986 resultados para Big Four Banks


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As part of the Governor's effort to streamline State government through improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of operations, Executive Order 2004-06 ("EO6") provided for the reorganization (consolidation) of the Department of Insurance, Office of Banks and Real Estate, Department of Professional Regulation and Department of Financial Institutions. Through EO6 the four predecessor Agencies were abolished and a single new agency, The Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (hereafter referred to as "IDFPR") was created. The purpose of the consolidation of the four regulatory agencies was to allow for certain economies of scale to be realized primarily within the executive management and administrative functions. Additionally, the consolidation would increases the effectiveness of operations through the integration of certain duplicative functions within the four predecessor agencies without the denegration of the frontline functions. Beginning on or about July 1, 2004, the IDFPR began consolidation activities focusing primarily on the administrative functions of Executive Management, Fiscal and Accounting, General Counsel, Human Resources, Information Technology and Other Administrative Services. The underlying premise of the reorganization was that all improvements could be accomplished without the denegration of the frontline functions of the predecessor agencies. Accordingly, all powers, duties, rights, responsibilities and functions of the predecessor agencies migrated to IDFPR and the reorganization activities commenced July 1, 2004.


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Cephalosphaera Enderlein is a nearly cosmopolitan genus of big-headed flies (Pipunculidae) which was previously unknown from Australia. Four species have now been found in Australia, all of them undescribed. New species in the subgenus Neocephalosphaera include: C. eukrenaina, C. parthenopipis and C. petila. Only one new species occurs in the nominate subgenus: C. prionotaina. Descriptions and a key to these species are presented.


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The convergence on the Big Five in personality theory has produced a demand for efficient yet psychometrically sound measures. Therefore, five single-item measures, using bipolar response scales, were constructed to measure the Big Five and evaluated in terms of their convergent and off-diagonal divergent properties, their pattern of criterion correlations and their reliability when compared with four longer Big Five measures. In a combined sample (N?=?791) the Single-Item Measures of Personality (SIMP) demonstrated a mean convergence of r?=?0.61 with the longer scales. The SIMP also demonstrated acceptable reliability, self–other accuracy, and divergent correlations, and a closely similar pattern of criterion correlations when compared with the longer scales. It is concluded that the SIMP offer a reasonable alternative to longer scales, balancing the demands of brevity versus reliability and validity.


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The thesis presents experimental results for shell-side transfer coefficients and pressure drops across four different tube banks, using small-scale models, with yawed tubes, as found in many types of heat exchangers, boilers and nuclear reactors. The tube banks investigated have a staggered tube layout on a rotated square pitch, with a 1.25 pitch-to-diameter ratio. The angle of attack was varied between 45o and 90o. An extensive range of Reynolds number, i.e. 0.5. to 12,600, covering so-called laminar, transition and turbulent flows, was investigated. A diffusion-controlled electrochemical mass transfer technique has been employed to measure mass transfer coefficients. The heat transfer coefficients may be then readily obtained from the mass transfer values by applying the well-established Chilton-Colburn analogy. The results for the normal tube bank, which forms the base case for the study on inclined tube banks, show close agreement with previous work. The transfer coefficients and pressure drops of the inclined tube banks are compared with results from the ideal normal tube bank to examine the effect of inclination angle on heat transfer and pressure drop variations. The variation of the transfer coefficients row-by-row and the entrance and exit effects have also been investigated. An auxilary investigation has been carried out on the role of natural convection. A preliminary correlation of transfer coefficients and pressure drops against the variation in the yaw angle has been attempted. The results are discussed in the light of the few existing theoretical treatments and experimental data for these situations, and recommendations made for future work.


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The spatial and temporal distributions of the epiphytic diatom flora on Thalassia testudinum was described within the Florida Bay estuary and at one Atlantic site east of the Florida Keys over a 1-year period. Species of the genus Mastogloia dominated the epiphytic diatom flora (82 out of 332 total species). Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) and Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) revealed four distinct spatial assemblages and two temporal assemblages. Eastern and western Florida Bay assemblages were identified within the estuary. The eastern diatom assemblage was characterized by high relative abundances of Brachysira aponina and Nitzschia liebetruthii, while the western assemblage was characterized by the abundance of Reimerothrix floridensis, particularly during summer. Two diverse and distinct marine assemblages, one located in the Gulf of Mexico along the western edge of Florida Bay and the other behind the Florida reef tract in the Atlantic Ocean, were also identified. Analysis of the spatial distribution of diatoms and water quality characteristics within Florida Bay suggest that these assemblages may be structured by salinity and nutrient availability, particularly P. The Gulf of Mexico and the western Florida Bay assemblages were associated with higher water column salinities and TP concentrations and lower DIN concentrations and TN:TP ratios relative to the eastern Florida Bay assemblage. The temporal variation in diatom assemblages was associated with water temperature, though temporal indicator species were few relative to the number of spatial indicators.


