960 resultados para Berkeley, George, 1685-1753
From left to right: Lotte Stern, Otto Wallerstein, Alfred Stern; Photograph taken shortly after arrival in Berkeley, California
Contains business correspondence, accounts and documents relating to Jacob Franks of New York, his two sons, Moses and David, a nephew, Isaac, and a John Franks of Halifax, possibly a member of the family.
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The aim of this thesis was to examine the understanding of community in George Lindbeck s The Nature of Doctrine. Intrinsic to this question was also examining how Lindbeck understands the relation between the text and the world which both meet in a Christian community. Thirdly this study also aimed at understanding what the persuasiveness of this understanding depends on. The method applied for this task was systematic analysis. The study was conducted by first providing an orientation into the nontheological substance of the ND which was assumed useful with respect to the aim of this study. The study then went on to explore Lindbeck in his own context of postliberal theology in order to see how the ND was received. It also attempted to provide a picture of how the ND relates to Lindbeck as a theologian. The third chapter was a descriptive analysis into the cultural-linguistic perspective, which is understood as being directly proportional to his understanding of community. The fourth chapter was an analysis into how the cultural-linguistic perspective sees the relation between the text and the world. When religion is understood from a cultural-linguistic perspective, it presents itself as a cultural-linguistic entity, which Lindbeck understands as a comprehensive interpretive scheme which structures human experience and understanding of oneself and the world in which one lives. When one exists in this entity, it is the entity which shapes the subjectivities of all those who are at home in this entity which makes participation in the life of a cultural linguistic entity a condition for understanding it. Religion is above all an external word that moulds and shapes our religious existence and experience. Understanding faith then as coming from hearing, is something that correlates with the cultural-linguistic depiction of reality. Religion informs us of a religious reality, it does not originate in any way from ourselves. This externality linked to the axiomatic nature of religion is also something that distinguishes Lindbeck sharply from liberalist tendencies, which understand religion as ultimately expressing the prereflective depths of the inner self. Language is the central analogy to understanding the medium in which one moves when inhabiting a cultural-linguistic system because language is the transmitting medium in which the cultural-linguistic system is embodied. The realism entailed in Lindbeck s understanding of a community is that we are fundamentally on the receiving end when it comes to our identities whether cultural or religious. We always witness to something. Its persuasiveness rests on the fact that we never exist in an unpersuaded reality. The language of Christ is a self-sustaining and irreducible cultural-linguistic entity, which is ontologically founded upon Christ. It transmits the reality of a new being. The basic relation to the world for a Christian is that of witnessing salvation in Christ: witnessing Christ as the home of hearing the message of salvation, which is the God-willed way. Following this logic, the relation of the world and the text is one of relating to the world from the text, i.e. In Christ through the word (text) for the world, because it assumes it s logic from the way Christ ontologically relates to us.
El cambio climático ha modificado el comportamiento de plagas en cultivos, provocando incidencia en momentos no previstos, afectando la calidad y rendimientos de los mismos. El cultivo del cafeto, es uno de los principales rubros de exportación en la regi ón Centroamericana y República Dominicana. No exento del cambio climático este rubro ha sufrido altos y bajos desde el punto de vista fitosanitario, precios del mercado, afectando de manera directa a grupos vulnerables que viven en zonas rurales y para qui enes las divisas provenientes de la caficultura representan su única fuente de ingreso. El reciente repunte del hongo de la roya ( Hemileia vastatrix Berkeley & Broome ) en las zonas de mayor producción ha provocado alarma entre los pequeños productores sie ndo estos las más vulnerables por los bajos rendimientos por área, sumado a una seria de consecuencias en los niveles económicos, sociales y ambientales. El sistema de alerta temprana de café (SATCAFE), que actualmente se está implementado en los países Ce ntroamericanos (Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá) y República Dominicana, mediante el apoyo técnico de la oficina sub regional de FAO/SLM, está contribuyendo con los esfuerzos emprendidos por los gobiernos a través de los ministerios de agricultura , institutos de café, mediante el levantamiento de información de datos cuantitativos del comportamiento de la roya y broca del cafeto y el impacto de esta en la producción y la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de las familias productoras
Descreve, tomando por base uma fotografia de 1865, algumas iniciativas para preservação da natureza realizadas no Brasil durante o século XIX. Resume dados biográficos do suíço George Leuzinger, dando ênfase a preocupação ecológica desse fotógrafo. Afirma a necessidade de transformar o ser humano em "parasita do Bem", extraindo do planeta Terra o seu sustento, mas retribuindo com a correção dos malefícios feitos até agora.
Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)
An obituary of the limnologist G.E. Hutchinson is given.
A presente dissertação objetiva a comparação proposta no Prelúdio do romance Middlemarch por sua autora George Eliot entre a protagonista da obra, Dorothea Brooke, e a figura histórica Teresa dÁvila. A partir de tal estudo, busca-se compreender de que modo a situação específica da mulher na Era Vitoriana é articulada no romance de modo a espelhar a crise ontológica e epistemológica do próprio ser humano diante das transformações consolidadas com o Iluminismo e as revoluções liberais do século XVIII que culminariam na morte de Deus. Dorothea mostra-se uma cristã tão fervorosa quanto a Teresa quinhentista, mas faltam-lhe certezas e a resolução para concretizar as reformas sociais que defende, pois ela encarna o mito de feminilidade oitocentista batizado de Anjo do Lar ideal de sujeição feminina à ordem falocêntrica cujas funções são a proteção e difusão da moralidade burguesa e a substituição de elementos cristãos no universo do sagrado a uma sociedade cada vez mais materialista e insegura de valores absolutos. As aflições de Dorothea representam as aflições da mulher vitoriana, mas o momento crítico desta mulher reflete, em Middlemarch, uma crise muito maior do Ocidente, que teve início com a Era da Razão
A dissertação analisa Daniel Deronda, de George Eliot, identificando o conceito de maleabilidade como idéia chave para o entendimento dos ideais morais do romance. Discussão do papel desempenhado pelo conceito de maleabilidade no processo de transição da infância para a idade adulta e na apreensão especifica da amizade apresentados no romance