954 resultados para Bending plates
Based on the refined non-conforming element method for geometric nonlinear analysis, a refined nonlinear non-conforming triangular plate element is constructed using the Total Lagrangian (T.L.) and the Updated Lagrangian (U.L.) approach. The refined nonlinear non-conforming triangular plate element is based on the Allman's triangular plane element with drilling degrees of freedom [1] and the refined non-conforming triangular plate element RT9 [2]. The element is used to analyze the geometric nonlinear behavior of plates and the numerical examples show that the refined non-conforming triangular plate element by the T.L. and U.L. approach can give satisfactory results. The computed results obtained from the T.L. and U.L. approach for the same numerical examples are somewhat different and the reasons for the difference of the computed results are given in detail in this paper. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper conducts a dynamic stability analysis of symmetrically laminated FGM rectangular plates with general out-of-plane supporting conditions, subjected to a uniaxial periodic in-plane load and undergoing uniform temperature change. Theoretical formulations are based on Reddy's third-order shear deformation plate theory, and account for the temperature dependence of material properties. A semi-analytical Galerkin-differential quadrature approach is employed to convert the governing equations into a linear system of Mathieu-Hill equations from which the boundary points on the unstable regions are determined by Bolotin's method. Free vibration and bifurcation buckling are also discussed as subset problems. Numerical results are presented in both dimensionless tabular and graphical forms for laminated plates with FGM layers made of silicon nitride and stainless steel. The influences of various parameters such as material composition, layer thickness ratio, temperature change, static load level, boundary constraints on the dynamic stability, buckling and vibration frequencies are examined in detail through parametric studies.
Implementação de formulações do método dos elementos de contorno para associação de placas no espaço
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2016.
This paper describes the design of a textile microstrip antenna for 2.4 GHz. Two different fabrics are used: one for the dielectric part and another one for the conductor part. The dielectric constant of the dielectric fabric is determined experimentally. The input matching is studied by electromagnetic simulation and experimentally. Since the antenna is meant to be incorporated in the user's clothe, the effect that the antenna bending has on the matching level is also investigated both theoretically and experimentally.
Drilling of composites plates normally uses traditional techniques but damage risk is high. NDT use is important. Damage in a carbon/epoxy plate is evaluated by enhanced X-rays. Four different drills are used. The images are analysed using Computational Vision techniques. Surface roughness is compared. Results suggest strategies for delamination reduction.
This work reports on the experimental and numerical study of the bending behaviour of two-dimensional adhesively-bonded scarf repairs of carbon-epoxy laminates, bonded with the ductile adhesive Araldite 2015®. Scarf angles varying from 2 to 45º were tested. The experimental work performed was used to validate a numerical Finite Element analysis using ABAQUS® and a methodology developed by the authors to predict the strength of bonded assemblies. This methodology consists on replacing the adhesive layer by cohesive elements, including mixed-mode criteria to deal with the mixed-mode behaviour usually observed in structures. Trapezoidal laws in pure modes I and II were used to account for the ductility of the adhesive used. The cohesive laws in pure modes I and II were determined with Double Cantilever Beam and End-Notched Flexure tests, respectively, using an inverse method. Since in the experiments interlaminar and transverse intralaminar failures of the carbon-epoxy components also occurred in some regions, cohesive laws to simulate these failure modes were also obtained experimentally with a similar procedure. A good correlation with the experiments was found on the elastic stiffness, maximum load and failure mode of the repairs, showing that this methodology simulates accurately the mechanical behaviour of bonded assemblies.
Functionally graded materials are a type of composite materials which are tailored to provide continuously varying properties, according to specific constituent's mixing distributions. These materials are known to provide superior thermal and mechanical performances when compared to the traditional laminated composites, because of this continuous properties variation characteristic, which enables among other advantages, smoother stresses distribution profiles. Therefore the growing trend on the use of these materials brings together the interest and the need for getting optimum configurations concerning to each specific application. In this work it is studied the use of particle swarm optimization technique for the maximization of a functionally graded sandwich beam bending stiffness. For this purpose, a set of case studies is analyzed, in order to enable to understand in a detailed way, how the different optimization parameters tuning can influence the whole process. It is also considered a re-initialization strategy, which is not a common approach in particle swarm optimization as far as it was possible to conclude from the published research works. As it will be shown, this strategy can provide good results and also present some advantages in some conditions. This work was developed and programmed on symbolic computation platform Maple 14. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study is focused on the characterization of ultrafine particles emitted in welding of steel using mixtures of Ar+CO2, and intends to analyze which are the main process parameters which may have influence on the emission itself. It was found that the amount of emitted ultrafine particles (measured by particle number and alveolar deposited surface area) are clearly dependent from the distance to the welding front and also from the main welding parameters, namely the current intensity and heat input in the welding process. The emission of airborne ultrafine particles seem to increase with the current intensity as fume formation rate does. When comparing the tested gas mixtures, higher emissions are observed for more oxidant mixtures, that is, mixtures with higher CO2 content, which result in higher arc stability. The later mixtures originate higher concentrations of ultrafine particles (as measured by number of particles by cm3 of air) and higher values of alveolar deposited surface area of particles, thus resulting in a more hazardous condition regarding worker's exposure. © 2014 Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais (SPM). Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.
