282 resultados para Benzylaminopurine (BAP)


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A novel electrochemical biosensor, DNA/hemin/nafion–graphene/GCE, was constructed for the analysis of the benzo(a)pyrene PAH, which can produce DNA damage induced by a benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) enzyme-catalytic product. This biosensor was assembled layer-by-layer, and was characterized with the use of cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and atomic force microscopy. Ultimately, it was demonstrated that the hemin/nafion–graphene/GCE was a viable platform for the immobilization of DNA. This DNA biosensor was treated separately in benzo(a)pyrene, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and in their mixture, respectively, and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) analysis showed that an oxidation peak was apparent after the electrode was immersed in H2O2. Such experiments indicated that in the presence of H2O2, hemin could mimic cytochrome P450 to metabolize benzo(a)pyrene, and a voltammogram of its metabolite was recorded. The DNA damage induced by this metabolite was also detected by electrochemical impedance and ultraviolet spectroscopy. Finally, a novel, indirect DPV analytical method for BaP in aqueous solution was developed based on the linear metabolite versus BaP concentration plot; this method provided a new, indirect, quantitative estimate of DNA damage.


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The growth and performance of micropropagated ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) was compared with 'seed'-derived plants in field trials conducted in south-eastern Queensland. In the first generation ex vitro, micropropagated plants had significantly (P<0.01) reduced rhizome yield with smaller knobs and more roots. Micropropagated plants had a greater (P<0.01) shoot: root (rhizome) ratio compared with seed-derived plants. Shoots from micropropagated plants were also significantly (P<0.01) smaller with a greater number of shoots per plant. The unusual shoot morphology of the micropropagated plants did not appear to be related to the presence of benzylaminopurine, a plant growth hormone added to the multiplication medium, as plants subcultured for 3 cycles on a hormone-free medium also exhibited similar characteristics. Seed collected from the micropropagated plants and seed-derived plants was harvested and, despite the micropropagated seed being significantly (P<0.01) smaller, by the second generation ex vitro there were no significant differences between the treatments. Factors that can improve rhizome size, while reducing production costs, need to be identified before micropropagated plants can be recommended for routine use in the ginger industry as a source of disease and pest-free planting material.


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In order to develop an efficient and reliable biolistics transformation system for pineapples parameters need to be optimised for growth, survival and development of explants pre- and post transformation. We have optimised in vitro conditions for culture media for the various stages of plant and callus initiation and development, and for effective selection of putative transgenic material. Shoot multiplication and proliferation is best on medium containing MS basic nutrients and vitamins with the addition of 0.1 mg/L myo-inositol, 20 g/L sucrose, 2.5 mg/L BAP and 3 g/L Phytagel, followed by transfer to basic MS medium for further development. Callus production on leaf base explants is best on MS nutrients and vitamins, to which 10 mg/L of BAP and NAA each was added. Optimum explant age for bombardment is 17-35 week old callus, while a pre-bombardment osmoticum treatment in the medium is not required. By comparing several antibiotics as selective agent, it has been established that a two-step selection of 2 fortnightly sub-cultures on 50 μg/mL of geneticin in the culture medium, followed by monthly sub-cultures on 100 μg/mL geneticin is optimal for survival of transgenic callus. Shoot regeneration from callus cultures is optimal on medium containing MS nutrients and vitamins, 5% coconut water and 400 mg/L casein hydrolysate. Plants can be readily regenerated and multiplied from transgenic callus through organogenesis. Rooting of shoots does not require any additional plant hormones to the medium. A transformation efficiency of 1 – 3.5% can be achieved, depending on the gene construct applied.


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Multiple shoots were induced from nodal segments of five year old trees of Eucalyptus grandis L. on solid medium containing Murashige and Skoog's (MS) Basal medium supplemented with additional thiamine, BAP and NAA. Rooting could be achieved from shoot culture on half strength MS salts or white's medium supplemented with low auxins like IAA, IBA and NAA.


