979 resultados para Bacterial Proteins


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The pattern of global gene expression in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium bacteria harvested from the chicken intestinal lumen (cecum) was compared with that of a late-log-phase LB broth culture using a whole-genome microarray. Levels of transcription, translation, and cell division in vivo were lower than those in vitro. S. Typhimurium appeared to be using carbon sources, such as propionate, 1,2-propanediol, and ethanolamine, in addition to melibiose and ascorbate, the latter possibly transformed to D-xylulose. Amino acid starvation appeared to be a factor during colonization. Bacteria in the lumen were non- or weakly motile and nonchemotactic but showed upregulation of a number of fimbrial and Salmonella pathogenicity island 3 (SPI-3) and 5 genes, suggesting a close physical association with the host during colonization. S. Typhimurium bacteria harvested from the cecal mucosa showed an expression profile similar to that of bacteria from the intestinal lumen, except that levels of transcription, translation, and cell division were higher and glucose may also have been used as a carbon source. © 2011, American Society for Microbiology.


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Salmonella Pullorum and Salmonella Gallinarum are classified as biovars of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Gallinarum. These salmonellae are the causative agents of Pullorum disease and fowl typhoid, respectively, and are widely distributed throughout the world. Although many developed countries have eradicated these diseases from commercial poultry, they are still the cause of significant economic loss in developing countries. When serovar Gallinarum is isolated, it is difficult to immediately differentiate between biovars because they are antigenically identical by serotyping. However, they cause distinct diseases with different epidemiology, and therefore it is important to differentiate them. This may be done biochemically but takes 2 to 3 days. In the present study, S. Pullorum and S. Gallinarum whole genomes were compared, and 1 genomic region of difference, which is part of the ratA gene, was chosen as a molecular marker for a polymerase chain reaction assay to differentiate rapidly between these organisms. In all, 26 strains of S. Gallinarum and 17 S. Pullorum strains were tested and successfully differentiated by the assay. © 2013 The Author(s).


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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The present study reports, for the first time, that the recombinant hsp65 from Mycobacterium leprae (chaperonin 2) displays a proteolytic activity toward oligopeptides. The M. leprae hsp65 proteolytic activity revealed a trypsin-like specificity toward quenched fluorescence peptides derived from dynorphins. When other peptide substrates were used (β-endorphin, neurotensin, and angiotensin I), the predominant peptide bond cleavages also involved basic amino acids in P 1, although, to a minor extent, the hydrolysis involving hydrophobic and neutral amino acids (G and F) was also observed. The amino acid sequence alignment of the M. leprae hsp65 with Escherichia coli Hs1VU protease suggested two putative threonine catalytic groups, one in the N-domain (T 136, K 168, and Y 264) and the other in the C-domain (T 375, K 409, and S 502). Mutagenesis studies showed that the replacement of K 409 by A caused a complete loss of the proteolytic activity, whereas the mutation of K 168 to A resulted in a 25% loss. These results strongly suggest that the amino acid residues T 375, K 409, and S 502 at the C-domain form the catalytic group that carries out the main proteolytic activity of the M. leprae hsp65. The possible pathophysiological implications of the proteolytic activity of the M. leprae hsp65 are now under investigation in our laboratory.


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Xylella fastidiosa is a fastidious, xylem-limited bacterium that causes a range of economically important plant diseases. Here we report the complete genome sequence of X. fastidiosa clone 9a5c, which causes citrus variegated chlorosis - a serious disease of orange trees. The genome comprises a 52.7% GC-rich 2,679,305-base-pair (bp) circular chromosome and 'two plasmids of 51,158 bp and 1,285 bp. We can assign putative functions to47% of the 2,904 predicted coding regions. Efficient metabolic functions are predicted, with sugars as the principal energy and carbon source, supporting existence in the nutrient-poor xylem sap. The mechanisms associated with pathogenicity and virulence involve toxins, antibiotics and ion sequestration systems, as well as bacterium-bacterium and bacterium-host interactions mediated by a range of proteins. Orthologues of some of these proteins have only been identified in animal and human pathogens; their presence in X. fastidiosa indicates that the molecular basis for bacterial pathogenicity is both conserved and independent of host. At least 83 genes are bacteriophage-derived and include virulence-associated genes from other bacteria, providing direct evidence of phage-mediated horizontal gene transfer.


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When Escherichia coli was grown in the presence of tungstate, inactive forms of two molybdoenzymes, nitrate reductase and formate dehydrogenase, accumulated and were converted to their active forms upon incubation of cell suspensions with molybdate and chloramphenicol. The conversion to the active enzymes did not occur in cell extracts. When incubated with [(99)Mo]molybdate and chloramphenicol, the tungstate-grown cells incorporated (99)Mo into protein components which were released from membranes by procedures used to release nitrate reductase and formate dehydrogenase and which migrated with these activities on polyacrylamide gels. Although neither activity was formed during incubation of the crude extract with molybdate, (99)Mo was incorporated into protein components which were released from the membrane fraction under the same conditions and were similar to the active enzymes in their electrophoretic properties. The in vitro incorporation of (99)Mo occurred specifically into these components and was equal to or greater than the amount incorporated in vivo under the same conditions. Molybdenum in preformed, active nitrate reductase and formate dehydrogenase did not exchange with [(99)Mo]molybdate, demonstrating that the observed incorporation depended on the demolybdo forms of the enzymes. We conclude that molybdate may be incorporated into the demolybdo forms both in vivo and in vitro; some unknown additional factor or step, required for active enzyme formation, occurs in vivo but not in vitro under the conditions employed.


