp. It is shown that bio-oil consisting mainly of furanics (~84% chloromethly furfural) may be obtained in yields of ~78% and ~87% by weight from bagasse and bagasse pulp respectively using a biphasic acid hydrolysis system. The biphasic system consists of an organic layer of dichloroethane and an aqueous phase of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Generally the lower the impurity content and the higher the cellulose content, the higher the furanics yield.
Chloromethylfurfural (CMF), a valuable intermediate for the production of chemicals and fuel, can be derived in high yields from the cellulose component of biomass. This study examined the effect of sugar cane bagasse components and biomass architecture on CMF/bio-oil yield using a HCl/dichloroethane biphasic system. The type of pretreatment affected bio-oil yield, as the CMF yield increased with increasing glucan content. CMF yield reached 81.9% with bagasse pretreated by acidified aqueous ionic liquid, which had a glucan content of 81.6%. The lignin content of the biomass was found to significantly reduce CMF yield, which was only 62.3% with acid-catalysed steam exploded sample having a lignin content of 29.6%. The change of CMF yield may be associated with fibre surface changes as a result of pretreatment. The hemicellulose content also impacted negatively on CMF yield. Storage of the bio-oil in chlorinated solvents prevented CMF degradation.
A velocidade do som é uma propriedade que vem sendo cada vez mais utilizada em diferentes áreas tecnológicas. Além disso, a velocidade do som é uma propriedade termodinâmica que está associada a outras propriedades do meio como a compressibilidade isentrópica e isotérmica, entre outras. Neste contexto, muitos estudos foram realizados a fim de obter modelos precisos que possam representar fielmente a velocidade do som, sendo observados desvios absolutos médios entre 0,13 e 24,8%. Neste trabalho, um banco de dados de velocidade do som e massa específica à pressão atmosférica de n-alcanos, alcanos ramificados, n-alcenos, aromáticos, alcoóis, éteres e ésteres, foram compilados da literatura aberta. Utilizando estes dados e baseando-se no modelo de Wada por contribuição de grupo recentemente proposto, foi desenvolvido um novo modelo por contribuição atômica para predizer a velocidade do som de todas as famílias dos compostos investigados neste trabalho. É mostrado que o modelo proposto é capaz de prever a velocidade do som para os compostos destas famílias com desvios próximos da incerteza experimental calculada a partir de diferentes dados da literatura. Este trabalho também discute o efeito da ramificação das cadeias na constante Wada, ressaltando a importância de novas medições para este tipo de compostos. Além disso, observou-se que a literatura necessita de mais dados experimentais de velocidade do som, à pressão atmosférica e diferentes temperaturas para substâncias puras presentes em biodiesel e bio-óleo de pirólise rápida. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho fornece novos dados experimentais de velocidade do som e massa específica de cinco ésteres metílicos de ácidos graxos, também conhecidos como FAMEs, (caprilato de metila, caprato de metila, palmitato de metila, estearato de metila e linoleato de metila), e sete componentes puros presentes em bio-óleo de pirólise à pressão atmosférica, de vários fenóis (fenol, o-, m- e p-cresol), dois éteres fenólicos (2-metoxifenol e eugenol) e um éster fenólico (salicilato de metila), a temperaturas de (288,15-343,15) K. O modelo preditivo de Wada atômico foi utilizado para calcular a velocidade do som dos FAMEs estudados neste trabalho, e os desvios foram comparados com o modelo de Wada por contribuição de grupo. O modelo atômico de Wada foi utilizado para prever a velocidade do som dos componentes puros presentes no bio-óleo de pirólise rápida experimentalmente estudados nesta dissertação. Além disso, os dados de massa específica e velocidade de som foram correlacionados com o modelo de Prigogine-Flory-Patterson (PFP). As propriedades foram bem representadas pelo modelo PFP, no entanto, para a velocidade do som o modelo apresenta desvios sistemáticos na dependência com a temperatura. O desempenho do modelo preditivo de Wada atômico foi considerado satisfatório, devido os desvios observados serem compatíveis ou até menores do que os desvios típicos obtidos na literatura com outros modelos correlativos para o cálculo da velocidade do som de outras substâncias
