993 resultados para Beta-gamma-subunits
(1Z,3Z)-Butyltelluro-o-4-methoxy-1,3-butadiene 2 was obtained by the hydrotelluration of(Z)-1-methoxy-but-1-en-3-ynes 1. The butadienyllithium 3 obtained by the Te/Li exchange reaction in the (1Z,3Z)-1-butyltelluro-4-methoxy-1.3-butadiene 2 reacted with aldehydes to form the corresponding alcohols 4a-d with total retention of configuration. The alcohols formed undergo hydrolysis, resulting in the alpha,beta,gamma,delta-unsaturated aldehydes of (E,E) configuration, which are precursors of trienes obtained from natural sources. The products of this reaction were employed in the synthesis of methyl-(2E,4E)-decadienoate 7, which is a component of the flavor principles of ripe Bartlett pears. Performing the Wittig reaction of the methyl triphenylphosphorane with the deca-(2E,4E)-dienal 5a, we were able to synthesize the undeca-(1,3E,5E)-triene 6a. This compound is a sex-pheromone component of the marine brown algae Fucus serratus, Dictyopteris plagiograma, and Dictyopteris australis. Performing the Wittig reaction of methyl triphenylphosphorane with the octa-(2E,4E)-dienal 5c, the nona-(1,3E,5E)-triene 6b was synthesized. The compound obtained is a sex-pheromone component of the marine brown alga Sargassum horneri. The octa-( 1,3E,5E)-triene 6c was easily obtained from hepta-(2E,4E)-dienal 5d by the Wittig reaction with methyl triphenylphophorane. This compound is a sex-pheromone component of the marine brown alga Fucus serratus. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Illegitimate V(D)J-recombination in lymphoid malignancies involves rearrangements in immunoglobulin or T-cell receptor genes, and these rearrangements may play a role in oncogenic events. High frequencies of TRGV-BJ hybrid gene (rearrangement between the TRB and TRG loci at 7q35 and 7p14-15, respectively) have been detected in lymphocytes from patients with ataxia telangiectasia (AT), and also in patients with lymphoid malignancies. Although the TRGV-BJ gene has been described only in T-lymphocytes, we previously detected the presence of TRGV-BJ hybrid gene in the genomic DNA extracted from SV40-transformed AT5BIVA fibroblasts from an AT patient. Aiming to determine whether the AT phenotype or the SV40 transformation could be responsible for the production of the hybrid gene by illegitimate V(D)J-recombination, DNA samples were extracted from primary and SV40-transformed (normal and AT) cell lines, following Nested-PCR with TRGV- and TRBJ-specific primers. The hybrid gene was only detected in SV40-transformed fibroblasts (AT-5BIVA and MRC-5). Sequence alignment of the cloned PCR products using the BLAST program confirmed that the fragments corresponded to the TRGV-BJ hybrid gene. The present results indicate that the rearrangement can be produced in nonlymphoid cells, probably as a consequence of the genomic instability caused by the SV40-transformation, and independently of ATM gene mutation.
Motivated by application of twisted current algebra in description of the entropy of Ads(3) black hole, we investigate the simplest twisted current algebra sl(3, c)(k)((2)). Free field representation of the twisted algebra, and the corresponding twisted Sugawara energy-momentum tensor are obtained by using three (beta, gamma) pairs and two scalar fields. Primary fields and two screening currents of the first kind are presented. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Free field and twisted parafermionic representations of twisted su(3)(k)((2)) current algebra are obtained. The corresponding twisted Sugawara energy-momentum tensor is given in terms of three (beta, gamma) pairs and two scalar fields and also in terms of twisted parafermionic currents and one scalar field. Two screening currents of the first kind are presented in terms of the free fields.
