998 resultados para Biliary congenital disorders
Familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis is an autosomal recessive renal tubular disorder characterized by renal magnesium wasting, hypercalciuria, advanced nephrocalcinosis and progressive renal failure. Mutations in the paracellin-1 (CLDN16) gene have been defined as the underlying genetic defect. The tubular disorders and progression in renal failure are usually resistant to magnesium substitution and hydrochlorothiazide therapy, but hypomagnesemia may improve with advanced renal insufficiency. We present a patient with a homozygous truncating CLDN16 gene mutation (W237X) who had early onset of renal insufficiency despite early diagnosis at 2 months. He also had additional abnormalities including horseshoe kidney, neonatal teeth, atypical face, cardiac abnormalities including coarctation of the aorta associated with atrial and ventricular septal defects, umbilical hernia and hypertrichosis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the youngest case diagnosed as familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis and the first case having such additional congenital abnormalities independent of the disease itself.
OBJECTIVE The aim of the therapy is mechanical and functional stabilization of high dislocated hips with dysplasia coxarthrosis using total hip arthroplasty (THA). INDICATIONS Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in adults, symptomatic dysplasia coxarthrosis, high hip dislocation according to Crowe type III/IV, and symptomatic leg length inequality. CONTRAINDICATIONS Cerebrospinal dysfunction, muscular dystrophy, apparent disturbance of bone metabolism, acute or chronic infections, and immunocompromised patients. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE With the patient in a lateral decubitus position an incision is made between the anterior border of the gluteus maximus muscle and the posterior border of the gluteus medius muscle (Gibson interval). Identification of the sciatic nerve to protect the nerve from traction disorders by visual control. After performing trochanter flip osteotomy, preparation of the true actetabulum if possible. Implantation of the reinforcement ring, preparation of the femur and if necessary for mobilization, resection until the trochanter minor. Test repositioning under control of the sciatic nerve. Finally, refixation of the trochanteric crest. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT During hospital stay, intensive mobilization of the hip joint using a continuous passive motion machine with maximum flexion of 70°. No active abduction and passive adduction over the body midline. Maximum weight bearing 10-15 kg for 8 weeks, subsequently, first clinical and radiographic follow-up and deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis until full weight bearing. RESULTS From 1995 to 2012, 28 THAs of a Crow type IV high hip-dislocation were performed in our institute. Until now 14 patients have been analyzed during a follow-up of 8 years in 2012. Mid-term results showed an improvement of the postoperative clinical score (Merle d'Aubigné score) in 86 % of patients. Good to excellent results were obtained in 79 % of cases. Long-term results are not yet available. In one case an iatrogenic neuropraxia of the sciatic nerve was observed and after trauma a redislocation of the arthroplasty appeared in another case. In 2 cases an infection of the THA appeared 8 and 15 months after index surgery. No pseudoarthrosis of the trochanter or aseptic loosening was noticed.
Deficiency of coagulation factor XIII (FXIII) belongs to the rare bleeding disorders and its incidence is higher in populations with consanguineous marriages. The aims of this study were to characterize patients and relatives from seven families with suspected FXIII deficiency from Pakistan and to identify the underlying mutations. As a first indicator of FXIII deficiency, a 5M urea clot solubility test was used. Plasma FXIII A- and B-subunit antigen levels were determined by ELISA. FXIII activity was measured with an incorporation assay. Sequencing of all exons and intron/exon boundaries of F13A was performed, and a novel splice site defect was confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Genetic analysis revealed six different mutations in the F13A gene. Two splice site mutations were detected, a novel c.1460+1G>A mutation in the first nucleotide of intron 11 and a previously reported c.2045G>A mutation in the last nucleotide of exon 14. Neither of them was expressed at protein level. A novel nonsense mutation in exon 4, c.567T>A, p.Cys188X, was identified, leading in homozygous form to severe FXIII deficiency. Two novel missense mutations were found in exons 8 and 9, c.1040C>A, p.Ala346Asp and c.1126T>C, p.Trp375Arg, and a previously reported missense mutation in exon 10, c.1241C>T, p.Ser413Leu. All patients homozygous for these missense mutations presented with severe FXIII deficiency. We have analysed a cohort of 27 individuals and reported four novel mutations leading to congenital FXIII deficiency.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW Progressive cardiac conduction disorder (PCCD) is an inherited cardiac disease that may present as a primary electrical disease or be associated with structural heart disease. In this brief review, we present recent clinical, genetic, and molecular findings relating to PCCD. RECENT FINDINGS Inherited PCCD in structurally normal hearts has been found to be linked to genetic variants in the ion channel genes SCN5A, SCN1B, SCN10A, TRPM4, and KCNK17, as well as in genes coding for cardiac connexin proteins. In addition, several SCN5A mutations lead to 'cardiac sodium channelopathy overlap syndrome'. Other genes coding for cardiac transcription factors, such as NKX2.5 and TBX5, are involved in the development of the cardiac conduction system and in the morphogenesis of the heart. Mutations in these two genes have been shown to cause cardiac conduction disorders associated with various congenital heart defects. SUMMARY PCCD is a hereditary syndrome, and genetic variants in multiple genes have been described to date. Genetic screening and identification of the causal mutation are crucial for risk stratification and family counselling.