Com o passar do tempo, a população mundial vem se conscientizando mais sobre problemas ambientais. Isso fez surgir uma demanda por tecnologias novas que possam se encaixar no cenário de sustentabilidade. Instabilidades frequentes no cenário político-econômico global acabam por elevar o preço do barril do petróleo. Assim a indústria química começa a buscar por alternativas que tenham a mesma versatilidade do petróleo. Dentre as opções de combustíveis renováveis, destaca-se o bio-óleo de pirólise. Seu interesse em estudos científicos vem do fato de poder-se utilizar do rejeito de processos como matéria prima, não necessitando competir por espaço com a plantação de alimentos. Sua composição pode ser representada por ácidos e fenóis. Em especial destacamos o ácido acético e fenóis oxigenados como m-cresol, o-cresol, p-cresol e guaiacol por estarem presentes em grandes quantidades. Sua separação das frações menos polares do bio-óleo pode ser realizada por meio de extração com água que é um reagente abundante e de baixo custo. O conhecimento das propriedades desses componentes puros é amplamente disponível na literatura, porém dados de composições das fases corrosivas, como misturas ternárias de água-ácido acético-m-cresol/o-cresol/p-cresol/guaiacol nas temperaturas de (298,15, 310,65 e 323,15) K são escassos. Devido a isso, o uso de modelos termodinâmicos para simulação do comportamento desses sistemas torna-se interessante. Todavia, quando são testadas as capacidades dos modelos clássicos, como o UNIFAC e NRTL, percebe-se que os mesmos não conseguem reproduzir o comportamento da binodal dos componentes corrosivos. Sendo assim, essa dissertação investigou soluções para melhorar a descrição desses sistemas, assim como obteve dados experimentais para tais sistemas de misturas ternárias de água-ácido acético-m-cresol/o-cresol/p-cresol/guaiacol nas temperaturas de (298,15, 310,65 e 323,15) K; desenvolveu-se uma metodologia para estimar parâmetros do modelo NRTL a partir de dados de composição da binodal e verificou-se a possibilidade de utilizar o modelo UNIFAC para prever o comportamento de equilíbrio de fases. Como resultado foram obtidos 314 novos dados experimentais, obtiveram-se parâmetros para o modelo NRTL que conseguem reproduzir com acurácia a forma da binodal com a metodologia proposta e verificou-se a necessidade de aperfeiçoamento no estudo do modelo UNIFAC para otimizar sua utilização na previsão do comportamento dos sistemas estudados
生物质快速热解制油技术能以连续的工艺和工厂化的生产方式将木屑等生物质转化为易储存、易运输、能量密度高的生物油,是目前受到较多关注的一种转换技术。生物油既可以在锅炉中直接燃烧使用,也可用于热解气化制备合成气,再进一步合成为高品质的液体燃料。 为更好地处理生物油燃烧与热解过程中出现的问题,并为燃烧与热解反应装置的设计及优化提供必要数据,本文首先对由木屑在自热式生物质热解液化装置中热解得到的生物油进行了各种理化特性的分析,之后利用热重、热重-红外联用、管式炉等对生物油的热解与燃烧特性进行了实验研究。 生物油在氮气与氧气气氛下、不同升温速率的热重分析试验表明:生物油的热解分为两个阶段,第一阶段为生物油中低沸点有机物的挥发以及各组分间反应生成各类产物的过程,第二阶段为各种重组分的裂解过程。而生物油的燃烧则分为三个阶段,即前期的挥发与裂解和最后焦炭的燃烧过程。升温速率的升高使得氮气气氛中生物油样品的初始失重温度、失重峰值温度及对应的最大失重速率均有所增大,且在较高升温速率(20℃/min)下,较少含炭残余物形成。随升温速率升高,生物油着火温度提高,最终失重率无显著变化。采用热重-红外联用技术,对生物油热解过程中所释放气体进行了实时监测,在线分析结果表明,反应初始阶段主要析出物为自由水、低沸点的酸类、醇类、醛类、酮类等,随后主要释放物为水、CO2等,主要来自重组分的裂解。最后根据热重数据对热解与燃烧各段反应进行了动力学拟合。动力学分析结果表明:氮气气氛中生物油的热解过程可用两个一级反应来描述,对应其热解过程中的两个不同阶段,而生物油的燃烧过程可用三个一级反应来表示。 生物油的管式炉热解实验表明:随热解温度的升高,生物油产气率不断提高,在1100℃时达到最大值398ml/g。生物油热解气体产物中主要包含H2、CO、CO2及烃类如CH4、C2H4、C2H6等,产气热值在16.9~19.1MJ/Nm3间。在900℃下,生物油各种产物气体、残炭、焦油的比例约为30:6:64,残炭含量低于同温度下木粉热解结果,而焦油含量较高。
High amounts of acid compounds in bio-oil not only lead to the deleterious properties such as corrosiveness and high acidity, but also set up many obstacles to its wide applications. By hydrotreating the bio-oil under mild conditions, some carboxylic acid compounds could be converted to alcohols which would esterify with the unconverted acids in the bio-oil to produce esters. The properties of the bio-oil could be improved by this method. In the paper, the raw bio-oil was produced by vacuum pyrolysis of pine sawdust. The optimal production conditions were investigated. A series of nickel-based catalysts were prepared. Their catalytic activities were evaluated by upgrading of model compound (glacial acetic acid). Results showed that the reduced Mo-10Ni/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst had the highest activity with the acetic acid conversion of 33.2%. Upgrading of the raw bio-oil was investigated over reduced Mo-10Ni/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst. After the upgrading process, the pH value of the bio-oil increased from 2.16 to 2.84. The water content increased from 46.2 wt.% to 58.99 wt.%. The H element content in the bio-oil increased from 6.61 wt.% to 6.93 wt.%. The dynamic viscosity decreased a little. The results of GC-MS spectrometry analysis showed that the ester compounds in the upgraded bio-oil increased by 3 times. it is possible to improve the properties of bio-oil by hydrotreating and esterifying carboxyl group compounds in the bio-oil.
