979 resultados para Barrier Function


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Neste trabalho é revista uma metodologia baseada na modelação matemática de dados de perda transepidérmica de água (PTEA) após a realização de um plastic occlusion stress test (POST), para avaliar a dinâmica hídrica cutânea através de parâmetros cinéticos. Embora simples de executar, esta metodologia consome muito tempo, uma vez que normalmente envolve a recolha de dados durante, pelo menos, 30 minutos. Esta investigação tem como objectivo optimizar o protocolo, reduzindo o tempo total da experiência através da recolha de mais pontos na fase inicial do estudo.Foi possível reduzir significativamente o tempo de análise, o que se torna vantajoso tanto para os investigadores, como para os voluntários, uma vez que, por um lado, há redução dos custos de investigação, bem como se assegura o conforto dos participantes no estudo.


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A pele constitui o maior órgão do corpo humano. As diversas funções cutâneas que conhecemos reúnem-se na sua capacidade de protecção e de adaptação ao contorno corporal. O presente estudo visa comparar parâmetros de hidratação e elasticidade, de forma a determinar de que forma uma poderá influenciar ou ser influenciada pela outra. Para tal, foi selecionada uma amostra de conveniência de 42 voluntárias, do sexo feminino, saudáveis e normoponderais (de acordo com a classificação internacional da OMS). Afunção “barreira” da pele foi caracterizada pela perda transepidérmica de água (Tewameter TM300); a hidratação superficial foi medida através da utilização do Moisturemeter SC e Corneometer; e a função “envelope” foi medida através da utilização do Cutometer MPA580 e Reviscometer RV600. As medições foram efetuadas na face (zona zigomática e fronte), na mama e no abdómen. Os resultados mais significativos demonstram uma influência da idade na alteração dos diversos parâmetros avaliados, de acordo com o que se encontra publicados. Para além disso, parece existir alguma relação entre os parâmetros de hidratação e alguns descritores biomecânicos, a qual deverá ser investigada em estudos futuros.


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Nos últimos anos, a circulação cutânea surgiu como uma janela interessante para analisar a função microcirculatória e os mecanismos de disfunção. Tecnologias não-invasivas, incluindo a Fluxometria por Laser Doppler (FLD), gasimetria transcutânea e a Perda Transepidérmica de Água (PTEA), ajudaram a considerar a circulação cutânea como um modelo de translação útil na doença vascular. Neste estudo procurou-se avaliar o perfil de resposta de um grupo de indivíduos jovens saudáveis ​​(n = 8), de ambos os sexos (24,5 ± 0,8 anos de idade) a três manobras de condicionamento da perfusão no membro inferior - A: elevação da perna enquanto sentado, B: elevação da perna enquanto em decúbito dorsal; C: oclusão supra-sistólica com um torniquete. As técnicas de medição incluiram FLD, pressões parciais transcutâneas (tc) pO2 e pCO2 por gasimetria e PTEA por evaporimetria. Foram aplicados testes de estatística descritiva e não paramétrica, sendo adotado um nível de confiança de 95%. As tcpO2 e tcpCO2 alteraram-se significativamente durante as manobras. Foi registado um perfil de evolução recíproca para FLD e PTEA em A e C, o que pode sugerir que, sob as condições experimentais as condições de perfusão local podem influenciar a função epidérmica "barreira". Os modelos propostos parecem ser adequados para caracterizar a microcirculação periférica in vivo, o que justifica estudos de desenvolvimento posteriores.


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O óleo de café verde (OCV) é um ingrediente bastante conhecido com propriedades cosméticas como: manter a hidratação da pele, melhorar o fator de proteção solar e manter a função barreira da pele. Assim, o objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da adição de uma quantidade considerável de OCV (15%) nas propriedades sensoriais de uma formulação cosmética. O painel sensorial consistiu de 19 voluntários com idades entre 19 e 43 anos. Os atributos sensoriais foram avaliadas em uma região definida de 25 cm2 na parte interna do antebraço. Os voluntários foram instruídos a avaliar as propriedades sensoriais que eles sentiam para cada formulação imediatamente e 5 minutos após a aplicação. As formulações mostraram quase a mesma percepção entre os voluntários. A maioria dos voluntários percebeu a pele suave e hidratada após a aplicação das formulações. No entanto, a percepção de um resíduo oleoso sobre a pele foi o principal efeito da formulação contendo OCV. Assim, podemos concluir que a quantidade total de OCV utilizado mostrou propriedades interessantes para aplicação em peles secas ou cremes noturnos, uma vez que foi capaz de deixar uma película oleosa sobre a pele.