There is evidence in the literature for both a congenital and a post-traumatic aetiology for os odontoideum. In no series published to date has CT been used to aid in the diagnosis. This is a prospective study of the history of trauma and presence of diagnostic features on CT of 18 consecutive cases with os odontoideum. Our objective was to derive clinically useful radiological features enabling accurate differentiation between congenital and post-traumatic aetiologies. A mid-sagittal CT reconstruction of the atlanto-dens joint was obtained. Hypertrophy of the anterior arch of the atlas was quantified by measurement of the arch-peg-area ratio. The presence of dysplastic features (a positive jigsaw sign) of the atlanto-axial joint were noted. These included narrowing of the cartilage space and interdigitation of the two joint surfaces. A history of a potential traumatic aetiology was only obtained in one of the 18 (6%) in our series. A significant elevation of the arch-peg ratio was found when comparing this series to 85 controls. And a positive jigsaw sign was observed in 75% of cases. These features were not seen in paediatric cases of atlanto-axial instability, including odontoid non-union. In conclusion, an elevated arch-peg ratio and the presence of a jigsaw sign are sensitive and specific diagnostic criteria for os odontoideum. This series supports a congenital aetiology for this condition.
The Quality of life is currently a major topic discussed in our society. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been developing a unifying and transcultural definition of QOL. They considered it as 'the individual's perception of his or her position in life, within the cultural context and value system he or she lives in, and in relation to his or her goals, expectations, parameters and social relations. It is a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way by the person's physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships and their relationship to salient features of their environment (WHOQOL, 1997, p. 1). Congenital heart disease is the most prevalent congenital disease in Portugal. Despite the advances in cardiac treatment and an early correct diagnosis that could increase the survival of children with congenital heart disease, this condition influences the quality of life of children, adolescents and their parents. Knowing the perception of quality of life could help healthcare professionals, nurses in particular, providing suited care to the needs of these families, establishing priorities in their interventions, sensing predictors of a poor quality of life, promoting adherence to treatment and boosting compliance with treatment, and fostering greater satisfaction for these children, adolescents and their parents. Purpose As part of broader research and with the awareness that the chronic conditions could impact the quality of life and considering that all advances on treating congenital cardiac diseases we have defined this main objective: To determine the quality of life in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD) and the perception of their parents, as well as factors that influence it. Methods It is a quantitative, descriptive and correlational research. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, which consisted of four parts: socio-demographic and educational characteristics, clinical characteristics, and quality of life, obtained using the Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory - PCQLI - (Marino, Tomlinson, Wernovsky, Drotar , Newburger, Mahony et al., 2010) translated into Portuguese. Data collection took place between February and July 2014, in compliance with ethical research guidelines. The sample comprised 59 children, 59 parents of children, 80 adolescents and 80 parents of adolescents. Results The results indicated that children, adolescents, and their parents have high level of perceived health. The results are similar in all groups: children and parents and adolescents and parents. In the group of children, we observed the classification of "Good" in 66.10%, followed by the "Very Good" at 18.65% and "fair" in 15.25% of cases. The parents of the children responded in about half the cases that the health of their children was "good" (50.85%), "very good" in 30.51% "fair" in 11.86% and "Excellent "in 6.78%. In turn, the group of adolescents can be seen that 46.25% rate their health as "good", 32.50% as "very good", 16.25% as "Average" and 5% as "Excellent". Parents of teenagers classify the health of their children mostly as "good" in 42.50%, 31.25% as "very good", 20% as "fair" and 6.25% as "excellent". To point out that none of the respondents pointed out the option of a health status "Bad". About the quality of life, in general the results indicated that children, adolescents and their parents have high levels of quality of life, and that perceptions of parents and children are similar. Only in the children's group (8 to 12 years old), was no influence of socio-demographic, school or