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An efficient regeneration protocol based on organogenesis from cotyledon explants and suitable for gene delivery has been developed for an Australian passionfruit hybrid. Multiple shoots were regenerated from 30-day-old cotyledon explants on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 6-benzylvaminopurine (BAP) and coconut water. Media pulsing experiments were conducted to investigate the effect on organogenesis of exposure time of the explants to MS containing 10 mu M BAP and 10% (v/v) coconut water, i.e. passionfruit regeneration medium (PRM). Continuous exposure of these explants to PRM maximised the number of shoots produced to 12.1 per explant. However, periods on hormone-free medium improved the appearance of the shoots and increased the number of explants with shoots from 75 to 84.6%. Further, shoots exposed for 7 days to half-strength MS supplemented with 10 mu M NAA (1-napthalene acetic acid) produced twice as many plantlets than those on half-strength MS alone. Transient GUS histochemical assays indicated delivery of the uidA gene via Agrobacterium tumefaciens.


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Excised stem, leaf segments and whole flower of the allergenic weed P. hysterophorus were cultured on Murashighe and Skoog's basal medium supplemented with hormones. Shoot buds readily formed in the stem callus cultured on MS Medium supplemented with IAA and BAP or Kinetin. The leaf callus formed roots alone in a wide variety of media. Suspension cultures were initiated from the leaf and stem callus. The leaf callus elicited a positive patch test response for delayed hypersensitivity in 4 patients suffering from Parthenium dermatitis, thus indicating its ability to synthesise the allergenic principle(s).


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Induction of single and multiple shoots was obtained from nodal expiants of 60–80 year-old elite trees of rosewood on Murashige and Skoog's basal medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (1.0 mg 1-1) and delta -Naphthalene acetic acid (0.05 mg 1-1) or indole acetic acid (0.5 mg 1-1). Multiplication of shoots was obtained on MS (reduced major elements) or Woody Plant Medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (1.0 mg 1-1) and kinetin (0.5–1.0 mg 1-1). Excised shoots were rooted on half-strength MS with IBA (2.0 mg 1-1) to obtain complete plantlets. The regenerated plantlets have been acclimatized and successfully transferred to the soil.


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Plant regeneration from mesophyll protoplasts of pepper, Capsicum annuum L. cv. California Wonder has been demonstrated via shoot organogenesis, Protoplasts isolated from fully expanded leaves of 3-week-old axenic shoots when cultured in TM medium supplemented with 1 mgl(-1) NAA, 1 mgl(-1) 2, 4-D, 0.5 mgl(-1) BAP (CM 1) resulted in divisions with a frequency ranging from 20-25%. Antioxidant ascorbic acid and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in the medium and incubation in the dark helped overcome browning of protoplasts. Microcalli and macrocalli were formed in TM medium containing 2 mgl(-1) NAA and 0.5 mgl(-1) BAP (CM II) and MS gelled medium containing 2 mgl(-1) NAA and 0.5 mgl(-1) BAP (CM III), respectively, Regeneration of plantlets was possible via caulogenesis, Microshoots, 2-5 per callus appeared on MS gelled medium enriched with 0.5 mgl(-1) IAA, 2 mgl(-1) GA and 10 mgl(-1) BAP (CM IVc). Rooting of microshoots was obtained on half strength gelled medium containing 1 mgl(-1) NAA and 0.5 mgl(-1) BAP, Protoplasts isolated from cotyledons failed to divide and degenerated eventually.


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Direct regeneration of somatic embryos was obtained from immature zygotic embryos of Dalbergia latifolia. Immature embryos dissected from green pods 90 d after flowering gave the highest frequency of somatic embryo formation. Preculture on high 2,4-D medium for 4 weeks induced direct somatic embryogenesis, which was expressed during the second culture phase in the presence of low 2,4-D along with a high sucrose concentration. Embryos were separated and transferred to the maturation medium containing MS + 0.5-1.0 mg/L BAP, where embryos developed into plantlets. Somatic embryos failed to convert into complete plants without BAP treatment. This method of direct regeneration of somatic embryos without a callus phase has direct application for genetic manipulation studies.