Meshless methods are used for their capability of producing excellent solutions without requiring a mesh, avoiding mesh related problems encountered in other numerical methods, such as finite elements. However, node placement is still an open question, specially in strong form collocation meshless methods. The number of used nodes can have a big influence on matrix size and therefore produce ill-conditioned matrices. In order to optimize node position and number, a direct multisearch technique for multiobjective optimization is used to optimize node distribution in the global collocation method using radial basis functions. The optimization method is applied to the bending of isotropic simply supported plates. Using as a starting condition a uniformly distributed grid, results show that the method is capable of reducing the number of nodes in the grid without compromising the accuracy of the solution. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work provides an assessment of layerwise mixed models using least-squares formulation for the coupled electromechanical static analysis of multilayered plates. In agreement with three-dimensional (3D) exact solutions, due to compatibility and equilibrium conditions at the layers interfaces, certain mechanical and electrical variables must fulfill interlaminar C-0 continuity, namely: displacements, in-plane strains, transverse stresses, electric potential, in-plane electric field components and transverse electric displacement (if no potential is imposed between layers). Hence, two layerwise mixed least-squares models are here investigated, with two different sets of chosen independent variables: Model A, developed earlier, fulfills a priori the interiaminar C-0 continuity of all those aforementioned variables, taken as independent variables; Model B, here newly developed, rather reduces the number of independent variables, but also fulfills a priori the interlaminar C-0 continuity of displacements, transverse stresses, electric potential and transverse electric displacement, taken as independent variables. The predictive capabilities of both models are assessed by comparison with 3D exact solutions, considering multilayered piezoelectric composite plates of different aspect ratios, under an applied transverse load or surface potential. It is shown that both models are able to predict an accurate quasi-3D description of the static electromechanical analysis of multilayered plates for all aspect ratios.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Otimização Energética na Indústria Química
A utilização de juntas adesivas em aplicações industriais tem vindo a aumentar, em detrimento dos métodos tradicionais tais como a soldadura, brasagem e ligações aparafusadas e rebitadas. Este facto deve-se às vantagens que estas oferecem, como o facto de serem mais leves, comportarem-se bem sob cargas cíclicas ou de fadiga, a ligação de materiais diferentes e menores concentrações de tensões. Para aumentar a confiança no projeto de estruturas adesivas, é importante conseguir prever com precisão a sua resistência mecânica e respetivas propriedades de fratura (taxa crítica de libertação de energia de deformação à tração, GIC, e corte, GIIC). Estas propriedades estão diretamente relacionadas com a Mecânica da Fratura e são estimadas através de uma análise energética. Para este efeito, distinguem-se três tipos de modelos: modelos que necessitam da medição do comprimento de fenda durante a propagação do dano, modelos que utilizam um comprimento de fenda equivalente e métodos baseados no integral J. Como na maioria dos casos as solicitações ocorrem em modo misto (combinação de tração com corte), é de grande importância a perceção da fratura nesta condições, nomeadamente das taxas de libertação de energia relativamente a diferentes critérios ou envelopes de fratura. Esta comparação permite, por exemplo, averiguar qual o melhor critério energético de rotura a utilizar em modelos numéricos baseados em Modelos de Dano Coesivo. Neste trabalho é realizado um estudo experimental utilizando o ensaio Single-Leg Bending (SLB) em provetes colados com três tipos de adesivos, de forma a estudar e comparar as suas propriedades de fratura. Para tal, são aplicados alguns modelos de redução da taxa de libertação de energia de deformação à tração, GI, e corte, GII, enquadrados nos modelos que necessitam da medição do comprimento de fenda e nos modelos que utilizam um comprimento de fenda equivalente. Numa fase posterior, procedeu-se à análise e comparação dos resultados adquiridos durante a fase experimental de GI e GII de cada adesivo. A discussão de resultados foi também feita através da análise dos valores obtidos em diversos envelopes de fratura, no sentido de averiguar qual o critério de rotura mais adequado a considerar para cada adesivo. Foi obtida uma concordância bastante boa entre métodos de determinação de GI e GII, com exceção do adesivo mais dúctil, para o qual o método baseado no comprimento de fenda equivalente apresentou resultados ligeiramente superiores.
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
The effectiveness of prefabricated hybrid composite plates (HCPs) as a seismic retrofitting solution for damaged interior RC beam-column joints is experimentally studied. HCP is composed of a thin plate made of strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) reinforced with CFRP sheets/laminates. Two full-scale severely damaged interior beam-column joints are retrofitted using two different configurations of HCPs. The effectiveness of these retrofitting solutions mainly in terms of hysteretic response, dissipated energy, degradation of secant stiffness, displacement ductility and failure modes are compared to their virgin states. According to these criteria, both solutions resulted in superior responses regarding the ones registered in their virgin states.
Recent research is showing that the addition of Recycled Steel Fibres (RSF) from wasted tyres can decrease significantly the brittle behaviour of cement based materials, by improving its toughness and post-cracking resistance. In this sense, Recycled Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (RSFRC) seems to have the potential to constitute a sustainable material for structural and non-structural applications. To assess this potential, experimental and numerical research was performed on the use of RSFRC in elements failing in bending and in beams failing in shear. The values of the fracture mode I parameters of the developed RSFRC were determined by performing inverse analysis with test results obtained in three point notched beam bending tests. To assess the possibility of using RSF as shear reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams, three point bending tests were executed with three series of RSFRC beams flexurally reinforced with a relatively high reinforcement ratio of longitudinal steel bars in order to assure shear failure for all the tested beams. By performing material nonlinear simulations with a computer program based on the finite element method (FEM), the applicability of the fracture mode I crack constitutive law derived from the inverse analysis is assessed for the prediction of the behaviour of these beams. The performance of the formulation proposed by RILEM TC 162 TDF and CEB-FIP 2010 for the prediction of the shear resistance of fibre reinforced concrete elements was also evaluated.