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Maximal amounts of prodigiosin were synthesized in either minimal or complete medium after incubation of cultures at 27 C for 7 days. Biosynthesis of prodigiosin began earlier and the range of temperature for formation was greater in complete medium. No prodigiosin was formed in either medium when cultures were incubated at 38 C; however, after a shift to 27 C, pigmentation ensued, provided the period of incubation at 38 C was not longer than 36 hr for minimal medium or 48 hr for complete medium. Washed, nonpigmented cells grown in either medium at 38 C for 72 hr could synthesize prodigiosin when suspended in saline at 27 C when casein hydrolysate was added. These suspensions produced less prodigiosin at a slower rate than did cultures growing in casein hydrolysate at 27 C without prior incubation at 38 C. Optimal concentration of casein hydrolysate for pigment formation by suspensions was 0.4%; optimal temperature was 27 C. Anaerobic incubation, shift back to 38 C, killing cells by heating, or chloramphenicol (25 mug/ml) inhibited pigmentation. Suspensions of washed cells forming pigment reached pH 8.0 to 8.3 rapidly and maintained this pH throughout incubation for 7 days. Measurements of viable count and of protein, plus other data, indicated that cellular multiplication did not occur in suspensions of washed cells during pigment formation. By this procedure utilizing a shift down in temperature, biosynthesis of prodigiosin by washed cells could be separated from multiplication of bacteria.


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We recently identified 15 genes encoding putative surface proteins with features of MSCRAMMs and/or pili in the Enterococcus faecium TX0016 (DO) genome, including four predicted pilus-encoding gene clusters; we also demonstrated that one of these, ebpABC(fm), is transcribed as an operon, that its putative major pilus subunit, EbpC(fm) (also called pilB), is polymerized into high molecular weight complexes, and that it is enriched among clinical E. faecium isolates. Here, we created a deletion of the ebpABC(fm) operon in an endocarditis-derived E. faecium strain (TX82) and showed, by a combination of whole-cell ELISA, flow cytometry, immunoblot and immunogold electron microscopy, that this deletion abolished EbpC(fm) expression and eliminated EbpC(fm)-containing pili from the cell surface. However, transcription of the downstream sortase, bps(fm), was not affected. Importantly, the ebpABC(fm) deletion resulted in significantly reduced biofilm formation (p < 0.0001) and initial adherence (p < 0.0001) versus the wild-type; both were restored by complementing ebpABC(fm) in trans, which also restored cell surface expression of EbpC(fm) and pilus production. Furthermore, the deletion mutant was significantly attenuated in two independent mixed infection mouse urinary tract experiments, i.e., outnumbered by the wild-type in kidneys (p = 0.0003 and < 0.0001, respectively) and urinary bladders (p = 0.0003 and = 0.002). In conclusion, we have shown that the ebpABC(fm) locus encodes pili on the E. faecium TX82 cell surface and provide the first evidence that pili of this emerging pathogen are important for its ability to form biofilm and to cause infection in an ascending UTI model.


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BACKGROUND: Plasmids containing hylEfm (pHylEfm) were previously shown to increase gastrointestinal colonization and lethality of Enterococcus faecium in experimental peritonitis. The hylEfm gene, predicting a glycosyl hydrolase, has been considered as a virulence determinant of hospital-associated E. faecium, although its direct contribution to virulence has not been investigated. Here, we constructed mutants of the hylEfm-region and we evaluated their effect on virulence using a murine peritonitis model. RESULTS: Five mutants of the hylEfm-region of pHylEfmTX16 from the sequenced endocarditis strain (TX16 [DO]) were obtained using an adaptation of the PheS* system and were evaluated in a commensal strain TX1330RF to which pHylEfmTX16 was transferred by mating; these include i) deletion of hylEfm only; ii) deletion of the gene downstream of hylEfm (down) of unknown function; iii) deletion of hylEfm plus down; iv) deletion of hylEfm-down and two adjacent genes; and v) a 7,534 bp deletion including these four genes plus partial deletion of two others, with replacement by cat. The 7,534 bp deletion did not affect virulence of TX16 in peritonitis but, when pHylEfmTX16Δ7,534 was transferred to the TX1330RF background, the transconjugant was affected in in vitro growth versus TX1330RF(pHylEfmTX16) and was attenuated in virulence; however, neither hylEfm nor hylEfm-down restored wild type function. We did not observe any in vivo effect on virulence of the other deletions of the hylEfm-region CONCLUSIONS: The four genes of the hylEfm region (including hylEfm) do not mediate the increased virulence conferred by pHylEfmTX16 in murine peritonitis. The use of the markerless counterselection system PheS* should facilitate the genetic manipulation of E. faecium in the future.


