361 resultados para Benin


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"Sonderabdruck aus dem XVII. u. XVIII. Jahresbericht des Württ. Vereins für Handelsgeographie."


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In the vein of the "Education for All" campaign to promote access to education, a wave of curriculum revision along the competency-based approach has swept francophone countries in sub-Sahara Africa, thus Benin. The current study documents local actors' various interactions with the curricular reform in the course of its implementation. Secondary data supplemented with qualitative research techniques such as semi-structured interviews with teachers, and focus group discussions with parents enable to relate the patterns of change, the challenges and resistance to change. The actors spectrum generated illustrates advocacy on one hand and resistance on the other. Advocacy of local actors reflects the global optimistic discourse on education and resistance is favoured by disappointing policy outcomes as well as contextual constraints. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Toxic metals are part of the most important groups of environmental pollutants that can bind to vital cellular components and interfere with their functions via inhalation, foods, water etc. The serum levels of toxic metals (lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic) in pregnant women with history of pregnancy complications, pregnant women without history of pregnancy complication and non-pregnant women in Benin City, South – South Nigeria was investigated in this paper, with total of 135 healthy women comprising of 45 pregnant women with history of previous pregnancy complications, 45 pregnant women without history of pregnancy complications and 45 non-pregnant women without history of pregnancy complications (controls). Some demographic characteristics and 4ml of blood samples were obtained from each subject for the analysis of lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic by standard methods. Pregnant women with history of pregnancy complications recorded a highly significant increase in the toxic metal (lead) mean value of 25.81μg/dl as against 23.70μg/dl for pregnant women without history of pregnancy complications and 11.23μg/dl for non-pregnant (control) women without history of pregnancy complications as well as significant increases in the mean values of other toxic metals (mercury, cadmium and arsenic) compared with controls (p<0.001). The selected toxic metals (Pb, Hg, Cd and As) may be involved in the development of pregnancy complications among pregnant women in Benin City, South– South Nigeria. Lead in particular may pose threat to mothers and fetuses as its mean values in the two groups of pregnant women were well above normal.


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Purpose: Infections caused by AmpC-positive bacteria results in high patient morbidity and mortality making their detection clinically important as they cannot be detected in routine susceptibility testing. This study aim to determine the prevalence of AmpC β-lactamase among Gram negative bacteria recovered from clinical specimens in Benin City, Nigeria. Methods: A total of 256 consecutive and non-repetitive Gram negative bacteria were recovered from various clinical specimens. The prevalence of AmpC β-lactamase was determined using a combination of disc antagonism test and cefoxitin-cloxacillin inhibition test. Disc susceptibility test was performed on all isolates using standard techniques. Results: Cefoxitin-cloxacillin inhibition test detected more AmpC β-lactamase than other tests. The prevalence of AmpC β-lactamase did not differ significantly between both genders and between inpatients and out-patients (p>0.05). Isolates recovered from sputum had significantly higher prevalence of AmpC β-lactamase producers compared with isolates from other clinical specimens (p=0.0484). The prevalence of AmpC production was significantly higher among isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa than other isolates (p = 0.0085). Isolates that produced AmpC β-lactamase were more susceptible to the test cephalosoprins. Conclusion: An overall prevalence of AmpC β-lactamase (15.23 %) was observed in this study. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most prevalent producer of AmpC enzymes. Prudent use of antibiotics is advocated.


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What does a dance group in Benin that mixes contemporary and ethnic dancing have in common with Mongolian felt producers that want to enter the design market in Europe? These are both examples of learning processes in Creative Industries initiatives in developing countries. Following the concept of sustainable development, I argue that the challenge for developing countries in contemporary society is to meet the very real need of people for economic development and opportunities for income generation, while at the same time avoiding unintended and unwanted consequences of economic development and globalisation. The concept of the Creative Industries may be a way to promote a development that is sustainable and avoids social exclusion of groups-at-risk. In line with this, I argue that the Creative Industries sector could, in fact, link economic development and the continuation and evolution of local traditions and cultural heritage. A pressing question then is: how can education and learning contribute to creating a context in which talent can flourish? This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the research problem of this thesis: what elements are conducive for individual learning processes in creative development initiatives? In this, I argue that it is crucial to determine what ingredients and characteristics contribute to making these initiatives successful, that is, to meet their specific goals, in a developing context. This is explored through a staged analysis: an overview of quantitative data, an inventory and comparative case studies and, finally, the description and analysis of two in-depth case studies – felt design in Mongolia (Asia) and dance in Benin (Africa), in which I was an observer of the action phase of the local interventions. The analysis culminates in practice-related outcomes related to the operation of creative development initiatives, as well as the contribution to the academic debate on issues like the cultural gap between developed and developing countries, transformative learning and the connection of learning spaces.