MoNi/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by the impregnation method. The catalyst samples were characterized by XRD and TPR. The effects of Mo promoter content and the catalyst reducing temperature Oil hydrotreatment activity of the catalyst were studied under 200 degrees C and 3 MPa hydrogen pressure using acetic acid as the model compound. The XRD results indicate that the addition of Mo promoter is beneficial to the uniformity of nickel species on the catalyst and decreases the Interaction between nickel species and the support Which results in the decrease the of NiAl2O4 spinel formation. The addition of Mo promoter also decreases the reducing temperature of the catalyst. After the catalyst of 0.06 MoNi/gamma-Al2O3 being reduced Under the atmosphere of H-2/N-2(5/95, V/V), nickel oxide was reduced to Ni-0. The reaction was promoted obviously upon the addition of the MoNi/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst reduced at 600 degrees C. The Mo-modified Ni/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst reduced at 600 degrees C displayed the highest activity during the reaction, the conversion of acetic acid reached the highest point of 33.2%. The products included ethyl acetate and water.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia mecânica
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química
Nowadays, the growing environmental worry leads research the focus the application of alternative materials from renewable resources on the industrial process. The most common vegetable oil extractant using around the world is the hexane, a petroleum derived, toxic and flammable. Based on this fact, the goal of this work was to test vegetable oil extractions from sunflower seeds cultivated on the Rio Grande do Norte State using two extraction process, the mechanical expelling and solvent extraction, this one using hexane and ethanol as a alternative solvent. The solvent extractions were carried out in the Soxhlet extractor in three different extraction times (4, 6, and 8 hours). The effect of solvent and extraction time was evaluated. The mechanical extraction was carried out in a expeller and the sunflower oil obtained was characterized by its physical-chemical properties and compared with sunflower refinery oil. Furthermore this work also explored the pyrolysis reaction carried out by thermogravimetry measurement as alternative route to obtain biofuel. For this purpose the oil samples were heated to ambient temperature until 900°C in heating rate of 5, 10, 20ºC min-1 with the objective evaluated the kinetics parameters such activation energy and isoconversion. The TG/DTG curves show the thermal profile decomposition of triglycerides. The curves also showed that antioxidant presents on the refinery oil not influence on the thermal stability of sunflower oil. The total yield of the extraction s process with hexane and ethanol solvent were compared, and the results indicated that the extraction with ethanol were more efficient. The pyrolysis reaction results indicated that the use of unpurified oil required less energy to obtain the bio-oil
The bio-oil obtained from the pyrolysis of biomass has appeared as inter-esting alternative to replace fossil fuels. The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of temperature on the yield of products originating from the pyrolysis process of the powder obtained from the dried twigs of avelós (Euphorbia tirucalli), using a rotating cylinder reactor in laboratory scale. The biomass was treated and characterized by: CHNS, moisture, volatiles, fixed carbon and ashes, as well as evaluation of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, besides other instrumental techniques such as: FTIR, TG/DTG, DRX, FRX and MEV. The activation energy was evaluated in non-isothemichal mode with heating rates of 5 and 10 oC/min. The obtained results showed biomass as feedstock with potential for biofuel production, because presents a high organic matter content (78,3%) and fixed-carbon (7,11%). The activation energy required for the degradation of biomass ranged between 232,92 