980 resultados para Base of the Pyramid


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This paper presents a preliminary exploration of the informal/formal economy nexus and entrepreneurial processes amongst a sample of Kenyan roadside vendors who mostly operate in the informal economy. Using semi-structured interviews, data was collected from sixty street vendors across Kenya. In particular the paper focuses on the relationship between the informal and formal economy and the factors that promote formality amongst micro and small enterprises in developing countries. The paper presents a conceptualization of a potential segmentation of the informal economy, considering the implications of this in terms of base of the pyramid initiatives and the promotion of development through enterprise.


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This paper explores a segmentation of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in developing countries within the formal/informal economy nexus that has wide-ranging implications for the targeting of base-of-the-pyramid initiatives and entrepreneurship theory. This proposed segmentation emerges from the analysis of a sample of Kenyan MSEs utilising current and prior business models; the antecedent influences shaping the business model; barriers to entry associated with knowledge, capital and skills; the degree of innovation or imitation evident in the business model linked to the nature of opportunity recognition; and their relationship with the formal institutional business environment.


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Recent studies of the variation of geomagnetic activity over the past 140 years have quantified the "coronal source" magnetic flux F-s that leaves the solar atmosphere and enters the heliosphere and have shown that it has risen, on average, by an estimated 34% since 1963 and by 140% since 1900. This variation of open solar flux has been reproduced by Solanki et al. [2000] using a model which demonstrates how the open flux accumulates and decays, depending on the rate of flux emergence in active regions and on the length of the solar cycle. We here use a new technique to evaluate solar cycle length and find that it does vary in association with the rate of change of F-s in the way predicted. The long-term variation of the rate of flux emergence is found to be very similar in form to that in F-s, which may offer a potential explanation of why F-s appears to be a useful proxy for extrapolating solar total irradiance back in time. We also find that most of the variation of cosmic ray fluxes incident on Earth is explained by the strength of the heliospheric field (quantified by F-s) and use observations of the abundance of the isotope Be-10 (produced by cosmic rays and deposited in ice sheets) to study the decrease in F-s during the Maunder minimum. The interior motions at the base of the convection zone, where the solar dynamo is probably located, have recently been revealed using the helioseismology technique and found to exhibit a 1.3-year oscillation. This periodicity is here reported in observations of the interplanetary magnetic field and geomagnetic activity but is only present after 1940, When present, it shows a strong 22-year variation, peaking near the maximum of even-numbered sunspot cycles and showing minima at the peaks of odd-numbered cycles. We discuss the implications of these long-term solar and heliospheric variations for Earth's environment.


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P>Estimates of effective elastic thickness (T(e)) for the western portion of the South American Plate using, independently, forward flexural modelling and coherence analysis, suggest different thermomechanical properties for the same continental lithosphere. We present a review of these T(e) estimates and carry out a critical reappraisal using a common methodology of 3-D finite element method to solve a differential equation for the bending of a thin elastic plate. The finite element flexural model incorporates lateral variations of T(e) and the Andes topography as the load. Three T(e) maps for the entire Andes were analysed: Stewart & Watts (1997), Tassara et al. (2007) and Perez-Gussinye et al. (2007). The predicted flexural deformation obtained for each T(e) map was compared with the depth to the base of the foreland basin sequence. Likewise, the gravity effect of flexurally induced crust-mantle deformation was compared with the observed Bouguer gravity. T(e) estimates using forward flexural modelling by Stewart & Watts (1997) better predict the geological and gravity data for most of the Andean system, particularly in the Central Andes, where T(e) ranges from greater than 70 km in the sub-Andes to less than 15 km under the Andes Cordillera. The misfit between the calculated and observed foreland basin subsidence and the gravity anomaly for the Maranon basin in Peru and the Bermejo basin in Argentina, regardless of the assumed T(e) map, may be due to a dynamic topography component associated with the shallow subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the Andes at these latitudes.


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The increasing attribute focus in the formation (engineering education, training, work-based learning and experience) of engineers now being adopted by engineering education accrediting bodies is based on meeting the perceived needs of professional practice. Related to this is an increasing expectation of new graduates being work-ready rather than relying on work-based learning and experience to develop many of the essential professional practice attributes.

The scope of the mechanical engineering profession is broad and practitioners contributing to debate on attribute requirements have their own individual views of the nature of the profession, largely influenced by their own professional formation. As a foundation for detailed study on attribute requirements for effective Australian professional mechanical engineers, in this paper we provide a concise study of the development of the established scope of practice and knowledge base of the profession over the last two centuries. Formation practices in Europe and the United States played significant roles in the 19th century.

We conclude with a discussion on the impact of the considerable changes currently affecting mechanical engineering practice in the UK, US and Australia, including organisational, technical and societal expectations, industry profile, and educational factors.