We isolated bacteria from ticks, lice and fleas. Partial small subunit rRNA sequences were obtained for each isolate and the closest matches in the FastA database were determined. These bacteria were mostly Gram-positive (Firmicutes), although representatives from the Proteobacteria (alpha, beta, gamma subdivisions) and CFB group were also isolated. Most of the isolates we found were from genera that were present in most of the ectoparasites studied, but a few genera were restricted to one species of ectoparasite. The most commonly isolated genera were Stenotrophomonas, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Bacillus. Species of Bacillus and Proteus, which have biopesticide potential, were found in some of these ectoparasites. Overall, the communities of bacteria were similar to those found in other studies of parasitic arthropods.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro Área de especialização – Vidro
Journal of Cultural Heritage, nº 9 (2008), p. 64-68
Se estudiarán los mecanismos de reacción electroquímica de las micotoxinas (metabolitos tóxicos generados por hongos) citrinina (CIT), patulina (PAT) y moniliformina (MON), de los antioxidantes naturales alfa, beta, gama y delta tocoferoles, de los flavonoides fisetina (FIS), morina (MOR), luteolina (LUT), rutina (RUT), buteina (BUT), naringenina (NAR) y miricetina (MIR) y de las hormonas esteroides estradiol (EDIOL), estrona (EONA) y estriol (ETRIOL). Por otra parte, se implementarán técnicas electroanalíticas para la detección y cuantificación de estos sustratos en muestras de matrices naturales que los contengan. Se realizará el diseño y caracterización de biosensores enzimáticos a partir de peroxidasas y/o fosfatasa alcalina para la determinación de la micotoxina CIT y de los flavonoides y, por otro, de inmunosensores para las micotoxinas ocratoxina A (OTA) y PAT y hormonas. Para el anclaje de enzimas y/o anticuerpos, se estudiarán las propiedades de electrodos modificados por monocapas autoensambladas, nanotubos de carbono y partículas magnéticas. Se usarán las técnicas de voltamperometría cíclica, de onda cuadrada y de redisolución con acumulación adsortiva, espectroscopías de impedancia electroquímica, electrólisis a potencial controlado, uv-vis e IR, microbalanza de cristal de cuarzo y microscopías de alta resolución (SEM, TEM, AFM). La importancia de este proyecto apunta a la obtención de nuevos datos electroquímicos de los sustratos indicados y conocimientos relacionados con la aplicación de electrodos modificados en la preparación de biosensores y en el desarrollo de técnicas alternativas para la determinación de los analitos mencionados precedentemente. Electrochemical reaction mechanisms of mycotoxins (toxic metabolites generated by fungi) citrinin (CIT), Patulin (PAT) and moniliformin (MON), natural antioxidants alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols, flavonoids fisetin (FIS), morin (MOR), luteolin (LUT), rutin (RUT), butein (BUT), naringenin (NAR), miricetin (MIR) and steroid hormones estradiol (EDIOL), estrone (EONA) and estriole (ETRIOL) will be explored. On the other hand, electroanalytical techniques for the detection and quantification of these substrates in samples of natural matrices will be implemented. The design and characterization of enzymatic biosensors from peroxidases and/or from alkaline phosphatase for the determination of CIT and flavonoids, and also of inmunosensors for ochratoxin A (OTA) and PAT and hormones will be performed. For the anchor of enzymes and/or antibody, properties of electrodes modified by self assembled monolayers, carbon nanotubes and magnetic particles will be explored. Cyclic, square wave and adsorptive stripping voltammetries, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, controlled potential electrolysis, uv-vis and IR, quartz crystal microbalance and high-resolution microcopies (SEM, TEM, AFM) will be used. The importance of this project is aimed at obtaining new electrochemical data for the indicated substrates and knowledge on the application of modified electrodes in preparation of biosensors and in the development of alternative techniques for the determination of the above-mentioned analytes.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada al Department of Pathology de la Vrije Universiteit Medical Center, Holanda, entre agost del 2006 i gener del 2007. Es parteix de la hipòtesi principal que el virus del papil•loma humà (VPH) està implicat com a cofactor en la carcinogènesi del càncer cutani no-melanoma associat a l'exposició solar i a la immunosupressió. L'objectiu principal era la validació d'una tècnica de detecció del VPH en frotis cutanis per a determinar el paper d'aquest en el càncer cutani en pacients trasplantats renals. Es pretenia desenvolupar l'ús dels frotis cutanis per a la detecció del VPH en pell no tumoral i posteriorment establir quines són les mostres més adequades (en quan a localització i tipus d'extracció) per tal de definir el concepte de "portador de VPH". Es recolliren frotis cutanis de zones exposades (front i mà) i no exposades (part interna del braç) al sol, de la zona perilesional així com pèls de cella. Les mostres pertanyen tant a pacients trasplantats renals (immunodeprimits) com a pacients no trasplantats (immunocompetents), de pell normal i de pell cancerosa. Es van emprar diferents tècniques d'extracció de DNA. El DNA del VPH va ser amplificat amb una tècnica de reacció en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR ) específica de tipus cutanis (Beta-Gamma Cutaneous HPV PCR) i es va tipificar amb una hibridació reversa amb sondes específiques (Reverse Line Blotting). Tots els assajos es van fer per triplicat, per tal de poder avaluar la reproduibilitat dels resultats en aquestes mostres. Com a control de la qualitat i la quantitat del DNA les mostres van ser testades per la PCR del gen de la beta-globina. S’ha dectectat el VPH present tant en pell com en pell cancerosa. La tècnica aporta resultats reproduïbes. S’aprecia una bona correlació tant entre els resultats obtinguts dels frotis i el bulbs pilosos, així com de diferents zones raspades d'un mateix pacient.
