993 resultados para Balneario de Sierra Elvira (Granada).


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Con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de Dirofilariasis (gusano del corazón) en caninos, se llevó a cabo el presente estudio, analizando los vectores, las condiciones ambientales y los factores de manejo que permiten el desarrollo o ausencia de la enfermedad, en tres barrios (Brisas del Lago, Calle la Libertad y Villa Sultana) del municipio de Granada, así mismo la sintomatología clínica presente en casos positivos y su potencial zoonótico; en el periodo de diciembre 2013 – julio 2014. Para realizar este estudio se tomó una población de 108 perros, haciendo la toma de muestra por venopunción y procediendo a usar el kit de diagnóstico rápido (Heska Canine Heartworm antigen test kit), depositando en el tres gotas de sangre entera. Se obtuvo un caso positivo de una hembra canina de raza criolla de 18 meses de edad. Representando una baja prevalencia de 0.92% de Dirofilariasis, esto se ve influenciado por el uso de ivermectina que incide sobre las microfilarias. Se comprobó la presencia en Nicaragua de mosquitos vectores de esta parasitosis (Dirofilaria immitis): Culex spp, Anopheles spp, Aedes spp, Las características agroecológicas presentes en el municipio de Granada como la temperatura que oscilan en 27 a 27.5ºC, son propicias para la presencia de estos vectores (mosquitos y larvas), debido a que ellos requieren una temperatura por encima de los 14ºC para su desarrollo; al igual que la presencia de un clima cálido y fuentes de agua. El caso positivo no presentó sintomatología (tos crónica, falta de resistencia, ascitis, murmullos cardíacos, colapsos) que evidenciara la enfermedad, debido a que solo se presenta cuando el padecimiento está avanzado o hay gran carga parasitaria. Las principales alteraciones al hombre son: pequeños infartos y lesiones granulomatosas a nivel pulmonar, dolor de pecho, fiebre, tos/hemosptisis, mialgias, escalofríos y malestar. Al finalizar este estudio se llegó a la conclusión que existe la presencia de Dirofilariasis en el municipio de Granada con una baja prevalencia del 0.92%. Se identificó la existencia en Nicaragua de mosquitos vectores (Culex spp, Anopheles spp, Aedes spp.) de esta parasitosis. Determinándose que las condiciones ambientales (temperatura, humedad y agua) son propicias para el desarrollo de los vectores transmisores de esta enfermedad. En cuanto a la sintomatología clínica en el cánido fue ausente. Es una enfermedad de interés zoonótico, por la capacidad que tienen estos mosquitos de transmitir esta enfermedad al humano. Se recomienda la prevención de la enfermedad con un tratamiento a base de ivermectina a dosis mínimas toleradas por los collie, y en los casos positivos un protocolo de prednisolona e ivermectina. Para evitar la zoonosis lo ideal es mantener un control estricto de mosquitos vectores y así evitar la transmisión tanto a perros como a humanos.


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La Facultad de Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente (FARENA) en conjunto con el proyecto UNA-FAGRO DEPARTIR/ORGANIZACIÓN MUNDIAL PARA LA SALUD Y SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA, FAO, consideraron como objetivo principal Diagnosticar el estado actual del bosque de galería en los ríos Ochomogo y Nandarola, del municipio de Nandaime, Granada. En el río Nandarola se inventarió un área de 23.33 ha, encontrándose 321 árboles en 62 especies y 29 familias; la especie más representativa es el Guácimo de ternero(Guazuma ulmifolia Lam) con 30 individuos, y la familia más representativa es Mimosaceae con ocho especies. El área inventariada del río Ochomogo fue de 8.18 ha, se identificaron 154 árboles en 37 especies y 24 familias; la especie más abundante es Tigüilote(Cordia dentata Poir) con 19 individuos, la familiacon mayor representatividad es la Mimosaceae con cinco especies. Las variables silviculturales, iluminación respecto al río Nandarola equivale a un 51% de iluminación vertical plena, un 52% poseen fustes rectos sin ningún daño, y un 65% se encuentra libre de lianas. Por otro lado en el río Ochomogo se encontró un 57% de árboles que recibe iluminación vertical plena, con una calidad de fuste recto sin ningún daño de 45% y el 65% están libres de lianas. En general se puede decir que la población local y circundante ejerce presión sobre el recurso bosque; el caudal del río ha disminuido notoriamente por las actividades de extracción de madera para consumo energético; se evidencia la sustitución de especies nativas por exóticas como Teca (Tectona grandis L.F), Eucalipto (Eucalyptus spp.) y Neem(Azadirachta indica A. Juss) en las áreas de las riveras de los ríos, el aumento de áreas para potreros y el establecimiento de pasto, de plantaciones de cultivos de plátanos y de micro fábricas de ladrillos.