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Cytokinins induced haustoria formation in excised 10-mm segments ofCuscuta vine, the subapical 25-to-50-mm region being most responsive, producing a mean of 4–6 haustoria per segment. The order of effectiveness of cytokinins continuously applied (72 h) was 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) ges isopentenyladenine (iP) Gt zeatin (Z). Ribosides of BA and Z were as effective as the bases, whereas riboside of iP ([9R]iP) was half as effective as iP. Haustoria induction was influenced by weather and seasonal conditions at the time of vine collection; materials obtained on warm, sunny days responded better than those obtained on rainy, cloudy, or cool days. Haustoria were induced equally well all around the segment, and no thigmostimulus was needed for induction. p ]A 10-min pulse of 100 mgrM BA induced half as many haustoria as a 60-min pulse or continuous application of BA. White light inhibited haustoria induction elicited by a short (30-min) pulse of BA, whereas a longer (120-min) BA application overcame this light inhibition. Auxins (IAA or NAA, 1–10 mgrM), gibberellin (GA3, 1–10 mgrM), ethylene (as ethrel, 10–100 mgrM), and abscisic acid (ABA, 100 mgrM) were individually inhibitory (60–80%) with respect to haustoria induction when given continuously with 50 mgrM BA. A 60-min pulse of auxins (10 mgrM), GA3 (100 mgrM), or ethrel (10 mgrM), given at various time intervals during or after a 60-min pulse of 100 mgrM BA, showed that inhibition was maximal (70–95%) between 4 and 16 h of BA application and negligible (GA3) or much reduced (auxin, ethrel) at 20 h, indicating a ldquocommitmentrdquo to haustoria formation by this time.


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Calendula officinalis is grown widely as an ornamental plant across Europe. It belongs to the large. Asteraceae family. In this study, the aim was to explore the possibilities to use Calendula officinalis as a new model organism for flower development and secondary mechanism studies in Asteraceae. Tissue culture of Calendula officinalis was established using nine different cultivars. Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium with four different combinations of plant growth regulators were tested. Of all these combinations, the medium containing 1mg/l BAP, 0.1 mg/l IAA, and 1mg/l Zeatin achieved highest frequency of adventitious shoot regeneration from hypocotyl and cotyledon explants. Virus-induced gene silencing is a recent developed genetic tool for charactering the gene functions in plants, and extends the range of host plants that are not accessible for Agrobacterium transformation. Here, tobacco rattle virus (TRV)-based VIGS technique was tested in calendula (cv. Single Orange). We used TRV carrying Gerbera hybrid phytoene desaturase (PDS) gene fragment to induce PDS silencing in calendula. Vacuum infiltration and syringe infiltration methods both resulted in photo-bleaching phenotypes in leaves, bracts and petals. Loss-of-function phenotypes occurred on calendula 13 days post-infiltration. In conclusion, the data indicates that calendula explants can be regenerated through tissue culture which is a prerequisite for development of stable transformation methods. However, further optimization is still needed to improve the frequency. In addition, VIGS was applied to silence PDS marker gene expression indicating that this method has potential for gene functional studies in future.


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Callus induction and morphogenesis from different blackgram explants were tested on MS basal medium supplemented with B5 vitamins, IAA, NAA, IBA, KIN and BAP individually and in combinations. The explants were hypocotyl, epicotyl, axillary bud, cotyledonary node and immature leaf. The optimal levels of the frequency of callus induction was 22.8 mu M of IAA or 16.1 mu M NAA and in combination with 2.2 mu M of BAP. Among the seedling explants, hypocotyl was found to be more efficient in producing callus. Shoots mere induced from callus cultures of hypocotyls, epicotyls, axillary bud, cotyledonary node and immature leaf with varying frequencies in the medium containing KIN (2.3-9.3 mu M) or BAP (2.2-8.8 mu M) and in combination with IAA (2.8 mu M) or NAA (2.6 mu M). Multiple shoots were obtained using cotyledonary node segments. The regenerated shoots rooted best on MS basal medium containing 9.8 mu M IBA. Seventy three per cent of the shoots produced roots, and 80-85% of the plantlets survived under greenhouse condition.


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Background: The micropropagation protocol for Phyllanthus amarus, an important medicinal herb used widely for the treatment of hepatitis in ethnomedicinal systems, was standardized with shoot tip and single node explants. Materials and Methods: The micropropagation was carried out for the hyperproducing ecotype (phyllanthin content 463.828 ppm; hypophyllanthin content: 75.469 ppm) collected from Aanaikatti, Coimbatore, and grown in mist chamber, CPMB, TNAU. For micropropagation studies, the leaves were trimmed off and the shoot tips (6 mm long) and nodal segments (single node) were used for initiation. Results: Shoot tips and single node explants gave a maximum of 6.00 and 7.00 multiple shoots per explant with Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) (1.0mg/L mg/L). Upon subculturing, a shoot length of around 7 cm with an average of eight internodes per shoot was observed after 20 days in the elongation medium supplemented with BAP (0.2 mg/Lmg/L) and Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) (2.0 mg/L). Seven to ten adventitious roots developed when the elongated microshoots were cultured in half strength MS medium with Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) (2.0 mg/Lmg/L) and NAA (1.0 mg/L mg/L) in 15-20 days after transfer. The rooted shoots acclimatized successfully to field conditions. Conclusion: A method for successful micropropagation of the valuable medicinal plant was established which will provide a better source for continuous supply of plants for manufacturing drugs.