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Khaya senegalensis (African mahogany or dry-zone mahogany) is a high-value hardwood timber species with great potential for forest plantations in northern Australia. The species is distributed across the sub-Saharan belt from Senegal to Sudan and Uganda. Because of heavy exploitation and constraints on natural regeneration and sustainable planting, it is now classified as a vulnerable species. Here, we describe the development of microsatellite markers for K. senegalensis using next-generation sequencing to assess its intra-specific diversity across its natural range, which is a key for successful breeding programs and effective conservation management of the species. Next-generation sequencing yielded 93943 sequences with an average read length of 234bp. The assembled sequences contained 1030 simple sequence repeats, with primers designed for 522 microsatellite loci. Twenty-one microsatellite loci were tested with 11 showing reliable amplification and polymorphism in K. senegalensis. The 11 novel microsatellites, together with one previously published, were used to assess 73 accessions belonging to the Australian K. senegalensis domestication program, sampled from across the natural range of the species. STRUCTURE analysis shows two major clusters, one comprising mainly accessions from west Africa (Senegal to Benin) and the second based in the far eastern limits of the range in Sudan and Uganda. Higher levels of genetic diversity were found in material from western Africa. This suggests that new seed collections from this region may yield more diverse genotypes than those originating from Sudan and Uganda in eastern Africa.


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Tympanotonus fuscatus was collected from 23 markets through Rivers State (Nigeria), a few in neighbouring states, and from an unexploited population at Buguma. The size distribution of shells was determined,and information on prices and trade routes was also obtained. The mean shell length of specimens from the unexploited Buguma population was 46.4 mm, compared to 30.4 mm for the Buguma market samples. Mean sizes in other markets showed a geographic pattern: the smallest were from the Adoni-Ogoni-Opobo sector (28.1-30.9); the largest were from the Nembe-Brass sector (37.7-44.2) and Bendel State (35.7-45.6); The results suggest the population structure of Tympanotonus in much of Rivers State has been strongly impacted by overharvesting. They show that local market as well as some in Cross River State, are increasingly being supplied by road with specimens from the Benin River area of Bendel State. Differences between shell types; and relations between shell size, selling price and market distance from source, are also discussed


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The paper traces the different management practices adopted for Nigerian inland water bodies from the Colonial era to independence. It observes that the full potentials of these waters have never been realized over the years due to the absence of an effective management. The replacement of the traditional fisheries management by the centralized top-down approach by government after independence has not helped matters. Lately, the cooperative/community-based management approach has taken the centre stage worldwide. This has been identified to offer the most viable and equitable option towards the attainment of an optimum utilization of the fisheries resource. The entire community sensing security of tenure and enjoying some of the benefits from access control will actively take responsibility and enforcement. The paper drew experiences from some water bodies in Bangladesh, Philippines, Benin Republic and Malawi showing sound management strategy that, if adopted for our small and medium size reservoirs and other water bodies, would help optimize on an sustainable manner the benefits from those water bodies


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This study mission on acadja, the traditional way of fishing in the lagoons of the South-East part of Benin, permits us to understand how well-established this fishing practice is, in terms of time and spatial extention. The exploitation of acadja has a great profitability but it also represents the source of some problems as deterioration of branches, deforestation and social conflits. However, when acadjas are rationally exploited, they constitute a hope for waters which are in the process of losing their biological richness.


