968 resultados para BRAIN IL-1-BETA


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O sucesso do tratamento endodôntico depende da cuidadosa realização de todas as suas fases, terminando com uma obturação tridimensional que alcance todo o sistema de canais radiculares. Desta forma, os materiais obturadores, ou as substâncias liberadas, entrarão em contato com os tecidos perirradiculares, o que poderá influenciar a resposta inflamatória e o processo de reparo. A terapia laser de baixa potência (TLBP) tem sido estudada quanto à sua ação anti-inflamatória, favorecendo o reparo. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a produção das citocinas IL-1β, IL-6 e IL-8 por fibroblastos de gengiva humana (linhagem FMM1) como resposta à presença dos extratos dos cimentos endodônticos AH Plus, MTA Fillapex e EndoSequence BC Sealer, bem como a eficácia da TLBP, neste modelo. Para isto, extratos destes cimentos, recém-manipulados e após 24 h do endurecimento, foram preparados em meio de cultura DMEM fresco, conforme as normas ISO 10993-12. Inicialmente, a citotoxicidade dos cimentos foi avaliada, após a interação das células com a diluição seriada destes extratos (1:1 a 1:16), por meio do ensaio MTT. Para a análise da produção de citocinas, 106 células por poço foram cultivadas em placas de cultura de 24 poços, para a interação com os extratos dos cimentos, na diluição 1:4. Estabeleceram-se os grupos não irradiado e irradiado. No grupo irradiado, as culturas celulares receberam duas irradiações do laser InGaAlP (660 nm, 30 mW, 5 J/cm2 e área do feixe de 0,028 cm2), com intervalo de 12 h. O grupo não irradiado foi submetido às mesmas condições ambientais que o irradiado. Os sobrenadantes das culturas foram coletados, centrifugados, aliquotados e armazenados congelados, para a posterior análise pelo ensaio de ELISA. Todos os dados obtidos (médias erro padrão) foram tratados estatisticamente por ANOVA one-way, complementado pelo teste de Tuckey e ANOVA two-way, com correção de Bonferroni (p< 0,05). A citotoxicidade dos cimentos AH Plus e EndoSequence BC Sealer revelou-se tempo/concentração-dependente, enquanto a do MTA Fillapex mostrou-se concentração-dependente. Os cimentos endodônticos induziram a produção das citocinas IL-1β, IL-6 e IL-8 pelos fibroblastos, sem diferença significativa com os controles (p> 0,05). Somente o LPS de E. coli induziu a secreção de IL-8, com diferença estatística (p< 0,05). A TLBP não foi capaz de modular a produção das citocinas em questão, significativamente.


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The beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic receptors are two structurally related, but pharmacologically distinguishable, receptor subtypes, both of which activate adenylyl cyclase in a catecholamine-dependent manner through the guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein Gs. The receptors are approximately 50% identical in amino acid sequence and each is characterized by the presence of seven putative transmembrane domains. To elucidate the structural basis for the pharmacological distinctions between these two receptor subtypes, we constructed a series of chimeric beta 1/beta 2-adrenergic receptor genes and expressed them by injection of RNA into Xenopus laevis oocytes. The pharmacological properties of the expressed chimeric receptor proteins were assessed by radioligand binding and adenylyl cyclase assays utilizing subtype-selective agonists and antagonists. Our data indicate that transmembrane region IV is largely responsible for determining beta 1 vs. beta 2 properties with respect to agonist binding (relative affinities for epinephrine and norepinephrine). Transmembrane regions VI and VII play an important role in determining binding of beta 1 vs. beta 2 selective antagonists. However, a number of the other transmembrane regions also contribute, to a lesser extent, to the determination of beta-adrenergic receptor subtype specificity for agonists and antagonists. Thus, several of the membrane-spanning regions appear to be involved in the determination of receptor subtype specificity, presumably by formation of a ligand-binding pocket, with determinants for agonist and antagonist binding being distinguishable.