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The subiculum is a structure that forms a bridge between the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex (EC), and plays a major role in the memory consolidation process. Here, we demonstrate spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) at the proximal excitatory inputs on the subicular pyramidal neurons of juvenile rat. Causal (positive) pairing of a single EPSP with a single back-propagating action potential (bAP) after a time interval of 10 ms (+10 ms) failed to induce plasticity. However, increasing the number of bAPs in a burst to three, at two different frequencies of 50 Hz (bAP burst) and 150 Hz, induced long-term depression (LTD) after a time interval of +10 ms in both the regular-firing (RF), and the weak burst firing (WBF) neurons. The LTD amplitude decreased with increasing time interval between the EPSP and the bAP burst. Reversing the order of the pairing of the EPSP and the bAP burst induced LTP at a time interval of -10 ms. This finding is in contrast with reports at other synapses, wherein prebefore postsynaptic (causal) pairing induced LTP and vice versa. Our results reaffirm the earlier observations that the relative timing of the pre- and postsynaptic activities can lead to multiple types of plasticity profiles. The induction of timing-dependent LTD (t-LTD) was dependent on postsynaptic calcium change via NMDA receptors in the WBF neurons, while it was independent of postsynaptic calcium change, but required active L-type calcium channels in the RF neurons. Thus the mechanism of synaptic plasticity may vary within a hippocampal subfield depending on the postsynaptic neuron involved. This study also reports a novel mechanism of LTD induction, where L-type calcium channels are involved in a presynaptically induced synaptic plasticity. The findings may have strong implications in the memory consolidation process owing to the central role of the subiculum and LTD in this process.


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Se establecieron in vitro yemas apicales de banano (Musa sp.) para su micro propagación durante tres sub-cultivos en un medio nutritivo artificial conteniendo sales minerales (MS), tiamina HCI, sacarosa y mio-inositol; variando con fines de estudio, la consistencia física del medio de cultivo (líquido y semi-sólido) y las concentraciones de reguladores de crecimiento: AIA= O y 1 mg/1 y 6-BAP= 5, 7 y 10 mg/1. Durante el establecimiento y multiplicación de los ex plantes se utilizó un cuarto de crecimiento para la incubación con temperaturas de 25 ± 1 ºc e intensidad lumínica de 2 000 lux. Inicialmente se establecieron in vitro 240 yemas apicales para su adaptación, de las cuales un 85 % (204) se adaptaron satisfactoriamente, el 15 % restante fueron descartados por contaminación, fenolización de las paredes del cormo o muerte de los ex plantes por no adaptación. La mayor contaminación se produjo por hongos y en menor medida por bacterias. La proliferación de hijos fue mayor en los medios de cultivo de consistencia semi-sólido en los tres sub-cultivos, correspondiendo los mejores resultados a la variante semi-sólida de los medios MS + 1mg/1 AIA+ 10 mg/16-BAP con promedio de 3.7 hijos por ex plante y 11 hijos en total, seguido por el medio MS_ + O mg/ AIA + 7 mg/1 6-BAP con 3.6 hijos por ex plante y 10.8 en total al final de los tres sub-cultivos. La menor proliferación se presentó en la variante líquida del medio MS + 1 mg/1 AIA + 10 mg/16-BAP con un promedio de 2.1 hijos por explante y 6.3 hijos en total. No se observó tendencia alguna en la proliferación de hijos con el aumento de los sub-cultivos, siendo evidente la influencia de la consistencia del medio de cultivo y la variación en los niveles de reguladores de crecimiento. El nivel más alto de 6-BAP (10 mg/1) utilizado indujo a la formación de multiyemas en los medios de cultivos líquidos, presentándose éstas a partir del II sub­ cultivo. Los medios de consistencia líquida favorecieron el crecimiento in vitro de los explantes, expresándose en un incremento en la altura y peso. Así mismo los medios líquidos indujeron a un desarrollo y crecimiento de raíces en todos los tratamientos estudiados.