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Ace is an adhesin to collagen from Enterococcus faecalis expressed conditionally after growth in serum or in the presence of collagen. Here, we generated an ace deletion mutant and showed that it was significantly attenuated versus wild-type OG1RF in a mixed infection rat endocarditis model (P<0.0001), while no differences were observed in a peritonitis model. Complemented OG1RFDeltaace (pAT392::ace) enhanced early (4 h) heart valve colonization versus OG1RFDeltaace (pAT392) (P = 0.0418), suggesting that Ace expression is important for early attachment. By flow cytometry using specific anti-recombinant Ace (rAce) immunoglobulins (Igs), we showed in vivo expression of Ace by OG1RF cells obtained directly from infected vegetations, consistent with our previous finding of anti-Ace antibodies in E. faecalis endocarditis patient sera. Finally, rats actively immunized against rAce were less susceptible to infection by OG1RF than non-immunized (P = 0.0004) or sham-immunized (P = 0.0475) by CFU counts. Similarly, animals given specific anti-rAce Igs were less likely to develop E. faecalis endocarditis (P = 0.0001) and showed fewer CFU in vegetations (P = 0.0146). In conclusion, we have shown for the first time that Ace is involved in pathogenesis of, and is useful for protection against, E. faecalis experimental endocarditis.


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BACKGROUND: Enterococcus faecalis has emerged as a major hospital pathogen. To explore its diversity, we sequenced E. faecalis strain OG1RF, which is commonly used for molecular manipulation and virulence studies. RESULTS: The 2,739,625 base pair chromosome of OG1RF was found to contain approximately 232 kilobases unique to this strain compared to V583, the only publicly available sequenced strain. Almost no mobile genetic elements were found in OG1RF. The 64 areas of divergence were classified into three categories. First, OG1RF carries 39 unique regions, including 2 CRISPR loci and a new WxL locus. Second, we found nine replacements where a sequence specific to V583 was substituted by a sequence specific to OG1RF. For example, the iol operon of OG1RF replaces a possible prophage and the vanB transposon in V583. Finally, we found 16 regions that were present in V583 but missing from OG1RF, including the proposed pathogenicity island, several probable prophages, and the cpsCDEFGHIJK capsular polysaccharide operon. OG1RF was more rapidly but less frequently lethal than V583 in the mouse peritonitis model and considerably outcompeted V583 in a murine model of urinary tract infections. CONCLUSION: E. faecalis OG1RF carries a number of unique loci compared to V583, but the almost complete lack of mobile genetic elements demonstrates that this is not a defining feature of the species. Additionally, OG1RF's effects in experimental models suggest that mediators of virulence may be diverse between different E. faecalis strains and that virulence is not dependent on the presence of mobile genetic elements.


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BACKGROUND: We previously identified ebpR, encoding a potential member of the AtxA/Mga transcriptional regulator family, and showed that it is important for transcriptional activation of the Enterococcus faecalis endocarditis and biofilm associated pilus operon, ebpABC. Although ebpR is not absolutely essential for ebpABC expression (100-fold reduction), its deletion led to phenotypes similar to those of an ebpABC mutant such as absence of pili at the cell surface and, consequently, reduced biofilm formation. A non-piliated ebpABC mutant has been shown to be attenuated in a rat model of endocarditis and in a murine urinary tract infection model, indicating an important participation of the ebpR-ebpABC locus in virulence. However, there is no report relating to the environmental conditions that affect expression of the ebpR-ebpABC locus. RESULTS: In this study, we examined the effect of CO2/HCO3(-), pH, and the Fsr system on the ebpR-ebpABC locus expression. The presence of 5% CO2/0.1 M HCO3(-) increased ebpR-ebpABC expression, while the Fsr system was confirmed to be a weak repressor of this locus. The mechanism by which the Fsr system repressed the ebpR-ebpABC locus expression appears independent of the effects of CO2(-) bicarbonate. Furthermore, by using an ebpA::lacZ fusion as a reporter, we showed that addition of 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate to TSBG (buffered at pH 7.5), but not the presence of 5% CO2, induced ebpA expression in TSBG broth. In addition, using microarray analysis, we found 73 genes affected by the presence of sodium bicarbonate (abs(fold) > 2, P < 0.05), the majority of which belong to the PTS system and ABC transporter families. Finally, pilus production correlated with ebpA mRNA levels under the conditions tested. CONCLUSIONS: This study reports that the ebp locus expression is enhanced by the presence of bicarbonate with a consequential increase in the number of cells producing pili. Although the molecular basis of the bicarbonate effect remains unclear, the pathway is independent of the Fsr system. In conclusion, E. faecalis joins the growing family of pathogens that regulates virulence gene expression in response to bicarbonate and/or CO2.