As part of a project to use the long-lived (T(1/2)=1200a) (166m)Ho as reference source in its reference ionisation chamber, IRA standardised a commercially acquired solution of this nuclide using the 4pibeta-gamma coincidence and 4pigamma (NaI) methods. The (166m)Ho solution supplied by Isotope Product Laboratories was measured to have about 5% Europium impurities (3% (154)Eu, 0.94% (152)Eu and 0.9% (155)Eu). Holmium had therefore to be separated from europium, and this was carried out by means of ion-exchange chromatography. The holmium fractions were collected without europium contamination: 162h long HPGe gamma measurements indicated no europium impurity (detection limits of 0.01% for (152)Eu and (154)Eu, and 0.03% for (155)Eu). The primary measurement of the purified (166m)Ho solution with the 4pi (PC) beta-gamma coincidence technique was carried out at three gamma energy settings: a window around the 184.4keV peak and gamma thresholds at 121.8 and 637.3keV. The results show very good self-consistency, and the activity concentration of the solution was evaluated to be 45.640+/-0.098kBq/g (0.21% with k=1). The activity concentration of this solution was also measured by integral counting with a well-type 5''x5'' NaI(Tl) detector and efficiencies computed by Monte Carlo simulations using the GEANT code. These measurements were mutually consistent, while the resulting weighted average of the 4pi NaI(Tl) method was found to agree within 0.15% with the result of the 4pibeta-gamma coincidence technique. An ampoule of this solution and the measured value of the concentration were submitted to the BIPM as a contribution to the Système International de Référence.
During adult thymus development immature CD4(-)CD8(-) [double-negative (DN)] precursor cells pass through four phenotypically distinct stages defined by expression of CD44 and CD25: CD44(hi)CD25(-) (DN1), CD44(hi)CD25(+) (DN2), CD44(lo)CD25(+) (DN3) and CD44(lo)CD25(-) (DN4). Although it is well established that the TCR beta, gamma and delta genes are rearranged and expressed in association with the CD3 components in DN thymocytes, the precise timing of expression of the TCR and CD3 proteins has not been determined. In this report we have utilized a sensitive intracellular (ic) staining technique to analyze the expression of ic CD3epsilon, TCR beta and TCR gammadelta proteins in immature DN subsets. As expected from previous studies of TCR beta rearrangement and mRNA expression, icTCR beta(+) cells were first detected in the DN3 subset and their proportion increased thereafter. Surprisingly, however, both icCD3epsilon(+) and icTCR gammadelta(+) cells were detected at later stages of development than was predicted by molecular studies. In particular icCD3epsilon protein expression coincided with the transition from the DN2 to DN3 stage of development, whereas icTCR gammadelta protein expression was only detected in a minor subset of DN4 cells. The implications of these findings for alphabeta lineage divergence will be discussed.