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A microcirculação cutânea surgiu, nos últimos anos, como uma alternativa pratica e acessível para o estudo da circulação periférica. Técnicas não-invasivas, como a Fluxometria por Laser Doppler (FLD), a Evaporimetria e a Gasimetria transcutânea em associação a testes de provocação têm transformado a circulação cutânea num atraente modelo de investigação. Este estudo foi aplicado a um grupo de voluntárias jovens saudáveis (n = 8, (21,6 ± 2,6) anos) respirando uma atmosfera de 100 % oxigénio durante 10 minutos. Este teste permitiu-nos avaliar a resposta circulatória na microcirculação do membro inferior. As técnicas de medição incluíram o fluxo sanguíneo local por FLD, a pO2 transcutânea (tc) e a Perda Transepidérmica de Água (PTEA) por evaporimetria. A análise de dados revela que tc-pO2 e FLD se alteraram significativamente durante o teste. Um perfil de evolução recíproca foi registrado para FLD e PTEA, que parece apoiar dados anteriores de que as alterações no fluxo sanguíneo local podem influenciar a função de “barreira” epidérmica. Este modelo parece adequado para caracterizar a microcirculação do membro inferior in vivo.


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Background: Animal studies suggest that prebiotics and probiotics exert protective effects against tumor development in the colon, but human data supporting this suggestion are weak. Objective: The objective was to verify whether the prebiotic concept (selective interaction with colonic flora of nondigested carbohydrates) as induced by a synbiotic preparation-oligofructose-enriched inulin (SYN1) + Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 (BB12)-is able to reduce the risk of colon cancer in humans. Design: The 12-wk randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a synbiotic food composed of the prebiotic SYN1 and probiotics LGG and BB12 was conducted in 37 colon cancer patients and 43 polypectomized patients. Fecal and blood samples were obtained before, during, and after the intervention, and colorectal biopsy samples were obtained before and after the intervention. The effect of synbiotic consumption on a battery of intermediate biomarkers for colon cancer was examined. Results: Synbiotic intervention resulted in significant changes in fecal flora: Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus increased and Clostridium perfringens decreased. The intervention significantly reduced colorectal proliferation and the capacity of fecal water to induce necrosis in colonic cells and improve epithelial barrier function in polypectomized patients. Genotoxicity assays of colonic biopsy samples indicated a decreased exposure to genotoxins in polypectomized patients at the end of the intervention period. Synbiotic consumption prevented an increased secretion of interleukin 2 by peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the polypectomized patients and increased the production of interferon gamma in the cancer patients. Conclusions: Several colorectal cancer biomarkers can be altered favorably by synbiotic intervention.


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Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in Western countries. The World Health Organisation identifies diet as a critical risk factor in the development and progression of this disease and the protective role of high levels of fruit and vegetable consumption. Several studies have shown that apples contain several phenolic compounds that are potent anti-oxidants in humans. However, little is known about other beneficial properties of apple phenolics in cancer. We have used the HT29, HT115 and CaCo-2 cell lines as in vitro models to examine the effect of apple phenolics (0.01–0.1% apple extract) on key stages of colorectal carcinogenesis, namely; DNA damage (Comet assay), colonic barrier function (TER assay), cell cycle progression (DNA content assay) and invasion (Matrigel assay). Our results indicate that a crude extract of apple phenolics can protect against DNA damage, improve barrier function and inhibit invasion (p < 0.05). The anti-invasive effects of the extract were enhanced with twenty-four hour pretreatment of cells (p < 0.05). We have shown that a crude apple extract from waste, rich in phenolic compounds, beneficially influences key stages of carcinogenesis in colon cells in vitro.


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One common effect of tumor promoters is increased tight junction (TJ) permeability. TJs are responsible for paracellular permeability and integrity of the barrier function. Occludin is one of the main proteins responsible for TJ structure. This study tested the effects of physiological levels of phenol, ammonia, primary bile acids (cholic acid, CA, and chenodeoxycholic acid, CDCA), and secondary bile acids (lithocholic acid, LCA, and deoxycholic acid, DCA) on paracellular permeability using a Caco-2 cell model. Paracellular permeability of Caco-2 monolayers was assessed by transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) and the apical to basolateral flux of [C-14]-mannitol. Secondary, but not primary, bile acids increased permeability as reflected by significantly decreased TER and increased mannitol flux. Both phenol and ammonia also increased permeability. The primary bile acid CA significantly increased occludin expression (P < 0.05), whereas CDCA had no significant effect on occludin expression as compared to the negative control. The secondary bile acids DCA and LCA significantly increased occludin expression (P < 0.05), whereas phenol had no significant effect on the protein expression as compared to the negative control. This suggests that the increased permeability observed with LCA, DCA, phenol, and ammonia was not related to an effect on occludin expression. In conclusion, phenol, ammonia, and secondary bile acids were shown to increase paracellular permeability and reduce epithelial barrier function at doses typical of levels found in fecal samples. The results contribute to the evidence these gut microflora-generated products have tumor-promoting activity.