392,84 kJ/mol, in the temperature range studied and heating rate of 5 and 10°C/min. In the pyrolysis process, the influence of the reaction temperature was studied (350-520 ° C), keeping constant the other variables, such as, the flow rate of carrier gas, the centrifugal speed for the bio-oil condensationa, the biomass flow and the rotation of the reactor. The maximum yield of bio-oil was obtained in the temperature of 450°C. In this temperature, the results achieved where: content of bio-oil 8,12%; char 32,7%; non-condensed gas 35,4%; losts 23,8%; gross calorific value 3,43MJ/kg; pH 4,93 and viscosity 1,5cP. The chromatographic analysis of the bio-oil produced under these conditions shows mainly the presence of phenol (17,71%), methylciclopentenone (10,56%) and dimethylciclopentenone (7,76%)
Microalgae are microscopic photosynthetic organisms that grow rapidly and in different environmental conditions due to their simple cellular structure. The cultivation of microalgae is a biological system capable of storing solar energy through the production of organic compounds via photosynthesis, and these species presents growth faster than land plants, enabling higher biomass yield. Thus, it is understood that the cultivation of these photosynthetic mechanisms is part of a relevant proposal, since, when compared to other oil producing raw materials, they have a significantly higher productivity, thus being a raw material able to complete the current demand by biodiesel . The overall aim of the thesis was to obtain biofuel via transesterification process of bio oil from the microalgae Isochrysis galbana. The specific objective was to estimate the use of a photobioreactor at the laboratory level, for the experiments of microalgae growth; evaluating the characteristics of biodiesel from microalgae produced by in situ transesterification process; studying a new route for disinfection of microalgae cultivation, through the use of the chemical agent sodium hypochlorite. The introduction of this new method allowed obtaining the kinetics of the photobioreactor for cultivation, besides getting the biomass needed for processing and analysis of experiments in obtaining biodiesel. The research showed acceptable results for the characteristics observed in the bio oil obtained, which fell within the standards of ANP Resolution No. 14, dated 11.5.2012 - 18.5.2012. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the photobioreactor designed meet expectations about study culture growth and has contributed largely to the development of the chosen species of microalgae. Thus, it can be seen that the microalgae Isochrysis galbana showed a species with potential for biodiesel production
The bio-oil obtained from the pyrolysis of biomass has appeared as inter-esting alternative to replace fossil fuels. The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of temperature on the yield of products originating from the pyrolysis process of the powder obtained from the dried twigs of avelós (Euphorbia tirucalli), using a rotating cylinder reactor in laboratory scale. The biomass was treated and characterized by: CHNS, moisture, volatiles, fixed carbon and ashes, as well as evaluation of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, besides other instrumental techniques such as: FTIR, TG/DTG, DRX, FRX and MEV. The activation energy was evaluated in non-isothemichal mode with heating rates of 5 and 10 oC/min. The obtained results showed biomass as feedstock with potential for biofuel production, because presents a high organic matter content (78,3%) and fixed-carbon (7,11%). The activation energy required for the degradation of biomass ranged between 232,92 392,84 kJ/mol, in the temperature range studied and heating rate of 5 and 10°C/min. In the pyrolysis process, the influence of the reaction temperature was studied (350-520 ° C), keeping constant the other variables, such as, the flow rate of carrier gas, the centrifugal speed for the bio-oil condensationa, the biomass flow and the rotation of the reactor. The maximum yield of bio-oil was obtained in the temperature of 450°C. In this temperature, the results achieved where: content of bio-oil 8,12%; char 32,7%; non-condensed gas 35,4%; losts 23,8%; gross calorific value 3,43MJ/kg; pH 4,93 and viscosity 1,5cP. The chromatographic analysis of the bio-oil produced under these conditions shows mainly the presence of phenol (17,71%), methylciclopentenone (10,56%) and dimethylciclopentenone (7,76%)