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Introduction: Calcific tendonitis of rotator cuff is observed on plainradiographs in 10% of adults, but remains asymptomatic in half thesecases. Sometimes, these calcifications induce acute flares withmassive inflammation similar to gout or CPPD crisis. Analgesics/anti-inflammatory medications are usually not sufficient to controlssymptoms in these situations. Local steroid infiltration with or withoutremoval of the calcific deposition with a needle aspiration may beuseful. A new approach could be IL-1 inhibitors. Indeed, basic calciumphosphate crystals are capable of stimulating the release of activeIL-1β in vitro. These crystals trigger IL-1β release, in an analogousmanner to MSU crystals in acute gout, suggesting that IL-1β blockademay be clinically useful.Case presentation: This report describes a 70-year old woman withacute rest pain of the right shoulder since 48 hours. On examination,we found massive limitations of active and passive movements. Thepatient evaluated, on the visual scale, her symptoms at 10/10 the nightand 5/10 the day. The radiography and showed a rounded, 8 mmcalcification in the subscapularis tendon. The ultrasound aspectrevealed a heterogeneous calcification partially non solid, surroundedby massive inflammation on Doppler. C-reactive protein anderythrocyte sedimentation rate were high (74 mg/ml, 54 mm/hour).The patient received subcutaneous injections of anakinra: 100 mgdaily for 3 days (D1-D3). We evaluated the patient in our consult at dayD1, D2, D3, D7, D16 and by phone at D70.This treatment rapidly relieved the inflammatory symptoms (within afew hours with no relapse). The mobility of the shoulder, the biologicsparameters improved and the size of the calcification as well thedegree of inflammation regressed on ultrasound after 3 days.Conclusion: This is the first report of a woman with an acute flareinduced by calcific tendonitis who received anakinra. IL-1 inhibitionmay be a therapeutic target in calcific tendonitis. To analyse thisresponse more precisely and elaborate definitive conclusions, aprospective pilot study is on-going in our ambulatory institute.


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The macrophage NLRC4 inflammasome drives potent innate immune responses against Salmonella by eliciting caspase-1-dependent proinflammatory cytokine production (e.g., interleukin-1β [IL-1β]) and pyroptotic cell death. However, the potential contribution of other cell types to inflammasome-mediated host defense against Salmonella was unclear. Here, we demonstrate that neutrophils, typically viewed as cellular targets of IL-1β, themselves activate the NLRC4 inflammasome during acute Salmonella infection and are a major cell compartment for IL-1β production during acute peritoneal challenge in vivo. Importantly, unlike macrophages, neutrophils do not undergo pyroptosis upon NLRC4 inflammasome activation. The resistance of neutrophils to pyroptotic death is unique among inflammasome-signaling cells so far described and allows neutrophils to sustain IL-1β production at a site of infection without compromising the crucial inflammasome-independent antimicrobial effector functions that would be lost if neutrophils rapidly lysed upon caspase-1 activation. Inflammasome pathway modification in neutrophils thus maximizes host proinflammatory and antimicrobial responses during pathogen challenge.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Inmunología) UANL