Real-world objects are often endowed with features that violate Gestalt principles. In our experiment, we examined the neural correlates of binding under conflict conditions in terms of the binding-by-synchronization hypothesis. We presented an ambiguous stimulus ("diamond illusion") to 12 observers. The display consisted of four oblique gratings drifting within circular apertures. Its interpretation fluctuates between bound ("diamond") and unbound (component gratings) percepts. To model a situation in which Gestalt-driven analysis contradicts the perceptually explicit bound interpretation, we modified the original diamond (OD) stimulus by speeding up one grating. Using OD and modified diamond (MD) stimuli, we managed to dissociate the neural correlates of Gestalt-related (OD vs. MD) and perception-related (bound vs. unbound) factors. Their interaction was expected to reveal the neural networks synchronized specifically in the conflict situation. The synchronization topography of EEG was analyzed with the multivariate S-estimator technique. We found that good Gestalt (OD vs. MD) was associated with a higher posterior synchronization in the beta-gamma band. The effect of perception manifested itself as reciprocal modulations over the posterior and anterior regions (theta/beta-gamma bands). Specifically, higher posterior and lower anterior synchronization supported the bound percept, and the opposite was true for the unbound percept. The interaction showed that binding under challenging perceptual conditions is sustained by enhanced parietal synchronization. We argue that this distributed pattern of synchronization relates to the processes of multistage integration ranging from early grouping operations in the visual areas to maintaining representations in the frontal networks of sensory memory.
Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) are heterogeneous and uncommon malignancies characterized by a usually aggressive clinical course. The current World Health Organization (WHO) classification delineates many entities grouped according to the clinical presentation as predominantly leukemic, cutaneous, extranodal, or nodal diseases. Yet, few genetic lesions serve as entity-defining markers. Using high-throughput methods, new recurrent genetic and molecular alterations are being discovered that are expected to refine the current classification and serve as diagnostic genetic markers and targets for novel therapies. There is increasing evidence that certain cellular subsets, in particular follicular helper T cells and gamma delta T cells, represent important defining markers and/or determinants of the biology of certain entities; nevertheless, the cellular derivation of many PTCL entities remains poorly characterized and there is evidence of plasticity in terms of cellular derivation (alpha-beta, gamma-delta, natural killer [NK]) especially in several extranodal entities with a cytotoxic profile. While most clonal NK/T-cell proliferations are in general highly malignant, some more indolent forms of NK or T-cell lympho-proliferations are being identified.
During T cell development in the thymus, T cell receptor (TCR) alpha, beta, gamma, and delta genes are rearranged and expressed. TCR rearrangement strictly depends upon the coordinate activity of two recombinase activating genes, Rag-1 and Rag-2. In this study we have followed the expression of these genes at different stages of intrathymic development. The results indicate that there are two periods of high Rag-1 and Rag-2 mRNA expression. The first wave peaks early at the CD25+CD4-CD8-CD3- stage of development and coincides with the initial appearance of transcripts derived from fully rearranged TCR beta, gamma, and delta genes, whereas the second wave occurs later at the CD4+CD8+ stage coincident with full-length TCR alpha mRNA expression. Active downregulation of Rag-1 and Rag-2 mRNA expression appears to occur in vivo between the two peaks of recombinase activity. This phenomenon can be mimicked in vitro in response to artificial stimuli such as phorbol myristate acetate and calcium ionophore. Collectively our data suggest that recombinase expression is actively regulated during early thymus development independently of cell surface expression of a mature heterodimeric TCR protein complex.
We have analyzed the expression of T cell receptor (TcR) genes in the thymus using in situ RNA hybridizations with probes to the constant regions of the TcR alpha, beta, gamma and delta chains. Localization of transcripts revealed low TcR alpha mRNA levels in the thymus cortex and very low levels in the subcapsular region. In contrast, TcR beta message was very abundant in the cortex. TcR gamma or delta mRNA+ thymocytes showed a scattered, predominantly cortical localization. In contrast to gamma, TcR delta transcripts were abundant in the subcapsular region. Control experiments with sorted TcR alpha/beta or gamma/delta cells revealed a detection efficiency of 75%-85% for the respective TcR mRNA and data on TcR gene expression in mature, CD3+ thymocytes were consistent with previous reports. The analysis of immature, CD3- thymocyte subsets, however, revealed a virtual absence of TcR alpha transcripts and an unexpectedly high proportion of cells (14%-29%) expressing the gene for the TcR delta chain. The data are discussed in view of current models of lineage relationships in the thymus.