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The studies reported were undertaken as part of a wide environmental feasibility study for the establishment of a modern sewage system in Freetown. The aim of this part of the study was to determine whether the hydrological regime of the Sierra Leone River Estuary would permit the large-scale introduction of sewage into the estuary without damaging the environment. The important factors were whether: 1) there would be sufficient dilution of the sewage; 2) fleatable particles or other substances would create significant adverse effects in the estuarine ecosystem. The outfall sites are described together with the sampling stations, methods and analyses. Results include: 1) T/S profiles; 2) chemical analysis of the water. A review of literature on the Sierra Leone River Estuary is included which provides information on the plankton, benthos and fisheries. Results suggest that at certain points where local circulations occur it would be inadvisable to locate untreated sewage outfalls. Such points are frequently observed in small embayments. These studies have been of short duration but the data can serve as baseline for more extended investigations which would give a more complete picture of the seasonal patterns in the estuary.


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This report gives the species and catch-rates per hour of some commercial shrimp species caught in the course of a short survey of inshore shelf fishing grounds. Species seen in significant quantities were: Parapenneopsis atlantica, Parapenaeus longirostris, Penaeus kerathurus and Penaeus duorarum notialis


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Sierra Leone is a tropical country where water temperatures are high throughout the year. Consequently the local oysters tend to spawn the year round, with one or two spawning peaks. The condition of such tropical oysters may not be as high as those oyesters in temperate countries since the stored glycogen is regularly utilized to form gonads. A high condition factor value indicates that the oysters have accumulated glycogen and or gonads, whereas a low condition factor value indicates that the oysters have spawned and are in the process of accumulating glycogen, which may later be utilized for gonad development. In oyster culture, condition factor studies may be supported by plankton and oyster spat settlement studies in the culture area. These studies give an indication of when oyster larvae and spat settlement are at their peak values. In Sierra Leone studies of the plankton and spat settlement are undertaken every week throughout the year. Conditions factor is obtained from the ratio weight of dry (oyster) meat x 1000/internal volume. Detailed condition factor values are shown in relation to salinity at two stations. Condition factor declines with reducing salinity, which principally occurs during the rainy season. The best times to collect spat are May to June and September to October


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The authors present quantitative information on the shrimp resources of Sierra Leone waters. Four of the nine species present have been studied, of which Paenaeus duorarum notialis is dominant in the fishery. Synoptic surveys were undertaken in June 1977, and March 1978, to determine the abundance of the shrimp stock on the inshore shelf. The temperature-salinity-depth curves for the fishing ground show the existence of three water masses. The majority of fish caught were sciaenids, with some sparids also being taken. Detailed discussion of distribution and abundance of individual species of shrimp is given. The surveys have shown that the Banana Islands are the most productive shrimp grounds in the country, and the authors believe that they can support a viable shrimp industry for several years to come at present rates of exploitation


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Details are given of the Institute and its activities, in particular the research projects being undertaken. These include studies on the marine molluscs of Sierra Leone, the cockle fishery, a preliminary investigation on the fouling organisms affecting the raft-cultured oyster populations, larval oyster ecology in relation to oyster culture, preliminary studies on the reproductive cycle of the mangrove oyster (Crassostrea tulipa), and catch composition of fishes taken by beach-seines at Lumley (Freetown). Records of the west African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) are noted.


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The Sierra Leone River Estuary is a relatively young drowned river valley, it is shallow except for a deep channel which passes close to the Freetown shoreline. The upper reaches merge into a network of creeks and channels fringed by large areas of mangrove swamps. It is a tidal estuary of the semi-mixed type with the saline oceanic water entering it on a diurnal cycle. The climate of Sierra Leone is marked by a very distinct change between a very wet rainy season and a dry season. The tidal range of the Estuary (spring 3.03m; neap 2.28m) does not impede normal use of the harbour. The tidal variations can be felt as far as 42 miles inland along the water courses of the Sierra Leone River and its tributaries. The volume of fresh water entering the Estuary is large during the rainy season and greatly reduced during the dry season. Consequently there is a marked fall in salinity during the rainy season and higher salinities due to the marine influence prevailing during the dry season. The nature of the shores and bottom, the hydrography and chemistry of the estuarine system have been outlined in relation to the prevailing climatic conditions.


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Measurements were taken of size distribution of P. d. notialis collected off Sierra Leone over a period of six months from October 1977 to March 1978. From the frequency distribution curves it is observed that the curves for male shrimps show only one or two major modes, which show prominence between 12.5 and 14.1 cm of total length. Females mostly exhibited size groups with three or four different length ranges and occasional occurrence of 1 to 5 modes. These size groups were observed to show continuous changes. No one group could be said to be permanent. The point of entry into the fishery of male shrimps was found to be at an average total length of 10.5 cm, while females did so at 11 cm. Sex ratios in the different samples were usually 1:1 but in one case the males were more numerous by 2:1 and in four other samples females were significantly preponderent. These departures from the 1:1 ratio may have been artificially created by sorting of the catches on board the ships.


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