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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INTRODUCTION : Il a été démontré que le nombre de lipoprotéines apolipoprotéine B (apoB) est un prédicteur du développement du diabète de type 2 (DT2), mais le mécanisme est inconnu. La résistance à l'insuline (RI) et l'hyperinsulinémie compensatoire (HI) entraînent l’épuisement des cellules β et la progression vers le DT2. De plus, l'activation du système de l'interleukine -1β (IL- 1β) est impliquée dans la pathophysiologie du DT2. Notre objectif était donc d'étudier si l’apoB est associé à la RI et à l’HI chez les humains et si cette corrélation est médiée par l’activation du système IL-1β. MÉTHODOLOGIE : 47 femmes ménopausées, non diabétiques, obèses ou en surpoids et 28 hommes, âgés de 45 à 74 ans ont été recrutés. La sécrétion d'insuline (SI) et la sensibilité à l'insuline ont été mesurées par un clamp Botnia modifié. La 1ère et 2ème phase de SI furent mesurées lors d'un test de tolérance au glucose intraveineux (IVGTT) d’une heure, suivi d’un clamp hyperinsulinémique euglycémique (HEIC) de 3 heures (taux de perfusion d'insuline de 75 mU/m2/min) pour mesurer la sensibilité à l'insuline lors des 30 dernières minutes du clamp (état d'équilibre). La sensibilité à l'insuline est exprimée comme étant le taux de perfusion de glucose (GIR) seul ou divisé par le taux d’insuline à l’état d’équilibre (M/I). RÉSULTATS : Chez les femmes, l’apoB à jeun corrélait avec une augmentation de la 2e phase de SI, la SI totale et la sécrétion totale de C-peptide (r=0,202; r=0,168; r=0,204) et avec une diminution de la sensibilité à l'insuline (GIR r=-0,299; M/I r=-0,180) indépendamment de l'adiposité. L’IL-1Ra à jeun (indicateur de l’activation du système IL-1β) corrélait positivement avec la 2e phase, la SI totale et la sécrétion totale de C-peptide (r=0,217; r=0,154; r=0,198) et négativement avec la sensibilité à l'insuline (GIR r=-0,304; M/I r=-0,214). L’IL-1Ra était également corrélée avec l'apoB (r=0,352). Une fois corrigé pour l'IL-1Ra, toutes les associations entre l'apoB et les indices de sensibilité à l'insuline et de SI ont été perdues. Malgré des glycémies similaires, il n’y avait pas de corrélation de l’apoB avec les indices mesurés chez les hommes. CONCLUSION : L’apoB est associé à l’HI et la RI chez les femmes non diabétiques obèses et en surpoids, potentiellement via l'activation du système IL-1β. Ces différences sexuelles doivent être prises en compte dans l'exploration de la physiopathologie du DT2.


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This study reports the in vivo stimulatory effects of Cramoll 1,4 on rat spleen lymphocytes as evidenced by an increase in intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, Ca(2+) levels, and interleukin (IL)-1 beta expression. Cramoll 1,4 extracted from seeds of the Leguminosae Cratylia mollis Mart., is a lectin with antitumor and lymphocyte mitogenic activities. Animals (Nine-week-old male albino Wistar rats, Rattus norvegicus) were treated with intraperitoneal injection of Cramoll 1,4 (235 mu g ml(-1) single dose) and, 7 days later, spleen lymphocytes were isolated and analyzed for intracellular ROS, cytosolic Ca(2+), and IL-6, IL-10, and IL-1 mRNAs. Cell viability was investigated by annexin V-FITC and 7-amino-actinomycin D staining. The data showed that in lymphocytes activated by Cramoll 1,4 the increase in cytosolic and mitochondrial ROS was related to higher cytosolic Ca(2+) levels. Apoptosis and necrosis were not detected in statistically significant values and thus the lectin effector activities did not induce lymphocyte death. In vivo Cramoll 1,4 treatment led to a significant increase in IL-1 beta but IL-6 and -10 levels did not change. Cramoll 1,4 had modulator activities on spleen lymphocytes and stimulated the Th2 response.


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Alzheimer`s Disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia among the elderly, with devastating consequences for the patient, their relatives, and caregivers. More than 300 genetic polymorphisms have been involved with AD, demonstrating that this condition is polygenic and with a complex pattern of inheritance. This paper aims to report and compare the results of AD genetics studies in case-control and familial analysis performed in Brazil since our first publication, 10 years ago. They include the following genes/markers: Apolipoprotein E (APOE), 5-hidroxytryptamine transporter length polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR), brain-derived neurotrophin factor (BDNF), monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A), and two simple-sequence tandem repeat polymorphisms (DXS1047 and D10S1423). Previously unpublished data of the interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) genes are reported here briefly. Results from others Brazilian studies with AD patients are also reported at this short review. Four local families studied with various markers at the chromosome 21, 19, 14, and 1 are briefly reported for the first time. The importance of studying DNA samples from Brazil is highlighted because of the uniqueness of its population, which presents both intense ethnical miscegenation, mainly at the east coast, but also clusters with high inbreeding rates in rural areas at the countryside. We discuss the current stage of extending these studies using high-throughput methods of large-scale genotyping, such as single nucleotide polymorphism microarrays, associated with bioinformatics tools that allow the analysis of such extensive number of genetics variables, with different levels of penetrance. There is still a long way between the huge amount of data gathered so far and the actual application toward the full understanding of AD, but the final goal is to develop precise tools for diagnosis and prognosis, creating new strategies for better treatments based on genetic profile.