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The pine rocklands of South Florida are characterized by an herbaceous flora with many narrowly endemic taxa, a diverse shrub layer containing several palms and numerous tropical hardwoods, and an overstory of south Florida slash pine (Pinus elliottii var. densa). Fire has been considered as an important environmental factor for these ecosystems, since in the absence of fire these pine forests are replaced by dense hardwood communities, resulting in loss of the characteristic pineland herb flora. Hence, in the Florida Keys pine forests, prescribed fire has been used since the creation of the National Key Deer Refuge. However, such prescribed burns were conducted in the Refuge mainly for fuel reduction, without much consideration of ecological factors. The USGS and Florida International University conducted a research study for four years, from 1998 to 2001, the objective of which was to document the response of pine rockland vegetation to a range of fire management options and to provide Fish and Wildlife Service and other land managers with information useful in deciding when and where to burn to perpetuate these unique pine forests. This study is described in detail in Snyder et al. (2005).


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This paper examines five big band arrangements written during a period of two semesters from 1998-1999. I will provide an overview and performance considerations for each arrangement. Each arrangement uses common conventions such as unison lines, octave doubling, four and five part voicings, found in closed, semi-open, and open position. Approach techniques include diatonic, dominant, diminished, chromatic, and parallel. Choice was based primarily on two considerations: desired texture and the best voice leading options identified to provide each part with a swinging line and maintain melodic integrity. Other conventions applied include chord substitution, upper structure triads, and altered and diminished scales to provide harmonic contrast and color. Each arrangement supplied new challenges and the tunes selected provided the arranger with a diverse experience of styles. The inherent qualities of the melody and harmonic progression of each piece were the primary considerations for selection.


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Constant technology advances have caused data explosion in recent years. Accord- ingly modern statistical and machine learning methods must be adapted to deal with complex and heterogeneous data types. This phenomenon is particularly true for an- alyzing biological data. For example DNA sequence data can be viewed as categorical variables with each nucleotide taking four different categories. The gene expression data, depending on the quantitative technology, could be continuous numbers or counts. With the advancement of high-throughput technology, the abundance of such data becomes unprecedentedly rich. Therefore efficient statistical approaches are crucial in this big data era.

Previous statistical methods for big data often aim to find low dimensional struc- tures in the observed data. For example in a factor analysis model a latent Gaussian distributed multivariate vector is assumed. With this assumption a factor model produces a low rank estimation of the covariance of the observed variables. Another example is the latent Dirichlet allocation model for documents. The mixture pro- portions of topics, represented by a Dirichlet distributed variable, is assumed. This dissertation proposes several novel extensions to the previous statistical methods that are developed to address challenges in big data. Those novel methods are applied in multiple real world applications including construction of condition specific gene co-expression networks, estimating shared topics among newsgroups, analysis of pro- moter sequences, analysis of political-economics risk data and estimating population structure from genotype data.


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During U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public hearings held in 1973, 1974 and 1975 prior to Texas Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas lease sales, concern was expressed by the National Marine Fisheries Service, scientists from Texas A&M and the University of Texas and private citizens over the possible environmental impact of oil and gas drilling and production operations on coral reefs and fishing banks in or adjacent to lease blocks to be sold. As a result, certain restrictive regulations concerning drilling operations in the vicinity of the well documented coral reefs and biostromal communities at the East and West Flower Gardens were established by BLM, and Signal Oil Company was required to provide a biological and geological baseline study of the less well known Stetson Bank before a drilling permit could be issued. Considering the almost total lack of knowledge of the geology and biotic communities associated with the South Texas OCS banks lying in or near lease blocks to be offered for sale in 1975, BLM contracted with Texas A&M University to provide the biological and geological baseline information required to facilitate judgments as to the extent and nature of restrictive regulations on drilling near these banks which might be required to insure their protection. In pursuit of this, scientists from Texas A&M University were to direct their attention toward assessments of ground fish populations, unique biological and geological features, substratum type and distribution, and the biotic and geologic relationships between these banks and those farther north.