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The value chain analysis of ths report focused on smoked marine fish- overwhelmingly the most important fish product originating in Western Region, Ghana. Smoked fish from Western Region is mainly destined for the domestic market where demand is very strong. Small quantities of smoked fish are destined for markets in Togo, Benin and Nigeria. The underlying objective of the fisheries value chain analysis is to identify opportunities for growth in the fisheries value chain, with an emphasis on those opportunities that have the potential to generate significant additional livelihoods, particularly at the level of the fishing communities and for low-income groups. The results from the value chain analysis will be used to identify pilot interventions to promote those livelihood outcomes. The main focus for the study is smoked fish (major species/product forms) destined for domestic markets. However, work will also be undertaken on the fresh fish trade and frozen fish to find out more about the significance of these value chains.


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Este estudo trata da evasão escolar, com especificidade, a evasão escolar em meio rural. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que se fundamenta, teorica e metodologicamente, nos estudos do cotidiano. Portanto, utilizamos, para coleta dos dados empíricos, uma metodologia oriunda do campo de estudo. A pesquisa tem como objetivos identificar os fatores demográficos e socioculturais que influenciam o acesso e a permanência dos alunos, e mais particularmente das meninas, na escola. E, em seguida, tentar entender o fenômeno através das suas complexas articulações e enredamentos diversos. Para atingir esses objetivos, optamos por realizar um mergulho no cotidiano do campo de pesquisa, isto é, o município de Klouékanmè. No que tange à evasão escolar em Klouékanmè, é impossível estabelecer uma separação entre os fatores demográficos e socioculturais. Complexas redes são tecidas nas articulações desses fatores e existe uma ausência das meninas no segundo ciclo do ensino secundário. Essa ausência é acompanhada por um silenciamento, pelas lógicas culturais, das vozes destas últimas. Como principais redes, destacaram-se as redes familiares e escolares, as redes de sujeitos, e as redes de dentro e de fora. Ao fazer aparecer as vozes dos sujeitos do cotidiano investigado, buscou-se trazer essas redes, do jeito que elas se apresentam no espaçotempo de Klouékanmè. Para melhorar o acesso e a permanência dos alunos na escola, propomos um reencontro da educação tradicional com a moderna, isto é, a escola/colégio. Tal reencontro potencializará mais o espaço acadêmico, de maneira a favorecer a permanência nele dos alunos e mais particularmente, das meninas.


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O uso de marcadores do tipo STR e SNP tem se revelado de grande importância na discriminação entre indivíduos de uma mesma população, assim como para estudos evolutivos. A utilização de um conjunto de 17 STRs e 46 SNPs específicos de cromossomo Y permitiu a caracterização de um conjunto de amostras representativas das populações do Rio de Janeiro e do oeste africano, com uma avaliação mais ampla sobre a ancestralidade de origem paterna. Na primeira parte deste estudo foram analisados 605 indivíduos do sexo masculino do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Como resultado, não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as populações do sudeste e do Rio de Janeiro, que apresentou uma alta diversidade de haplótipos (0,9999 0,0001) e de haplogrupos (0,7589 0,0171). A comparação da população miscigenada do Rio de Janeiro com diferentes grupos étnicos ou populacionais mostrou que a frequência de indivíduos com marcadores tipicamente Europeus é de 77%, africanos é de 14,87% e em ameríndios é de 2,31%. A segunda parte do estudo revelou uma grande diversidade haplotípica (1,0000 0,0018) numa amostra do Oeste africano. Quanto ao valor da diversidade de haplogrupos (0,6895 0,0200), este foi similar aos observados em populações de origem Bantu do oeste e centro africanos, principalmente de Benin, Nigéria e Costa do Marfim. A terceira parte deste estudo mostrou que não existem diferenças significativas entre o componente africano da amostra do Rio de Janeiro e as populações africanas do sudeste, oeste e centro oeste. Por outro lado, observamos diferenças significativas quando comparamos o componente africano do Rio de Janeiro e o oeste africano com populações de Uganda, Quênia e África do Sul. A ampliação de estudos genéticos nas populações da África se fazem necessários para o entendimento da diversidade genética no mundo. Este trabalho contribuiu para fornecer mais alguns dados genéticos, que podem ser somados aos estudos mundiais que estão sendo realizados, ampliando os nossos conhecimentos sobre a formação das populações que também foram influenciadas pelo fenômeno da Diáspora Africana.