clinical variables on quality of life observed. For adolescents (13 to 18 years old), school, special education, school retention, the age of diagnosis of congenital heart disease, cardiac catheterization and surgical intervention influenced their quality of life. Perception of quality of life of parents of children and of adolescents was influenced by socio-demographic and clinical variables. The results partly agree with the literature in this field. About the influence of some variables: - The perception of quality of life expressed by children and adolescents with congenital heart disease and parents are related, with statistical significance. - There were no statistically significant relationships between the quality of life of children and adolescents and their age, gender or socioeconomic status. - Adolescents differ statistically significant between their quality of life and their education, the frequency of special education and the existence of grade retention. The severity of heart disease, the number of cardiac catheterizations or surgery and the presence of other health disorders are unrelated to the quality of life of children and adolescents. - Adolescents revealed that the level of quality of life is influenced by the age of diagnosis of CHD by cardiac catheterization and surgery. - For parents of children and adolescents gender and their education don´t influence their perception of quality of life. Only the socioeconomic status of parents of teens has statistically significant difference to quality of life. - Parents of children and adolescents do not show statistically significant relationship between the perceived level of quality of life and severity of disease, age at diagnosis, the number of surgical interventions and the existence of other health disorders. - There is a relationship of statistical significance between cardiac catheterization and the perceived quality of life by parents of adolescents; between the number of cardiac catheterizations and the perception of quality of life of parents of children; and between performing surgery and the perception of parents of children and adolescents. Conclusion To analyze the quality of life of children and adolescents with CHD must be a key focus of attention in caring for this population, allowing the identification of individual differences, interests, preferences, and prevent potential problems. The knowledge acquired along with clinical experience contributes to improve the quality of life of children and families, facilitating their growth, psycho-emotional development and social integration. Nevertheless, the reading and interpretation of these results must be prudent and cautious, there are limitations to this research, including: the use of a range of specific quality of life for the Congenital heart disease in children, adolescents, and parents but whose validation process could not be completed in this study; the low prevalence of severe conditions in our sample; the absence of national studies to enable comparison with the results obtained. We intend to continue the process of validation of instrument and enlarge the research to Lisbon and Oporto, other major centers where the cardiac conditions can be treated
Purpose: The Quality of life is currently a major topic discussed in our society. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been developing a unifying and transcultural definition of QOL. They considered it as 'the individual's perception of his or her position in life, within the cultural context and value system he or she lives in, and in relation to his or her goals, expectations, parameters and social relations. It is a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way by the person's physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships and their relationship to salient features of their environment (WHOQOL, 1997, p. 1). Congenital heart disease is the most prevalent congenital disease in Portugal. Despite the advances in cardiac treatment and an early correct diagnosis that could increase the survival of children with congenital heart disease, this condition influences the quality of life of children, adolescents and their parents. Knowing the perception of quality of life could help healthcare professionals, nurses in particular, providing suited care to the needs of these families, establishing priorities in their interventions, sensing predictors of a poor quality of life, promoting adherence to treatment and boosting compliance with treatment, and fostering greater satisfaction for these children, adolescents and their parents. 'As part of broader research and with the awareness that the chronic conditions could impact the quality of life and considering that all advances on treating congenital cardiac diseases we have defined this main objective: To determine the quality of life in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD) and the perception of their parents, as well as factors that influence it. Methods: It is a quantitative, descriptive and correlational research. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, which consisted of four parts: socio-demographic and educational characteristics, clinical characteristics, and quality of life, obtained using the Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory ? PCQLI - (Marino, Tomlinson, Wernovsky, Drotar , Newburger, Mahony et al., 2010) translated into Portuguese. Data collection took place between February and July 2014, in compliance with ethical research guidelines. The sample comprised 59 children, 59 parents of children, 80 adolescents and 80 parents of adolescents. Results: The results indicated that children, adolescents, and their parents have high level of perceived health. The results are similar in all groups: children and parents and adolescents and parents. In the group of children, we observed the classification of "Good" in 66.10%, followed by the "Very Good" at 18.65% and "fair" in 15.25% of cases. The parents of the children responded in about half the cases that the health of their children was "good" (50.85%), "very good" in 30.51% "fair" in 11.86% and "Excellent "in 6.78%. In turn, the group of adolescents can be seen that 46.25% rate their health as "good", 32.50% as "very good", 16.25% as "Average" and 5% as "Excellent". Parents of teenagers classify the health of their children mostly as "good" in 42.50%, 31.25% as "very good", 20% as "fair" and 6.25% as "excellent". To point out that none of the respondents pointed out the option of a health status "Bad". About the quality of life, in general the results indicated that children, adolescents and their parents have high levels of quality of life, and that perceptions of parents and children are similar. Only in the children?s group (8 to 12 years old), was no influence of socio-demographic, school or clinical variables on quality of life observed. For adolescents (13 to 18 years old), school, special education, school retention, the age of diagnosis of congenital heart disease, cardiac catheterization and surgical intervention influenced their quality of life. Perception of quality of life of parents of children and of adolescents was influenced by socio-demographic and clinical variables. The results partly agree with the literature in this field. About the influence of some variables: The perception of quality of life expressed by children and adolescents with congenital heart disease and parents are related, with statistical significance. There were no statistically significant relationships between the quality of life of children and adolescents and their age, gender or socioeconomic status. Adolescents differ statistically significant between their quality of life and their education, the frequency of special education and the existence of grade retention. The severity of heart disease, the number of cardiac catheterizations or surgery and the presence of other health disorders are unrelated to the quality of life of children and adolescents. Adolescents revealed that the level of quality of life is influenced by the age of diagnosis of CHD by cardiac catheterization and surgery. For parents of children and adolescents gender and their education don?t influence their perception of quality of life. Only the socioeconomic status of parents of teens has statistically significant difference to quality of life. Parents of children and adolescents do not show statistically significant relationship between the perceived level of quality of life and severity of disease, age at diagnosis, the number of surgical interventions and the existence of other health disorders. There is a relationship of statistical significance between cardiac catheterization and the perceived quality of life by parents of adolescents; between the number of cardiac catheterizations and the perception of quality of life of parents of children; and between performing surgery and the perception of parents of children and adolescents. Conclusion: To analyze the quality of life of children and adolescents with CHD must be a key focus of attention in caring for this population, allowing the identification of individual differences, interests, preferences, and prevent potential problems. The knowledge acquired along with clinical experience contributes to improve the quality of life of children and families, facilitating their growth, psycho-emotional development and social integration. Nevertheless, the reading and interpretation of these results must be prudent and cautious, there are limitations to this research, including: the use of a range of specific quality of life for the Congenital heart disease in children, adolescents, and parents but whose validation process could not be completed in this study; the low prevalence of severe conditions in our sample; the absence of national studies to enable comparison with the results obtained. We intend to continue the process of validation of instrument and enlarge the research to Lisbon and Oporto, other major centers where the cardiac conditions can be treated.