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Resistant starch type 2 (RS2) and type 3 (RS3) containing preparations were digested using a batch (a) and a dynamic in vitro model (b). Furthermore, in vivo obtained indigestible fractions from ileostomy patients were used (c). Subsequently these samples were fermented with human feces with a batch and a dynamic in vitro method. The fermentation supernatants were used to treat CAC02 cells. Cytotoxicity, anti-genotoxicity against hydrogen peroxide (comet assay) and the effect on barrier function measured by trans-epithelial electrical resistance were determine. Dynamically fermented samples led to high cytotoxic activity, probably due to additional compounds added during in vitro fermentation. As a consequence only batch fermented samples were investigated further. Batch fermentation of RS resulted in an anti-genotoxic activity ranging from 9-30% decrease in DNA damage for all the samples, except for RS2-b. It is assumed that the changes in RS2 structures due to dynamic digestion resulted in a different fermentation profile not leading to any anti-genotoxic effect. Additionally, in vitro batch fermentation of RS caused an improvement in integrity across the intestinal barrier by approximately 22% for all the samples. We have demonstrated that batch in vitro fermentation of RS2 and RS3 preparations differently pre-digested are capable of inhibiting the initiation and promotion stage in colon carcinogenesis in vitro.


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Aims/hypothesis Recent evidence suggests that a particular gut microbial community may favour occurrence of the metabolic diseases. Recently, we reported that high-fat (HF) feeding was associated with higher endotoxaemia and lower Bifidobacterium species (spp.) caecal content in mice. We therefore tested whether restoration of the quantity of caecal Bifidobacterium spp. could modulate metabolic endotoxaemia, the inflammatory tone and the development of diabetes. Methods Since bifidobacteria have been reported to reduce intestinal endotoxin levels and improve mucosal barrier function, we specifically increased the gut bifidobacterial content of HF-diet-fed mice through the use of a prebiotic (oligofructose [OFS]). Results Compared with normal chow-fed control mice, HF feeding significantly reduced intestinal Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria including levels of bifidobacteria, a dominant member of the intestinal microbiota, which is seen as physiologically positive. As expected, HF-OFS-fed mice had totally restored quantities of bifidobacteria. HF-feeding significantly increased endotoxaemia, which was normalised to control levels in HF-OFS-treated mice. Multiple-correlation analyses showed that endotoxaemia significantly and negatively correlated with Bifidobacterium spp., but no relationship was seen between endotoxaemia and any other bacterial group. Finally, in HF-OFS-treated-mice, Bifidobacterium spp. significantly and positively correlated with improved glucose tolerance, glucose-induced insulin secretion and normalised inflammatory tone (decreased endotoxaemia, plasma and adipose tissue proinflammatory cytokines). Conclusions/interpretation Together, these findings suggest that the gut microbiota contribute towards the pathophysiological regulation of endotoxaemia and set the tone of inflammation for occurrence of diabetes and/or obesity. Thus, it would be useful to develop specific strategies for modifying gut microbiota in favour of bifidobacteria to prevent the deleterious effect of HF-diet-induced metabolic diseases.


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Objective: In recent years the use of anthraquinone laxatives, in particular senna, has been associated with damage to the intestinal epithelial layer and an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. In the present study we evaluated the cytotoxicity of rhein, the active metabolite of senna, on human colon adenocarcinoma cells (Caco-2) and its effect on cell proliferation. Methods: Cytotoxicity studies were performed using MTT, NR and TEER assays whereas 3H-thymidine incorporation and western blot analysis were used to evaluate the effect of rhein on cell proliferation. Moreover, for genoprotection studies Comet assay and oxidative biomarkers measurement (malondialdehyde and reactive oxygen species) were used. Results: Rhein (0.1-10μg/ml) had no significant cytotoxic effect on proliferating and differentiated Caco-2 cells. Rhein (0.1 and 1 μg/ml) significantly reduced cell proliferation as well as MAP kinase activation; by contrast, at the high concentration (10μg/ml) rhein significantly increased cell proliferation and ERK phosphorylation. Moreover, rhein (0.1-10μg/ml) (i) did not adversely affect the integrity of tight junctions and hence epithelial barrier function, (ii) did not induce DNA damage rather it was able to reduce H2O2-induced DNA damage and (iii) significantly inhibited the increase in malondialdehyde and ROS levels induced by H2O2/Fe2+. Conclusions: Rhein, was devoid of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in colon adenocarcinoma cells. Moreover, at concentrations present in the colon after a human therapeutic dosage of senna, rhein inhibited cell proliferation via a mechanism which seems to involve directly the MAP kinase pathway. Finally, rhein prevents the DNA damage probably via an anti-oxidant mechanism.