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Early to late Pliocene sedimentary strata present across the northern Bass Strait hinterland, southeastern Australia yield extensive fossil proxy data relevant to the interpretation of high sea level coastal palaeomorphology. Within the Pliocene Whalers Bluff Formation exposed in coastal cliffs near the township of Portland, Victoria, marine microfossil faunas delineate two broad cycles of deposition. Both these sedimentary cycles are bound below by unconformity surfaces. Within the lower sedimentary cycle, a basal stress-tolerant (low diversity) marginal marine microfossil fauna devoid of ostracods and suggestive of bottom-water hypoxia, is succeeded by a diverse shallow marine ostracod fauna dominated by stenohaline species indicative of a sheltered (but open) oceanic embayment. This lower sedimentary cycle has an early Pliocene (Zanclean) age. Equivalent shallow marine (e.g. coastal embayment) deposits occur broadly across the coastal hinterland of southeastern Australia-reflecting the generally higher global sea levels of this time. The upper cycle in the cliff exposures at Portland is late Pliocene (Piacenzian) in age. Equivalent deposits across the Bass Strait hinterland are restricted to former incised river valley settings. Euryhaline estuarine/coastal lagoon Ostracoda are present throughout the upper cycle in the Portland cliffs. These are associated with a low diversity microfauna at the base of the upper cycle and a high diversity microfauna towards the top of the cycle. Early Pliocene coastal marine deposits can be distinguished from late Pliocene coastal marine deposits across the northern Bass Strait hinterland on the basis of the presence or absence of certain open marine ('stenohaline') ostracod species.


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Vinte perdizes Rhynchotus rufescens adultas foram utilizadas para estudo morfológico do proventrículo e ventrículo gástricos da perdiz Rhynchotus rufescens. Os materiais foram coletados e os comprimentos do proventrículo e do ventrículo gástricos foram avaliados. Para o estudo histológico, fragmentos dos estômagos foram corados pelas técnicas de ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS) e tricromo de Masson. O proventrículo gástrico é alongado, com formato fusiforme direcionado no sentido craniocaudalmente e para a esquerda, e apresenta um comprimento médio 3,20cm nas fêmeas e 3,65cm nos machos. Histologicamente, o proventrículo gástrico é composto por vários lobos e glândulas. A mucosa é formada por epitélio cúbico, sendo bastante pregueada. O ventrículo gástrico tem o formato de uma lente biconvexa, com comprimento médio de 4,30cm nas fêmeas e 4,35cm nos machos. A mucosa é formada por pregas revestidas por células cilíndricas e pelo muco formador da cutícula. Há criptas na base das pregas. em seguida, há uma lâmina própria e uma espessa camada muscular lisa, que se encontra direcionada de acordo com o formato do ventrículo gástrico. A serosa é constituída por uma densa porção de tecido conjuntivo, entremeado por algumas células musculares lisas.


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Aim: To describe the early healing processes around the implants installed after elevation of the sinus mucosa applying the lateral access technique without the use of grafting material.Material and methods: Immediately after the elevation of the maxillary sinus Schneiderian membrane by the lateral approach in eight monkeys, implants were installed without the use of grafting material. The healing of the tissue around the implants was evaluated after 4, 10, 20 and 30 days. Ground sections were prepared and analyzed histologically.Results: After 4 days of healing, the formation of coagulum and provisional matrix was documented within the elevated area. At 10-day interval, sprouts of woven bone were in continuity with the parent bone, and partly in contact with the implant surface at the base of the augmented area. While bone-to-implant contact increased after 20 and 30 days, the area underneath the Schneiderian membrane appeared reduced in volume and condensed toward the apex of the implants. The sinus mucosa was to some extent collapsed onto the implant surface and on the newly formed bone.Conclusions: The void initially occupied by the coagulum after sinus membrane elevation shrank substantially during the observation period. A lack of influence of the Schneiderian membrane in bone formation apical to implants was documented in the early phase of healing.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), PHB has been structurally modified through reaction with maleic anhydride, MA. Transesterification reaction was carried out fixing the PHB and MA and besides time and temperature the concentration of the triethylamine (used as catalyst) was changed. Glass transition, melting and crystallization temperature obtained from DSC curves and thermal degradation temperatures obtained from TG traces were used to evaluate the influence of the reaction conditions on the modification of PHB according to factorial design. on the base of the results the optimum conditions are to perform the PHB modification reaction with MA reaction at 110 degrees C for 1 h with 5% v/v triethylamine.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Includes bibliography


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution in mandibular free-end removable partial dentures (RPD) associated with FPD in the abutment teeth considering different inclinations of the residual ridge: (1) horizontal and (2) distal descending ridges and two designs of free-end RPD with different attachment systems were tested: (1) clasp and (2) system ERA. Methods. Axial loads (100 N) were applied on the teeth of the RPD. The images were recorded and the stress distribution was evaluated through photoelastic fringes. Results. In general, the distal descending ridge presented more photoelastic fringes in the region of the roots of the abutment teeth while the horizontal ridge exhibited higher compression in the base of the prosthesis. In the horizontal ridge, the denture with clasp presented more favourable stress distribution than the denture with the system ERA. In the distal descending ridge, the denture with the system ERA relieved the region of the abutment teeth and overloaded the residual ridge. Conclusion: The horizontal ridge presented more favourable performance; the dentures with clasp exhibited better performance for both ridges evaluated; the denture with the system ERA presented better results in the distal descending ridge. © 2013 Informa Healthcare.