In the last decades a negative trend in inbreeding has accompanied the evident improvement in productivity and performance of bovine domestic population, predisposing to the occurrence of recessively inherited disorders. The objectives of this thesis were: a) the study of genetic diseases applying a “forward genetic approach” (FGA); b) the estimation of the prevalence of deleterious alleles responsible for eight recessive disorders in different breeds; c) the collection of well-characterized materials in a Biobank for Bovine Genetic Disorders. The FGA allowed the identification of seven new recessive deleterious variants (Paunch calf syndrome - KDM2B; Congenital cholesterol deficiency - APOB; Ichthyosis congenita - FA2H; Hypotrichosis - KRT71; Hypotrichosis - HEPHL1; Achromatopsia - CNGB3; Hemifacial microsomia – LAMB1) and of seven new de novo dominant deleterious variants (Achondrogenesis type II - two variants in COL2A1; Osteogenesis imperfecta - COL1A1; Skeletal-cardio-enteric dysplasia - MAP2K2; Congenital neuromuscular channelopathy - KGNG1; Epidermolysis bullosa simplex - KRT5; Classical Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - COL5A2) in different breeds, associated with a large spectrum of phenotypes affecting different systems. The FGA was based on the sequence of a clinical, genealogical, gross- and/or histopathological and genomic study. In particular, a WGS trio-approach (patient, dam and sire) was applied. The prevalence of deleterious alleles was calculated for the Pseudomyotonia congenita, Paunch calf syndrome, Hemifacial microsomia, Congenital bilateral cataract, Ichthyosis congenita, Ichthyosis fetalis, Achromatopsia and Hypotrichosis. A particular concern resulted the allelic frequency of 12% for the Paunch calf syndrome in Romagnola cattle. In respect to the Biobank for Bovine Genetic Diseases, biological materials of clinical cases and their available relatives as well as controls used for the allelic frequency estimations were stored at -20 °C. Altogether, around 16.000 samples were added to the biobank.
Introduction The maternal vasculature undergoes significant adaptations during pregnancy to meet the increased metabolic demands of the developing fetus. These adaptations include increased cardiac output and blood volume, as well as reduced systemic vascular resistance. In Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) there is an impaired cardiovascular adaptation to pregnancy with effects extending beyond pregnancy. In the present study we aimed to characterize long-term cardiovascular status of women who suffered from HDP. Methods Fifty-eight women who attended at least one post-partum visit and a follow-up visit after at least 5 years from delivery were enrolled in the study. Exclusion criteria included multiple pregnancy, fetal genetic or congenital abnormalities, maternal history of organ transplantation, or chronic renal failure (eGFR≤45ml/min/1.73m2). In the follow-up visit participants underwent a complete cardiovascular assessment including echocardiography and multiparametric vascular function assessment. Results and Discussion Two major cardiovascular events, one stroke and one myocardial infarction, occurred both in women with index-pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia (PE). While not statistically significant, women with HDP-non-PE and PE displayed a trend towards an increased risk of developing composite cardiovascular outcome, and women with PE tended to experience it sooner. Nearly half of the women with a history of HDP, whether PE or HDP-non-PE, developed chronic hypertension. Some women also developed hyperuricemia, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and type 2 diabetes at follow- up, most of them had a previous history of PE. Structural and functional cardiac changes were observed in a few cases, especially among women with PE, and vascular dysfunction was more common in women with a history of HDP compared to those with normotensive pregnancies. Results of the present study adds on literature on long-term cardiovascular impact of HDP and further emphasize the importance of a timely follow-up of women who suffered from HDP and particularly PE.
To verify whether fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of cells from the buccal epithelium could be employed to detect cryptomosaicism with a 45,X lineage in 46,XY patients. Samples of nineteen 46,XY healthy young men and five patients with disorders of sex development (DSD), four 45,X/46,XY and one 46,XY were used. FISH analysis with X and Y specific probes on interphase nuclei from blood lymphocytes and buccal epithelium were analyzed to investigate the proportion of nuclei containing only the signal of the X chromosome. The frequency of nuclei containing only the X signal in the two tissues of healthy men did not differ (p = 0.69). In all patients with DSD this frequency was significantly higher, and there was no difference between the two tissues (p = 0.38), either. Investigation of mosaicism with a 45,X cell line in patients with 46,XY DSD or sterility can be done by FISH directly using cells from the buccal epithelium.