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Penetration enhancers are chemicals that temporarily and reversibly diminish the barrier function of the outermost layer of skin, the stratum corneum, to facilitate drug delivery to and through the tissue. In the current study, the complex mechanisms by which 1,8-cineole, a potent terpene penetration enhancer, disrupts the stratum corneum barrier is investigated using post-mortem skin samples. In order to validate the use of excised tissue for these and related studies, a fibre optical probe coupled to an FT-Raman spectrometer compared spectroscopic information for human skin recorded from in vivo and in vitro sampling arrangements. Spectra from full-thickness (epidermis and dermis) post-mortem skin samples presented to the spectrometer with minimal sample preparation (cold acetone rinse) were compared with the in vivo system (the forearms of human volunteers). No significant differences in the Raman spectra between the in vivo and in vitro samples were observed, endorsing the use of post-mortem or surgical samples for this investigational work. Treating post-mortem samples with the penetration enhancer revealed some unexpected findings: while evidence for enhancer-induced disruption of the barrier lipid packing in the stratum corneum was detected in some samples, spectra from other samples revealed an increase in lipid order on treatment with the permeation promoter. These findings are consistent with phase-separation of the enhancer within the barrier lipid domains as opposed to homogeneous disruption of the lipid lamellae. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The stratum corneum (SC) barrier typically consists of layers of corneocytes embedded in a lipid continuum that regulates barrier function. The lipid domain containing ceramides, cholesterol, and free fatty acids provides the major pathway for most drugs permeating across SC. Penetration enhancers diminish the SC barrier function. The classic enhancer is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Its mechanisms of action remain unclear, although DMSO disrupts lipid organisation and may displace protein-bound water. Here we use confocal Raman spectroscopy to probe molecular interactions between a finite (depleting) dose of DMSO and SC, as functions of depth and time, providing novel information about residence time and location of DMSO in human SC in vivo


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The traditional Mediterranean diet is thought to represent a healthy lifestyle; especially given the incidence of several cancers including colorectal cancer is lower in Mediterranean countries compared to Northern Europe. Olive oil, a central component of the Mediterranean diet, is believed to beneficially affect numerous biological processes. We used phenols extracted from virgin olive oil on a series of in vitro systems that model important stages of colon carcinogenesis. The effect the extract on DNA damage induced by hydrogen peroxide was measured in HT29 cells using single cell microgel-electrophoresis. A significant anti-genotoxic linear trend (p=0.011) was observed when HT29 cells were pre-incubated with olive oil phenols (0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 microg/ml) for 24 hr, then challenged with hydrogen peroxide. The olive oil phenols (50, 100 microg/ml) significantly (p=0.004, p=0.002) improved barrier function of CACO2 cells after 48 hr as measured by trans-epithelial resistance. Significant inhibition of HT115 invasion (p<0.01) was observed at olive oil phenols concentrations of 25, 50, 75, 100 microg/ml using the matrigel invasion assay. No effect was observed on HT115 viability over the concentration range 0, 25, 50 75, 100 microg/ml after 24 hr, although 75 and 100 microg/ml olive oil phenols significantly inhibited HT115 cell attachment (p=0.011, p=0.006). Olive oil phenols had no significant effect on metastasis-related gene expression in HT115 cells. We have demonstrated that phenols extracted from virgin olive oil are capable of inhibiting several stages in colon carcinogenesis in vitro.


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Evidence from in vivo and in vitro studies suggests that the consumption of pro- and prebiotics may inhibit colon carcinogenesis; however, the mechanisms involved have, thus far, proved elusive. There are some indications from animal studies that the effects are being exerted during the promotion stage of carcinogenesis. One feature of the promotion stage of colorectal cancer is the disruption of tight junctions, leading to a loss of integrity across the intestinal barrier. We have used the Caco-2 human adenocarcinoma cell line as a model for the intestinal epithelia. Trans-epithelial electrical resistance measurements indicate Caco-2 monolayer integrity, and we recorded changes to this integrity following exposure to the fermentation products of selected probiotics and prebiotics, in the form of nondigestible oligosaccharides (NDOs). Our results indicate that NDOs themselves exert varying, but generally minor, effects upon the strength of the tight junctions, whereas the fermentation products of probiotics and NDOs tend to raise tight junction integrity above that of the controls. This effect was bacterial species and oligosaccharide specific. Bifidobacterium Bb 12 was particularly effective, as were the fermentation products of Raftiline and Raftilose. We further investigated the ability of Raftilose fermentations to protect against the negative effects of deoxycholic acid (DCA) upon tight junction integrity. We found protection to be species dependent and dependent upon the presence of the fermentation products in the media at the same time as or after exposure to the DCA. Results suggest that the Raftilose fermentation products may prevent disruption of the intestinal epithelial barrier function during damage by tumor promoters.