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This article examines sustainability disclosures by the major banks in the Asia-Pacific region (the six largest banks from each of four countries: Australia, Japan, China and India) during the period 2005–2012. The findings show sustainability disclosures by banks that participate in the global reporting initiative (GRI) are significantly higher than disclosures by those banks that have not participated in the GRI. Amongst those banks that have participated in the GRI there is a higher rate of disclosure by externally assured banks than by non-externally assured banks. Among the GRI participating banks, there was significant variation of disclosures between countries. Disclosures by Australian banks appeared to be significantly higher than disclosures by banks in any other countries under observation. The findings are discussed from a moral legitimacy perspective. Consistent with this view, the banks under study were responsive to the GRI, which is seen as an influential actor that shapes and reflects the expectations of the broader community. However, the role of the GRI in minimising country differences in disclosure by banks is not significant.


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Clustering of big data has received much attention recently. In this paper, we present a new clusiVAT algorithm and compare it with four other popular data clustering algorithms. Three of the four comparison methods are based on the well known, classical batch k-means model. Specifically, we use k-means, single pass k-means, online k-means, and clustering using representatives (CURE) for numerical comparisons. clusiVAT is based on sampling the data, imaging the reordered distance matrix to estimate the number of clusters in the data visually, clustering the samples using a relative of single linkage (SL), and then noniteratively extending the labels to the rest of the data-set using the nearest prototype rule. Previous work has established that clusiVAT produces true SL clusters in compact-separated data. We have performed experiments to show that k-means and its modified algorithms suffer from initialization issues that cause many failures. On the other hand, clusiVAT needs no initialization, and almost always finds partitions that accurately match ground truth labels in labeled data. CURE also finds SL type partitions but is much slower than the other four algorithms. In our experiments, clusiVAT proves to be the fastest and most accurate of the five algorithms; e.g., it recovers 97% of the ground truth labels in the real world KDD-99 cup data (4 292 637 samples in 41 dimensions) in 76 s.


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In big-data-driven traffic flow prediction systems, the robustness of prediction performance depends on accuracy and timeliness. This paper presents a new MapReduce-based nearest neighbor (NN) approach for traffic flow prediction using correlation analysis (TFPC) on a Hadoop platform. In particular, we develop a real-time prediction system including two key modules, i.e., offline distributed training (ODT) and online parallel prediction (OPP). Moreover, we build a parallel k-nearest neighbor optimization classifier, which incorporates correlation information among traffic flows into the classification process. Finally, we propose a novel prediction calculation method, combining the current data observed in OPP and the classification results obtained from large-scale historical data in ODT, to generate traffic flow prediction in real time. The empirical study on real-world traffic flow big data using the leave-one-out cross validation method shows that TFPC significantly outperforms four state-of-the-art prediction approaches, i.e., autoregressive integrated moving average, Naïve Bayes, multilayer perceptron neural networks, and NN regression, in terms of accuracy, which can be improved 90.07% in the best case, with an average mean absolute percent error of 5.53%. In addition, it displays excellent speedup, scaleup, and sizeup.


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Floristic and phytosociological surveys were carried out for 12 months in the Embrapa-SPSB, Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil. A transect was laid on starting at the river bank extending for 790 m away from the river and divided into 140 10 × 10 m contiguous plots. In each plot, all standing plants, alive or dead, with stem diameter at soil level ? 3 cm and total height ? 1 m were sampled. Along this transect, an elevation range of 9.40 m was registered and five topographical environments were identified: riverside (MR), dike (D), floodable depression (DI), boundary terrace (TL) - all of them belonging to the fluvial terrace with Fluvic Neosol and Haplic Cambisol both silty textured eutrophic soils - and the inlander tableland (TS), with medium sandy-textured Red-Yellow Argisols. Fourty-eight species/morphospecies, distributed into 39 genera and 21 families, were identified. Four phytogeoenvironments (MR, D + TL, DI + TL, and TS) were registered based on environmental variations and floristic similarities among plots using cluster analyses. The MR environment showed the largest total density, total basal area, maximum and medium heights and maximum diameter. Moreover, it had 8.1% of plants with heights above 8 m against 0.6% for D + TL, 0.2% for DI + TL, and 0% for TS. The species with the largest importance value were Inga vera subsp. affinis (DC.) T.D. Pennington in MR, Mimosa bimucronata Kunth in D + TL and DI + TL and M. tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir. in TS.