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is associated with pulmonary hypertension which is often difficult to manage, and a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. In this study, we have used a rabbit model of CDH to evaluate the effects of BAY 60-2770 on the in vitro reactivity of left pulmonary artery. CDH was performed in New Zealand rabbit fetuses (n = 10 per group) and compared to controls. Measurements of body, total and left lung weights (BW, TLW, LLW) were done. Pulmonary artery rings were pre-contracted with phenylephrine (10 μM), after which cumulative concentration-response curves to glyceryl trinitrate (GTN; NO donor), tadalafil (PDE5 inhibitor) and BAY 60-2770 (sGC activator) were obtained as well as the levels of NO (NO3/NO2). LLW, TLW and LBR were decreased in CDH (p < 0.05). In left pulmonary artery, the potency (pEC50) for GTN was markedly lower in CDH (8.25 ± 0.02 versus 9.27 ± 0.03; p < 0.01). In contrast, the potency for BAY 60-2770 was markedly greater in CDH (11.7 ± 0.03 versus 10.5 ± 0.06; p < 0.01). The NO2/NO3 levels were 62 % higher in CDH (p < 0.05). BAY 60-2770 exhibits a greater potency to relax the pulmonary artery in CDH, indicating a potential use for pulmonary hypertension in this disease.
This study sought to evaluate the association between the impact of oral disorders in terms of physical/psychosocial dimensions and quality of life among the elderly. It involved a cross-sectional study conducted among the elderly (65-74 years) in 2008/2009. The social impact was assessed using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP 14) and the quality of life using the SF 12 Short-Form Health Survey. Descriptive, univariate and multivariate (logistic regression) analysis was conducted with correction for the design effect, using SPSS(r)18.0 software. Of the 800 individuals approached, 736 elderly individuals participated (TR = 92%), with a mean age of 67.77 years, the majority of whom showed no impact based on the measurement of the prevalence of OHIP. The functional limitation dimension of the OHIP was associated with the physical domain of the SF12, irrespective of the other variables investigated. However, the seriousness of OHIP and its psychological discomfort and disability dimensions was associated with the mental domain of the SF12. The conclusion reached is that some impacts of oral disorders were associated with unsatisfactory quality of life in the physical and mental domains.
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is associated with more respiratory infections due to immunosuppression. this study aimed to verify the frequency of rhinosinusitis after HSCT, and the association between rhinosinusitis and chronic graft vs. host disease (GVHD) and type of transplantation, clinical treatment, surgical treatment, and survival. this was a retrospective study in a tertiary university hospital. A total of 95 patients with hematological diseases undergoing HSCT between 1996 and 2011 were selected. chronic myeloid leukemia was the most prevalent disease. The type of transplant most often performed was the allogenic type (85.26%). The frequency of rhinosinusitis was 36%, with no difference between the autologous and the allogenic types. Chronic GVHD occurred in 30% of patients. Patients with GVHD had a higher frequency and recurrence of rhinosinusitis, in addition to more frequent need for endoscopic sinusectomy and decreased overall survival. there was a higher frequency of rhinosinusitis in HSCT and GVHD. The type of transplant does not appear to predispose to the occurrence of rhinosinusitis. GVHD seems to be an aggravating factor and requires a more stringent treatment.
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic painful syndrome and the coexistence of a painful condition caused by Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) and FMS has been frequently raised for several studies, however, more likely hypothesis is that a set of FMS characteristics may lead to the onset of TMD symptoms and they are not merely coexisting conditions. Therefore, our aim is presenting a review of literature about the relation between fibromyalgia and the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders. For this purpose, a bibliographic search was performed of the period of 1990-2013, in the Medline, Pubmed, Lilacs and Scielo databases, using the keywords fibromyalgia, temporomandibular disorders and facial pain. Here we present a set of findings in the literature showing that fibromyalgia can lead to TMD symptoms. These studies demonstrated greater involvement of the stomatognathic system in FMS and myogenic disorders of masticatory system are the most commonly found in those patients. FMS appears to have a series of characteristics that constitute predisposing and triggering factors for TMD.